Gay sex is hazardous to your health

Some nice nuggets from the surgeon general nominee, another winner from this brilliant administration --->
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Post edited by Unknown User on
Please explain...
look, i'm not gonna fight with ya. Its quite obvious what i mean. If you REALLY don't understand, i suggest porno. i don't really endorse porn, but, in extreme educational circumstances such as this, i'll allow an exception.
Basically, the anus is very thin and tears easily, you can get shit in there and it can cause problems. The vagina is more durable, almost like it was designed to get pounded.
That's the only health issues as far as I know. I don't care what people do though. I just like pussy myself.
....lots of dangers and nastiness from hetro sex as well.......and since one can't choose to whom your attracted, it is what it sing with me "does it really matter"??
I'm not endorsing this view, but if they're going to make that argument, then they should be saying that anal sex (not gay sex) can be dangerous. Lot's of heterosexual people have anal sex, and lots of gay people engage in other sexual activities besides anal sex (in fact, it's not the most common sexual act among gay men). The point is that he's calling "gay sex" dangerous because he has a moral agenda, couched in the pretense of a medical one.
Vaginas tear during birth. Does that mean we should stop having kids because it could be dangerous?
And guys, if this complementarity is so biologically obvious, why are there so many cases of homosexual behavior in nature?
what she said
I'd also point out that vaginas can tear (owie) during straight sex....and I'm not talking about virgin vaginas either.
angels share laughter
Do you extrude feces through your vagina though?
I didn't think so...
Yeah, I didn't necessarily think you were supporting his position. I just wanted to use what you said to point out his bias.
I mentioned it because a girl that I used to work with got sepsis that nearly killed her as the result of a vaginal tear from straight sex. it had nothing to do with shit. do most vaginal tears result in sepsis? no, they heal fine on their own. one getting infected and progressing to sepsis is actually rare however it can happen and it's extemely dangerous
angels share laughter
depends if anal sex was first.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
WELL said, covers all the angles. nothing else to add b/c yea.....says it all.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
sorry for pickin' on ya Ahnimus, but I couldn't help but notice that if you take "him" out of your name your left with just an "anus".
You're equating anal sex with the actual presentment of a human life?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Absolutely. i didn't even comment on health risks as i totally understand and agree that there are plenty of health risks associated with straight sex. And, personally, no it doesn't really matter. i could care less what others choose to do in their bedroom. i only commemted on the biological and physiological complementarity of the sexes. it is undisputable.
Here are a couple for you pickupyourwill
i kill up cry ow
i ill up cry wok
i icy work pull
i icky pull row
i lurk cow ply
Or if I remove a bunch of letters and rearrange them I get PRiCK.
Lol, so much fun
Funny...they omit Santa from Satan
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I'm not equating them in totality, just pointing out that both can be considered risky behaviors for a similar reason. But in reality, childbirth is much more dangerous.
I'm just wondering, where is it written that the anus is an exit point only dunk? I mean who says what is natural or unatural? Not having a go, just curious. Coz I know there was no rule book or operational manual on my body presented to me!!! Not that I'm particularly interested in supporting anal sex but you're argument isn't cutting it for me.
What about uterine prolapse in women? Does that mean that women weren't designed to have too many children? Actually now that I think about it, the bad moustache thing could apply here as well.
And if the anus wasn't meant to be a pleasurable hole, how come a man's prostate, the centre of a man's pleasure, is most easily accessed by the anus?
Just thinking out loud.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
More dangerous sure...but an orgasm v.s. a human life....yadda yadda..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
you asked where it was written that its an exit point only... check it out Jeanie, the muscles are designed to push things out, not in... you can find this out on wikipedia or other medical sites... or alternatively try doing a poo and then sucking it all the way back up... you wont be able to
Vaginal lubrication is the naturally produced lubricating fluid that reduces friction during sexual intercourse. The anus/sphincter does not produce a natural lubricating fluid... thats why it isnt 'natural' to stick a willy in there... it doesnt mean it isnt fun or doesnt feel great... but its not what i would deem a 'natural' place to shove my willy, just as humping a warm bag of liver isnt natural but probably feels nice... iwouldnt know though *whistles*
the sole purpose/design/mechanics of sex is to reproduce... anal sex wont let us do that.. again this is why i think its not 'natural'
if anal sex were a natural thing then KY Jelly would go bust.. and anal prolapses wouldnt be a gay mans concern
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If the sole purpose of sex is reproduction, then explain the clitoris to me?
And why then is a man's prostate, ALL MENS PROSTATES located up their ass? If the sole purpose of sex is reproduction then there was no need for nature to make sex pleasurable.
And not all women produce vaginal lubricant, so I don't think that counts as a valid argument.
If the anus is not somewhere you feel is natural to stick your willy, fine and good. Your personal preference, your choice. And if you don't want to subject your anus to being an entrance point, male or female, fine and good, your choice.
But I still haven't seen any argument that would convince me that anal sex is "wrong" or not "proper" or that our bodies weren't "designed" for it.
I'm quite sure anal sex has been around as long as vaginal sex.
It probably hasn't had the same "sanctity" applied to it and has suffered "bad press" over the millenia but I doubt very much, that anal sex was even first performed by a "homosexual". I'm more than convinced, boys being the way they are about their dick and holes, that the first anal sex was probably instigated by a male on a female. Anyway, it's all neither here nor there.
For those that wish to partake of anal sex that's their business. I'm quite sure that like with hetrosexual couples, homosexuals find penetrative sex only a small part of a loving relationship. I shall leave you to your warm bag of liver dunky!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift