For those of you who support dea enforcement:

Can you answer why does the dea want to take away the only medicine that works for me...
FEDERAL: Raids in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Modesto
· CALIFORNIA: Dispensary Regulations Continue
FEDERAL: Raids in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Modesto
Medical cannabis dispensing collectives in four California cities have been raided in little more than a week. Why federal resources are being spent undermining the state’s regulation of the drug is unclear. DEA spokespersons claim sympathy for patients, but the raids come in the same month as new research on people fighting hepatitis C virus that shows those using cannabis are three times more likely to get better. Why stopping those patients from getting the medicine that will help save them is a priority for the federal government is also unclear.
FEDERAL: Raids in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Modesto
· CALIFORNIA: Dispensary Regulations Continue
FEDERAL: Raids in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Modesto
Medical cannabis dispensing collectives in four California cities have been raided in little more than a week. Why federal resources are being spent undermining the state’s regulation of the drug is unclear. DEA spokespersons claim sympathy for patients, but the raids come in the same month as new research on people fighting hepatitis C virus that shows those using cannabis are three times more likely to get better. Why stopping those patients from getting the medicine that will help save them is a priority for the federal government is also unclear.
all insanity:
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Post edited by Unknown User on
I can go spend 25 bucks a month on xanax at the pharmacy legally, but can't buy weed legally. why?? because all the money goes back to washington. follow the money trail.
Gov't won't take you seriously unless, you take their drugs and their protocol...if you don't believe, me just try being in my condition and trying to address wacked out liver cells with nutrition, milk thistle, vitamin b-complex, and brewer's yeast; and then go tell the gov't how sick and fatigue you feel becasue you can't ingest too many toxic substances..oh for the non believers, any pork and beef products can always guarantee lethargy and toxic induced headaches....they will suggest meds that even though may not be as harmful as alcohol, that the liver has to process....unbelievable...what did people do in dayz past...?
Canna butter can minimize headaches if ingested at onset of a headache..A person may sleep for a spell, but atleast he/she doesn't have to go through two or three dayz of nausea until the bile finally purges out....Did any one here see the pics of the "obliviously opalents" at indy did you see how that b*tch was flashing a V-sign...? People may take it as a peace sign, but it wasn't for Peace; it was there victory sign.....Have you seen all the pics that have been pasted about? If not let me know, and I am certain I can come up with a link or two....
I've been an official patient under prop 215 for 7 years now; but I have used the medicine for over 20..........;).
Binaural Sounds: cheers......
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I do not smoke. In fact, I am all for the continued criminalization of marijuana. I do support medicinal marijuana, however.
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one of the bigger wastes of taxpayer money in the history of the country IMO
Im also curious why you're all for criminiliazation of bud.
I suffer from intense migraines and the only thing that help subdue the pain is smoke... none of the over the counter drugs work unless I take 8-10 advil/aspirin... the only thing that is keeping me from getting my card in oregon is the upfront cost :(
Imagine the tax revenue form legalized and controlled marijuana cigarettes... the only reason there is a war on drugs is because the government is in bed with the major drug traffickers.
Not to be too intrusive, but there is a correlation between migraine headaches and how long wastes stay in the body. Meaning, if you don't eat those veggies and keep your digestive track full of fibre to make you move; the toxins will build up and then cause these toxic headaches. I know exactly what you are talking about with headaches......
I have found that herb has kept me a bit calmer in life and that also helps keep the blood pressure down. Nobody ever raves about how herb could help people with high blood pressure either....
Try to get away from the aleve; you see your heart they can do surgery on; but your liver has only two ways: treatment, or transplant....
When you eat, think to yourself whether or not the food you take in will make glue? That's how I look at it? I used to drink pepsi's and now I limit that down to about a gallon a year. I don't eat at fast food places; and I drink a smoothie in the a.m with all my vitamin regiments...Brewers yeast, milk thistle, and lots of B-complex....ginseng for energy... These are interactive combinations that my doc told me...
How much does a recommmendation cost in your state? What do you have to do to get it? Thanks for jumpin in.
Imitrex= 250. for 9 pills; I did get the county and state to recognize me as disabled so I can get these meds. That took an entire year to accompish; but man am I ever appreciative for that little bit of help. The pills cost almost a 1/2 of what I earn at my part-time job..
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The last poll I saw had the Colorado deal down by 7%, with 35% undecided.
And the Nevada one has religious leaders on their side now, so it will be interesting.
Then it will be Colorado, Nevada, the medical states, and Alaska vs. the feds, and that should be entertaining to watch. I do believe at least 1 more state is going to pass a medical law this november too.
problem with state law is that feds really go bazooka over non medics....and the law is written so that any judge and da can interpret it to their liking...i have a friend doing 16 months in state prison for growing only 100 plants...and out of that 100 only 24 were mature enough to consider fruitful....
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Well shoot the links around to your voting family members, if they're not already going to vote Yes.
It's funny listening to them debate this thing with talk show hosts, cops, politicians, etc.
They even had this debate with the Colorado Attorney General televised:
Plug that url into Media Player and enjoy.
And the White House Drug Czar spending our money flying around to these states to get involved in state issues. Accusing "Billionaires" and "sock puppets" of funding these iniaitives for some sort of gain? Nevermind that the only ones with any money at stake are the opponents of marijuana legalization. (drug companies, beer companies, etc.) It's just laughable.
