Your analogy doesn't work. Because war is inevitable. A crash is not. There have been wars for thousands of years. They aren't just going to stop one day, cold turkey.
I would say McCain is just telling the truth, which, in most cases, is an admirable quality in a politician.
bomb first, ask questions later, make a fucktillion dollars. That's an admirable strategy?
blind aggression breeds blind aggression.
If McCain promised to pull Haliburton and Blackwater out of Iraq and bid out contracts to the International community with bonuses to the company that rebuilds Iraq fastest and most efficiently, he'd probably swing my vote.
he will be the next president if Hilary is nominated
I'm starting to believe this is likely true. With Obama getting one endorsement after another the Democratic Party is going to look really stupid if Hillary gets the nomination. It's going to seem like she's the candidate her own party dislikes. As for McCain I'm starting to see a reverse trend in which other candidates are starting to back him, or at least openly respect his views. If it's Hillary vs McCain in November I believe McCain wins because he'll get a huge percentage of independent voters. Hillary is probably the 2nd most hated political figure behind W right now. She might even be ahead of W at this point. W's created such a mess and looks so awful that he's starting to become a sympathetic figure in some peoples eyes.
should cops go door to door to everyone with a criminal record and anyone who (demographicly speaking) is likely to have a criminal record and break into their houses kill them and their families and occupy the house?
That's a slippery slope indeed my friend.
One of the reasons why Bill Clinton was a great president is that he realized the value of *gasp* diplomacy as a prevention method. He recognized that surrounding himself with the most brilliant diplomatic minds was a smarter way to go. military action was (as it fucking well should be) the absolute last resort.
that's a quality I see in Obama and it gives me hope.
first off, you questions is much different than mine. to answer your's no cop's should not do that. but if a cop see's someone trying to break into my house , i won't that cop to stop the person.
I agree with you that diplomacy is needed but as some point if diplomacy doesn't work you need top protect the people.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
If a cop see's someone trying to break into my house , I want that cop to stop the person.
What I'm saying is someone wanting to rob your house and someone actually robbing your house are two different things. If a guy is walking up your front steps, stopping him then is not preventative. it is defensive.
Even so, if you had invested in a BURGLAR ALARM and A DOG to protect your property, burglars wouldn't even think about robbing your house.
Iraq's not winnable. The country is sick of it. So anyone who says it is will be unpopular.
This is where I disagree. I would have agreed with you up until the "surge." We can argue night and day about whether it actually worked/is working ... but the general consensus among many Americans seems to be that is has/is.
Depending on the circumstances on the ground come November, it will be easy for McCain to say, "Look, the strategy I championed worked. Everyone on the Democrat side wanted to quit." And that will make him popular among rank and file voters, I think.
I think the Democrats might have misread the public's perception on Iraq. I think the public was/is just sick of "losing." If you can convince them that we're "winning," the support will be there. I don't think the public wanted out so much as a positive change in direction. America is like that. We love to back winners. Fire the coach! Unless he can take us to the Super Bowl.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
all of these republican candidates have flip flopped on ALL KINDS OF SHIT...
i love seeing them compromise their beliefs to cater to the far right wackiness of the conservative base
Do you really think McCain's nomination makes it LESS likely the Republicans will win the White House?
Most people seem to think he's the only guy who stands a chance in hell against Obama.
If all that mattered to Republicans was having a guy with an (R) next to his name in the White House, they'd all be doing backflips right now. The best possible scenario for retaining the White House is for McCain to be the nominee.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
This is where I disagree. I would have agreed with you up until the "surge." We can argue night and day about whether it actually worked/is working ... but the general consensus among many Americans seems to be that is has/is.
Depending on the circumstances on the ground come November, it will be easy for McCain to say, "Look, the strategy I championed worked. Everyone on the Democrat side wanted to quit." And that will make him popular among rank and file voters, I think.
