There is no fucking way...

A plane should have been able to fly into Washington DC airspace and slam into the Pentagon 51 minutes after the first hijacked plane flew into the WTC, and 35 minutes after the 2nd plane hit the WTC! That is all i am saying. This has been the problem for me since that day, and because of this i will always have questions about the events that day. Washington DC is, and has been one of the most sensitive air space's in the WORLD, and a 757 flown by an inexperienced pilot makes it all the way to the Pentagon 35 minutes after the entire world watched the horrific sight of that second plane? No fucking way.
American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767-200[7] wide-body aircraft, crashed into the northern side of the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) at 8:46:30 a.m. local time (Eastern Daylight Time, 12:46:30 UTC), hitting at the 94-98th floors.
United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767-200,[9] crashed into the 78-84th floors of the South Tower at 9:02:59 a.m. local time (13:02:59 UTC), an event covered live by television broadcasters and amateur filmers from around the world who had their cameras trained on the buildings after the earlier crash.
American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200,[11] crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37:46 a.m. local time (13:37:46 UTC).
I dont wear tin foil hats... i am not obsessed with conspiracy theories... but this little detail just bothers the hell out of me?
American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767-200[7] wide-body aircraft, crashed into the northern side of the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) at 8:46:30 a.m. local time (Eastern Daylight Time, 12:46:30 UTC), hitting at the 94-98th floors.
United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767-200,[9] crashed into the 78-84th floors of the South Tower at 9:02:59 a.m. local time (13:02:59 UTC), an event covered live by television broadcasters and amateur filmers from around the world who had their cameras trained on the buildings after the earlier crash.
American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200,[11] crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37:46 a.m. local time (13:37:46 UTC).
I dont wear tin foil hats... i am not obsessed with conspiracy theories... but this little detail just bothers the hell out of me?
Post edited by Unknown User on
and it takes 30-45 min to suit up.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
How long did it take to figure out that this was not an accident?
The second plane didn't hit until over 15 minutes later.
So 36 minutes later the plane hit the pentagon, or thereabouts.
How large is the covered airspace around DC?
How long did it take the plane once it was within that airspace?
We are not talking about a lot of time here.
Believe me...I would like answers, as well.
But the time frame here is not my biggest concern.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
fighters across the country are on constant alert for things like this, especially in the DC area... and they are constantly tested in drills... all tests up to that day were 100% succesful...
now again, i am not saying this is concrete to me... just veryweird
especially when 3/4ths of your airforce is up near canada running secret military training missions that involve pretending to protect national airspace from a pretend threat like an airlplane crashing in to the pentagon ...
... huh? ...
... oh, and the other 2 planes that were at AAB accidentaly got sent south and out over the atlantic instead of north and inland.
... huh?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Weren't they practicing that day; for that day?
Even on high alert it still take time for pilots to get in their fighters, taxi to the runway, and take off. Also the time it took for officials to realize that we where under attack, after the second plane hit the towers, and the time in which they ordered personal into action. Like Trixie said 36 minutes is not that long.
There where fighters in the air but they where miles from DC, I believe they where up by Boston somewhere but don't hold me to that, and secondly they had no munitions. They interviewed on of the pilots on the training run and he stated that if they would have had time to reach the plane the only option they had was to crash into it because their fighters where not armed.
everyone likes to point to the payne stewart example - where his private jet veered off course after everyone on board died from the decompression. in that case, f-15's were on the wings of that plane in about 15-20 minutes - which was the standard operating procedure for norad/faa.
something to consider about this is that on 9/11, the gov't was running multiple drills involving plane hijackings. there are tapes out there where air traffic controllers can be heard asking "is this real or an exercise?". so there seems to have been some confusion there.
but what are the odds that al qaeda decides to hijack planes on the same exact morning that we are running drills? that's one hell of a coincidence...
angels share laughter
We're not supposed to question that "coincidence". Just swallow the story and move on with our lives.
Do you really think the air force has their fingers on the trigger every time a jetliner flies into a airspace?
Do you think that, pre-9/11, the militaries first instinct was to shoot down any large civilian craft that doesnt immediately respond?
So pre 9/11, if you were in charge, you would have no problem blowing up planes full of civilians because their flight deviated? You would be comfortable with that? Are you some sort of mass murderer?
Pre 9/11, planes hijacked by terrorists were either blown up or flown to the middle east so they could escape. Even if faced with some evidence of what they would do, no sane human would just assume this would happen and start blowing airplanes out of the sky. Thats absolutely ABSURD!
please, you are delusional. seek therapy.
maybe, MAYBE, flight 93 was shot down once the military realized what started happening. Thats all you wacky fucking NUTS could convince me of. Its really getting to the point where these 9/11 "truthers" make me fucking sick. THey seriously make me weep for mankind.
They were running drills which include all of the above scenarios, for weeks prior to the attacks.
So how much of a surprise could it have been?
It's standard operating procedure that the Air Force immediately responds in a defensive posturing around the White House and Pentagon; when any attacks occur......anywhere in the United States Of America. That is the protocol.
Why wasn't it on that day?
If the government knew about the attacks and knew exactly what was going on, why would they be running drills to stop it for weeks prior to the attack? That makes no fucking sense. If they knew about it, they wouldnt be publically running drills to thwart it.
