LOL I luv it when teenagers and young people try to educate us older ones.
Let me ask you this dear, do you honestly think that you know something about marijuana that your parents havent already experienced?
Could it be that adults say to stay away from drugs because they have actually seen the results?
LOL I luv it when old people make a blanket dismissal of the intelligence and knowledge of anyone younger than them.
First sentence - you SHOULD love it when young people try to educate older ones. How can that be a bad thing?
Second sentence - let ME ask YOU this, dear...what are YOUR personal expereinces with mj? Do you think you know something about it that your parents didn't?
Third sentence - are you sure your views on drugs aren't skewed by your work? You said yourself you're dealing with people with families and teens with psych issues....but when asked about this, you deflected it with gateway bs. What results have you seen from mj use?
LOL I luv it when old people make a blanket dismissal of the intelligence and knowledge of anyone younger than them.
First sentence - you SHOULD love it when young people try to educate older ones. How can that be a bad thing?
Second sentence - let ME ask YOU this, dear...what are YOUR personal expereinces with mj? Do you think you know something about it that your parents didn't?
Third sentence - are you sure your views on drugs aren't skewed by your work? You said yourself you're dealing with people with families and teens with psych issues....but when asked about this, you deflected it with gateway bs. What results have you seen from mj use?
I work in cancer research and seeing patients battling and fighting this horrific disease on a daily basis while their pain meds don't work, their anti-emetics don't work, and they starve themselves to an incredibly sickly state (all of which MJ helps) ...if any of you spent one day with me and said you don't believe marijuana would benefit them you are either a) naive, or b) are a fucking heartless bastard!
I work in cancer research and seeing patients battling and fighting this horrific disease on a daily basis while their pain meds don't work, their anti-emetics don't work, and they starve themselves to an incredibly sickly state (all of which MJ helps) ...if any of you spent one day with me and said you don't believe marijuana would benefit them you are either a) naive, or b) are a fucking heartless bastard!
there is a difference between what you're talking about and all out legalization.
but, as i have said before, in this thread, there are more important things to worry about, and if you think this is important, then, like you, i have to wonder how naive or stupid the people are who believe that it is important.
I work in cancer research and seeing patients battling and fighting this horrific disease on a daily basis while their pain meds don't work, their anti-emetics don't work, and they starve themselves to an incredibly sickly state (all of which MJ helps) ...if any of you spent one day with me and said you don't believe marijuana would benefit them you are either a) naive, or b) are a fucking heartless bastard!
I agree, I worked in Hospice and had patients that smoked the stuff and although i had to discourage it leagally I did see the benifits for them. On their death bed it helped them eat, sleep and all around feel better where the ten different pharmies they wree on did nothing but make them feel worse.
there is a difference between what you're talking about and all out legalization.
but, as i have said before, in this thread, there are more important things to worry about, and if you think this is important, then, like you, i have to wonder how naive or stupid the people are who believe that it is important.
So you came back in this thread, and have obviously been following it, just so that you can insult people for their beliefs and make condescending comments about people who support legalization? Just because other things are MORE important doesn't make this issue any LESS important. Domestically, the war on drugs is one of the most important issues on the table....and mj is the most commonly used illegal drug, with by far the most arrests made each why is it so unimportant?
That attitude makes me sick. Can we ONLY focus on the war, or child slavery, or whatever fucking issue YOU deem as important? Get off your horse bro.
I agree, I worked in Hospice and had patients that smoked the stuff and although i had to discourage it leagally I did see the benifits for them. On their death bed it helped them eat, sleep and all around feel better where the ten different pharmies they wree on did nothing but make them feel worse.
So you came back in this thread, and have obviously been following it, just so that you can insult people for their beliefs and make condescending comments about people who support legalization? Just because other things are MORE important doesn't make this issue any LESS important. Domestically, the war on drugs is one of the most important issues on the table....and mj is the most commonly used illegal drug, with by far the most arrests made each why is it so unimportant?
