i just wanted to point out that ron paul and his "supporters" dont know what the fuck they are talking about and that they better think twice about what they are supporting
i stand by that statement
and dont blame me for pointing out someone obviously doesnt know what they are talking about thwn they say china is the worlds economic superpower
i guess thats what you get debating politics on a rock bands message board though
i just wanted to point out that Obama and his "supporters" dont know what the fuck they are talking about and that they better think twice about what they are supportingD
same diff...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Only Ron Paul has said he would legalize hemp which has been scientifically proven to be a better cleaner method for producing ethanol than corn or coal. Hemp has a multitude of uses all of them more environmentally friendly than what they would replace.
wow, underwhelming. a great idea fro me but thats not the forst thing i am proposing to save the enviroment
Ron Paul would end the wars. The pentagon itself is the 46th largest polluter compared to countries on harmful green house gasses. Ending the war would also end the use by the US of depleted uranium a radio active pollutant which will last thousands of years.
ending the wars will not get rid of the pentagon. and paul believes in a strong military. so the defense industry would remain a signifigant polluter without the iraq and afghan wars
Ron Paul will also close the loop hole on SUVs and allow the market to remain free and will not engage in corporate welfare.
so allow the market to be free unregualted so it can pollute all it wants. great idea
He will protect property rights
not sure where property rights come into this, help me out?
and has stated that he would subsidize research for alternative sources of clean energy, solar, wind and bio.
ok, how much... $150 billion over 10 years as obama has proposed?
Gay marriage.
It is not a difficult issue and Ron Paul doesn’t juggle his position. Any two adults of any combination who are not already married should be able to get married if they want and the government should have nothing to do with it.
i agree. but maybe he should go back and read the "Ron Paul Newsletter" to review the hate speech he was distributing under his name
The Wars
Ron Paul would not only bring our troops home from wars that have nothing to do with protecting America’s national interests, he will go a step further and will close unnecessary bases in Germany, Japan, and elsewhere and save the US around a Trillion dollars a year!
right on
The money cut on spending will allow for huge tax cuts and more money for education and healthcare.
isnt he against federal funding for education and healthcare? wants to eliminate the DOE and medicare? call me crazy but thats kind of his platform. unless i was seeing things?
Furthermore it is the moral and ethical thing to do.
right on
Foreign aid to dictators
Ron Paul will end all aid to the entire Middle East including Israel. There is no reason the Military industrial complex should be allowed to finance itself buy awarding the money of the people of the US to despot and fascist nations to fund all sides of a military conflict. This would save again hundreds of billions of dollars.
right on
Paul will freeze the 36 billion dollar a year nuclear program in the US and there is absolutely no reason the US needs to build any more nuclear bombs when it already possesses thousands.
right on
Trade Ron Paul will trade and negotiate with everyone. Paul is willing to trade with Cuba who is no longer (if they ever even were) a threat to the US and should be able to mutually benefit from each other’s markets.
Paul also opposes NAFTA as it is unfairly designed to allow large government subsidized agribusinesses into Mexico where it can monopoly that industry and drive millions of workers out of business where they often get picked up in both Mexico and (illegally) in the US to be used as exploited labor.
um, Ron, thats whats happens in a "free market"... the unregulated and unchecked corporations exploit anyone and anything they can for profit.
Ron Paul wants to end the welfare state. No one will be kicked out into the street people who are already dependent will be taken care of
could you repeat that for me? i dont understand? he cant take both sides of an issue... end the welfare state but people will still be taken care of? i work for a social services agency and work with alot of people in the actual social services office, and i can say this is the most cold hearted part of this kind of domestic policy/thinking that is proposed. flat out heartless. it is not a "welfare" state... it is called the human race and some people need fucking help.
however young people will be given the option to opt out of social security if they choose to and save their own money as it appears that the SS funds have already been spent by the Bush administration and there will be no money there in the future for all the people paying into it.
wrong, ss is an easy fix. raise the social security tax rate minimum from $96,500. that is as simple as pie. it should be a fair tax and shpuld not cut off at $96,500. i should not pay $1000 less then bill gates per year into social security. it is the most rigged and skewed towards the wealthy part of the tax code there is.
Ron Paul will get rid of the Department of Education which deals with education in title only and is in reality an institution to control schools and turn them into businesses acting as umbrella corporations to take “education” money and spend it on construction, beautification, etc. the DOE dictates what is taught in schools and acts as a method of indoctrination not education. States should be allowed more control. We don’t all need to read the exact same books in high school. Our public education is dismal.
