If the sole purpose of sex is reproduction, then explain the clitoris to me?
sure thing... its a mini penis... its only there after your cells have decided if your going to be a woman or a man.. same with my nipples.
and the clitoris isnt necessary for reproduction.. ask the thousands of poor women in Middle Eastern countries who have had theirs lopped off.. they still have children
And why then is a man's prostate, ALL MENS PROSTATES located up their ass? If the sole purpose of sex is reproduction then there was no need for nature to make sex pleasurable.
because it isnt located up the ass... it is very close to it but its like saying my tonsils are located in my brain.. the gland itself isnt up the ass.. it can be stimulated throught the bum, the prostate isnt there to be stimulated.. its primary function is to produce seminal fluid and other stuff liek that... it just so happens (urban myth?) that it apparently produces instant ejaculation or can produce heavier loads... again very unsubstantiated that. Sex is pleasureable because it just is... but we are designed to have sex as a means for reproduction... saying otherwise is just kiding yourself.
And not all women produce vaginal lubricant, so I don't think that counts as a valid argument.
maybe they dont... but they are designed to... not all humans can walk, but we were designed to. anyway, i could fix that dryness problem if need be
If the anus is not somewhere you feel is natural to stick your willy, fine and good. Your personal preference, your choice. And if you don't want to subject your anus to being an entrance point, male or female, fine and good, your choice.
But I still haven't seen any argument that would convince me that anal sex is "wrong" or not "proper" or that our bodies weren't "designed" for it.
I'm quite sure anal sex has been around as long as vaginal sex.
It probably hasn't had the same "sanctity" applied to it and has suffered "bad press" over the millenia but I doubt very much, that anal sex was even first performed by a "homosexual". I'm more than convinced, boys being the way they are about their dick and holes, that the first anal sex was probably instigated by a male on a female. Anyway, it's all neither here nor there.
For those that wish to partake of anal sex that's their business. I'm quite sure that like with hetrosexual couples, homosexuals find penetrative sex only a small part of a loving relationship. I shall leave you to your warm bag of liver dunky!
i'm not saying its 'wrong' or 'not proper'... i'm saying that medically speaking the way the anus works and the adjoining sphincter muscles work... the body was designed to shove things out of there.. it has no self-lubricating properties and even a camels pussy gets wet... but bums dont!!!
my daughter had a rare condition when she was a baby (Hertzsprungs) and its when the muscles of the colon havent joined up properly... anyway, the surgeon who dealt with us told us that these muscles are only ever meant to push faeces out and so if she had dead tissue there she would need an operation as she might never be able to push them out... they create a rippling effect and push waste DOWN and OUT.. its the sole function of a rectum/anus/whatever... ok it might feel good being shagged in it, but then there are men/women out there who shag their dogs... it might feel nice, but i'm pretty sure its not natural!!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
sure thing... its a mini penis... its only there after your cells have decided if your going to be a woman or a man.. same with my nipples.
and the clitoris isnt necessary for reproduction.. ask the thousands of poor women in Middle Eastern countries who have had theirs lopped off.. they still have children
You have been deceived! The clitoris is NOT a tiny penis! The clitoris has it's own completely unique biological function! Orgasm is not just pleasurable for a woman it is a biological imperative. Not only does a woman's orgasm help push semen up into her uterus which helps in conception, but woman (historically speaking--and I'm not talking about the Victorian era) used orgasm to judge their mates by. Besides, all fetuses start out physically female. A penis develops from the clitoral complex! (That's the sex nub thingy.) So if anything a clitoris is not a tiny penis, but a penis is a big disgusting overgrown clitoris! SO THERE! This is why we call it genital MUTILATION when women in those countries are forced to slice off their clitori. And worse, they are SOWN UP! They may still have children, but it rips them in half and many of them DIE!
If the sole purpose of sex is reproduction, then explain the clitoris to me?
And why then is a man's prostate, ALL MENS PROSTATES located up their ass? If the sole purpose of sex is reproduction then there was no need for nature to make sex pleasurable.