That attitude makes me sick. Can we ONLY focus on the war, or child slavery, or whatever fucking issue YOU deem as important? Get off your horse bro.
it absolutely makes it less important. it is less important because it doesn't matter. you think i'm against legalization. i'm not. i just think it's a non-issue. if you want to smoke...smoke all you want. stupid people are the ones that get caught in the web of the drug war. stop being stupid if you want don't want to get caught in the web of the ho-hum war on drugs. you think i'm on a horse. you have to be kidding me. you think that pot is more important than an illegal war in iraq that is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people? you are acting like a complete, uninformed, dispassionate idiot if you think pot is more important or even as equally important as that. the fact is this...pot doesn't matter. because it doesn't matter, it's legalization or criminalization is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. like i said, smoke all you want. i don't care. but, i hope, in your open-minded, other-worldedly experience of being high, you realize that your ability to get high is INSIGNIFICANT in the world in which we live.
it absolutely makes it less important. it is less important because it doesn't matter. you think i'm against legalization. i'm not. i just think it's a non-issue. if you want to smoke...smoke all you want. stupid people are the ones that get caught in the web of the drug war. stop being stupid if you want don't want to get caught in the web of the ho-hum war on drugs. you think i'm on a horse. you have to be kidding me. you think that pot is more important than an illegal war in iraq that is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people? you are acting like a complete, uninformed, dispassionate idiot if you think pot is more important or even as equally important as that. the fact is this...pot doesn't matter. because it doesn't matter, it's legalization or criminalization is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. like i said, smoke all you want. i don't care. but, i hope, in your open-minded, other-worldedly experience of being high, you realize that your ability to get high is INSIGNIFICANT in the world in which we live.
Before you call me an idiot again, read my post...I said that just because something else is MORE important doesn't mean that this issue is any LESS important. By less important, I meant less important than it was before the war....and by more important, I meant that the war for oil WAS more important than the war on drugs. That doesn't change the fact that there are problems right here at home that need to be dealt with....regarding the WOD, if you're american, it's a BIG problem. Tell the million "stupid" people arrested for mj possession last year that it's an insignificant problem. Their futures could be hugely affected by a criminal record. So many people smoke pot that some of these people might not have even considered the because of a stupid mistake (in your eyes), you're willing to destroy a good portion of their future options? you are acting like a complete, uninformed, dispassionate idiot if you think that those MILLIONS of americans facing a criminal record deserve their fate for being stupid. You think they are insignificant? and that it "doesn't matter" that they did something that a HUGE percentage of your population has done without consequence and are being persecuted for it? You seem to be denying that it's even an issue....that only what matters to you really yes, you're on a horse.
Your insults demonstrate that perfectly.
Before you call me an idiot again, read my post...I said that just because something else is MORE important doesn't mean that this issue is any LESS important. By less important, I meant less important than it was before the war....and by more important, I meant that the war for oil WAS more important than the war on drugs. That doesn't change the fact that there are problems right here at home that need to be dealt with....regarding the WOD, if you're american, it's a BIG problem. Tell the million "stupid" people arrested for mj possession last year that it's an insignificant problem. Their futures could be hugely affected by a criminal record. So many people smoke pot that some of these people might not have even considered the because of a stupid mistake (in your eyes), you're willing to destroy a good portion of their future options? you are acting like a complete, uninformed, dispassionate idiot if you think that those MILLIONS of americans facing a criminal record deserve their fate for being stupid. You think they are insignificant? and that it "doesn't matter" that they did something that a HUGE percentage of your population has done without consequence and are being persecuted for it? You seem to be denying that it's even an issue....that only what matters to you really yes, you're on a horse.