I think the Democrats might have misread the public's perception on Iraq. I think the public was/is just sick of "losing." If you can convince them that we're "winning," the support will be there. I don't think the public wanted out so much as a positive change in direction. America is like that. We love to back winners. Fire the coach! Unless he can take us to the Super Bowl.
The surge is "working" but is has merely stabilized the situation. We are sooooo far from anything resembling "winning" in iraq.
Actually, we are not even sure what winning means when not everyone agrees why we're there, who the enemy is exactly, and if we can ever really declare victory what we will have won.
America might not have a stomach for a long war, but they do demand results.
Well, it's been five years. We've spent a fuckload of money, hundreds of thousands of people have died, and we're no closer to the objective.
"Give war a chance" is going to be a difficult campain issue.
The surge is "working" but is has merely stabilized the situation. We are sooooo far from anything resembling "winning" in iraq.
Actually, we are not even sure what winning means when not everyone agrees why we're there, who the enemy is exactly, and if we can ever really declare victory what we will have won.
I agree with all of that, which is why I put "winning" in quotes. But America wants to believe it is winning. And as long as McCain can sell the surge as a success, he's got an issue he can work with. Obviously, this is contingent on the situation improving, or at least remaining stable, through the election. If it all goes to shit again, of course this is a bad issue for him.
America might not have a stomach for a long war, but they do demand results.
Well, it's been five years. We've spent a fuckload of money, hundreds of thousands of people have died, and we're no closer to the objective.
Again, if McCain can convince middle America that there has been a shift in strategy, and we ARE closer to the objective, then it's a good issue for him.
"Give war a chance" is going to be a difficult campain issue.
Are you new to America? We love this stuff ... as long as we're kickin' ass.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I agree with all of that, which is why I put "winning" in quotes. But America wants to believe it is winning. And as long as McCain can sell the surge as a success, he's got an issue he can work with. Obviously, this is contingent on the situation improving, or at least remaining stable, through the election. If it all goes to shit again, of course this is a bad issue for him.
Again, if McCain can convince middle America that there has been a shift in strategy, and we ARE closer to the objective, then it's a good issue for him.
Are you new to America? We love this stuff ... as long as we're kickin' ass.
unfuckingbelievable! we agree on this at least.
now, do you believe...
A. John Mc Cain can win the war in Iraq, at least before he dies? (so, mercifily short!)
B. as I do that the Iraq war is unwinnable and therefore any attempt to do so would make John McCain a liar. but what difference does that make as long as you can fool the gullable to elect you?
A. John Mc Cain can win the war in Iraq, at least before he dies? (so, mercifily short!)
B. as I do that the Iraq war is unwinnable and therefore any attempt to do so would make John McCain a liar. but what difference does that make as long as you can fool the gullable to elect you?
Probably neither.
I would lean toward A, except McCain could drop dead fuckin' tomorrow. What is he 100? And, also, as you said earlier, it depends on how you define "winning." Do I expect Iraq to turn into Canada in the span of four years? No, not a chance.
Do I think there's a chance Iraq could be a peaceful Democracy at some point in the distant future? I don't know. Maybe. It seems to be the only chance we've got at this point.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
the far right whacko's have destroyed their own party, and i love it
It works out really well for Ron Paul.
The Ron Paul Revolution is constantly arguing the merits of "infiltrating" and "remaking" the GOP base.
I mean, you are right.
Hell, CNN had Glenn Beck on the other night to spell out what you say, explicitly. He said, "he would like to see the GOP implode and collapse ... not because I dislike it ... but because that will force them back to the values which were its original attraction in the first place. The GOP needs to get back to their original positions, and once the party collapses, it will be ready to rebuild." ... something like that -- paraphrased of course.
I'm all for rebuilding the republican party.