Well, it's up for interpretation, but it's possible to argue that if sex wasn't pleasurable then not as many people would bother to have sex in the first place (it can be tiring, akward, boring, lame etc.) and lead to the extinction of the species. So having pleasurable sex may very well be what saved us from extinction.
And not all women produce vaginal lubricant, so I don't think that counts as a valid argument.
On other side not all prostates, when touched, give pleasure.
But I still haven't seen any argument that would convince me that anal sex is "wrong" or not "proper" or that our bodies weren't "designed" for it.
Maybe we think that what is natural and proper is an act that has biological consequences : i.e. vaginal sex ensures the survival of the species. That would mean oral sex is unnatural and not proper either.
You have been deceived! The clitoris is NOT a tiny penis! The clitoris has it's own completely unique biological function! Orgasm is not just pleasurable for a woman it is a biological imperative. Not only does a woman's orgasm help push semen up into her uterus which helps in conception,
it only HELPS in conception... its not a necessity for a woman to orgasm via the clitoris to have a baby... and its a vaginal orgasm that can aid the dipping of the cervix just as much as a clitoral orgasm...
however, it is a necessity for a woman to receive sperm in the vagina to enable reproduction... not in the anus. which is the core subject of the thread
so i have a giant clit... awesome... i'm off home to play with it
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
You have been deceived! The clitoris is NOT a tiny penis! So if anything a clitoris is not a tiny penis, but a penis is a big disgusting overgrown clitoris! SO THERE!
you are wrong regarding the clitoris penis thing.. (just as i was) we are sorta non-sexual until the 4th week of our embryonic state.. our penis or clitoris is a tubercle until its decided what sex we are to be
A genital tubercle is a body of tissue which forms in the ventral, caudal region of mammalian embryos of both sexes, and eventually develops into a phallus. In the human fetus the genital tubercle develops around week 4 of gestation, and by week 9 becomes recognizably either a clitoris or penis.
The genital tubercle is sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and rich in 5-alpha-reductase, so that the amount of fetal testosterone present after the second month is a major determinant of phallus size at birth
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
so i have a giant clit... awesome... i'm off home to play with it
Not too much.. you'll go blind.
Dunk, you are most probably right in saying that the anus was is not 'built' purposely for sex but seeing there is an abundance of nerve endings in the anal region and it's generally a nice tight fit... so pleasure all around!
As for risky? As long as one takes proper precautions and is 'reasonable....
sure thing... its a mini penis... its only there after your cells have decided if your going to be a woman or a man.. same with my nipples.
and the clitoris isnt necessary for reproduction.. ask the thousands of poor women in Middle Eastern countries who have had theirs lopped off.. they still have children
because it isnt located up the ass... it is very close to it but its like saying my tonsils are located in my brain.. the gland itself isnt up the ass.. it can be stimulated throught the bum, the prostate isnt there to be stimulated.. its primary function is to produce seminal fluid and other stuff liek that... it just so happens (urban myth?) that it apparently produces instant ejaculation or can produce heavier loads... again very unsubstantiated that. Sex is pleasureable because it just is... but we are designed to have sex as a means for reproduction... saying otherwise is just kiding yourself.
maybe they dont... but they are designed to... not all humans can walk, but we were designed to. anyway, i could fix that dryness problem if need be
i'm not saying its 'wrong' or 'not proper'... i'm saying that medically speaking the way the anus works and the adjoining sphincter muscles work... the body was designed to shove things out of there.. it has no self-lubricating properties and even a camels pussy gets wet... but bums dont!!!
my daughter had a rare condition when she was a baby (Hertzsprungs) and its when the muscles of the colon havent joined up properly... anyway, the surgeon who dealt with us told us that these muscles are only ever meant to push faeces out and so if she had dead tissue there she would need an operation as she might never be able to push them out... they create a rippling effect and push waste DOWN and OUT.. its the sole function of a rectum/anus/whatever... ok it might feel good being shagged in it, but then there are men/women out there who shag their dogs... it might feel nice, but i'm pretty sure its not natural!!!