Your insults demonstrate that perfectly.
i didn't say it wasn't an issue...i said it's not an important issue. if you say something is more important than A then A is less important than that thing. it is a statement of comparative importance. is that hard to understand?
the problem here at home that needs to be dealt with is the governmental culture present in the white house, the senate, the house, states, counties, and cities...tie in the apathy and you have plenty to deal with. if you take care of those things, then a reasonable discussion on marijuana might make it to the table. until that happens, marijuana is a not important to me...and it shouldn't be important to reasonable people.
the million stupid people that were arrested last year for possession are just that...stupid. think about what you're doing before you do it. i agree that possession does not warrant a jail sentence, but i still contend that you have to be really inept at living to get caught in possession because you KNOW what you cannot do...they're not hiding the ball. you act like i am chastising you and people who are for the legalization of marijuana. i am not. i just think it is not important and that the war on drugs is a myth.
i'm sorry you feel threatened by my opinion, but it is my opinion and you're not going to change my mind because there is nothing profound you can tell me about this argument. choose your battles.
there is a difference between what you're talking about and all out legalization.
but, as i have said before, in this thread, there are more important things to worry about, and if you think this is important, then, like you, i have to wonder how naive or stupid the people are who believe that it is important.
I'm so sick of the situations I am faced with.
I'm even bored of the drugs that I escape with.
I've been there see, I've had no hope.
I sat in the stadium watching people walk home.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i didn't say it wasn't an issue...i said it's not an important issue. if you say something is more important than A then A is less important than that thing. it is a statement of comparative importance. is that hard to understand? .
My initial comment was not clear, so I'll restate it a second time. comparatively, the war in Iraq is more important. Following? ...just because there is a war going on over there, it shouldn't make the issue of the war on drugs any less important. But of course people dying en masse is more important...IMO, there is just another issue to deal with....Got it?
the problem here at home that needs to be dealt with is the governmental culture present in the white house, the senate, the house, states, counties, and cities...tie in the apathy and you have plenty to deal with. if you take care of those things, then a reasonable discussion on marijuana might make it to the table. until that happens, marijuana is a not important to me...and it shouldn't be important to reasonable people.
you want to lessen political apathy, but you think it's pointless for people to voice displeasure with the unimportant war on drugs? This 'war' is a part of the governmental culture you're criticizing, it's hypocritical to discourage people from speaking out against it.
the million stupid people that were arrested last year for possession are just that...stupid. think about what you're doing before you do it. i agree that possession does not warrant a jail sentence, but i still contend that you have to be really inept at living to get caught in possession because you KNOW what you cannot do...they're not hiding the ball. you act like i am chastising you and people who are for the legalization of marijuana. i am not.
Not chastising? we're not 'reasonable people, stupid, insignificant, uninformed, dispassionate idiot, naive'....ok :rolleyes:
i'm sorry you feel threatened by my opinion, but it is my opinion and you're not going to change my mind because there is nothing profound you can tell me about this argument. choose your battles.
Threatened? I just think it's wrong, and I can back up my opinion, that's all...If you can flat out say that no one can change your mind, then they can't. Good luck with that attitude tho... I'm really sorry for challenging your opinion.
gue's go it. just look at him!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
gurgley goo
lets scrape the stem and smoke it
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
seems to me you may have already done that gue.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I haven't done that in 30 years.
I'm a low IQ negro by default.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
First sentence - you SHOULD love it when young people try to educate older ones. How can that be a bad thing?
Second sentence - let ME ask YOU this, dear...what are YOUR personal expereinces with mj? Do you think you know something about it that your parents didn't?
Third sentence - are you sure your views on drugs aren't skewed by your work? You said yourself you're dealing with people with families and teens with psych issues....but when asked about this, you deflected it with gateway bs. What results have you seen from mj use?
she works with the poor souls. it's horrendous.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
angels share laughter
Yes it is, sir.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I work in cancer research and seeing patients battling and fighting this horrific disease on a daily basis while their pain meds don't work, their anti-emetics don't work, and they starve themselves to an incredibly sickly state (all of which MJ helps) ...if any of you spent one day with me and said you don't believe marijuana would benefit them you are either a) naive, or b) are a fucking heartless bastard!
there is a difference between what you're talking about and all out legalization.
but, as i have said before, in this thread, there are more important things to worry about, and if you think this is important, then, like you, i have to wonder how naive or stupid the people are who believe that it is important.
from my window to yours
I agree, I worked in Hospice and had patients that smoked the stuff and although i had to discourage it leagally I did see the benifits for them. On their death bed it helped them eat, sleep and all around feel better where the ten different pharmies they wree on did nothing but make them feel worse.
some can smoke and function fine
some are even more creative or productive with it
others smoke and do not do shit but get high and be lazy depends on your personality
it is not for everyone
So you came back in this thread, and have obviously been following it, just so that you can insult people for their beliefs and make condescending comments about people who support legalization? Just because other things are MORE important doesn't make this issue any LESS important. Domestically, the war on drugs is one of the most important issues on the table....and mj is the most commonly used illegal drug, with by far the most arrests made each why is it so unimportant?