Until this year i would have NEVER thought of myself as anything but "independent" ... both sides are filled with too many extremists and nutjobs ... and just plain bad policy ... but i truly believe that if the Paulites could infiltrate and reshape the GOP base, that the country would be infinitely better off for it.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
John McCain's nomination, as it seems certain now, is the worst thing that could possibly happen for the Democrats. While McCain seems to have moved a bit to the right during the primaries he will definitely swing back to the center for the general election. He will easily beat Hillary in the election as Hillary has very little support outside of her base. The only candidate who even stands a chance at beating McCain is Obama.
As someone said though either way you slice it we are going to have another subpar president for the next 4 years. I can only hope the McCain returns to the candidate we saw back in 2000.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
John McCain's nomination, as it seems certain now, is the worst thing that could possibly happen for the Democrats. While McCain seems to have moved a bit to the right during the primaries he will definitely swing back to the center for the general election. He will easily beat Hillary in the election as Hillary has very little support outside of her base. The only candidate who even stands a chance at beating McCain is Obama.
As someone said though either way you slice it we are going to have another subpar president for the next 4 years. I can only hope the McCain returns to the candidate we saw back in 2000.
hillary wins over mccain... dems are having record support while the republicans have record low approval ratings and interest...
either obama or hillary wipes the floor with mccain... whoever wins people will unite behind them to ensure a republican loss... even hillary... especially when Obama is her VP (a lead pipe lock if she gets the nomination in my opinion)
dems win regardless... hillary is a stronger candidate then people think
hillary wins over mccain... dems are having record support while the republicans have record low approval ratings and interest...
either obama or hillary wipes the floor with mccain... whoever wins people will unite behind them to ensure a republican loss... even hillary... especially when Obama is her VP (a lead pipe lock if she gets the nomination in my opinion)
dems win regardless... hillary is a stronger candidate then people think
4 years of handouts (everyone knows Americans like to sit on their ass while the government gives out free money aka food stamps etc...), illegal immigration, universal taxed out the ass healthcare, bye bye Bush tax cuts and whoever disagrees with this knows nothing, if you pay more taxes you should get more back its just logic, and illegal licenses, pulling out troops as the mideast goes into complete disaster (way more than now) while Iran builds up its nuclear capabilities, while we sit around and try to hug everyone
4 years of handouts (everyone knows Americans like to sit on their ass while the government gives out free money aka food stamps etc...), illegal immigration, universal taxed out the ass healthcare, bye bye Bush tax cuts and whoever disagrees with this knows nothing, if you pay more taxes you should get more back its just logic, and illegal licenses, pulling out troops as the mideast goes into complete disaster (way more than now) while Iran builds up its nuclear capabilities, while we sit around and try to hug everyone
oh yes the next 4 years looks promising...
This is one of the dumbest fucking posts I have ever had the misfortune of reading. The past eight years have been some of the worst this country has witnessed since the days of Jimmy Carter. The republican led government has increased spending more than any recent democratic administration in recent times. They erased a budget surplus practically overnight. The dollar is in the toilet. The middle east is in more turmoil now than prior to 9/11 and we are no more secure today than we where prior to that day as well. Our military is over stretched and unable to confront any new threats that may arise. So as much as I don't like the Dems it is almost impossible for them to do a worse job. Lastly intelligence reports have clearly stated that Iran gave up their nuclear weapons program back in 2003 so you can put that boogie man to rest.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
4 years of handouts (everyone knows Americans like to sit on their ass while the government gives out free money aka food stamps etc...), illegal immigration, universal taxed out the ass healthcare, bye bye Bush tax cuts and whoever disagrees with this knows nothing, if you pay more taxes you should get more back its just logic, and illegal licenses, pulling out troops as the mideast goes into complete disaster (way more than now) while Iran builds up its nuclear capabilities, while we sit around and try to hug everyone
oh yes the next 4 years looks promising...
its pretty funny how deep some folks become indoctrinated with lies and a completely skewed sense of reality... then just repeat like a chatty cathy doll
funny sometimes, and scary the other part of the time
bomb first, ask questions later, make a fucktillion dollars. That's an admirable strategy?
blind aggression breeds blind aggression.