Private schools free from the DOE do tend to teach better and out perform public schools. Crushing the DOE would liberate public schools from the rigid write and repeat joke that is posing as education right now. With federal tax cuts, and a trillion dollar spending cut from imperialism, combined with a stronger dollar and sound money, people would have more income, and state would have more to spend on education.
i agree that our education system could be improved. just as every education system in the world could be improved. however ending federal support for this is the wrong direction to fix the issue. i believe federal funding for education should be increased dramatically and i believe universal education should be expanded to pre-k through doctorate...
There is the misconception that the DOE pays for public schools. It does not. Public schools are paid by the states through their property taxes and somethimes a state lottery.
i think that is wrong. districts and schools do recieve various forms of federal funding from the DOE. a lot of state agencies recieve fedearl funding for various things and special projects
War on drugs
Paul would end the CIA’s lucrative drug rings by legalizing drugs and taking away their profitability. Victims of drugs would be treated as addicts rather than criminals and given treatment. Less harmful drugs could be used recreationally and would adult decisions just as they are now with alcohol. There is absolutely no reason to put a marijuana user in jail solely for using marijuana. Marijuana may also have medical benefits in certain situations and would be perfectly legal as are other prescription drugs. Other benefits from this would stem from the legalization of the hemp and its multitude of benefits for the environment from paper to fuel.
right on
Because Ron Paul over a trillion dollars from ending the war closing bases and ending nuclear proliferation, and senseless foreign aid, Americans would enjoy massive tax cuts. The income tax would be gone allowing people keep their own money rather than giving it to the government. No social programs would have to be cut to compensate for the loss revenue because we can save more than enough just by ending our imperial practices. The IRS would be gone. Many departments such as the Department of Homeland Security would also be cut. They are unnecessary in many cases unethical (they infringe on civil liberties and advocate torture etc) and we don’t need to waste money on them. Ron Paul has never voted to raise taxes.
i would rather spend that money saved on the domestic spending needed here at home. we need to invest in our infrastructure, our people, and our enviroment.
Monetary policy
Ron Paul is the only candidate running that even has a monetary policy. The big monster in the dark that creates inflation and the business cycles in housing and the stock market is the Federal Reserve. They create money backed by nothing out of thin air and loan it to the government to pay for imperial escapades and the government pays them back with interest by simply printing more money and devaluating the dollar. Paul would kill the spending and the borrowing as he would end the wars, and get rid of the Federal Reserve. This country used the gold standard until 1971 and could return to it to create sound money. We don’t need a secretive private bank controlling our money supply. At the very least if the Fed is to continue then there must be an audit and they have got to be more public and open.
Paul stands for transparency in government and privacy for the individuals. There would be no searches with out warrants. There would be no domestic spying. There would be no censorship of the Internet. There would be no phone tapping. And there would no longer be a Patriot Act.
right on
Ron Paul is opposed to torture no and ifs of buts about it. Gitmo would be closed down and renditions made illegal and people (soldiers or mercenaries) breaking the law would be prosecuted.
right on
Paul will end all aid to Israel. He takes no money from AIPAC and believes they should be prosecuted for spying on the US.
i have no problem with peaceful foreign aid to any country. i believe all defense related aid should be cut off from every country. ally or foe.
Paul would stop the threats and sanctions on Iran. He would withdraw our naval war ships from their border. There is no reason to rush into WWIII with a country that based on the Evidence poses no threat the US and whose people should not be economically punished for having the “possibility” or “know how” of being able to one day harm the US.
Paul met the reports of the straight of Hormuz incident with skepticism right off the bat and stated this position in the SC debates. McCain and the other psychopaths smirked at this but later Paul was proven right.
right on... but i think it is a good idea to provide sanction to sway them from seeking nuclear weapons. south africa is a good example of that type of success. nuclear weapons cannot be ignored. i cant blame iran for wanting the technology, but i still dont want ANY country to come into control of them. i am extremely anti nuclear weapon, for everyone. and it does need to be taken seriously. another reason i like obama. he is the one saying he will sit down with people. diplomacy. and economic sanctions can be quite helpful in swaying a country like iran
Ron Paul is a strict constitutionalist. He has never voted to and will never break the constitution. It is unconstitutional to have undeclared wars. It is unconstitutional to avoid due process of law. It is unconstitutional to confiscate guns, land, or homes. Ron Paul would restore the constitution.
