Keith Olbermann = Most Biased In Media



  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    digster wrote:
    This man could be our leader in a few months' time, and he deserves a bare minimum of respect. You can disagree with the policies, but respect the office. And let it be said I would feel the exact same way if McCain went on Olbermann and Keith was similarly douchey.

    well this last part impresses me because because you olbermann has been treating mccain and palin with such little respect this campaign season, you would have thought mccain's first name was "hillary"----HEY OH

    (to people who didnt get that--olbermann treated hillary like his bitch during the primaries because he really really really didnt want her to win. neither did i, but its not good when you can clearly tell when a journalist or news anchors leans a certain way. thats all!)
  • I agree with NBC taking him off of the live tv anchor job... he isn't fit for that.

    But as far as opinion shows go, he isn't any worse than the other guys. At least he doesn't call his show a "no spin" show or "fair and balanced". I have no problem with opinion shows on Fox News, but it irks me when they claim to be balanced.

    Well, they can claim to be somewhat balanced since they bring people on the show with opposite opinions. Olbermann NEVER brings someone on his show with opposite opinions. He is weak.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    Well, they can claim to be somewhat balanced since they bring people on the show with opposite opinions. Olbermann NEVER brings someone on his show with opposite opinions. He is weak.


    as always, great thanks, bootlegger10.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    i'd be willing to bet you do not watch oreilley's show. am i right? or will you lie and say that you do? just curious.

    I don't know about lying but he is definitely a hypocrit. I was watching a clip of him when the whole Bristol Palin pregnancy fiasco hit the media and he had nothing but praise for Sarah, Bristol and the rest of the family for their handling of this teenage pregnancy. Rewind several months when the whole Jamie Lynn Spears teen pregnancy fiasco hit the media and O'Reilly had nothing for contempt for her and her teen pregnancy and flat out said that this type of behavior by a minor is a direct reflection on the parent's and their inability to control their child.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    mammasan wrote:
    I don't know about lying but he is definitely a hypocrit. I was watching a clip of him when the whole Bristol Palin pregnancy fiasco hit the media and he had nothing but praise for Sarah, Bristol and the rest of the family for their handling of this teenage pregnancy. Rewind several months when the whole Jamie Lynn Spears teen pregnancy fiasco hit the media and O'Reilly had nothing for contempt for her and her teen pregnancy and flat out said that this type of behavior by a minor is a direct reflection on the parent's and their inability to control their child.

    yep--that is a fair point...however he was not just talking about jamie lynn spears having a baby as the sole reason the mother was a bad parent. he was saying that how she went about raising both of her kids qualified her as a bad parent. she pimped both of her kids out since they were little kids and now they both have major issues. your liberal website where you saw the oreilly "clip" probably didnt mention that.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    yep--that is a fair point...however he was not just talking about jamie lynn spears having a baby as the sole reason the mother was a bad parent. he was saying that how she went about raising both of her kids qualified her as a bad parent. she pimped both of her kids out since they were little kids and now they both have major issues. your liberal website where you saw the oreilly "clip" probably didnt mention that.

    I actually didn't get it from a liberal website, but thanks for the assumption. This is just one instance of O'Reilly's hypocracy and I will also admit that liberal pundits do the same exact thing. I will give O'Reilly this much and that is that he is probably one of the more balanced pundits out there. He definitely leans to the right but it is not above him to criticize Republicans.

    Let me just add that just because an individual criticizes a right leaning pundit or a Republican does not make them a liberal. I call bullshit when I see it and it doesn't matter what side of the political fence it comes from. Unlike many on this board who sit on one side of the fence and point to the other while ignoring the blatant misconduct or hypocracy within their own party of choice, I don't play that game. I don't owe my allegance to any ideology or party in this country.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    mammasan wrote:
    Let me just add that just because an individual criticizes a right leaning pundit or a Republican does not make them a liberal. I call bullshit when I see it and it doesn't matter what side of the political fence it comes from. Unlike many on this board who sit on one side of the fence and point to the other while ignoring the blatant misconduct or hypocracy within their own party of choice, I don't play that game. I don't owe my allegance to any ideology or party in this country.

    i am with you on that. i'm an independent. i guess i just assumed you had a liberal bias because, like you mentioned, this board leans overly leftward. my apologies!
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