Reverend Wright on Bill Moyers



  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    my2hands wrote:
    and peopel wonder why Bush got re-elected

    because americans for the most part are fucking idiots that have no concept of world affairs and their countires role in those affairs

    Actually, your chest-thumping and apparent refusal to think rationally about history are exactly the sorts of things that prompt equally inane comments from the other side, like "Love it or leave it." What does your one-sided understanding of WW-II actually do, in any real constructive sense? You think you're making people smarter, which is maybe a noble goal ... But honestly, you are going about it the wrong way. There is a fine line between sparking intelligent debate and promoting reactance. Learn where the line is, pal.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    what goes around comes around. that does not justify it. just dont be surprised when it happens in your back yard.

    thats america's problem. we have never experienced war in our back yard. we have always watched it on TV. that is why Europe is light years ahead of us on this issue. becasue they lived it. their continent was destroyed. they have experienced the horrors of war. we watched it on "M.A.S.H."
  • lazymoon13lazymoon13 Posts: 838
    my2hands wrote:

    thats america's problem. we have never experienced war in our back yard.

    pearl harbor and 9/11. both in our backyard.
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    my2hands wrote:
    so 2 civialin cities ahd to be wiped off the map?

    documentation, and witnesses, have come out to say that the bomb was used to show the russians who was boss. plain and simple. even robet fucking mcnamara has said that

    Like I said earlier, you have your opinion on this and I have mine and I have no problem with the dropping of the atomic bomb.

    You and I know that there is no history in the world other than what you believe. For every source you can come up with to say the bomb was unnecessary, one can come up with saying that it was. That's why Orwell said it best. Those who control the present control the past and those who control the past control the future. And lucky for me those in power now still believe the atomic bomb was necessary. I think it was a horrible thing to happen, but war is hell and in the end it did save lives.
    - Busted down the pretext
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  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    my2hands wrote:
    they "hate" us becasue we have meddled in their affairs for decades... and then set up and stationed military in their holy land.

    were we meddling when we helped them against the Russians? were we meddling when we funded and sold weapons to Bin Laden and Al-Qaida. Were we meddling in WW2 to stop Hitler, than the Japs after they bombed us? No one ever wants us around until somebody tries to kick their ass, then they come running for our help.

    Do you think Reverand Wright would allow white americans to speak freely about their thoughts on black america and what they have done to the cities in this country (re: see thread on Camden NJ in Porch) or would those comments just be racist by whitey? I'm guessing they would be racist a la Don Imus.
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    my2hands wrote:
    what goes around comes around. that does not justify it. just dont be surprised when it happens in your back yard.

    thats america's problem. we have never experienced war in our back yard. thay have always watched it ion TV. that is why Europe is light years ahead iof us on this issue. becasue they lived it. their continet was destroyed. they have experienced the horros of war. we watched it on "M.A.S.H."

    I wouldn't say never (um, the Civil War?), but not in modern times, granted. There's some validity in what your saying here, to be sure. I think that's why 9-11 WAS such a big deal ... The key step is to go beyond saying "we had it coming" and figuring out what to do next. No one needs/wants to hear this thousands of times ... What can be done to prevent it from happening again? There's no easy answer. Better US foreign policy would be key ... Change is needed in the Middle East as well, though. I am not sure how a secular world can peacefully manage a bunch of people still clinging to religious zealotism that went out of favour shortly after the Renaissance ...
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    my2hands wrote:
    what goes around comes around. that does not justify it. just dont be surprised when it happens in your back yard.

    thats america's problem. we have never experienced war in our back yard. thay have always watched it ion TV. that is why Europe is light years ahead iof us on this issue. becasue they lived it. their continet was destroyed. they have experienced the horros of war. we watched it on "M.A.S.H."

    true but without us (and our 2 big atomic bombs) they'd all be speaking German
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    The key step is to go beyond saying "we had it coming" and figuring out what to do next. No one needs/wants to hear this thousands of times ...

    his sermon and comments in question are from 2001... the sunday after the attacks

    he isnt still giving that sermon... the people that want to crush Obama have it in circulation like it was yesterday. thats not wrights fault.

    i give the man credit for having the balls to speak out
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    pjhawks wrote:
    true but without us (and our 2 big atomic bombs) they'd all be speaking German


    the japanese were defeated and about to surrender. we knew it.

    the germans were defeated by the nasty Russian winter. the germans defeat had ZERO to do with the atomic weapon deployment

    get your facts straight and then come back to the big boy's table
  • lazymoon13lazymoon13 Posts: 838
    my2hands wrote:

    the japanese were defeated and about to surrender. we knew it.