right on. even though it is not a perfect document so i dont swear on it as if it is the bible, i do like the idea of upholding it
Gun Control
The best way to control guns is to use both hands.
wow. sure thing, hand everyone an uzi and lets get it on :rolleyes:
Ron Paul supports the right to bare arms as it is part of the constitution. Gun free zones like Virginia Tech leave non-criminals like sitting ducks to an armed criminal. Armed citizens can bring a assailant down on their own, as they did in the Virginia Appalachian school of law, without waiting to fat, out of shape, chicken-shit cops to surround a building for four hours and do nothing until the shooter had killed himself. Police normally show up AFTER a crime when it is too late to prevent it. You have a right to defend yourself and home or deter criminals with the threat of it.
i love this one... especially the VT incident how the gun nuts have been using that one. when is the last time you witnessed a violent crime? i have not witnessed a violent crime since i saw a fight in high school. and that would suprise you if you knew my job. 95% of people have never been invloved in a serious violent crime or witnessed one. the last thing we need is everyone walking around legally armed to the teeth shooting at each other over traffic disputes. it is bad enough as it is.
The Borders
You may have noticed on the map that the US actually does have borders. It is a sovereign nation with a unique culture and common language. Illegal immigrants should not cut in line from those going through the legal process. There is no excuse to not just simply do the legal paper work. Illegal aliens are exploited for labor by large and small businesses. And if desperate people can cross the border, so can illegal weapons, terrorists, and criminals. It is wrong to use exploited labor and it is wrong to tighten the number of available jobs and drive down wages. If people want to work in the US and make money for themselves or their families, then come over the legal way, pay taxes like everyone else and get a job. Ron Paul would make it easier to come legally but much harder to come illegally. Furthermore he would end the hand out to illegal and end the causes of such desperation at least in Mexico, by ending NAFTA and opening up more trade to all nations.
great speech there which i happen to mostly agree with... but how does he plan to do that? how dioes he plan to address illegal immigration?
Free Speech
People have free speech that is part of the constitution. No where does the constitution state free speech “zones.” The entire country is a free speech zone. Ron Paul would not continue Bush and the Neocon’s practice of limiting free speech to designated zones. Paul has even been a victim of government censorship as the pentagon’s media outlet Fox News refused to allow Ron Paul in a presidential debate before the New Hampshire primaries even though it allowed others like Giuliani who had much less support than Paul.
I dont know anything. Obviously you do. All hail my2hands bringer of truth.
no problem buddy, anytime
the EU operates as one economic entity at this point with shared and distributed power. it operates with one major currency, one major political body, and one unified set of EU laws and regualtions. it is essentially modeled after the united states of america with some fantastic tweaks. much like the states have their own laws and taxes and health care systems and yet fall under the larger collective umbrella of the USA and federal law and regulation.
it is the United States of Europe. the 20th century europe is dead. it is a new 21st century world and they are leading the way
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the EU operates as one economic entity at this point with shared and distributed power. it operates with one major currency, one major political body, and one unified set of EU laws and regualtions. it is essentially modeled after the united states of america with some fantastic tweaks. much like the states have their own laws and taxes and health care systems and yet fall under the larger collective umbrella of the USA and federal law and regulation.
it is the United States of Europe. the 20th century europe is dead. it is a new 21st century world and they are leading the way
is that ll the conspiracy crowd has anymore? the fed?
i just replied to everything you wrote. none of which challenges my original post or concerns for the domestic sink or swim policies of paul and his supporters? and all you have is where is obama on the fed and that he is a sheep?
this country and it citizens enjoyed tremendous wealth and proseperity with the big bad FED in place? so i really dont buy into the whole doom and gloom conspiracy concerns circling the FED
is that ll the conspiracy crowd has anymore? the fed?
i just replied to everything you wrote. none of which challenges my original post or concerns for the domestic sink or swim policies of paul and his supporters? and all you have is where is obama on the fed and that he is a sheep?
this country and it citizens enjoyed tremendous wealth and proseperity with the big bad FED in place? so i really dont buy into the whole doom and gloom conspiracy concerns circling the FED
Yes the federal reserve. Please look into who they are and what they do.
