actually you said kitchen knife... if we are talking 12foot fucking lances and chariots with huge swords welded to the wheels then maybe you have a point.
But i think you'll find that the majority of giant Samurai swords and Claymores have already been banned for safety reasons.
And you are wrong anyway.. a knife was invented to prepare the killed animal.. cut the flesh and clean the hide. Flint blades being the most obvious ancestor of a knife was designed for this very reason!
nobody hunts animals or fish with knives...
Like I said I don't like guns don't agree with civilians owning them, but I do believe in the Constitution & the Bill of Rights and people have a right to own them. I can't pick and choose what parts or amendments are ok and which one's aren't. I either support it as a whole or I don't.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Like I said I don't like guns don't agree with civilians owning them, but I do believe in the Constitution & the Bill of Rights and people have a right to own them. I can't pick and choose what parts or amendments are ok and which one's aren't. I either support it as a whole or I don't.
Then I assume you agree that people should be able to have missle silos in their yard and tanks in their garage?
If not, then that means you are willing to draw a line somewhere (and maybe it is between handguns and automatics).
Is the right to bear arms = to the right to bear any arms of your choice? Or is there a line drawn?
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
debatable, both sides have good arguements. I disagree with your premise, i feel the 2nd amendment allows US citizens the opportunity to own guns.
She may be a part of a neighborhood watch program and if they are armed could they be a militia??
we do need better gun laws, but we really need to address the reasons people are doing this. I don't think guns are the impetus for the murders, there is something wrong with the PEOPLE who use them in this manner (except this case...really, a WARM STAG beer? come now.) And you can't legislate sanity or good decisions, you can only punish insanity and bad decisions. So we're back where we started. Guns aren't going anywhere, there's too many of them. If honest people turn in all guns, the only people who have them are criminals. Prohibition doesn't work. We need to figure out why our society is so damn intent on using guns in this manner.
yes, there will be a lag. but as police confiscate some, some break down from poor care, some are lost, etc, the numbers would even out. right now we're keeping a fresh IV of cheap, deadly weapons flowing into our urban streets and to deny that that plays HUGE part in the fact that we have the most dangerous large cities in the world is insane.
yes, there will be a lag. but as police confiscate some, some break down from poor care, some are lost, etc, the numbers would even out. right now we're keeping a fresh IV of cheap, deadly weapons flowing into our urban streets and to deny that that plays HUGE part in the fact that we have the most dangerous large cities in the world is insane.
...through attrition as they say...
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Then I assume you agree that people should be able to have missle silos in their yard and tanks in their garage?
If not, then that means you are willing to draw a line somewhere (and maybe it is between handguns and automatics).
Is the right to bear arms = to the right to bear any arms of your choice? Or is there a line drawn?
I believe a line should be drawn. Hunting rifles and hand guns should be allowed but there is definetly no need for people to have an arsenal of full automatic weapons. You are not going to use an AK-47 or an UZI to hunt dear. Like I said I don't like them but their arepeople out there who are responsible adults and they should have the right to own a gun if they so please. I do believe that prior to getting your permit, I don't know if this is already in place, you should have to attend a fire arms safety course to educate yourself on the safe handling and storage of these weapons and of course an in-depth back ground check. A psycholigical examination wouldn't hurt either.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I believe a line should be drawn. Hunting rifles and hand guns should be allowed but there is definetly no need for people to have an arsenal of full automatic weapons. You are not going to use an AK-47 or an UZI to hunt dear. Like I said I don't like them but their arepeople out there who are responsible adults and they should have the right to own a gun if they so please. I do believe that prior to getting your permit, I don't know if this is already in place, you should have to attend a fire arms safety course to educate yourself on the safe handling and storage of these weapons and of course an in-depth back ground check. A psycholigical examination wouldn't hurt either.
Very well. That is probably where I think the line should be drawn too.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Very well. That is probably where I think the line should be drawn too.
My cousin is an avid hunter. He has his two or three hunting rifles and keeps them locked away in his garage where his kids have no chance of getting to them. I don't necessarily agree with hunting but my opinion shouldn't be forced on everyone. I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to own his weapons and enjoy his past time.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Shit if any average joe can own and operate their own missle silo than why can't countries like North Korea and Iran. I had some neighbors with a lot of land and trust me I wouldn't feel safe at night knowing that he had low yield mega-ton warhead under his kids swing set or an Abrams parked in his garage.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
yes, there will be a lag. but as police confiscate some, some break down from poor care, some are lost, etc, the numbers would even out. right now we're keeping a fresh IV of cheap, deadly weapons flowing into our urban streets and to deny that that plays HUGE part in the fact that we have the most dangerous large cities in the world is insane.
I agree there is a huge pipeline of illegal guns into our urban areas and that should be stopped. But it goes back to economics in some way, the reason there is the influx of guns is b/c money can be made on them. People are always looking for a way to get ahead and it's no surprise that some turn to crime for whatever reason.