If McCain promised to pull Haliburton and Blackwater out of Iraq and bid out contracts to the International community with bonuses to the company that rebuilds Iraq fastest and most efficiently, he'd probably swing my vote.
now THAT's admirable.
No, it's not. I would try for three fucktrillion.
for the least they could possibly do
sorry man, through type it's hard to tell which way your sarcasm is going.
I'm starting to believe this is likely true. With Obama getting one endorsement after another the Democratic Party is going to look really stupid if Hillary gets the nomination. It's going to seem like she's the candidate her own party dislikes. As for McCain I'm starting to see a reverse trend in which other candidates are starting to back him, or at least openly respect his views. If it's Hillary vs McCain in November I believe McCain wins because he'll get a huge percentage of independent voters. Hillary is probably the 2nd most hated political figure behind W right now. She might even be ahead of W at this point. W's created such a mess and looks so awful that he's starting to become a sympathetic figure in some peoples eyes.
first off, you questions is much different than mine. to answer your's no cop's should not do that. but if a cop see's someone trying to break into my house , i won't that cop to stop the person.
I agree with you that diplomacy is needed but as some point if diplomacy doesn't work you need top protect the people.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
well, to be honest, I do like McCain a little bit. I get the feeling he's intellectually honest, which is a rare trait in a politician.
With a few rare exceptions, most of them coming this primary season, I don't get the feeling he's pandering.
for the least they could possibly do
That just makes me giggle. ok, you do that Rambo.
Seriously though, I kind of like him for some reason I can't put my finger on. Not enough to back him though.
What I'm saying is someone wanting to rob your house and someone actually robbing your house are two different things. If a guy is walking up your front steps, stopping him then is not preventative. it is defensive.
Even so, if you had invested in a BURGLAR ALARM and A DOG to protect your property, burglars wouldn't even think about robbing your house.
are we on the same page now?
perhaps we should try it and see if it works.
I felt the same way before Iraq. Once he started giving Bush hand jobs I couldn't continue with him.
Iraq's not winnable. The country is sick of it. So anyone who says it is will be unpopular.
i love seeing them compromise their beliefs to cater to the far right wackiness of the conservative base
You're right, but, it won't be enough for hillary to win. She won't beat any of them.
i wont vote
there isnt enough space on the message pit for me to tell you about how messed up both democratic candidates are..
fire away...
This is where I disagree. I would have agreed with you up until the "surge." We can argue night and day about whether it actually worked/is working ... but the general consensus among many Americans seems to be that is has/is.
Depending on the circumstances on the ground come November, it will be easy for McCain to say, "Look, the strategy I championed worked. Everyone on the Democrat side wanted to quit." And that will make him popular among rank and file voters, I think.
I think the Democrats might have misread the public's perception on Iraq. I think the public was/is just sick of "losing." If you can convince them that we're "winning," the support will be there. I don't think the public wanted out so much as a positive change in direction. America is like that. We love to back winners. Fire the coach! Unless he can take us to the Super Bowl.
for the least they could possibly do
Do you really think McCain's nomination makes it LESS likely the Republicans will win the White House?
Most people seem to think he's the only guy who stands a chance in hell against Obama.
If all that mattered to Republicans was having a guy with an (R) next to his name in the White House, they'd all be doing backflips right now. The best possible scenario for retaining the White House is for McCain to be the nominee.
for the least they could possibly do
The surge is "working" but is has merely stabilized the situation. We are sooooo far from anything resembling "winning" in iraq.
Actually, we are not even sure what winning means when not everyone agrees why we're there, who the enemy is exactly, and if we can ever really declare victory what we will have won.
America might not have a stomach for a long war, but they do demand results.
Well, it's been five years. We've spent a fuckload of money, hundreds of thousands of people have died, and we're no closer to the objective.
"Give war a chance" is going to be a difficult campain issue.
