i'm for affirmative action...

can anyone talk me out of this?
i was just thinking bout it, and i am totally for it, i see it as a good thing. but it was recently thrown out in michigan.
no argument has swayed my view, thought i'd see what ya'll thought
since you all are so opinionated
i was just thinking bout it, and i am totally for it, i see it as a good thing. but it was recently thrown out in michigan.
no argument has swayed my view, thought i'd see what ya'll thought
since you all are so opinionated

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when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
it would be hard to get rid of racism in the NBA but it would prevent a lot of problems
For you to speak to me
I'll open up
Release me
You are a sucker of cock. Seriously. AA is one of maybe 2 things on the entire planet that actually makes me mad. Damn.
When will the gov't learn you can't write a law to make racial equality?
Did they throw out their U of M legacy points when they did this?
For you to speak to me
I'll open up
Release me
How can you not be for affirmative action?
And if you are a white person who is against it, let me ask you this. Are you against legacies? The most famous legacy in the world is the current resident of the white house. He got into yale just as his grandpa and daddy did. Could that have anything to do with it? How can a man who is so CLEARLY a beneficiary of affirmative action for whites, be so against it for nonwhites?
How do people condone others getting into college, if their daddy paid the university alot of money? How is that fair. But you dont hear people calling for the abolishment of that, do you!
Our whole country, and our whole way of life called capitalism and industrialization is built off the blood, sweat and tears of blacks and natives, who toiled for little or no reciprocity.
The least we can do is to allow them to get to go to school, or to go to work. Anyone who is antiaffirmative action, frankly, is proracism
Affirmative action exists in many forms. Part of it, results in beneficial things. At least for whites. As a white male, I will never be looked at in a store as a suspect of theft, merely because of the color of my skin. I will never be the victim of racism. I will never be called racist names. I am the generic human being for godssake! People will never assume that I am lazy because of the color of my skin. People will never assume I am a criminal and rapist because of the color of my skin. people will never label me a "thug".
I will never be asked to speak for my race and my gender. I will never be the victim of institutionalized racism.
I use affirmative action or its uses are thrown on me every day. But no one blinks. its time to extend that to other people who actually need it. I dont need affirmative action. Others do. And for that I support it 100 percent
I'm anti-affirmative action because I think basing something entirely on race is racist and wrong.
I am also against legacies. Never understood them, it's the good ole boys club. If it's a private university not much you can do though.
You last statement is utterly ridiculous and just plain stupid.
i'm pretty sure you can... emancipation proclamation?
My ancestors didn't do any of that stuff, speak for yourself.
I listed a bunch of random daily activities that are affirmative action for whites but never get called into question. If your white and antiaffirmative action, why dont you protest these things as well?
It's not something that I can give up. How exactly do you protest some clerk in a store not thinking you are a thief anyhow? I think you are being a bt silly here.
Certainly, blacks still deal with daily acts/thoughts or racism. Some even subconcious I'm sure. That is not fair at all. I just don't think doing the exact opposite and giving someone a leg up simply because of their race is the solution. I think it continues to separate by color and is a step backwards.
If you think about it, all this stuff:
Men are more violent than women
White men are more racist than blacks
Girls mature faster than boys
Stuff like this is "common sense", probably started by some statistics 50 years ago. It doesn't say anything about what's happening in the world today and it's giving false impressions about our culture, which in turn creates tension. We should almost just forget that this stuff happens as a whole and focus on per case scenarios.
Just make higher education free.
Frigid statue standing icy blue and numb
Where are the frost giants Ive begged for protection?
I'm freezing
Are you afraid, afraid to die
Don't be afraid, afraid to try
I should be punished for my great-grandpa's actions. Yeah. Fuck that.
The emancipation proclamation didn't make blacks equal to whites. It gave them some legal rights, but not one shred of social status.
A LAW can't make social equality. Fuck... I mean, Cabbage.
what i support is more diversity in universities.
i'm thinking in particular of medical school. one person can have a dream, and passion to be doctor. but what makes a good doctor? good grades?
one person argued that aa isn't fair because the university should accept the student based on grades, and not race. but i tell you selfish, egotistical, money hungry, smart young people with good grades become doctors every year (i'm not calling white people evil, they're not all white either, but they have money)
but these are not the kind of people i want in the medical field. i want people who view medicine as a service to the people, helping find solutions to problems, i want doctors who are compassionate and caring, sympathic to the needs of society. not doctors who only see $$
which is what is rampant in america today.
the point is people with money want their children to be sucessful too, which usually means professional school. which is frickin expensive! and frankly impossible when you come to the table with less means. it doesn't mean that less means is less equip, i see as aa as a mode to breaking down some of these barriers and giving different cultures a chance to make it in this country.
then talk me out of it...
and i love the cock btw
This is why I'm not a big fan of affirmative action. I'm not in the least bit racist, so why should I be punished because some of my ancestors might have been? It makes no sense. I didn't do anything to deserve ANY kind of handicap of any size against my chances of landing a spot in a university or a nice job.
Yeah, yeah, I know... poor me, the white middle-class male. I realize that other races do have certain social handicaps against them. And we should work on eliminating those, not try to even it out by adding even more discrimination to whites. Two wrongs does not make a right.
in all due rerspect, i chuckle a little bit everytime some argues against AA and points to the NBA. Its absolutely ridiculous to make this point.
The NBA is not a university, fortune 500 company, or even a job really. Its not like players fil out an application and go through an interview process. If the majority of NBA caliber basketball players happen to be Black so be it. It isn't like teams aren't drafting white or Mexican guys because of their race or ethnicity. They draft the best players. period.
When you stop to consider how the majority of owners, general managers, coaches etc. are non-black, makes NBA references in this context even more absurd. It isn't like its a bunch of Black guys only drafting Black guys.
This is a HUGE misconception about AA. It in no way punishes ordiscriminates against whites. It prevents the discrimination of certain protected demographics. Thats it. If you are the most qualified for a position, you will not be denied in a favor for an unqualified member of one these protected demographics.
But AA is still tough shit, because it's sometimes it's almost impossible to tell which of two candidates are more qualified. That's when AA takes place, when you are equally qualified with a black competitor.
I don't think that's true...
Don't Universities or other places sometimes have like a percentage of blacks etc. that they have to let in due to Affirmative Action? So then if there are way more qualified white people out there, tough, they gotta fill the percentage and then a LESS qualified person gets in...
I thought i heard this somewhere, I could be wrong though.
The Sentence Above Is False
No, for the most part AA gives minorities an advantage only when all other factors are equal.
What an awesome idea. (Seriously. Thumbs up.)
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
"Well, you don't agree with me, so you must be racist."
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley