He Would Have Advocated To Arrest Eddie Vedder and Lots Of NICE PEEPS: Barack Obama

Keep it the right frame of mind.
They are all dirt, except Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, etc.
Video Refutes Popular MPP Obama Video:
Despite what the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) video might suggest, Barack Obama does not support marijuana decrim.
On the subject of cannabis Barack Obama is weak and most certainly does not support marijuana decrim.
Support a politician in a day and age where 75%+ of voters support medical marijuana and he says, "I won't risk any political capital for it". Support that?
That's not worthy of our support or vote.
We are the majority, we know what is right, we demand it!
Let MPP know that you are not happy with their deceptive video.
Send a message to Barack Obama that luke warm support and worrying about political capital is unacceptable on the issues of medical marijuana and decrim.
No Cuffs for Cannabis !
They are all dirt, except Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, etc.
Video Refutes Popular MPP Obama Video:
Despite what the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) video might suggest, Barack Obama does not support marijuana decrim.
On the subject of cannabis Barack Obama is weak and most certainly does not support marijuana decrim.
Support a politician in a day and age where 75%+ of voters support medical marijuana and he says, "I won't risk any political capital for it". Support that?
That's not worthy of our support or vote.
We are the majority, we know what is right, we demand it!
Let MPP know that you are not happy with their deceptive video.
Send a message to Barack Obama that luke warm support and worrying about political capital is unacceptable on the issues of medical marijuana and decrim.
No Cuffs for Cannabis !
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Post edited by Unknown User on
and while it may be the majority*, it's not a priority ... there are far worse things going on that deserve more attention than this issue.
*would like to see where you got that 75% statistic though. Seems a bit high .... no pun intended.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Thats not to say either of their stances on the subject are right, moral and justified. Quite the opposite.
Grow up.
Granted, I agree it should be legalized, that is just not top priority at this time.
I was just noting that Obama and these pols are supporting policies that aim to arrest people for one joint, none of them support decrim, I wan't talking legalization. Eddie apparently smoked weed. So Obama supports a law that would arrest him. That's the point. Obama does not support decrim. I know, it's in the video. He has said that and reiterated it recently.
Obama is lukewarm on medical. Saying he won't risk any political capitol over it.
No political capitol for me with daily back pain for 10 years?
No political capitol for my friend Marci a grandmother with seizures and strokes? None for any of my sick friends with crohns, ms, hiv?
There is no more important issue than protecting sick people from a vicious govt. it's laws against them, laws that force them to purchase black market medicine at huge markeups to cartels that are run by the pols and govt.
For those people that say there are more important issues.
Tell that to sick people that need it. And then listen and face those people as they give their response. If you still feel that way, let me know. I can award you for being without any heart.
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But yet it is an important issue for many of us, especially those with jobs that like to smoke or those again like me with medical conditions pain and a black market system that gouges us and puts at great risk. It's very important to me and might be to you someday. I never thought I'd be here.
And it has overwhelming public support. The money is against it. The people for it. The pols get away with it if they can divide and keep the people quiet on it. They also have an opt out clause if people demand to much. So here I am demanding. Demand it loudly and make Obama make a pledge. That's the only way change happens. No other way. Gay rights, less people, more of them active, loud and demanding, they got more movement from the pols. They were loud and kept asking. It works, I know I've done it again and again, agianst corps, orgs, and pols. Try it. democracy works if you do more than just vote for a crook.
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The federal government will continue to shun pot laws until the majority of states have made such laws. States have to stand their ground. No presidential hopeful will ever go against the majority. And in this case it is not the majority of voters, it is the majority of states.
That is my opinion anyway.
I've saved a local radio show promoting all local artists from a corporation that thought it could just cancel our local heritage programming. If not for my anger and will, it would be gone. That was the start. I make change. I've been involved in anti-war groups, activities. I work with working people on how to save, budget, be frugal, get out of debt, advising on getting better skills, etc. leading by my own example. My pay is good these days, yet I still buy junk box cars with cash, no loan, never live in debt again.
I'm not bragging just relating that the truth is it is important but only God (if you believe in one or think there is one) is the only worthy one to judge whose life or pursuit of justice is more important.
