Do unto others.

NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
edited February 2008 in A Moving Train


  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:

    you forgot to mention this. probably because you don't know jack shit about it.

    The party of fifty-four soldiers, twelve militia, nine women and eighteen children was led by a former Miami warrior, Billy Wells. Under the influence of Wells, who was born white but raised as an Indian, thirty or so Miami warriors agreed to accompany the group. Wells’s face was painted black. The war paint was an appropriate symbol of the imminent danger. He fully expected an ambush and spotted signs of it early in the journey. Just over a nearby sand dune, Chief Blackbird waited to strike. He was at the head of a five hundred-man Potawatomi and Winnebago ambush party.

    Wells and Heald led a desperate attack up the dune. The wagon-train of women and children was left unprotected. In no time, the Americans were completely surrounded and alone; the Miami warriors had fled upon realizing the strength of the other tribes. Half the soldiers were killed and the local militia force was systematically wiped out. One bloodthirsty young warrior slipped into a covered wagon and beheaded twelve children. Mrs. Heald's black slave, Cicely, was one of two women killed while fighting to save the young ones.

    Heald was wounded but alive. Wells was not so lucky. His head was cut off and his heart eaten by the chiefs who hoped to gain some of his courage.

  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you forgot to mention this. probably because you don't know jack shit about it.

    The party of fifty-four soldiers, twelve militia, nine women and eighteen children was led by a former Miami warrior, Billy Wells. Under the influence of Wells, who was born white but raised as an Indian, thirty or so Miami warriors agreed to accompany the group. Wells’s face was painted black. The war paint was an appropriate symbol of the imminent danger. He fully expected an ambush and spotted signs of it early in the journey. Just over a nearby sand dune, Chief Blackbird waited to strike. He was at the head of a five hundred-man Potawatomi and Winnebago ambush party.

    Wells and Heald led a desperate attack up the dune. The wagon-train of women and children was left unprotected. In no time, the Americans were completely surrounded and alone; the Miami warriors had fled upon realizing the strength of the other tribes. Half the soldiers were killed and the local militia force was systematically wiped out. One bloodthirsty young warrior slipped into a covered wagon and beheaded twelve children. Mrs. Heald's black slave, Cicely, was one of two women killed while fighting to save the young ones.

    Heald was wounded but alive. Wells was not so lucky. His head was cut off and his heart eaten by the chiefs who hoped to gain some of his courage.

    Because the American soldiers never committed atrocities against the Native Americans, right? But then you probably know jack shit about that, or you just choose to ignore it, like you do with anything that doesn't fit your ignorant, flag-sucking agenda.

    To take a typical example, your hero George Armstrong Custer was notorious for murdering women and children, and even managed to disgust members of his own troop when cutting out the unborn babies of pregnant women and impaling them on his sword. But we won't mention that, because it's un-American.
    '...George Armstrong Custer was a child-killer, that his soldiers murdered native women, {...}he allowed his men to ride down defenseless old men. He was called "Son of the Morning Star," not as an honorific name, but because he committed his horrific acts of genocide at dawn, while his victims lie sleeping in their homes.'
  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719
    thank you for bringing out this actrocite; we mustn't forget....
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Because native american soldiers never committed atrocities against Americans, right? But then you probably know jack shit about that, or you just choose to ignore it, like you do with anything that doesn't fit your ignorant, anti-american agenda.

    hmmmm sound familiar? :rolleyes:
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you forgot to mention this. probably because you don't know jack shit about it.

    The party of fifty-four soldiers, twelve militia, nine women and eighteen children was led by a former Miami warrior, Billy Wells. Under the influence of Wells, who was born white but raised as an Indian, thirty or so Miami warriors agreed to accompany the group. Wells’s face was painted black. The war paint was an appropriate symbol of the imminent danger. He fully expected an ambush and spotted signs of it early in the journey. Just over a nearby sand dune, Chief Blackbird waited to strike. He was at the head of a five hundred-man Potawatomi and Winnebago ambush party.

