Cindy Sheehan buys land near Bush’s ranch

Bwaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy Sheehan buys land near Bush’s ranch
Antiwar mom used insurance money to buy Crawford, Texas plot
The Associated Press
Updated: 1:37 p.m. CT July 27, 2006
CRAWFORD, Texas - War protester Cindy Sheehan has purchased a 5-acre plot in Crawford with some of the insurance money she received after her son was killed in Iraq.
The group she helps lead, Gold Star Families for Peace, says on its Web site that it will return next month to protest the war in Iraq in the small town near Waco where President Bush has a ranch. Like last year, Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004, will again demand to meet with the president.
“We decided to buy property in Crawford to use until George’s resignation or impeachment, which we all hope is soon for the sake of the world,” Sheehan said in a newsletter set to be sent to supporters Thursday. “I can’t think of a better way to use Casey’s insurance money than for peace, and I am sure that Casey approves.”
Her anti-war gathering in Crawford is scheduled for Aug. 16 through Sept. 2. But Bush is scheduled to be at his ranch mainly during the first two weeks of August.
Sheehan, from California, reinvigorated the anti-war movement last summer with her peace vigil, which started in ditches off the road to Bush’s ranch. As it grew, the group also set up its protests on a private, 1-acre lot closer to the ranch.
© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Cindy Sheehan buys land near Bush’s ranch
Antiwar mom used insurance money to buy Crawford, Texas plot
The Associated Press
Updated: 1:37 p.m. CT July 27, 2006
CRAWFORD, Texas - War protester Cindy Sheehan has purchased a 5-acre plot in Crawford with some of the insurance money she received after her son was killed in Iraq.
The group she helps lead, Gold Star Families for Peace, says on its Web site that it will return next month to protest the war in Iraq in the small town near Waco where President Bush has a ranch. Like last year, Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004, will again demand to meet with the president.
“We decided to buy property in Crawford to use until George’s resignation or impeachment, which we all hope is soon for the sake of the world,” Sheehan said in a newsletter set to be sent to supporters Thursday. “I can’t think of a better way to use Casey’s insurance money than for peace, and I am sure that Casey approves.”
Her anti-war gathering in Crawford is scheduled for Aug. 16 through Sept. 2. But Bush is scheduled to be at his ranch mainly during the first two weeks of August.
Sheehan, from California, reinvigorated the anti-war movement last summer with her peace vigil, which started in ditches off the road to Bush’s ranch. As it grew, the group also set up its protests on a private, 1-acre lot closer to the ranch.
© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Post edited by Unknown User on
IMHO of course
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Ahhh, nevermind. My bad. This land purchase is about "peace", not taking care of our troops. For a second there I thought this land purchase was about annoying Bush, but no, it's about "peace". Then again, we all know that "peace" annoys Bush, so now it all makes sense again.
My fault.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Perhaps if she can find Christ she could turn that insurance money into a FORTUNE using the Jesus economy you are so high on.
My bad. Maybe she should have bought some land in israel and invited Jesus there so the rapture could happen, Bwahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
She does look a bit like a man, so I suppose that's possible.
Aw, somebody found himself a love interest.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
You have a strange concept of love, friend. If calling her a dipshit and disparaging her in other posts has lead you to believe this is a love connection I'm sorry for your previous life experiences. Hopefully you'll one day find the real thing.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Well maybe Coulter is more your speed. She looks like a dude too but has your political views. Perhaps she will give you a reacharound if you ask nicely. Good luck there Rumpy.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I don't think I would appreciate someone making sweeping assumptions about a lost family member, especially when they didn't know them at all. I hope you guys are just having fun with this. If you were a mother and lost your child to a war you didn't agree with, you might react the same way. The last thing that is going to make her forgive and forget is to publicly humiliate her. It's utterly sickening how people treat this women, in the media especially.
I think she is going in the wrong direction and has an interesting personality... but that doesn't justify this kind of treatment. It seems that the media and television encourages this desire to despise people. To humiliate them, I guess it gives people a sense of self-satisfaction and a feeling of acceptance.
When she says the kind of shit she says about our military and our country, it's open season on that bitch! Too fucking bad for her.
Dont you have an elephant to throw tires or dirt at instead? LMAO @ this "tough guy". LOL !!
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Have you ever thought of attending an anger management class?
What did she say that caused such a feeling of disgust?
That's funny you say that ... he tried to throw a tire at an elephant at a zoo enclosure. Called it an asshole for throwing dirt at him. Anger is the least of his problems.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Do you watch the news?
Chris Cornell
The Elephant tried to throw a tire at me and then threw dirt.
Get it right.
Winky is still and asshole
I don't appreciate "watching" news that much. I don't follow stories like that either, it's a waste of time. So, what did she say?
Google + Cindy Sheehan Quotes = The answer you are looking for
Buying phone cards and mailing them to troops still on the front line.
Providing financial assistance for troops coming home who have lost jobs/have new children.
Providing support for young military widows.
Sending care packages to troops.
Yeah, I guess all that pales in comparision to setting up a protest point next to the President's ranch. :rolleyes:
Oh, and Cindy? Your son VOLUNTARILY SIGNED UP TO SERVE IN THE MILITARY!!!!! Enough with this shit already. You've turned yourself into a mockery of.......well, of yourself.
And on a much lighter note, I find it hilarious that this was left up on the post.
That's just pathetic. How many billions has dipshit approved for that idiotic war and he doesn't even give you guys good gear. What's the money going for? Compared to the astronomical cost of building an entire country, you'd think they'd throw in some relatively cheap body armor.
Did I read that right?
She is annoying, but it's not like she has no reason to be so pissed off.
Yeh, her son did voluntarily join the Army... but he still died.... and when a parent loses their son it is not something they can get over easily. The attacks on the military are somewhat distasteful, but she is angry. Give her a break.
Bush IS responsible for the death of her son.... how would you feel??
Done, here is my analysis.
This woman lost her son and blamed it on the president because she didn't support the war. Common, I would think, people get upset in post-grievance if they feel unjust in the leadership. I think what happened here, was this woman was a little eccentric, so she was picked up by the media and spun through that twisted mess. I think she gradually developed a case of psychosis and has been wrapped in permanent grievance and hatred. Mostly due to media exposure and public humiliation. Emotion is a harsh addiction if you let something bother you enough. The more and more we do something, the more it becomes our character. This is a childish exploitation of a human being in a traumatized and vulnerable state of mind. By a bunch of ignorant people critics. Why is it so entertaining to watch these hyenas pick people out and humiliate them? Is this like grade 9 when you throw an apple at someone because popular opinion says "they suck"? It's totally rediculous. At least I know where they are so I can sort them out.
You left out manipulation by the far-left.
Nope, it's the fault of the person who killed him.