The Iraq war is a success

the Iraq war has been a tremendous success... why dont you see this? maybe you are too concerned with body counts and partisan bickering to see the amazing success of this war?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I heard they hung new drapes in the Ministry of Oil office. A complete success... now, let's go home.
Hail, Hail!!!
I heard that too, if we could only get them to do something about that damn overgrown ivy
I thought sarcastic threads looking to intice arguments arent allowed. I only say this because some have been closed that were very similar.
Do you even know why Bush started the war? Because of oil! And that's the only reason, no suspicious uranium thoughts....
That war is NOT success and it is NOT justified!
see post #4
this isnt sarcasm... i am just trying to point ou tthat we as americans are not looking outside of the box on this...
the war is/has/and will continue to be a major success for the ones that wanted it in the first place...
this war is even more succesful than originaly planned by it's architects... the militray industrial complex and the energy industry see it as a major success... they are reaping record profits off of this war... meanwhile, we argue about gay rights, pedophile politicians andpartisan bickering... all the while we assume this war has been a disaster... it is not a disaster in the eyes of the war profiteers that are loving every second of it...
just ask the CEO's and shareholders of Exxon, BP, halibutron, northrup grumman, boeing, bechtel, etc, etc, etc how this war is going... to them it is a great success, and it apperas as though they are the only ones that count in this country?
and judging by the reactions my thread initially got, this wont stop anytime soon until the american public realizes that this is truly a success fo those who wanted this war initially, the elite corporate interests
Bu... but, the Ministry of Oil's office has new drapes. Doesn't that count for something?
Hail, Hail!!!
gotta love attention whores.
O you believe it was a war to make CEO's richer. and rumsfield and cheney trained the pilots who flew the planes into the WTC also right? this place really makes me laugh.
Dude.. nevermind. Keep living the fantasy. You know what they say "ignorance is bliss".
what does the WTC attacks have to do with the iraq war?
I laugh at you the most. thanks. you want me to believe this war was about making CEO's richer? no thanks. your ignorance is laughable.
over your head. nevermind
Jlew is an anti-conspiracy theorist. He makes up conspiracy theories and then tries to shoot them down. It really doesn't matter to him if anyone actually believes those stories.
That's common, a lot of people simply laugh when they feel backed into a corner or can't think of anything else to say. So, go ahead and laugh, it just tells me you have nothing to say.
Did Sadaam train them? Were the terrorist training camps located in Iraq? No.
and? whats your point. we went to war with Iraq based on false intelligence about WMD's. then el queda in iraq moved in so we fought them. the war only became part of the war on terror after the invasion. little do people realize that I am against the war in Iraq. I am for attacking and killing the people responsible for 9/11. they went into Iraq. so kill em. they appear to be mostly gone, so now its time to fix what we fucked up, and go.
why let him morph the argument and the truth...
this feeds into my exact point
So you're saying that there's no popular insurgency in Iraq, and that we are now simply fighting Al Queda there? How convenient.
We had the chance to take out al-qaida right after 9-11 with our invasion of Afghanistan. However, the gov't took too long to get into place and allowed OBL to escape along with a lot of the leaders of al-qaida. Then, the administration, still obsessed with Iraq, decided to go and attack Iraq. Thus, pissing off all the muslim radicalists in the area. This brought the war on terror to Iraq since it was so easy for terrorists to kill Americans so close to home. They're still attacking. War = no success.
I'm glad this place makes you laugh, because you and your contradictions of yourself make many here chuckle...
Whenever someone here says anything negative about the war in Iraq you respond with a comment like "and rumsfeld and cheney trained the pilots who flew the planes into the WTC"
I have to ask this, and I have asked it before, but did you used to post here under the name pychosinluv
still swallowing those lies hook line and sinker?
it is about natural resources and profit... nothing else... just take a look at the record profits being made, and that should tell the story
False intelligence? Riight....
it was exactly the intelligence the adminstration wanted - means to an end.
And your theory about "fighting them" is ludicrous. Are there a finite number of "terrorists" in the world? Once we kill em all - we can go home?
better not create any more of em....ooops too late
but, but...they apear to be almost gone...
exactly what the elite corporate interests want... back and foth bickering while they cash the check... suckers
BUT - did you know Paris and Nicole made up?
That's an illusion. Many of them are in Iraqi uniforms getting trainning by our forces and paid with our tax dollars. They will sit there... in a dormant state... until they find an opportunity to strike. Like when they get assigned sentry duty over our barracks or manage an ammo dump or man a fire camp or provide cover for our guys.
I'll tell you... if I'm going on a raid with these fuckers... they're going in first. There's no fucking way I'm trusting them with a gun... on my back.
Hail, Hail!!!
Agreed. but i think the original reply was sarcasm.
when have I contradicated myself? I have always been against the war in iraq because of the false information. I am for staying and fighting el queda in iraq. we have killed or captured many leaders and now its time for an exit strategy. thats my opinion. and no I havent.
I think people who believe this war was about "making CEO's richer" is a joke.