Yeah, this could go on for hours, and we still wouldn't agree dunky. But that's cool. You've got your views and I've got mine.
I'm really sorry about your baby girl. Hope she's not suffering too much.
Actually it's not a necessity for the woman to orgasm at all to conceive.... one of those myths again....
i knew this, but thanks
Not too much.. you'll go blind.
IrishAL :eek:
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
But I still haven't seen any argument that would convince me that anal sex is "wrong" or not "proper" or that our bodies weren't "designed" for it.
i won't say that its "wrong" or not "proper" for those that get their kicks that way. You can stick whatever you want in your ass. i don't care. It isn't my business. Good luck with that.
But in absolutely no way will i agree that our bodies were designed/evolved for that. No way. Regardless of what perspective you look at it from. It isn't a religious/spiritual issue. Whether you look at it naturalistically or theistically, anal sex is simply not what God/nature intended. Its elementary school biology for Pete's sake.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Yeah, this could go on for hours, and we still wouldn't agree dunky. But that's cool. You've got your views and I've got mine.
I'm really sorry about your baby girl. Hope she's not suffering too much.
well i've been told by a medical surgeon who only deals with that area of the body that the muscles around the anus are only designed to push things out... i also know that medically the anus is not self-lubricating... and even a pandas muff is self-lubricating and they only shag once over millenia...
basically, i dont care if people have anal sex... i may even partake in it once in a while... but its only for pleasure... it was not designed to go in there... thats fact and any medical specialist will tell you that
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Well, it's up for interpretation, but it's possible to argue that if sex wasn't pleasurable then not as many people would bother to have sex in the first place (it can be tiring, akward, boring, lame etc.) and lead to the extinction of the species. So having pleasurable sex may very well be what saved us from extinction.
On other side not all prostates, when touched, give pleasure.
Maybe we think that what is natural and proper is an act that has biological consequences : i.e. vaginal sex ensures the survival of the species. That would mean oral sex is unnatural and not proper either.
Exactly Kann, it is all up to interpretation!
But if sex was purely designed for procreation purposes then each and every time we did it the result would be procreation, imo.
As far as I'm concerned what goes on between consenting adults is their business and who am I to dictate what others do in their private lives?
Whatever floats your boat as they say.
Life affords us few true pleasures so I say make love not war and do it often!
well i've been told by a medical surgeon who only deals with that area of the body that the muscles around the anus are only designed to push things out... i also know that medically the anus is not self-lubricating... and even a pandas muff is self-lubricating and they only shag once over millenia...
basically, i dont care if people have anal sex... i may even partake in it once in a while... but its only for pleasure... it was not designed to go in there... thats fact and any medical specialist will tell you that
No dunky, a medical specialist told you that. One. And others may support his views.
I'm quite sure they don't all agree! They don't on anything else so why should this be any different?
i won't say that its "wrong" or not "proper" for those that get their kicks that way. You can stick whatever you want in your ass. i don't care. It isn't my business. Good luck with that.
But in absolutely no way will i agree that our bodies were designed/evolved for that. No way. Regardless of what perspective you look at it from. It isn't a religious/spiritual issue. Whether you look at it naturalistically or theistically, anal sex is simply not what God/nature intended. Its elementary school biology for Pete's sake.
Well I never said that I practiced anal sex cornifer. So good luck with those assumptions.
And you can interpret God/Nature or elementary school biology anyway you like. Fact remains that humans have discovered anal sex and some do participate in it. So clearly if it is happening then the body is designed for it. Maybe not every body, but If the body wasn't designed for it, then it couldn't happen. Anyway, you're right it's no one's business but their own.
Well I never said that I practiced anal sex cornifer. So good luck with those assumptions.