    Wells and Heald led a desperate attack up the dune. The wagon-train of women and children was left unprotected. In no time, the Americans were completely surrounded and alone; the Miami warriors had fled upon realizing the strength of the other tribes. Half the soldiers were killed and the local militia force was systematically wiped out. One bloodthirsty young warrior slipped into a covered wagon and beheaded twelve children. Mrs. Heald's black slave, Cicely, was one of two women killed while fighting to save the young ones.

    Heald was wounded but alive. Wells was not so lucky. His head was cut off and his heart eaten by the chiefs who hoped to gain some of his courage.

    You forgot to mention this. probably because you don't know jack shit about it.

    'Those Who Deny the Crimes of the Past: American Racist Atrocity Denial 101 1776-2004'

    1776: Six thousand US troops raze more than 20 Cherokee towns, "destroying crops, inflicting serious casualties on noncombatants and sweeping much of the population into Spanish Florida. Only the cessation of about a third of the all Cherokee territory brings the annihilatory campaign to a halt" (Churchill, On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, p.44)

    1800: American troops destroy a slave revolt in Virginia, executing Gabriel Prosser and 35 accomplices as a deterrent example to blacks that might seek freedom in the land of freedom. Already nearly two centuries old, North-American black chattel slavery will continue for six and half more decades, an ultra-racist social atrocity that some might consider as bad as physical eradication and which is followed by successive new regimes of anti-black racist oppression – Jim Crow segregation/apartheid, sharecropping and debt-peonage, urban ghettoization, mass incarceration, etc. – that embody the largely unacknowledged legacy and un-repaired burden of mass enslavement. Untold numbers of African-Americans will be murdered by white masters and overseers for various “reasons,” ranging from out-and-out rebellion to attempted escape, “disrespectful” behavior, and perceived insufficient work productivity.

    1822: Troops hang 35 rebellious black slaves in South Carolina, leaving the rotting corpses on prolonged public display as a warning to other black chattel who might contemplate extending the principles of the Declaration of Independence to people of African ancestry.

    1828-1840: U.S. Army conducts a long and bloody forced removal of the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole nations to Oklahoma.

    1831: Troops hang 19 rebellious slaves in Virginia.

    1850: US troops massacre at least 75 Pomo Indians trapped on an island in the Russian River area of California.

    1863: US Army Colonel Henry Sibley puts down a revolt of starving Santee Dakota Indians, conducting a mass execution of 38 native leaders.

    1864: U.S. territorial military commander Colonel John Chivington oversees the quick and brutal murder of as many as 200 Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians at Sand Creek (Colorado). The Indians had been led to believe they had been given sanctuary at Sand Creek. More than half of the victims were women and children.

    1868: Lieutenant George Armstrong Custer's Seventh U.S. Cavalry conducts a dawn assault on a noncombatant Cheyenne village camped along the Washita River in Oklahoma. Custer orders and oversees the slaughter of more than 100 Cheyenne, including women and children and the killing of 875 ponies.

    1876-1877: The U.S. Army celebrates the 100th anniversary of American "freedom" and "goodwill" by launching a "Centennial Campaign" to clear the Black Hills of their original inhabitants. A winter campaign targeting mostly defenseless villages shreds away 90 percent of Lakota territory. Former Civil War hero and prolific Indian-killer General Phillip Sheridan proclaims that US Indian policy is one of "extermination," consistent with his pithy 1868 observation that "the only good Indian is a dead Indian."

    1890/1899: The U.S. Seventh Cavalry massacres 350 unarmed Lakota – mainly women, children, and old men – at Wounded Knee creek in South Dakota. "The ostensible purpose," writes Churchill, "is to end the 'insubordination' embodied in the Indians' practice of the Ghost Dance. More likely, the troops [were] revenging themselves for the fate of Custer fourteen years earlier" (Churchill, On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, p.57) – when Lakota warriors committed the "sin of self-defense" by decimating Custer and his regiment at Little Bighorn. The Seventh Cavalry killers received Medals of Honor in recognition of their courageous actions.