    the germans were defeated by the nasty Russian winter. the germans defeat had ZERO to do with the atomic weapon deployment

    get your facts straight and then come back to the big boy's table

    chest pump!!!! yea! take it easy little man. you arent that tough
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    my2hands wrote:

    the japanese were defeated and about to surrender. we knew it.

    the germans were defeated by the nasty Russian winter. the germans defeat had ZERO to do with the atomic weapon deployment

    get your facts straight and then come back to the big boy's table

    wow didn't know you were involved in Japan's decision to surrender since clearly you were so close to it that you knew they were about to surrender.
    So I guess our 2nd bomb did not lead to Japan surrendering and we had nothing to do with defeating Germany? Whatever - interesting take there. Oh and big boy's can have open discussions without calling people names or taking pot shots - but thanks for showing your true side. Enjoy yourself - I'm done.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    pjhawks wrote:
    wow didn't know you were involved in Japan's decision to surrender since clearly you were so close to it that you knew they were about to surrender.
    So I guess our 2nd bomb did not lead to Japan surrendering and we had nothing to do with defeating Germany? Whatever - interesting take there. Oh and big boy's can have open discussions without calling people names or taking pot shots - but thanks for showing your true side. Enjoy yourself - I'm done.

    give me a call when you figure out the atomic weapon deployment had nothing to do with Germany's defeat in WW2

    i will keep my ringer on for ya
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    i tell you what guys... keep allowing our Government to meddle in the affairs of nations, support dictators, topple democracies, and militarize the planet...

    then get back to me in about 50 years and let me know how that has worked out for us...

    America, the country that does no wrong :rolleyes:
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    my2hands wrote:
    i tell you what guys... keep allowing our Government to meddle in the affairs of nations, support dictators, topple democracies, and militarize the planet...

    then get back to me in about 50 years and let me know how that has worked out for us...

    America, the country that does no wrong :rolleyes:

    And who in this thread has said these things?

  • lazymoon13lazymoon13 Posts: 838
    my2hands wrote:

    America, the country that does no wrong :rolleyes:

    and the country that can do no right.
  • lazymoon13 wrote:
    and the country that can do no right.

    Oh we can do right...that's only when the democrats are the ones doing the same wrong stuff, though. ;)
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    my2hands wrote:

    the japanese were defeated and about to surrender. we knew it.

    the germans were defeated by the nasty Russian winter. the germans defeat had ZERO to do with the atomic weapon deployment

    get your facts straight and then come back to the big boy's table

    Japan still has not surrendered to Russia to this day. Technically WW2 never ended as Japan and the USSR never signed a peace treaty.

    Of course Russia only jumped in after we dropped the bombs and claimed 4 islands for their own from Japan.
    - Busted down the pretext
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    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • pjhawks wrote:
    do people like Reverand Wright and yourself ever mention that the United States of America is the most charitable country in the world by far. That counts both our government and individual citizens.

    Your government gives conditional payments to other countries, but there are always strings massive debts. People in the US have more money to give, so I think its a bit rich to characterise yourself as the most generous nation in the world.
  • pjhawks wrote:
    true but without us (and our 2 big atomic bombs) they'd all be speaking German

    Oh right. Sorry if I find this a bit offensive as an Australian but I thought that there were other countries involved in the 'Allied' assault?
  • GauchoBGauchoB Posts: 224
    my2hands wrote:
    i watched the Reverend Wright interview on the Bill Moyers show the other night...

    and i AGREE with Reverend Wright on about 90% of what he says...

    What a revelation. Another hater on the PJ board. Shocking.....(not really)
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    Oh right. Sorry if I find this a bit offensive as an Australian but I thought that there were other countries involved in the 'Allied' assault?

    i didn't mean to offend i was just making a snide remark to shut that other guy up. of course history does show that the allies were being battered and beaten before we entered the war.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    Your government gives conditional payments to other countries, but there are always strings massive debts. People in the US have more money to give, so I think its a bit rich to characterise yourself as the most generous nation in the world.

    this is the attitude I don't understand. So we can't even be thanked for giving. we give and yet we are still aholes. should we just ignore the rest of the world and sit here by ourself and watch the rest of the world destroy themselves? let people starve? let other countries try and rebuild themselves when disasters happen? we clearly are damned if we do and damned if we don't. any countries we don't help we get chastized for (see African countries -we must be racist). of course we are more likely to help countries that are a benefit to us, that is only natural. the fact is without US intervention in many of these cases things in the world would be out of control. Our strength (obviously sometimes misused though) helps keep the peace in many places.
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    pjhawks wrote:
    this is the attitude I don't understand. So we can't even be thanked for giving. we give and yet we are still aholes.

