Article about taser usage at UCLA: Warning! Violent

It's been a while since I have spun my own thread; this is pretty important. It's about the new phrase that concerns these constitutional checkpoints. It's not fun site; infact, this video link is horrific....If you are sensitive, please do not go beyond reading this article..if you are under 18 but over 13, you might be able to handle it, but please don't say you haven't been warned...
peace to alll.
Oh, yeah, today, I ran into Jack Herer at a local retail chain, he welcomes you to visit him at his myspace, I gotta great big hug and kiss on the cheek from the guru, himself. and to think I bitched and whined about going
Thank you jammmers for your vote in the last looks like we made a bit of a change.....cheers
We were reading this a.m....yep, i'm literate! Anyway, this is really a messed up scene that happened recently....Any one care to discuss constitutional checkpoints? Extremely important for your future and your children's future.....
UCLA student tasered on campus
by )
Thursday Nov 16th, 2006 7:35 PM
The students at UCLA got a good lesson the realities of Nazi USA with the horrifying use of taser guns against a student of Iranian descent who was leaving the UCLA library on 11/14/06 after being asked to leave when he could not produce a UCLA identification. He is only alive because he is so young. They tasered him several times. The surrounding students caught it on their video phones and it is now national news. Please put this on the front page.
The students at UCLA got a good lesson the realities of Nazi USA with the horrifying use of taser guns against a student of Iranian descent who was leaving the UCLA library on 11/14/06 after being asked to leave when he could not produce a UCLA identification. He is only alive because he is so young. They tasered him several times. The surrounding students caught it on their video phones and it is now national news. Please put this on the front page.
Students demanding the pigs identify themselves were threatened with being tasered.
Go to the following for the video picture. When it is front & center, please separate the pictures so those of us who cannot activate the video on our computer can see the actual tasering.
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Protest Police Brutality at UCLA! - Friday 11/17 @ noon
by irlandeso
Friday Nov 17th, 2006 12:47 AM
12:00 PM @ Kerckhoff Steps on BruinWalk
Protest police brutality on Kerckhoff Steps!
On Tuesday night UCLA police brutally tasered an innocent Iranian student inside the UCLA library.
event info posted below...from LA Indymedia
peace to alll.
Oh, yeah, today, I ran into Jack Herer at a local retail chain, he welcomes you to visit him at his myspace, I gotta great big hug and kiss on the cheek from the guru, himself. and to think I bitched and whined about going

Thank you jammmers for your vote in the last looks like we made a bit of a change.....cheers
We were reading this a.m....yep, i'm literate! Anyway, this is really a messed up scene that happened recently....Any one care to discuss constitutional checkpoints? Extremely important for your future and your children's future.....
UCLA student tasered on campus
by )
Thursday Nov 16th, 2006 7:35 PM
The students at UCLA got a good lesson the realities of Nazi USA with the horrifying use of taser guns against a student of Iranian descent who was leaving the UCLA library on 11/14/06 after being asked to leave when he could not produce a UCLA identification. He is only alive because he is so young. They tasered him several times. The surrounding students caught it on their video phones and it is now national news. Please put this on the front page.
The students at UCLA got a good lesson the realities of Nazi USA with the horrifying use of taser guns against a student of Iranian descent who was leaving the UCLA library on 11/14/06 after being asked to leave when he could not produce a UCLA identification. He is only alive because he is so young. They tasered him several times. The surrounding students caught it on their video phones and it is now national news. Please put this on the front page.
Students demanding the pigs identify themselves were threatened with being tasered.
Go to the following for the video picture. When it is front & center, please separate the pictures so those of us who cannot activate the video on our computer can see the actual tasering.
Add Your Comments
Protest Police Brutality at UCLA! - Friday 11/17 @ noon
by irlandeso
Friday Nov 17th, 2006 12:47 AM
12:00 PM @ Kerckhoff Steps on BruinWalk
Protest police brutality on Kerckhoff Steps!
On Tuesday night UCLA police brutally tasered an innocent Iranian student inside the UCLA library.
event info posted below...from LA Indymedia
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Post edited by Unknown User on
anyone see the video of Nick Berg getting his head cut off in Iraq? that is horrific. I wont post the link, use google, its out there.
this was already discussed in detail for those who missed it.
listen to the cops and this wont happen
this isn't about tasers, this is about your childrne and my descendents life of think this is appropo? what you gonna do when some time you don't look glamour enough or some one abuses their authority towards you? what you gonna do when ever 2 miles you gonna have an inspection point where you gotta give up some id....are you brilliant like galactic or what?
no time to fight, just plant seedz tonight...
do you realize exactly what's happening here...perhaps you need to view a bit of ol' bill show tonight...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
what the hell are you talking about?
are you ok? check points every 2 miles? its a good thing I have ID.
o ok now I understand whats wrong with you.