Would you hazard a guess at how long that lag would take? I honestly have no idea. I also know that if I owned a gun, I would have a hard time turning mine in if they were outlawed b/c i know that now I'm defenseless against the people that don't turn there's in (which I'll make an assumption that most criminals aren't going to turn theirs in).
The only way to truly get the lag to shorten would be to make the penalty for owning a gun so heinous and justice so swift that people would want to turn them in.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
at least you're consistent. but like the other guy said, how come you're supportive of any backwoods yokel in the US owning their own nuclear weapon but not iran or north korea? they're both equally dangerous.
Hey - I would do the same if someone messed with my diet coke
ugh, doncha know what aspartame does to you???
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I agree there is a huge pipeline of illegal guns into our urban areas and that should be stopped. But it goes back to economics in some way, the reason there is the influx of guns is b/c money can be made on them. People are always looking for a way to get ahead and it's no surprise that some turn to crime for whatever reason.
Would you hazard a guess at how long that lag would take? I honestly have no idea. I also know that if I owned a gun, I would have a hard time turning mine in if they were outlawed b/c i know that now I'm defenseless against the people that don't turn there's in (which I'll make an assumption that most criminals aren't going to turn theirs in).
The only way to truly get the lag to shorten would be to make the penalty for owning a gun so heinous and justice so swift that people would want to turn them in.
no, i dont know enough about guns to know how long they would last, nor about police confiscation rates. perhaps the rule could be simply you cannot sell them anymore. the people that have them can keep them. that would benefit current gun owners becos the responsible ones will take better care of their guns anyway and not have them taken by police. then the balance would shift and criminals would be the losers. then we could rethink our policies. but i think right now it's kinda like treating a fever... starve it. cut the supply off, let the culture absorb what's out there, then we can work on a sensible way to sell them and better control who gets them.
no, i dont know enough about guns to know how long they would last, nor about police confiscation rates. perhaps the rule could be simply you cannot sell them anymore. the people that have them can keep them. that would benefit current gun owners becos the responsible ones will take better care of their guns anyway and not have them taken by police. then the balance would shift and criminals would be the losers. then we could rethink our policies. but i think right now it's kinda like treating a fever... starve it. cut the supply off, let the culture absorb what's out there, then we can work on a sensible way to sell them and better control who gets them.
I guess other side of the coin is, can you imagine the opposition? I mean you have a very dedicated group of responsible gun-owners that would be screaming discrimination. Maybe one thing we can do is severly limit the places you can buy guns. Have one or 2 gun shops in the city where people have to go, that way it's much easier to regulate than having every walmart, kmart, etc.. selling them. If we couple that with the background checks on people, maybe that would help. That way we are starving the fever somewhat and we're able to still sell guns legally. I don't know though.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
I guess other side of the coin is, can you imagine the opposition? I mean you have a very dedicated group of responsible gun-owners that would be screaming discrimination. Maybe one thing we can do is severly limit the places you can buy guns. Have one or 2 gun shops in the city where people have to go, that way it's much easier to regulate than having every walmart, kmart, etc.. selling them. If we couple that with the background checks on people, maybe that would help. That way we are starving the fever somewhat and we're able to still sell guns legally. I don't know though.
I guess other side of the coin is, can you imagine the opposition? I mean you have a very dedicated group of responsible gun-owners that would be screaming discrimination. Maybe one thing we can do is severly limit the places you can buy guns. Have one or 2 gun shops in the city where people have to go, that way it's much easier to regulate than having every walmart, kmart, etc.. selling them. If we couple that with the background checks on people, maybe that would help. That way we are starving the fever somewhat and we're able to still sell guns legally. I don't know though.
oh, im well aware this is a pipe dream there is a very strong gun lobby and a lot of money on that side. the first step is shifting public sentiment against that side. trouble is, those people will still scream bloody murder about even sensible restrictions. if you suggest not allowing walmart to sell guns, they have info chains (like bill o'reilly) to publish inflammatory stories about how you're trying to take guns away from law-abiding citizens and give them to criminals.
im all for limiting the access to them. specific stores, extensive backgrounds checks, needing a license with safety courses to purchase, but all of this would stir people up. it's really ironic. if you mention it, these people talk about how the government is tracking your guns so they can take them away from you whenever they want, then accuse the other side of being paranoid about having their phone calls tapped without a warrant. licensed gun owners is clearly big brother, but phone taps are just good measures for government keeping us safe.
theres nothing like a warm beer on a cold night while the couple in the apartment below is in jail or gone after fighting for years and years and you had to hear it
you can't kill someone with a bat... it'll take years for it to suck all the blood out of a person... unless its Dracula
HA! One of your best dunkman!
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
I do believe in the Constitution & the Bill of Rights and people have a right to own them. I can't pick and choose what parts or amendments are ok and which one's aren't. I either support it as a whole or I don't.
Huh? Why? Do you feel the same way about the bible?