And you can interpret God/Nature or elementary school biology anyway you like. Fact remains that humans have discovered anal sex and some do participate in it. So clearly if it is happening then the body is designed for it. Maybe not every body, but If the body wasn't designed for it, then it couldn't happen. Anyway, you're right it's no one's business but their own.
i was making a point, not assumptions
Furthermore, i can stick my twanger in a warm apple pie like that goofy kid in the movie, wiggle it around a little bit, and it might not feel half bad, but there is no way i can argue that apple pie was designed for that
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
you are wrong regarding the clitoris penis thing.. (just as i was) we are sorta non-sexual until the 4th week of our embryonic state.. our penis or clitoris is a tubercle until its decided what sex we are to be
You are wrong. It is decided what sex we will be at conception. It's either XX or XY. It is the flood of hormones that decides if a penis will develop, and that happens in the 9th week.
A genital tubercle is a body of tissue which forms in the ventral, caudal region of mammalian embryos of both sexes, and eventually develops into a phallus. In the human fetus the genital tubercle develops around week 4 of gestation, and by week 9 becomes recognizably either a clitoris or penis.
The genital tubercle is sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and rich in 5-alpha-reductase, so that the amount of fetal testosterone present after the second month is a major determinant of phallus size at birth
This is correct, but if little boys do not get that flood of testosterone then the fetus (even if it is XY) will develop as a female with a clitoris because that is what the gland (not the tubercle, but the actual sex GLAND) starts out being. This is called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. These kids are XY and because they didn't get the right hormones at the right time they are female with a clitoris and a vagina and everything. Of course their ovaries are what they call "testicular in nature" and they are genetically male (the afore mentioned XY), but they are often very beautiful, curvy, have exceptionally shiny hair and big eyes, they are tall, and have big boobs too. Every XY baby would be FEMALE without the flood of testosterone because we ALL start out physically female in the womb. Without that testosterone we would just continue on the developmental path of becoming female. We are not sexless in the womb for 9 weeks.
Actually it's not a necessity for the woman to orgasm at all to conceive.... one of those myths again....
Not too much.. you'll go blind.
It is not a necessity to conceive, and I never said it was. I said it HELPED in conception!
I've seen it. I've seen a medical film of a womans cervix dipping down into seminal fluid during orgasm, and that same seminal fluid being literally sucked up into the uterus. You ask any fertility specialist out there if female orgasm doesn't HELP a woman get pregnant and I guarantee you he will tell you it does HELP! Unless he's some nutjob who thinks that the female orgasm is evil or something.
No dunky, a medical specialist told you that. One. And others may support his views.
I'm quite sure they don't all agree! They don't on anything else so why should this be any different?
no trust me.. he was a medical surgeon
and i put his one view against your 0 specialists views.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
and i put his one view against your 0 specialists views.
Yep! Which is why it's pointless for us to keep arguing back and forth about it.
We don't agree on this issue. It's no big deal.
You can bring supporting evidence from a medical surgeon, probably several, maybe even many. And I could, if I could be bothered, probably find supporting evidence from other specialists. If the "experts" can't agree then how on earth will we? And even supposing the experts did agree, and I doubt very much that they all do, that may not necessarily change my mind.
And probably won't change yours.
Yep! Which is why it's pointless for us to keep arguing back and forth about it.
We don't agree on this issue. It's no big deal.
You can bring supporting evidence from a medical surgeon, probably several, maybe even many. And I could, if I could be bothered, probably find supporting evidence from other specialists. If the "experts" can't agree then how on earth will we? And even supposing the experts did agree, and I doubt very much that they all do, that may not necessarily change my mind.
And probably won't change yours.
Talk about an exercise in futility!!
why dont we settle this with a wee bit of bumlove
get lubing
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Furthermore, i can stick my twanger in a warm apple pie like that goofy kid in the movie, wiggle it around a little bit, and it might not feel half bad, but there is no way i can argue that apple pie was designed for that
This is starting to sound like "soggy biscuit" again! :eek:
The apple pie isn't a being. I'm quite sure there's plenty of fellas out there that have intimate relationships with their vacuum cleaner and a plethora of other holes. Hell they can even buy themselves little rubber ones, with bodies attached and all!!!