I forgot about the Nick berg beheading. This is OK then because of that..
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Oh, pray tell, what logical procedure, what moral deliberation, and what understanding of the facts as they are said to have occurred - disputed and contradictory - lead you to this masterfully intelligent, astute conclusion?
officer..."can we see your identification?"
idiot student...."sure officer"
end of problem........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Um, so refusal to submit ID = justifiable use of a taser. Bit disproportionate, don't you think? Do you think that just because someone wears a police uniform, they are automatically worthy of "respect", or, to be more precise, fear of physical brutality?
Why should people carry ID all the time? Black South Africans were made to carry passports all the time. In Nazi-controlled Europe, people were always being ordered to show their papers. Internees at Auschwitz were branded. What free society forces its citizens to be accountable to the authorities at all times, even in quiet libraries at 11pm?
Listen, I bet there were a few other students - caucasians - who were in the library with no ID. Why weren't they targeted by these police officers, in a similar manner? If you applaud this, you hate freedom.
Easier said than done. The kid thought that he was being racially profiled because he's of Iranian desent.
I'd like to know what happened to the tried and true walk-along or wrist lock? Neither of those would have drawn nearly as much attention, and are far less brutal than a taser.
Failure to produce an i.d. to a rent-a-cop does not equal getting hit with a taser. He did not physically resist in any way. I do believe that these rent-a-cop's are in some very deep, very hot water.
old music:
then the kid was resisting the officers when they were trying to get him to leave the library.....
then i listen to the idiot student on the video screaming and yelling "get your hands off me"...............
wouldnt it had just been a whole lot easier had the idiot student just showed his I.D.?????
and im sorry but im not gonna make it a race issue....
bottom line ....if the idiot shows his I.D....there is no problem......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
"UCLA's interim chancellor, Norman Abrams, cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions before a university investigation is completed.
"It would be best if everyone, within and without the university, would withhold judgment pending review of the matter," Abrams said in a written statement. "I, too, have watched the videos and I do not believe that one can make a fair judgment regarding the matter from the videos alone.""
If he's not too quick to make an assessment of the situation, based on the video evidence alone, should you?
But this shouldn't cloud an abstract sense of what constitutes excessive force. When is the use of a taser justified?
of course you forgot about it. trying to make a point of something that actually is horrific. what was so horrific about the taser? that he cried like a little girl? while it probably hurts, it does no physical damage. getting your head cut off? well....
and no this want ok. cops used excessive force. all of which could have been avoided if he showed his ID like he was told.
when they asked him for an I.D.???
or when he decided to call a lawyer????
im thinking it became a race issue when he decided to call a lawyer........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
So, show your ID or run the risk of excessive force? That's not very civilised, is it? I thought policemen served the people, and set a moral highground and a standard of orderly behaviour? If the police behave like savages, then they set a precedent for anarchy.
Don't get me wrong, I support the notion of the police very strongly in principle and in some degree of practice. But the police should not be trained in some unthinking, crypto-militaristic fashion, to treat every scene of social disorder like a siege. Whether the student's act of civil disobedience broke laws or not, the policemen in this situation should have considered (a) means of damage limitation, and (b) all alternatives for resolution possible, using a taser not as a pre-emptive measure but in response to an evident attempt at physical attack.
Why are tasers issued to rent-a-cops, anyway? They're hardly on the streets of South Central LA, are they?
If only he didn't have the right to a lawyer, eh? Then the police couldn't possibly be guilty of racial profiling. Because racial profiling and police brutality can only be an issue, if a higher legal power than the police become aware of the situation, right? the lawyer thinks this is a race issue, therefore it is a race issue, eh? Some twisted Cartesianism? :rolleyes:
and would it had been to much to ask that idiot student to show some respect to those officers and just say....
"sure officer i will show you my identification"
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Wouldn't employing a late-shift library assistant, checking Library membership ID on entry, have sufficed, then?
If they were checking everyone else's library ID, maybe. Otherwise, hell no, fuck them.
with that attitude somebody may taser you........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
theres more to the story then we know. tape doesnt show much at all.
dont show your ID, act like an asshole, dont do whats asked of you muiltiple times, and run the risk or force. excessive sure, but the student could have avoided it.
campus police, in large campuses like UCLA, have regular police officers with guns, tasers, mace, handcuffs, full nine yards.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
you dont know why he was asked to show ID, or even if other students have to.
Not in this country ... yet ...
its called stupidity...........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
the entire situation could have been avoided if the student had
done what was asked of him.
agree or not, when a person in a position of authority asks you
for proper identification, you should comply. its pretty simple.
sounds like this situation got out of hand pretty quickly