St. Louis woman shoots husband dead for giving her warm beer

Thank God we have so many guns in this country! That 70 year old motherfuc*er tried to get away with serving his wife warm beer! :eek:
And you can keep your stale pretzels, too!
St. Louis woman shoots husband dead for giving her warm beer, cops say
Updated: 11:15 p.m. CT Dec 5, 2006
ST. LOUIS - A St. Louis woman shot her husband to death after he gave her a can of warm beer, police said.
The shooting happened Sunday. Names have not been released. The woman was taken into custody.
The wife allegedly admitted shooting her husband, who was about 70 years old, in the kitchen of their home. The man was shot four or five times in the chest after giving his wife a can of warm Stag beer.
The house was among thousands in the St. Louis area that lost power after a winter storm hit the region Thursday.
And you can keep your stale pretzels, too!
St. Louis woman shoots husband dead for giving her warm beer, cops say
Updated: 11:15 p.m. CT Dec 5, 2006
ST. LOUIS - A St. Louis woman shot her husband to death after he gave her a can of warm beer, police said.
The shooting happened Sunday. Names have not been released. The woman was taken into custody.
The wife allegedly admitted shooting her husband, who was about 70 years old, in the kitchen of their home. The man was shot four or five times in the chest after giving his wife a can of warm Stag beer.
The house was among thousands in the St. Louis area that lost power after a winter storm hit the region Thursday.
"Where there is sacrifice there is someone collecting the sacrificial offerings."-- Ayn Rand
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
Post edited by Unknown User on
really.. people can't go around giving their spouses warm beer.
guns don't kill people, people who get served warm cans of beer kill people.
Lol yes its the guns fault. Not the fact that the woman is obviously a fucking lunatic.
Good troll job though
if she didnt have a gun then all she would have done was slap him about the face with her colostomy bag.... ergo the gun played a huge part
what the fuck is a 70 year old woman doing with a gun anyway.... is she going to form part of a militia???? ohhh scary!!! couldnt she just talk the enemy to death about the weather and how America was better when blacks sat on the other seats of the bus
She couldnt have hit him over the head with a rock or stabbed him with a knife?
Guns are a beautiful thing. Its just sad when their used by stupid people.
stupid people also type "their" instead of "they're"
yet again you never answered the question... why the fuck does a 70 year old women have a gun... she's not going to form part of a militia so she shouldnt need it. isnt that the rules... you only have guns to fight against a renegade government dont you? what can she do? therefore she shouldnt have the fucking gun in the first place!!!
why would she have a rock in her kitchen
only spotty pussies with bumfluff moustaches feel the need for a gun.... makes them feel like real 'men' then... :cool:
The article didn't say where in St louis she lived, but I guarantee you there are parts in that city where I'd def have a gun for protection (and not from warm beer).
but the right to bear arms isnt for protection... it's to form a militia if the need arises.
where she lives doesnt come into it... she is never going to be part of a militia
people are bastardising and changing the Amendment to suit their need (protection), yet wont accept change to the Amendment (better gun laws)...
How do you know if its to form a militia? And not just for peoples protection?
What im confused with is how you blame guns for every death and not people. Hell i own a gun and all ive ever killed is deer.
And we dont want to be like Scotland..If you love Scotland and its laws so much than stay there. Stop trying to tell us who should have guns and who shouldnt.
you never know.. once the revolution begins, we're gonna need all the help we can get.
it's good to see granny can still handle a piece effectively.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
isnt that the 2nd amendment?
i blame both the person and the gun for deaths
using the royal 'we' are you now :rolleyes:
debatable, both sides have good arguements. I disagree with your premise, i feel the 2nd amendment allows US citizens the opportunity to own guns.
She may be a part of a neighborhood watch program and if they are armed could they be a militia??
we do need better gun laws, but we really need to address the reasons people are doing this. I don't think guns are the impetus for the murders, there is something wrong with the PEOPLE who use them in this manner (except this case...really, a WARM STAG beer? come now.) And you can't legislate sanity or good decisions, you can only punish insanity and bad decisions. So we're back where we started. Guns aren't going anywhere, there's too many of them. If honest people turn in all guns, the only people who have them are criminals. Prohibition doesn't work. We need to figure out why our society is so damn intent on using guns in this manner.
I don't like guns at all and personally believe that the civilian population really doesn't need them, but that just my opinion. Getting back to the topic the gun was not responsible for the man's death it was his crazy ass wife. Even if she didn't have a gun she would have attacked him with another weapon, a kitchen knife or a bat. Are we to ban kitchen knives and bats because they could be used to kill someone?
stupid and oft-used argument.
kitchen knives are designed and predominantly used to cut up carrots IN THE KITCHEN
you can't kill someone with a bat... it'll take years for it to suck all the blood out of a person... unless its Dracula
guns are designed to kill... thats it...
stupid stupid argument
Actually you are wrong, prior to the discovery of gun powder knives, spears, swords where manufactered for the purposes of killing. The gun is just better at it. All the gun restrictions in the world would not have saved this man froman obviously mentally unstable woman.
actually you said kitchen knife... if we are talking 12foot fucking lances and chariots with huge swords welded to the wheels then maybe you have a point.
But i think you'll find that the majority of giant Samurai swords and Claymores have already been banned for safety reasons.
And you are wrong anyway.. a knife was invented to prepare the killed animal.. cut the flesh and clean the hide. Flint blades being the most obvious ancestor of a knife was designed for this very reason!
nobody hunts animals or fish with knives...
Great arbiter's of disagreement. I find.
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
i absolutely agree... and later on i'm going out to settle a grudge with a protractor
no, we should ban pencils
You COULD do that. But since you could kill someone with a protractor, may as well get a gun. Apparently your victim would have the same chance against either.
I seriously fucking doubt that... ever tried eating a protractor? dead in 37 seconds.
also protractors are easier to get on the black market... guns dont exist in Scotland it would seem, but protractors have created a schoolboy black market... 14 year old geometry whizzes going past me on gold bikes... with big fucking swords welded to the wheels!