If the military started blowing planes full of civilians out of the sky before any of them had a chance to crash into a building, fucking HEADS WOULD ROLL. A General somewhere would be rotting in a supermax prison so Americans couldnt tear him limb from limb.
b.s. the plane was known to be off course for a half hour or so, and AFTER two planes crashed into the WTC. not only should there have been eyes batting everywhere, but there should have been jets in the air.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
cheney stated in interviews he KNEW it was an attack after the 2nd plane, that's over 1/2 an hour he had to scramble jests...which he didn't do until right before the pentagon was hit.
as for how long it was in the airspace? i don't know. but i do know that it was being tracked on it's way to DC, it flew thru DC once, made a u-turn (at speeds and g rates that some say would've knocked the pilot out first) re-enmtered DC's no fly zone and hit the pentagon....
the question should be how long should it take our leaders to react to an attack on our country? especially when they say they KNOW it's an attack and while they KNOW another hijacked plane is heading towards DC and is allowed to enter it's No-Fly Zone not once but twice before a reaction is made????
Andrew's Air Force Base is maybe 10 miles from DC and they do have fighter jets, again, how long should we expect our leaders, former sec of defense, to react to a KNOWN attack on our nation?
I owuld hope that far less than 30+ minutes, myself
in fact, in one magazine retelling cheney was asked a few times what to do and he did nothing...until the last moment...then he says he spoke to bush about this altho the only ppl who say this happened is condi rice and their aides, no one else in the room saw cheney ever talk to bush
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
If you are parked on your couch watching reality tv, then yes, it is an eternity.
But 30 min to figure it out, get the word out, get the plan in action, get in the jets and take off, or re-route the course you are on and then shoot down a hi-jacked plane with civilians on board?
I still don't think there would have been enough time.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Is this to say there are none?
There's arguments to this but, we all know the plan to act *after* the "next pearl harbor" was fully in place long before 9/11. Interesting despite increasing intelligence the WTC was coming suspicion again and nothing was in place before 9/11. Lots to do after though..... all kinds... and thought about 10 years prior.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
A commander cant just say "initiate plan #47" and everyone swings into action, blowing up civilian airliners with no hesitation. This isnt fucking Star Wars and soldiers arent clones. stop watching so many movies.
Its pretty obvious after Katrina, that the government bureaucracy is incapable of reacting to any real emergency.
a lot can happen in 30 minutes. you would think that the necessary communication wouldn't take very long between the necessary people, and those f-15's fly at about 1800mph. alerts must have been heightened right after the first crash in NYC. and technically, they should have been heightened the minute that first plane veered from its flight plan. there was time to act, but no one did.
maybe the confusion amongst the faa and norad people caused by the drills that were being run played a factor. again, you won't see a crazier coincidence than that..
It is pretty obvious that our intelligence and national security agencies failed miserably on this one and that the government has done all it can to avoid responsibility but none of the evidence out there points to this being orchestrated by or allowed to happen intentionally by our government.
For the record, there is more leads for your government being involved then there were valid reasons to drop bombs on Iraq and happen to let Saudi Arabia off the hook.
Yes they let Saudi Arabia off the hook and are still letting Saudi Arabia get away with funding terrorism, so in that sense yes our government played a part, but there is no evidence to prove that our government planned or assisted in the execution of the 9/11 attacks.
I will be the first to admit that my government is fucked up. I will be one of the first and loudest to protest that actions of my government, but I have to say that the US government playing an active role in the killing of thousands of it's own citizens is even beyond them.
the master plan had been devised over the last few decades. one of the key documents supporting and describing that it said very clearly, that in order to carry out the plan, there would need to be a catastrophic and catalyzing pearl harbor-type event. a year after saying that, they get their event and off we go - taking over the middle east by force, using the fear generated by 9/11 and a bunch of lies about weapons that never existed.
do you attribute that to luck? or is it just another crazy coincidence?
I agree with everything you just said.
it only makes sense that if the US government did plan or assisted in the 9/11 attacks wouldn't they have proclaimed that all or most of the hijackers were Iraqi's or even throw in that a few were from Iran? you know the evil doers, as apposed to the US's butt buddies the Saudis? just to make it seem that the governments and leaders of those evil middle eastern countries were the ones behind 9/11?
angels share laughter
crazy coincidence. coincidences happen. You think that with the world the way it is and with our relationship with the middle east a "catastrophic and catalyzing pearl harbor-type event" wasn't inevitable? Something was bound to happen sooner or later.
Did you see the way the PRESIDENT of the US was told what was going on?
I mean, who hasn't at this point. He sat there with that assinine look on his face. You couldn't tell if he was trying to figure out what the words meant in the children's book he was reading or if he was deciding what to do.
Even that small lapse in time is enough to make a plan fall off course. I just think you maybe a little unrealistic about the timeframe, is all.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
inevitable maybe, but what a coincidence that it happens when all these money and power hungry people who for decades had openly wished to basically take over the world militarily were in highly influential positions in the gov't.
hitler burned down the reichstag, blamed it on 'terrorists', and used it to scare people into supporting imperial war. why couldn't it happen here? because we're the "good ol' u.s. of a"?
As someone already posted. If the US did orchestrate the 9/11 attacks or have a hand in orchestrating don't you think they would have placed the blame squarely on Iraq or Iran. Why place blame on some fanatic hiding out in some no man's land in Afghanistan. Placing blame on Iran or Iraq would have helped their cause even more.
Yes the document you speak of published by the Project for The New American Century does mention an attack on American soil in order to kick start this movement to Americanize the Middle East but I think that is mere coincidence. As I stated above if this was orchestrated by our own government you can be sure that the "evidence" would have lead directly to Baghdad or Tehran.