I'd say melodious is entitled to any of the benefits that cannabis may provide him in his battle against Hepatitis C. end of story.
psychological, physical, recreational, whatever.
If the patients want to try it, there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be able to. It sure isn't going to kill them.
I don't understand this, why doesn't she just quit? Is anyone going to listen to her knowing that she was speaking out against medical marijuana while working as a consultant for a pharm. company that's trying to sell Savitex(TM), a drug MADE OUT OF MARIJUANA?
I'm no great political strategy mind, but if I were campaigning against marijuana in any way, I would avoid throwing someone with such a conflict of interest out there to argue for my side.
I would assume that even someone that has no opinion either way on marijuana would be able to spot the hypocrisy when they hear about her past. They're better off just getting some random dude out there to regurgitate the myths.
Apparently it's ok to ingest medical marijuana if you purchase it from Drug companies, but not ok if you grow it in your garden.
And for your intoxication needs, drink beer.
your points are welcomed, and i might add, that when 1 grows it in their garden, he/she has more influence over what goes into the plant itself. i mean, my grower friend who always prided himself in some great meds, used synthtic fertilizers and herbicides on his garden...until the day , I told him that his meds made me sick and I couldn't ingest it with good conscious. He went to using organic fertilizers ie, k-1's excrements in the form of bat guano....if a person grows it, then he/she can definitely oversee the quality of produce...
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
You're reading me wrong. I'm trying to point out that you always say it's natural and "put here by God", but the fact is that you alter it similarly to the ways that "unnatural" drugs are altered.
I'm not against you taking it at all. I really do not have a problem with it being legalized. But I also recognize that you're choosing it over other drugs that are available and have been shown to be efficacious.
I'm not arguing agains your entire position. Just pointing out that I see contradictions in some of your points.
well, atleast my attitude is a bit better, aye? contradicting myself is constant issue; i'm growing; and maybe oneday, i can learn to be completely focused...good talking to you though....off to work i go......
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
so we meet again I was mostly responding to know1's statement about natural equating to good and healthy. All too often people believe that b/c it's natural it's automatically better or good for you. As for medical marijuana I believe there are cases where it should be used absolutely. I'm not sure about it's curative effects but I know that for some things (cancer, AIDS) it can help manage symptoms very well. I wish it could be used much like morphine. There is def merit to a lot of natural rememdies, we don't know why they work, but they do. My pet peeve with all natural goes back to people saying, well since it's on earth or it's all natural it is by default good (or not bad) for you.
when i was at ssa doctor getting an exam, they told me that opiates are not as harmful on the liver. he even recommended one to me that isn't bound with acetemetophine; but i didn't believe him until, i went to my doctor and talked about it to him...he even agreed with the doc from ssa, admin...he said, it's not the opiates that hurt, but the compounds that are used with opiates, and then i looked at the chinese who used opium...they still lived, long lives. good to see you too, chop, chop, it down,..........take care and all's i know is that if you vote, no-matter what you believe, make sure it gets counted.....peace to ya...
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
when i was at ssa doctor getting an exam, they told me that opiates are not as harmful on the liver. he even recommended one to me that isn't bound with acetemetophine; but i didn't believe him until, i went to my doctor and talked about it to him...he even agreed with the doc from ssa, admin...he said, it's not the opiates that hurt, but the compounds that are used with opiates, and then i looked at the chinese who used opium...they still lived, long lives. good to see you too, chop, chop, it down,..........take care and all's i know is that if you vote, no-matter what you believe, make sure it gets counted.....peace to ya...
a lot of the synthetic stuff out there is good but it all has its pros and cons...just like the au natural stuff. glad to see you around mel...you can bet your arse i'm voting have a good one.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
i was talking to my partner about your commentary concerning the concept about burning leaves for benefit of health. he reminded me that there is a new evolution concerning ingestion of cannabis and this is called vaporization. i subscribe to one of the medic lists concerning medical cannabis, and i found this note from a person who has asthma, as well;
Hi activist,
I use Q-VAR 40 mg and 80 mg ( just a larger bottle) now, but used to use 2 different steroidal preventatives as well as albuteral. I have been able to cut my use of steroidal (preventative) Asthma meds to 1/4 by using Medical Marijuana. I also found that different strains, with different methods of curing, with different method's of storage matters too. I also think fertilizer's organic and others matter but am still unsure of the nature of the difference other than the organic seems to taste better and have more resin. This too, is a bone of contention among some growers. The use of sulfur burners to control mold and pesticides plays a role too although many would argue that is not the case...but mold matters. The Expectorate "factor" that causes coughs and the spitting up of flem is also a function of strain as every one has had the experience of coughing up powerful marijuana smoke, yet the next joint smooth as silk, not a single cough.
I use a vaporizer too set at just below the point at which it smokes. The Volcano works best for me at about 4 1/2 to 4 3/4 and at 9 it makes me have adverse reactions that are asthma like in nature. These would include coughing up flem and reduced ability to assimilate oxygen properly until I use Q-VAR 40, 80 AND PERHAPS ONE SHOT OF ALBUTERAL. I went from four sprays twice a day to one of the preventative once a day at night, with only occasional use of albuterol.
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a lot of the synthetic stuff out there is good but it all has its pros and cons...just like the au natural stuff. glad to see you around mel...you can bet your arse i'm voting
Hi activist,
I use Q-VAR 40 mg and 80 mg ( just a larger bottle) now, but used to use 2 different steroidal preventatives as well as albuteral. I have been able to cut my use of steroidal (preventative) Asthma meds to 1/4 by using Medical Marijuana. I also found that different strains, with different methods of curing, with different method's of storage matters too. I also think fertilizer's organic and others matter but am still unsure of the nature of the difference other than the organic seems to taste better and have more resin. This too, is a bone of contention among some growers. The use of sulfur burners to control mold and pesticides plays a role too although many would argue that is not the case...but mold matters. The Expectorate "factor" that causes coughs and the spitting up of flem is also a function of strain as every one has had the experience of coughing up powerful marijuana smoke, yet the next joint smooth as silk, not a single cough.
I use a vaporizer too set at just below the point at which it smokes. The Volcano works best for me at about 4 1/2 to 4 3/4 and at 9 it makes me have adverse reactions that are asthma like in nature. These would include coughing up flem and reduced ability to assimilate oxygen properly until I use Q-VAR 40, 80 AND PERHAPS ONE SHOT OF ALBUTERAL. I went from four sprays twice a day to one of the preventative once a day at night, with only occasional use of albuterol.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light