What are you doing to help on those more important issues?
I say marijuana reform can definitely help with the economy, jobs, and spending as well as easily alleviate sick people's pain/sickness/hardship at no cost to society. It's one of the only easy fixes! I'm a money guy, the other stuff there is no easy fix. With marijuana reform there certainly is!
Medical and decrim, pretty simple.
One of the things you did mention the economy. We have huge govt. deficits, marijuana reform is a nice tax generator it also reduces govt. cost big time, provides some jobs as well.
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I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
In Zbigniew Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997), he outlines his case for how current American global supremacy should be used to further a long running elite plan for the unification of the world under the dictates of the United Nations.
For those who don’t know, among many other things, Brzezinski was an advisor to John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Jimmy Carter. He was also the first director of the Trilateral Commission and board member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Currently he is a top foreign policy advisor to the Barack Obama campaign for presidency.
Zack De La Rocha "WAKE UP!!!!!"
So basically your stance is that I should sell out my cause and be quiet, go make a meaningless vote to a politician that wants to tell me I can't use marijuana for medicine when I'm going to anyways, and call it a day? Sounds like a good deal? Or just close to giving up?
Or not and be loud mobilize people, locally and nationally, create videos, makes calls to local elected reps, write letters that almost always get published in local news papers, help get a state ballot initiative for decrim on the ballot in MA, and reap the rewards?
I'll choose the latter And I'll still vote but not for Obama.
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Besides Mike's past addictions, what makes you think any of the band members smoke pot?
Like a previous post said, read a book. I smoked pot last weekend and it's overrated. There's better ways to burn brain cells.
Should it be legal?.. Sure, but there's more important issues to worry about than getting high, like people dieing in war.
On a scale of importance, marijuana legalization ranks on the very bottom. When people are no longer dieing overseas, when our economy is out of the shitter, when world hunger is solved, then sitting around and getting high will be a somewhat relavant issue, along with what type of toilet paper is best for cleaning our asses.
i doubt Ed never smokes anymore.
and please don't compare Mike's heroin addiction to pot smoking,they are worlds apart.
I've got every day pain and take great offense to you.
Get a better job then me with a medical disability that you don't puss out and collect on and come talk to me.
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Smoking pot is not something to be proud of. It's an escape. An escape from our shitty lives. I don't brag about all the alcohol I drink.. It is not an important issue.
I don't support pot use and I use medical marijuana!
I don't support arresting people for a joint.
I don't support penalizing people for life with an arrest record for a joint.
I don't support charging sick people black market, gouged prices for medicine they should be allowed to grow for themselves.
I don't support the criminal black market cartels that own our government and create wars who are against any sort of marijuana reform.
But those that are voting for Obama are defacto supporting just that and not pressuring him or asking him to make this simple change. Even if I did support Obama I would support asking him both privately and in public about these important issues.
Do you?
Do you care?
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it's not worth your time dude/dudette,chill!
so you like Ron Paul? that means you're informed,i wish everyone in this country was smart/informed enough to vote for Ron.He'd right so many wrongs.
I just think its funny people assume the band members smoke, or still smoke. Maybe they do, but that's an assumption.
It's a question of do you support arresting people for pot marking them in many states with a criminal record for life that excludes them from many opportunities? I know because it has happened to me. It has hurt me a little. I'm lucky because I have skills, and luck. Some don't get that.
Do you support arresting sick people for their medical marijuana?
Do you support allowing sick people to grow their own pot?
These are simple issues.
I don't support booze or pot, but I will not sit back and ever say people should be arrested for it and that I as a citizen should pay to have that happen. No way I want my TAX MONEY TO ARREST SICK MEDICAL MARIJUANA USERS FOR POT.
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Ed was a "new" father,i'm sure once he became more comfy being a dad he'd blaze again.fuck if he was quitting for his kid then he should quit the cigs,them shits will kill ya!!
who's bragging?
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I also know one of them was in High Times to do an interview, so I imagine when I finally get to meet any of the guys they will tell me that yes they support my cause...haha. I know it will happen some day.
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