But if the human anus couldn't take a penis in it, it wouldn't. And for some people it doesn't. We didn't come with a handbook. We can only try and see what does work. And seeing as how so many people are sticking their penis into anuses and they are actually getting the damn things in, then I'd say that clearly it was designed for that.
Well, I have to say that I agree with Dunkman in everything but the whole "clitoris is a tiny penis" thing.
Biologically speaking, and without any moral interjection as to the rightness or wrongness of anal sex among homosexual men, the anus is not supposed to have anything go up it. I thought we all learned that during the height of the AIDS epidemic. The lining of the anal wall is very fragile. It tears easily. Not only can fesses cause infection, but other sexually transmitted diseases have a straight shot right to the bloodstream.
Some older homosexual men have anal problems. This is true as well, but the vast majority of young homosexual men have learned from the elders mistakes and anal sex is not even that common among them. At least that's what I hear from my gay friends, and I have a fair few. Also, from what I've read, these days anal sex is practiced rarely and is much less common then oral sex and mutual masturbation. It's not gone completely, but most younger homosexual men are aware of the risks and take precautions to protect themselves.
But if the human anus couldn't take a penis in it, it wouldn't. And for some people it doesn't. We didn't come with a handbook. We can only try and see what does work. And seeing as how so many people are sticking their penis into anuses and they are actually getting the damn things in, then I'd say that clearly it was designed for that.
i could shove a toe into an earhole... or i could shove a fingernail down my jap's eye... just cos it goes in doesnt meant its meant to be there...
and they are only getting peni (i dont know if thats a word but i like it) into ani (same again) using a lubricant... you cant just ram it up there
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but the intestines produce bacteria to help break down food stuffs and retain water/nutrients. This bacteria is not something you want to share around nor have anyone ingest in any way. People who are going to play that way had best wash/clean appropriately, or they will be susceptible to additional health concerns.
Last bloke that tried was introduced to a steak knife.
so you got him to shove a steak knife up ... mmmm kinky
Besides, I'm a one man kinda girl!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
sure thing... its a mini penis... its only there after your cells have decided if your going to be a woman or a man.. same with my nipples.
and the clitoris isnt necessary for reproduction..
because it isnt located up the ass... it is very close to it but its like saying my tonsils are located in my brain.. the gland itself isnt up the ass.. it can be stimulated throught the bum, the prostate isnt there to be stimulated.. its primary function is to produce seminal fluid and other stuff liek that... it just so happens (urban myth?) that it apparently produces instant ejaculation or can produce heavier loads... again very unsubstantiated that. Sex is pleasureable because it just is... but we are designed to have sex as a means for reproduction... saying otherwise is just kiding yourself.
maybe they dont... but they are designed to... not all humans can walk, but we were designed to. anyway, i could fix that dryness problem if need be
i'm not saying its 'wrong' or 'not proper'... i'm saying that medically speaking the way the anus works and the adjoining sphincter muscles work... the body was designed to shove things out of there.. it has no self-lubricating properties and even a camels pussy gets wet... but bums dont!!!
my daughter had a rare condition when she was a baby (Hertzsprungs) and its when the muscles of the colon havent joined up properly... anyway, the surgeon who dealt with us told us that these muscles are only ever meant to push faeces out and so if she had dead tissue there she would need an operation as she might never be able to push them out... they create a rippling effect and push waste DOWN and OUT.. its the sole function of a rectum/anus/whatever... ok it might feel good being shagged in it, but then there are men/women out there who shag their dogs... it might feel nice, but i'm pretty sure its not natural!!!
