Reverend Wright on Bill Moyers

i watched the Reverend Wright interview on the Bill Moyers show the other night...
and i AGREE with Reverend Wright on about 90% of what he says...
and i AGREE with Reverend Wright on about 90% of what he says...
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well, m2h, it's clear you've been brushing up on your dale carnegie!
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I am sure you have your reasons ...
if Irish immigrants/descendents were purposely given syphilis by the US Government just to study its effects... then 40 years later Ireland was ravaged by a "new" deadly and incurable Virus... i would question it as well
i also support his belief that the back community and family needs to focus on itself and try to save itself. they need to take pride in their culture and their communities. they need to organize and help themselves, because no one else is going to do it.
white america hates a fiery black man telling the truth... just ask MLK Jr.
he openly questions and denounces the US government and its heinous acts of the past and present, and so do i
and i also agree with his sermon on 9/11, completely. our chickens have come home to roost. we perpetuate violence across the globe. burning villages, destroying cities full of innocent civilians... all while cheering and waving the flag for "victory"... and them we act surprised and innocent when someone brings the same senseless and tragic violence to our home and our civilians
i also agree that the USA is not God, it is not the world police and that is can do wrong. that Governments do wrong and always will that was the point of his his god damn america sermon. and i agree with that 100%
what villages did we burn prior to 9/11? what cities full of innocent civilians did we destroy prior to 9/11? did those people in the wtc deserve to die? did they get what was coming to them?
do people like Reverand Wright and yourself ever mention that the United States of America is the most charitable country in the world by far. That counts both our government and individual citizens. We've given more money and relief to other countries than any other. Do you ever mention that our government has protected and intervened on the behalf of nations in need of protection? I'm not saying our government hasn't fucked things up and done shitty things but how come we never get any praise for what we do? People like Reverand Wright are just spewing hate more than creating dialogue on the issues.
america can do no right.
go to central America and ask someone...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
ok so el queda attacked us to get back at us for what we've done in south america? makes perfect sense.
maybe people should actually listen to what he was saying insted of going off of 10 second sound bytes
it is good, and healthy for the country, to question its faults and bad decisions and have an open discourse about them and how to avoid them in the future
1. our charitable contributuons are platry when considering the amount given as a % of our GDP. most western eurpoean countires are FAR ahead of us in what % of their GDP they contribute.
2. yes i understand america has done many great things and is a beautiful country. of course we have done great things. i think that praise is quite plentiful, just open an 11th grade textbook
3. i dont view it as hate. i view it as reality. do the people of vietnam view it as hate? no, that is their reality. becasue their homes were the ones burned down. the peopel of nagasaki view it as reality, becasue theie entire city was wiped off the map.
as americans, we have to be able to aknowledge and address our faults and past wrong doings to make sure they do not happen again. but as long as americans are just willign to wave their prety flag and sing god bless america situations like Iraq are going to happen again and again.
Its just better that way ...
Nagasaki and Hiroshima were in response to them bombing us 1st - do you not agree we had the right to defend ourselves at that point? or does your argument conveniently forgot that part of history?
thats true and wright does nothing of the sort.
btw, are you disowning him now much like your boy obama? obama sure does hate him now. so should you.
thats too bad. you seem to be one of the few who gets it.
nagasaki and hiroshima were civilian cities with zero military value. hundreds of thousands of people were murdered to show the russians we had a bigger cock.
you are actually using al-queda's logic... there logic was that we attacked and occupied their muslim land and that they had to retaliate. same thing different flag
Its for my own mental health. I cannot deal with that shit. Throwing Hiroshima/Nagasaki out there as an example of U.S. tyranny akin to something like Tuskegee just reveals such a de-contextualized, distorted view of history ... I've had the discussion too many times, I think. Its a worthwhile topic, but its ran its course for me.
he is creating a conversation right here isnt he? imagine the other thousands of conversations taking place just like this one. dont be scared of our ugly past, discuss it, condemn it, and make sure it doesnt happen again
no, i am not "disowning" him at all. i dont own him. but i still agree with the majority of his message. he is saying what howard zinn and noam chomsky have been saying for nearly 4 decades now.
obama has to back off of him, because the majority of americans are idiots and are falling for this stupid shit. plain and simple
well a lot of historians will argue that us dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in fact saved millions of lives as it effectively ended the war.
and if you read up on Bin Laden and Al-Qaida there are lots of opinions that Bin Laden hates us because he needs someone to hate. After defeating the Russians (with our help mind you) in Afghanistan he moved on to hating the US (after taking our help) because his agenda is furthered by hatred - and we were the next and only big target at the time. If you think Japan attacking Pearl Harbor is the same as us occupying and trying to keep the peace (loosely defined I know) in the mideast are the same thing than there really is no arguing with you.
i assume you would think different if you were japanese
2 cities obliterated. babies, women, children on their way to school, elderly, all defenseless minding their own business. wiped out. for what? so you can come on a message board 60 years later and dismiss it as old news?
Like I said.
That's your opinion. A different opinion would be the fact that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, killed millions of Asians in the Asian Holocaust, refused to sign the Genova convention which said to widespread mistreatment of our POWs and a mortality rate of 1/4 American POWs and much higher among Chinese soldiers, the Bataan deathmarch, the Japanese use of chemical weapons, the use of cyanide gas on POW's, and the fact that Japan would have fought tooth and nail over every piece of land if a conventional invasion took place leads me to believe that the use of the atomic bombs saved lives. But hey, we can just take the easy way out and pretend like Japan was going to surrender its country to us without a fight.
- 8/28/98
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wright is a racist asshole. plain and simple. while you and he might think we got what was coming to us becuase of WWII and Vetinam so be it. I don't. and I'm sure you'll also sit here and defend is racists comments towards whites. even though the two faced prick lives in a multi-million dollar house in a gated white community.
they "hate" us becasue we have meddled in their affairs for decades... and then set up and stationed military in their holy land.
yea you've been here awhile it seems. I'm tired and sickened by this already and it's my first encounter with such stupidity.
i dont view him, or his remarks, as racist at all.
the are the truth
and no one has ever said we had it coming. so nice try, you can stop that spin machine
And I think you'd think different if you were a Filipino American like me whose family survived the atrocities committed by the Japanese in WW2.
- 8/28/98
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because americans for the most part are fucking idiots that have no concept of world affairs and their countires role in those affairs
so 2 civialin cities had to be wiped off the map? the japanese were defeated and within days of surrender. which is documented
documentation, and witnesses, have come out to say that the bomb was used to show the russians who was boss. plain and simple. even robet fucking mcnamara has said that
right. we used big bombs in WWII so we should be prepared to get attacked because of those actions.