What state was your friend in? Was he growing for his own medical use?
The Ollie North scandal pretty much factualized the CIA's drug running operation. A logical move for them since it's such a profitable business but the collusion between the agencies is what creates the high cost.
So yeah, just more bureaucratic BS.
I send him letters and he has now been placed in a facility in bakersfield...This is where and when I learned about asset forfeiture and how wrong the laws that I even have voted for in the past are WRONG.....
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I've had this conversation before many, many times. There is no convincing anyone of what could possibly be wrong with something that makes them feel so good.
Is there documentation for this? Methinks that statement is very carefully worded. HCV is something I know a little bit about and marijuana has nothing to do with curing that virus. There are drugs out there with very good cure rates now. The problem is that the main side effects of treatment are psychological - depression, etc. What's more likely is that it's possible that smoking pot helps people tolerate the side effects of the drugs that are actually curing them. I'm not downplaying the significance of that, because adherence to the treatment regimen is important, but the way that is worded is deceptive.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I agree. A person would have to be high to believe that marijuana has anything to do with curing hep.
k-1, would you like to elaborate on your knowledge of the baby hep virus, i have growing in my blood-cells? your views have always led me to think a bit, so i am asking for your
sponger, thank you. i understand that you don't wanna go into the round and round conversation about this; because some are not willing to extend courteous exchange.....your last post said what i was gonna say, anyway...try it; if you like it , try it again, if you don't walk's pretty basic; just like cannabis is a basic component to earth's eco system...
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...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
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amen to that
My company does extensive work with a continuing medical education company whose main specialty is HCV. I'm pretty familiar with the current standards of care (pegylated interferons) and emerging standards of care, and their side effects.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
and do you deny that cannabis is major part of earth's food chain? do you deny that god put this stuff here for man to use, way before sophistication of technology ? thanks k-1 for talking to me..
it's been a long time, chop, chop....but, again, you could give me more than a supportive comment. how can you chop down the idea that god created cannabis, and reefer madness discreditted it?
oh,....yeah...and by the way....i have a close relative from Guadalajara. She is in her 60's. She is old schoool, traditional Mexicano lady who is very conservative. She has the rhematoid arthritis. Last year she came to U.S. to visit and asked me for a flower. I asked her why? She told me that she was going to put it in alcohol for 3 weeks, so she could annoint it to her aching joints. Three weeks went by, and her family members called me to tell me that Mosalia was using that tonic on her joints. The younger family memembers were appalled, but she kept saying it helped her. She has been back in Mexico for over a year now, but the family called and said that Mosalia was growing her own weed, for her aches....So, if traditional folks use it in other countries as legitimate means? Why, in the USofA, is it so demonized? Could it be that capitalism really doesn't exist in Amerika? Could it be that only preferred capitalism exists here? Thanks for discussion.
a derivitive of nature.
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No I do not deny that cannabis exists naturally on earth. Nor would I deny that dirt or excrement exists naturally on the earth. Furthermore, how many animals burn things as part of their diet or consumption? In my mind, when you burn the leaves, you are altering the "natural" state and it's basically no different than any other drug that has been manufactured.
The point is, it may help ease the side effects of other drugs, but there are other drugs you can take for those. As you said, you CHOOSE not to.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
and in your mind, the only clean drugs are ones fabricated by man? if you were selling herbs in an health-food store, would you be singing a different tune?
and so why don't you support my choice, as i have always supported your perspectives on an individual perspective.???? why don't people support both alternatives? I support medicines that are necessary. Like this a.m when I had to take my 3rd Imitrex for the weekend. I feel like a junkie having to take something to allow me to function even minimally. can you respect choices of others, if there is no harm done to others?
a derivitive of nature.
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I'd say melodious is entitled to any of the benefits that cannabis may provide him in his battle against Hepatitis C. end of story.
psychological, physical, recreational, whatever.
If the patients want to try it, there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be able to. It sure isn't going to kill them.
On a related note, apparently the people from SAFER will be participating in another televised debate on Wednesday, this time with this chick:
I don't understand this, why doesn't she just quit? Is anyone going to listen to her knowing that she was speaking out against medical marijuana while working as a consultant for a pharm. company that's trying to sell Savitex(TM), a drug MADE OUT OF MARIJUANA?
I'm no great political strategy mind, but if I were campaigning against marijuana in any way, I would avoid throwing someone with such a conflict of interest out there to argue for my side.
I would assume that even someone that has no opinion either way on marijuana would be able to spot the hypocrisy when they hear about her past. They're better off just getting some random dude out there to regurgitate the myths.
Apparently it's ok to ingest medical marijuana if you purchase it from Drug companies, but not ok if you grow it in your garden.
And for your intoxication needs, drink beer.
You're reading me wrong. I'm trying to point out that you always say it's natural and "put here by God", but the fact is that you alter it similarly to the ways that "unnatural" drugs are altered.
I'm not against you taking it at all. I really do not have a problem with it being legalized. But I also recognize that you're choosing it over other drugs that are available and have been shown to be efficacious.
I'm not arguing agains your entire position. Just pointing out that I see contradictions in some of your points.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
so we meet again