You have been deceived! The clitoris is NOT a tiny penis! The clitoris has it's own completely unique biological function! Orgasm is not just pleasurable for a woman it is a biological imperative. Not only does a woman's orgasm help push semen up into her uterus which helps in conception, but woman (historically speaking--and I'm not talking about the Victorian era) used orgasm to judge their mates by. Besides, all fetuses start out physically female. A penis develops from the clitoral complex! (That's the sex nub thingy.) So if anything a clitoris is not a tiny penis, but a penis is a big disgusting overgrown clitoris! SO THERE! This is why we call it genital MUTILATION when women in those countries are forced to slice off their clitori. And worse, they are SOWN UP! They may still have children, but it rips them in half and many of them DIE!
Peace and Love
On other side not all prostates, when touched, give pleasure.
Maybe we think that what is natural and proper is an act that has biological consequences : i.e. vaginal sex ensures the survival of the species. That would mean oral sex is unnatural and not proper either.
fair enough anus--oop, I mean Ahnimus--fair enough
it only HELPS in conception... its not a necessity for a woman to orgasm via the clitoris to have a baby... and its a vaginal orgasm that can aid the dipping of the cervix just as much as a clitoral orgasm...
however, it is a necessity for a woman to receive sperm in the vagina to enable reproduction... not in the anus. which is the core subject of the thread
so i have a giant clit... awesome... i'm off home to play with it
you are wrong regarding the clitoris penis thing.. (just as i was) we are sorta non-sexual until the 4th week of our embryonic state.. our penis or clitoris is a tubercle until its decided what sex we are to be
A genital tubercle is a body of tissue which forms in the ventral, caudal region of mammalian embryos of both sexes, and eventually develops into a phallus. In the human fetus the genital tubercle develops around week 4 of gestation, and by week 9 becomes recognizably either a clitoris or penis.
The genital tubercle is sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and rich in 5-alpha-reductase, so that the amount of fetal testosterone present after the second month is a major determinant of phallus size at birth
Not too much.. you'll go blind.
Dunk, you are most probably right in saying that the anus was is not 'built' purposely for sex but seeing there is an abundance of nerve endings in the anal region and it's generally a nice tight fit... so pleasure all around!
As for risky? As long as one takes proper precautions and is 'reasonable....
Yeah, this could go on for hours, and we still wouldn't agree dunky. But that's cool. You've got your views and I've got mine.
I'm really sorry about your baby girl. Hope she's not suffering too much.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i knew this, but thanks
IrishAL :eek:
i won't say that its "wrong" or not "proper" for those that get their kicks that way. You can stick whatever you want in your ass. i don't care. It isn't my business. Good luck with that.
But in absolutely no way will i agree that our bodies were designed/evolved for that. No way. Regardless of what perspective you look at it from. It isn't a religious/spiritual issue. Whether you look at it naturalistically or theistically, anal sex is simply not what God/nature intended. Its elementary school biology for Pete's sake.
well i've been told by a medical surgeon who only deals with that area of the body that the muscles around the anus are only designed to push things out... i also know that medically the anus is not self-lubricating... and even a pandas muff is self-lubricating and they only shag once over millenia...
basically, i dont care if people have anal sex... i may even partake in it once in a while... but its only for pleasure... it was not designed to go in there... thats fact and any medical specialist will tell you that
Exactly Kann, it is all up to interpretation!
But if sex was purely designed for procreation purposes then each and every time we did it the result would be procreation, imo.
As far as I'm concerned what goes on between consenting adults is their business and who am I to dictate what others do in their private lives?
Whatever floats your boat as they say.
Life affords us few true pleasures so I say make love not war and do it often!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
No dunky, a medical specialist told you that. One. And others may support his views.
I'm quite sure they don't all agree! They don't on anything else so why should this be any different?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well I never said that I practiced anal sex cornifer. So good luck with those assumptions.
And you can interpret God/Nature or elementary school biology anyway you like. Fact remains that humans have discovered anal sex and some do participate in it. So clearly if it is happening then the body is designed for it. Maybe not every body, but If the body wasn't designed for it, then it couldn't happen. Anyway, you're right it's no one's business but their own.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i was making a point, not assumptions
Furthermore, i can stick my twanger in a warm apple pie like that goofy kid in the movie, wiggle it around a little bit, and it might not feel half bad, but there is no way i can argue that apple pie was designed for that
You are wrong. It is decided what sex we will be at conception. It's either XX or XY. It is the flood of hormones that decides if a penis will develop, and that happens in the 9th week.