for the love of god...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i stand by that statement
and dont blame me for pointing out someone obviously doesnt know what they are talking about thwn they say china is the worlds economic superpower
i guess thats what you get debating politics on a rock bands message board though
same diff...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
ending the wars will not get rid of the pentagon. and paul believes in a strong military. so the defense industry would remain a signifigant polluter without the iraq and afghan wars
so allow the market to be free unregualted so it can pollute all it wants. great idea
not sure where property rights come into this, help me out?
ok, how much... $150 billion over 10 years as obama has proposed?
i agree. but maybe he should go back and read the "Ron Paul Newsletter" to review the hate speech he was distributing under his name
right on
isnt he against federal funding for education and healthcare? wants to eliminate the DOE and medicare? call me crazy but thats kind of his platform. unless i was seeing things?
right on
right on
right on
um, Ron, thats whats happens in a "free market"... the unregulated and unchecked corporations exploit anyone and anything they can for profit.
could you repeat that for me? i dont understand? he cant take both sides of an issue... end the welfare state but people will still be taken care of? i work for a social services agency and work with alot of people in the actual social services office, and i can say this is the most cold hearted part of this kind of domestic policy/thinking that is proposed. flat out heartless. it is not a "welfare" state... it is called the human race and some people need fucking help.
wrong, ss is an easy fix. raise the social security tax rate minimum from $96,500. that is as simple as pie. it should be a fair tax and shpuld not cut off at $96,500. i should not pay $1000 less then bill gates per year into social security. it is the most rigged and skewed towards the wealthy part of the tax code there is.
i agree that our education system could be improved. just as every education system in the world could be improved. however ending federal support for this is the wrong direction to fix the issue. i believe federal funding for education should be increased dramatically and i believe universal education should be expanded to pre-k through doctorate...
i think that is wrong. districts and schools do recieve various forms of federal funding from the DOE. a lot of state agencies recieve fedearl funding for various things and special projects
right on
i would rather spend that money saved on the domestic spending needed here at home. we need to invest in our infrastructure, our people, and our enviroment.
right on
right on
i have no problem with peaceful foreign aid to any country. i believe all defense related aid should be cut off from every country. ally or foe.
right on... but i think it is a good idea to provide sanction to sway them from seeking nuclear weapons. south africa is a good example of that type of success. nuclear weapons cannot be ignored. i cant blame iran for wanting the technology, but i still dont want ANY country to come into control of them. i am extremely anti nuclear weapon, for everyone. and it does need to be taken seriously. another reason i like obama. he is the one saying he will sit down with people. diplomacy. and economic sanctions can be quite helpful in swaying a country like iran
right on. even though it is not a perfect document so i dont swear on it as if it is the bible, i do like the idea of upholding it
wow. sure thing, hand everyone an uzi and lets get it on :rolleyes:
i love this one... especially the VT incident how the gun nuts have been using that one. when is the last time you witnessed a violent crime? i have not witnessed a violent crime since i saw a fight in high school. and that would suprise you if you knew my job. 95% of people have never been invloved in a serious violent crime or witnessed one. the last thing we need is everyone walking around legally armed to the teeth shooting at each other over traffic disputes. it is bad enough as it is.
great speech there which i happen to mostly agree with... but how does he plan to do that? how dioes he plan to address illegal immigration?
right on
no problem buddy, anytime
the EU operates as one economic entity at this point with shared and distributed power. it operates with one major currency, one major political body, and one unified set of EU laws and regualtions. it is essentially modeled after the united states of america with some fantastic tweaks. much like the states have their own laws and taxes and health care systems and yet fall under the larger collective umbrella of the USA and federal law and regulation.
it is the United States of Europe. the 20th century europe is dead. it is a new 21st century world and they are leading the way
sheeping along right?
nuff said..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
is that ll the conspiracy crowd has anymore? the fed?
i just replied to everything you wrote. none of which challenges my original post or concerns for the domestic sink or swim policies of paul and his supporters? and all you have is where is obama on the fed and that he is a sheep?
this country and it citizens enjoyed tremendous wealth and proseperity with the big bad FED in place? so i really dont buy into the whole doom and gloom conspiracy concerns circling the FED
what, the United States of America? that is what the EU is modeled after...
let me guess, too many alex jones videos?
Yes the federal reserve. Please look into who they are and what they do.
for the love of god...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Think there was an attempt back in the 40's to make a single world gov't, like WWII or something like that, nazism.
Alex Jones was recently on Fox ...(skip ahead a couple mins)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)