I agree with all of that, which is why I put "winning" in quotes. But America wants to believe it is winning. And as long as McCain can sell the surge as a success, he's got an issue he can work with. Obviously, this is contingent on the situation improving, or at least remaining stable, through the election. If it all goes to shit again, of course this is a bad issue for him.
Again, if McCain can convince middle America that there has been a shift in strategy, and we ARE closer to the objective, then it's a good issue for him.
Are you new to America? We love this stuff ... as long as we're kickin' ass.
for the least they could possibly do
unfuckingbelievable! we agree on this at least.
now, do you believe...
A. John Mc Cain can win the war in Iraq, at least before he dies? (so, mercifily short!)
B. as I do that the Iraq war is unwinnable and therefore any attempt to do so would make John McCain a liar. but what difference does that make as long as you can fool the gullable to elect you?
Probably neither.
I would lean toward A, except McCain could drop dead fuckin' tomorrow. What is he 100? And, also, as you said earlier, it depends on how you define "winning." Do I expect Iraq to turn into Canada in the span of four years? No, not a chance.
Do I think there's a chance Iraq could be a peaceful Democracy at some point in the distant future? I don't know. Maybe. It seems to be the only chance we've got at this point.
for the least they could possibly do
agreed, I don't think the dems have a chance in hell if hilary gets the nomination. evil bitch
i am sticking by my original statement
the far right whacko's have destroyed their own party, and i love it
It works out really well for Ron Paul.
The Ron Paul Revolution is constantly arguing the merits of "infiltrating" and "remaking" the GOP base.
I mean, you are right.
Hell, CNN had Glenn Beck on the other night to spell out what you say, explicitly. He said, "he would like to see the GOP implode and collapse ... not because I dislike it ... but because that will force them back to the values which were its original attraction in the first place. The GOP needs to get back to their original positions, and once the party collapses, it will be ready to rebuild." ... something like that -- paraphrased of course.
I'm all for rebuilding the republican party.
Until this year i would have NEVER thought of myself as anything but "independent" ... both sides are filled with too many extremists and nutjobs ... and just plain bad policy ... but i truly believe that if the Paulites could infiltrate and reshape the GOP base, that the country would be infinitely better off for it.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
As someone said though either way you slice it we are going to have another subpar president for the next 4 years. I can only hope the McCain returns to the candidate we saw back in 2000.
hillary wins over mccain... dems are having record support while the republicans have record low approval ratings and interest...
either obama or hillary wipes the floor with mccain... whoever wins people will unite behind them to ensure a republican loss... even hillary... especially when Obama is her VP (a lead pipe lock if she gets the nomination in my opinion)
dems win regardless... hillary is a stronger candidate then people think
4 years of handouts (everyone knows Americans like to sit on their ass while the government gives out free money aka food stamps etc...), illegal immigration, universal taxed out the ass healthcare, bye bye Bush tax cuts and whoever disagrees with this knows nothing, if you pay more taxes you should get more back its just logic, and illegal licenses, pulling out troops as the mideast goes into complete disaster (way more than now) while Iran builds up its nuclear capabilities, while we sit around and try to hug everyone
oh yes the next 4 years looks promising...
This is one of the dumbest fucking posts I have ever had the misfortune of reading. The past eight years have been some of the worst this country has witnessed since the days of Jimmy Carter. The republican led government has increased spending more than any recent democratic administration in recent times. They erased a budget surplus practically overnight. The dollar is in the toilet. The middle east is in more turmoil now than prior to 9/11 and we are no more secure today than we where prior to that day as well. Our military is over stretched and unable to confront any new threats that may arise. So as much as I don't like the Dems it is almost impossible for them to do a worse job. Lastly intelligence reports have clearly stated that Iran gave up their nuclear weapons program back in 2003 so you can put that boogie man to rest.
its pretty funny how deep some folks become indoctrinated with lies and a completely skewed sense of reality... then just repeat like a chatty cathy doll
funny sometimes, and scary the other part of the time