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
I believe a line should be drawn. Hunting rifles and hand guns should be allowed
Why handguns? Apart from target shooting, I really can't think of a good reason for anyone to own a handgun. Somebody give me one good reason.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
Like I said I don't like guns don't agree with civilians owning them, but I do believe in the Constitution & the Bill of Rights and people have a right to own them. I can't pick and choose what parts or amendments are ok and which one's aren't. I either support it as a whole or I don't.
Then I assume you agree that people should be able to have missle silos in their yard and tanks in their garage?
If not, then that means you are willing to draw a line somewhere (and maybe it is between handguns and automatics).
Is the right to bear arms = to the right to bear any arms of your choice? Or is there a line drawn?
might have been nice if that lunatic had not been able to possess a gun though. i doubt she'd have succeeded in doing this with her fists.
Or even with a knife, he'd have had a fightin' chance.
yes, there will be a lag. but as police confiscate some, some break down from poor care, some are lost, etc, the numbers would even out. right now we're keeping a fresh IV of cheap, deadly weapons flowing into our urban streets and to deny that that plays HUGE part in the fact that we have the most dangerous large cities in the world is insane.
...through attrition as they say...
Should you be able to have a tank or a nuclear missle? Some people have huge property and could probably afford it. Conventional missle anyway.
I believe a line should be drawn. Hunting rifles and hand guns should be allowed but there is definetly no need for people to have an arsenal of full automatic weapons. You are not going to use an AK-47 or an UZI to hunt dear. Like I said I don't like them but their arepeople out there who are responsible adults and they should have the right to own a gun if they so please. I do believe that prior to getting your permit, I don't know if this is already in place, you should have to attend a fire arms safety course to educate yourself on the safe handling and storage of these weapons and of course an in-depth back ground check. A psycholigical examination wouldn't hurt either.
Like yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater?
Very well. That is probably where I think the line should be drawn too.
Yes you should be able too.
My cousin is an avid hunter. He has his two or three hunting rifles and keeps them locked away in his garage where his kids have no chance of getting to them. I don't necessarily agree with hunting but my opinion shouldn't be forced on everyone. I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to own his weapons and enjoy his past time.
Shit if any average joe can own and operate their own missle silo than why can't countries like North Korea and Iran. I had some neighbors with a lot of land and trust me I wouldn't feel safe at night knowing that he had low yield mega-ton warhead under his kids swing set or an Abrams parked in his garage.
I agree there is a huge pipeline of illegal guns into our urban areas and that should be stopped. But it goes back to economics in some way, the reason there is the influx of guns is b/c money can be made on them. People are always looking for a way to get ahead and it's no surprise that some turn to crime for whatever reason.
Would you hazard a guess at how long that lag would take? I honestly have no idea. I also know that if I owned a gun, I would have a hard time turning mine in if they were outlawed b/c i know that now I'm defenseless against the people that don't turn there's in (which I'll make an assumption that most criminals aren't going to turn theirs in).
The only way to truly get the lag to shorten would be to make the penalty for owning a gun so heinous and justice so swift that people would want to turn them in.
at least you're consistent. but like the other guy said, how come you're supportive of any backwoods yokel in the US owning their own nuclear weapon but not iran or north korea? they're both equally dangerous.
ugh, doncha know what aspartame does to you???
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
no, i dont know enough about guns to know how long they would last, nor about police confiscation rates. perhaps the rule could be simply you cannot sell them anymore. the people that have them can keep them. that would benefit current gun owners becos the responsible ones will take better care of their guns anyway and not have them taken by police. then the balance would shift and criminals would be the losers. then we could rethink our policies. but i think right now it's kinda like treating a fever... starve it. cut the supply off, let the culture absorb what's out there, then we can work on a sensible way to sell them and better control who gets them.
I guess other side of the coin is, can you imagine the opposition? I mean you have a very dedicated group of responsible gun-owners that would be screaming discrimination. Maybe one thing we can do is severly limit the places you can buy guns. Have one or 2 gun shops in the city where people have to go, that way it's much easier to regulate than having every walmart, kmart, etc.. selling them. If we couple that with the background checks on people, maybe that would help. That way we are starving the fever somewhat and we're able to still sell guns legally. I don't know though.
great discussion going on over here....
oh, im well aware this is a pipe dream
im all for limiting the access to them. specific stores, extensive backgrounds checks, needing a license with safety courses to purchase, but all of this would stir people up. it's really ironic. if you mention it, these people talk about how the government is tracking your guns so they can take them away from you whenever they want, then accuse the other side of being paranoid about having their phone calls tapped without a warrant. licensed gun owners is clearly big brother, but phone taps are just good measures for government keeping us safe.
what a sick world
HA! One of your best dunkman!
-C Addison
Huh? Why? Do you feel the same way about the bible?
-C Addison
Why handguns? Apart from target shooting, I really can't think of a good reason for anyone to own a handgun. Somebody give me one good reason.
-C Addison
Because they make you look big and clever and have the inimitable ability to bring a meandering argument to a conclusive end.
There are people who like to collect hand guns and antique hand guns as a hobby.