This is correct, but if little boys do not get that flood of testosterone then the fetus (even if it is XY) will develop as a female with a clitoris because that is what the gland (not the tubercle, but the actual sex GLAND) starts out being. This is called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. These kids are XY and because they didn't get the right hormones at the right time they are female with a clitoris and a vagina and everything. Of course their ovaries are what they call "testicular in nature" and they are genetically male (the afore mentioned XY), but they are often very beautiful, curvy, have exceptionally shiny hair and big eyes, they are tall, and have big boobs too. Every XY baby would be FEMALE without the flood of testosterone because we ALL start out physically female in the womb. Without that testosterone we would just continue on the developmental path of becoming female. We are not sexless in the womb for 9 weeks.
Peace and Love
It is not a necessity to conceive, and I never said it was. I said it HELPED in conception!
I've seen it. I've seen a medical film of a womans cervix dipping down into seminal fluid during orgasm, and that same seminal fluid being literally sucked up into the uterus. You ask any fertility specialist out there if female orgasm doesn't HELP a woman get pregnant and I guarantee you he will tell you it does HELP! Unless he's some nutjob who thinks that the female orgasm is evil or something.
Peace and Love
no trust me.. he was a medical surgeon
and i put his one view against your 0 specialists views.
i'm pretty sure i didn't have sex while in the womb, although i may have masturbated once or twice.
The genetic/chromosomal sex of a person... aka male/female, cornifer. You know that!
You're sweet though.
Peace and Love
Yep! Which is why it's pointless for us to keep arguing back and forth about it.
We don't agree on this issue. It's no big deal.
You can bring supporting evidence from a medical surgeon, probably several, maybe even many. And I could, if I could be bothered, probably find supporting evidence from other specialists. If the "experts" can't agree then how on earth will we? And even supposing the experts did agree, and I doubt very much that they all do, that may not necessarily change my mind.
And probably won't change yours.
Talk about an exercise in futility!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
why dont we settle this with a wee bit of bumlove
get lubing
This is starting to sound like "soggy biscuit" again! :eek:
The apple pie isn't a being. I'm quite sure there's plenty of fellas out there that have intimate relationships with their vacuum cleaner and a plethora of other holes. Hell they can even buy themselves little rubber ones, with bodies attached and all!!!
But if the human anus couldn't take a penis in it, it wouldn't. And for some people it doesn't. We didn't come with a handbook. We can only try and see what does work. And seeing as how so many people are sticking their penis into anuses and they are actually getting the damn things in, then I'd say that clearly it was designed for that.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Last bloke that tried was introduced to a steak knife.
Besides, I'm a one man kinda girl!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Biologically speaking, and without any moral interjection as to the rightness or wrongness of anal sex among homosexual men, the anus is not supposed to have anything go up it. I thought we all learned that during the height of the AIDS epidemic. The lining of the anal wall is very fragile. It tears easily. Not only can fesses cause infection, but other sexually transmitted diseases have a straight shot right to the bloodstream.
Some older homosexual men have anal problems. This is true as well, but the vast majority of young homosexual men have learned from the elders mistakes and anal sex is not even that common among them. At least that's what I hear from my gay friends, and I have a fair few. Also, from what I've read, these days anal sex is practiced rarely and is much less common then oral sex and mutual masturbation. It's not gone completely, but most younger homosexual men are aware of the risks and take precautions to protect themselves.
Peace and Love
i could shove a toe into an earhole... or i could shove a fingernail down my jap's eye... just cos it goes in doesnt meant its meant to be there...
and they are only getting peni (i dont know if thats a word but i like it) into ani (same again) using a lubricant... you cant just ram it up there
so you got him to shove a steak knife up ... mmmm kinky