Hezzbollah leader says "My Bad" on ordering the capture of 2 Isreali soldiers

To the individuals that swore that Isreal started this whole mess itself just for the sake of killin arabs/muslims. do you have anything else to add to you opinion/beliefs?
Nasrallah sorry for scale of war
Nasrallah ordered the capture of the soldiers on 12 July
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.
"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.
He added that neither side was "heading towards a second round" of fighting.
More than 1,000 Lebanese died in the 34-day conflict which left much of southern Lebanon in ruins.
The Israeli offensive began after two Israeli soldiers were seized during a cross border raid by Hezbollah militants on 12 July.
Annan visit
"We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude," Sheikh Nasrallah said.
"Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?
"I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.
Many thousands have been left homeless by the offensive
"Neither I, Hezbollah, prisoners in Israeli jails and nor the families of the prisoners would accept it."
Sheikh Nasrallah was speaking on the eve of a visit to Beirut by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to discuss the expanded UN peacekeeping force to be deployed in southern Lebanon.
A force of 15,000 soldiers, 7,000 of them from European Union states, will be deployed to maintain the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.
The UN hopes to have some of the troops on the ground within a week, although the foreign minister of Finland - which currently holds the EU presidency - has said it will be two to three months before the whole force is deployed.
The force will be led by France until February, at which time Italy will take command.
Speaking in Brussels on Friday, Mr Annan said the plan would only work if the enlarged UN force, called Unifil 2, was "strong, credible and robust".
Mr Annan said the force offered the possibility of a "durable ceasefire and long-term solution" to the Middle East crisis.
Nasrallah sorry for scale of war
Nasrallah ordered the capture of the soldiers on 12 July
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.
"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.
He added that neither side was "heading towards a second round" of fighting.
More than 1,000 Lebanese died in the 34-day conflict which left much of southern Lebanon in ruins.
The Israeli offensive began after two Israeli soldiers were seized during a cross border raid by Hezbollah militants on 12 July.
Annan visit
"We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude," Sheikh Nasrallah said.
"Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?
"I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.
Many thousands have been left homeless by the offensive
"Neither I, Hezbollah, prisoners in Israeli jails and nor the families of the prisoners would accept it."
Sheikh Nasrallah was speaking on the eve of a visit to Beirut by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to discuss the expanded UN peacekeeping force to be deployed in southern Lebanon.
A force of 15,000 soldiers, 7,000 of them from European Union states, will be deployed to maintain the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.
The UN hopes to have some of the troops on the ground within a week, although the foreign minister of Finland - which currently holds the EU presidency - has said it will be two to three months before the whole force is deployed.
The force will be led by France until February, at which time Italy will take command.
Speaking in Brussels on Friday, Mr Annan said the plan would only work if the enlarged UN force, called Unifil 2, was "strong, credible and robust".
Mr Annan said the force offered the possibility of a "durable ceasefire and long-term solution" to the Middle East crisis.
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Maybe Israel should too.
All that celebrating and declaration of "Victory" was all ignorant, childish posturing on their part. Just as it was when Bush and his dopey puppets declared "Victory"; and spitted out yet another in a long line of mindless catch-phrases in "Islamic Fascists ". Which of course, the morons of the media and geniuses of the American public, quickly adopted and spitted out of their toothless mouths; every chance they got.
The madness has swept the Isreali populace, too. Sure, mistakes were made in the conduct of the war, and I do admire the Isrealis' desire to improve things. But man, Olmert is being torn to shreds, and I think its becoming a bit much. The IDF/politicians set the bar too high from the beginning. Hezbollah wasn't going to be exterminated. They were going to get spanked, and they did. In fact, it was Israel who decided to stop fighting and let the UN do its thing. If indeed they "lost", it was because they chose to do so.
but wait - all hezbollah cares about is to wipe israel off the map ...
According to sources I've read, the Lebanese in Isreali jails HAVE been charged. Hezbollah would fight for their release anyway, though, because in their mind, these men aren't terrorists ... Its all "freedom fighting" or whatever euphemism you want to use.
we are not referring to the 3 prisoners that have been formally charged ... we are talking about the thousand or so that have been jailed since the israeli occupation that no one wants to talk about ...
I think that is because the existence of these prisoners hasn't been firmly established by anyone outside of Israel itself. Not that I am saying that they don't exist, of course. Its quite possible. Or am I wrong?
well ... if the organization (hezbollah) says it exists in order to fulfill a mandate of the release of those prisoners and the withdrawal from land that is most definitely not israel's - then isn't that at least a place to start ...
it really depends on what one chooses to believe ... we can be apologists for anyone really ...
I'd rather not be an apologist for the Isreali tactic of bombing the piss out of Lebanon. That's why I criticized it. Similarly, though, Hezbollah deserves none of my sympathy either. They can share the blood on the IDF's hands.
That is if you don't consider the Mossad and CIA to be government entities. If you just omit facts you can make anyone look pure and innocent. You know charles manson never killed anyone.
Nasrallah is just kissing Euro and Annan ass. His days are numbered Israel is going to send a remote controlled nuclear tipped bagel to this guys house and call it a day.
Irvine 1992, Las Vegas 1993, Mountain View 1994, San Diego 1995, Los Angeles 1996, Los Angeles 1998, Moutain View 1999, San Bernadino 2000, Los Angeles 2000, Irvine 2003, Irvine 2003, Moutain View 2003, Santa Barbara 2003, San Diego 2006, Los Angeles 2006, Santa Barbara 2006
what?!?! are you saying that looking back on choices and actions in order to learn from them, and more importantly, not make those same mistakes again, is a good thing....?
Do you have any evidence of this, or not?
Evidence of the nuclear-tipped bagel? You've never heard of that weapon before?
If its a weapon that kills, you bet the US had made it, and the Zionists have fired it!
As opposed to weapons that don't kill? Last time I checked, the Islamic FASCISTS are doing a pretty good job of innovating in "weapons that kill" - what wonderful way to kill innocent civilians will they think of next - first the shoe bomb, then the baby bottle bomb. What wonderful people.
Hizbullah acts "in the name of" Lebanon, Israel has only 3 or 4 charged Lebanese prisoners. That's it, there are no "thousand or so" Lebanese prisoners, nor "israeli occupation that no one wants to talk about' IN LEBANON.
And you've shot your mouth off about it.
Irvine 1992, Las Vegas 1993, Mountain View 1994, San Diego 1995, Los Angeles 1996, Los Angeles 1998, Moutain View 1999, San Bernadino 2000, Los Angeles 2000, Irvine 2003, Irvine 2003, Moutain View 2003, Santa Barbara 2003, San Diego 2006, Los Angeles 2006, Santa Barbara 2006
He said he wouldn't have captured the soldiers if he knew Israel would have overreacted the way it did.
A big difference between admitting you were wrong and saying the opposition reacted irrationally.
I think Nasrallah captured the soldiers on the precendence of the negotiations in the past.
DUde nasarallah is a douche and was wrong..how blind can you possibly be?
I have 20/20 vision and I speak really good english. At the age of 15 I was graded a 4th year university level in English.
I can tell the difference between "my bad" and what Nasrallah said. Simply because you dislike someone's political perspective does not give you the right to slander them and lie about what they say.
Call me biased, but I think people like Nasrallah get whats coming to them in the slander department.
I think your opinion is based on slander though.
Do I call slander on you when you knock Israel or Bush?
What exactly are you referring to?
Dismissing my opinions as mere slander isn't very constructive ... Mostly because I could turn it around and do the same to you. You'd find it annoying, trust me!