Marijuana and college students - please call your Congressman



  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719

    I thought this title was peculiar myself...maybe the author wanted to use broken up grammar as an attention grabber.

    I am inclined to aggree about giving out your tax dollars to support someone else who may not have as much incentive or even takes financial generousity for granted.

    However, the there are a lot of people out there who have had real problems with substance abuse and usaully these people enter into the field of Human Services, eg drug treatment counselors....

    I think about Indigenous peoples and how people were nomadic at one time in history. If you didn't produce, it was simple, you either didn't eat or you were turned into a ghost. Either way, the person was banished and left to find their way in thier own means. I think it's great that financial aid is available and I think that without financial aide, I might not have had an opporutunity to expand my own mind.

    I just wonder if the laws they propose here, federally, will apply to states with cannabis considerations.

    As for liquor industry,choosing a path in this field could be lucrative, becasue when economies fall, vice is always in high demand.

    As for college, the cost of for enrollment in community colleges isn't too outlandish...and if books are the issue, people can always use amazon online.
    If there is a will there is a way. Many institutions have book lending libraries for those who have few resources. When a person starts paying and earning their way, he or she has a higher sense of value. From where I sit, humans need to get value back in our BEings...

    I think it's very sad to see the less motivated encouraged with abundant support and the self-supporter having to pay up to $250.00 for a single book
    (realize the higher the pay, the higher investment in text)...

    Thank you for all your input in this topic. Peace and love.
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
  • Saturnal wrote:
    Now this is just ridiculous...

    how can you expect marijuana to call its congressman??

    I have done it on many occasions
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  • sorryFOOL wrote:
    See the problem is drugs ruin lives because of addiction, so does the abuse of alcohol. Unfortunately the most of the youth today has no respect for the actual cost of higher education. keep in mind that not all financial aid gets repaid. I odnt know abou tyou but my taxes are high enough. I do not need addicts recieving my money then allowing drugs to get in ther way of school there b wasting my money. If somebody is gonna waste my money its gonna be me. If congress can promise some way of having the government reimbursed for those who drop out, perhaps drug testing, something as to ensure that my money is not being wasted then I would be ok with this ammendment. It is a very touchy subject but anybody who deserves to be recieving a higher educations knows that marijuana fills brain cells with fat, alcohol ruins your liver, and all the really dangerous stuff can ruin your whole body and would relize that no high is worth destroying your body.

    Hmm? My brain is full of fat? Must be the fish oil I had this morning.

    Marijuana is illegal for several reasons but the main is reason is corporate greed. It all has to do with Hemp and the anti capitalist companies that keep hemp illegal in the US.

    Like Peter Tosh says Legalize it!
    I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

    The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
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