    You can turn that on it's head, you can't take some criticism about your country.

    As soon as someone throws something out there that you guys don't like you stop actually responding to the post and start jumping down the posters throat.

    Yes America has done some great things for the world but it has also done some terrible things.
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    spiral out wrote:
    You can turn that on it's head, you can't take some criticism about your country.

    As soon as someone throws something out there that you guys don't like you stop actually responding to the post and start jumping down the posters throat.

    Yes America has done some great things for the world but it has also done some terrible things.

    show me somewhere, anywhere on here where someone has given the US credit for anything good we've done. As I stated I know we have done some shitty things, but there is a balance to it and it doesn't seem the rest of the world EVER acknowledges the good we do.
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    pjhawks wrote:
    show me somewhere, anywhere on here where someone has given the US credit for anything good we've done. As I stated I know we have done some shitty things, but there is a balance to it and it doesn't seem the rest of the world EVER acknowledges the good we do.

    Maybe that is because it is not the good actions that need to be sorted out, all the good actions of a country do not cancel out the bad actions.

    Is me praising your good actions going to make you take a long hard look at your bad actions? Because to me it seems that people around here would rather just ignore the bad, than talk about it and really acknowledge it.
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    spiral out wrote:
    Maybe that is because it is not the good actions that need to be sorted out, all the good actions of a country do not cancel out the bad actions.

    Is me praising your good actions going to make you take a long hard look at your bad actions? Because to me it seems that people around here would rather just ignore the bad, than talk about it and really acknowledge it.

    well it seems to me that people outside the US want to ignore the good and only talk about the bad. What is the difference? it's a perspective isn't it? I personally feel our good definitely outweighs the bad. Doesn't mean our bad shouldn't be criticized and doesn't mean our bad shouldn't be examined and changed but it's damn easy to criticize the US from the outside. Again we are criticized when we do step in around the world, and also criticized when we don't. Of course our policies in the Mideast causes a lot of hatred onto us, but you can be damn sure if we weren't in the Mideast there would be chaos and people demanding that we be there (see Africa for an example). Can you understand our role and the dilemma our role plays in the world?
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    lazymoon13 wrote:
    and the country that can do no right.

    i have never said that. quite the opposite actually.

    i am capable of having a discussion of the good and bad things my country has done and is doing. as opposed to most whp only want to thumop their chest and wave their flags.

    i dont live with my head in the sand when it comes to my government's wrongdoings. perhaps you should try it out some day.

    like giving african americans syphilis purposely and without their knowledge. not treating it. and studying its affects. whether you like it or not, it happened. and was planned and carried out by your precious government you contnue to blindly support and excuse any wrongdoing as "you hate america"

    and people wonder why black people are still pissed off and skeptical of the government :rolleyes:
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    pjhawks wrote:
    . Again we are criticized when we do step in around the world, and also criticized when we don't. Of course our policies in the Mideast causes a lot of hatred onto us, but you can be damn sure if we weren't in the Mideast there would be chaos and people demanding that we be there (see Africa for an example). Can you understand our role and the dilemma our role plays in the world?

    The only reason you and indeed the UK and any other countries involved in this lie are meddling in the middle east is for gain, i will imagine that most of Africa has nothing to offer, there for there is no reason to meddle.

    I really don't get the patriotism you guys have. I wouldn't get upset by someone pointing out my governments wrong doing.
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    spiral out wrote:
    The only reason you and indeed the UK and any other countries involved in this lie are meddling in the middle east is for gain, i will imagine that most of Africa has nothing to offer, there for there is no reason to meddle.

    I really don't get the patriotism you guys have. I wouldn't get upset by someone pointing out my governments wrong doing.

    as I said above it's not about the US being above getting ripped for their sins - i say go ahead and feel free to comment and disparage america for the bad things we've done - but can you and others around the world at least aknowledge the good? I don't see anyone aknowledging the good. When I brought up how much charity the US and their people give the only thing I got was 'you have more money to give.' - that's all I'm saying - not paint the US as all negative all the time.
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    pjhawks wrote:
    i didn't mean to offend i was just making a snide remark to shut that other guy up. of course history does show that the allies were being battered and beaten before we entered the war.
    No, that's a what-if scenerio that we'll never know the answer to. We did shorten it, though.

    But you know what history does show? That the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan after the war with Germany was over. So, "our 2 big atomic bombs" had nothing to do with the current number of people speaking German.
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