That attitude makes me sick. Can we ONLY focus on the war, or child slavery, or whatever fucking issue YOU deem as important? Get off your horse bro.
why do you discourage it's legality?
why do you think it's important to have it legalized?
from my window to yours
it absolutely makes it less important. it is less important because it doesn't matter. you think i'm against legalization. i'm not. i just think it's a non-issue. if you want to smoke...smoke all you want. stupid people are the ones that get caught in the web of the drug war. stop being stupid if you want don't want to get caught in the web of the ho-hum war on drugs. you think i'm on a horse. you have to be kidding me. you think that pot is more important than an illegal war in iraq that is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people? you are acting like a complete, uninformed, dispassionate idiot if you think pot is more important or even as equally important as that. the fact is this...pot doesn't matter. because it doesn't matter, it's legalization or criminalization is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. like i said, smoke all you want. i don't care. but, i hope, in your open-minded, other-worldedly experience of being high, you realize that your ability to get high is INSIGNIFICANT in the world in which we live.
from my window to yours
Before you call me an idiot again, read my post...I said that just because something else is MORE important doesn't mean that this issue is any LESS important. By less important, I meant less important than it was before the war....and by more important, I meant that the war for oil WAS more important than the war on drugs. That doesn't change the fact that there are problems right here at home that need to be dealt with....regarding the WOD, if you're american, it's a BIG problem. Tell the million "stupid" people arrested for mj possession last year that it's an insignificant problem. Their futures could be hugely affected by a criminal record. So many people smoke pot that some of these people might not have even considered the because of a stupid mistake (in your eyes), you're willing to destroy a good portion of their future options? you are acting like a complete, uninformed, dispassionate idiot if you think that those MILLIONS of americans facing a criminal record deserve their fate for being stupid. You think they are insignificant? and that it "doesn't matter" that they did something that a HUGE percentage of your population has done without consequence and are being persecuted for it? You seem to be denying that it's even an issue....that only what matters to you really yes, you're on a horse.
Your insults demonstrate that perfectly.
i didn't say it wasn't an issue...i said it's not an important issue. if you say something is more important than A then A is less important than that thing. it is a statement of comparative importance. is that hard to understand?
the problem here at home that needs to be dealt with is the governmental culture present in the white house, the senate, the house, states, counties, and cities...tie in the apathy and you have plenty to deal with. if you take care of those things, then a reasonable discussion on marijuana might make it to the table. until that happens, marijuana is a not important to me...and it shouldn't be important to reasonable people.
the million stupid people that were arrested last year for possession are just that...stupid. think about what you're doing before you do it. i agree that possession does not warrant a jail sentence, but i still contend that you have to be really inept at living to get caught in possession because you KNOW what you cannot do...they're not hiding the ball. you act like i am chastising you and people who are for the legalization of marijuana. i am not. i just think it is not important and that the war on drugs is a myth.
i'm sorry you feel threatened by my opinion, but it is my opinion and you're not going to change my mind because there is nothing profound you can tell me about this argument. choose your battles.
from my window to yours
I don't think it should be 100% legal.
I'm even bored of the drugs that I escape with.
I've been there see, I've had no hope.
I sat in the stadium watching people walk home.
you want to lessen political apathy, but you think it's pointless for people to voice displeasure with the unimportant war on drugs? This 'war' is a part of the governmental culture you're criticizing, it's hypocritical to discourage people from speaking out against it.
Not chastising? we're not 'reasonable people, stupid, insignificant, uninformed, dispassionate idiot, naive'....ok :rolleyes:
a myth? Are you baiting me, wtf?