    This and other genocidal anti-Indian atrocities that preceded it receive hearty approval in future US President and Spanish-American War instigator/hero Theodore Roosevelt's massive, four-volume 1899 study Winning of the West – a white-supremacist paean to Anglo-America's near-eradication of North America's original civilizations. "During the past three centuries," Roosevelt opined, "the spread of English-speaking people over the world's waste spaces" (meaning spaces not occupied by "progressive" capitalist-developmental Caucasians) was a great and welcome "feat of power," for which the "English-speaking race" could justly feel proud. No such "feat" of "race power" was more laudable, however, than "the vast movement by which this continent [North America] was conquered and peopled" – the "crowning and greatest achievement of a series of mighty movements."

    The Anglo-American pioneers conducted what Roosevelt called the noble civilizing "work" of "overcoming the original inhabitants" while at the same time "warding off the assaults of the kindred [that is European-Caucasian] nations that were bent on the same schemes." The North-American settlers performed the most heroic "work" of all, for they "confronted the most formidable savage foes ever encountered by colonists of European stock." Destroying the Indian "savages," Roosevelt claimed, was white North America's third greatest work to date, exceeded only by "the preservation of the Union itself and the emancipation of the blacks" – this as African-Americans suffered under terrorist Jim Crow regime in the former slave states and faced countless indignities throughout the U.S (Theodore Roosevelt, The Winning of the West, Volume I: From the Alleghenies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776 [New York, 1899], pp. 1-22).

    1889-1918: 3,224 Americans are lynched within the United States, mostly in the South. Seventy-eight percent of these atrocity victims are black. In most cases the victims are hung or burned to death by mobs of white vigilantes, commonly in front of thousands of gleeful spectators. Many observes take pieces of the victim’s body as souvenirs to memorialize the event. Photographs of the murdered victims circulate as popular postcards throughout the South, providing precedent for the imperialist pornographic exercise observed by “Johnny” and noted at the beginning of this article.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    another bzyine anti-american cut and paste party YIPPEEE when do we bash Israel? I'm so excited
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    another bzyine anti-american cut and paste party YIPPEEE when do we bash Israel? I'm so excited

    So now I'm anti-American for mentioning some of the atrocities committed against the native Americans?
    You really are a joke.

    P.s, nice way of avoiding the issue. But then that's typical of you. You spout a loud of crap and if it's challenged or refuted then you take refuge in lame platitudes such as 'Anti-American', or 'Cut-and-paste frenzy'. Pathetic.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    So now I'm anti-American for mentioning some of the atrocities committed against the native Americans?
    You really are a joke.

    P.s, nice way of avoiding the issue. But then that's typical of you. You spout a loud of crap and if it's challenged or refuted then you take refuge in lame platitudes such as 'Anti-American', or 'Cut-and-paste frenzy'. Pathetic.

    you are anti american becuase you only join and make threads that bash america. your references to american atrocities during this time is like saying all Italians are horrible people because of what the romans did in the 7th century.

    but yes, its important to discuss the war a new country called america had with the Indians hundreds of years ago. carry on. but be sure not to mention any Indians beheading children and eating their hearts. they were in a valiant struggle.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you are anti american becuase you only join and make threads that bash america.

    Please explain how criticising the crimes of Bush, or Custer constitute bashing America.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you are anti american becuase you only join and make threads that bash america. your references to american atrocities during this time is like saying all Italians are horrible people because of what the romans did in the 7th century.

    The issue on which this thread is based deals with something which occured during the 1970's, not the 7th century.

    Try harder!
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    they believe in an eye for an eye

    so then, we should have sterilized Barbara Bush
  • nevermind
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you are anti american becuase you only join and make threads that bash america. your references to american atrocities during this time is like saying all Italians are horrible people because of what the romans did in the 7th century.

    but yes, its important to discuss the war a new country called america had with the Indians hundreds of years ago. carry on. but be sure not to mention any Indians beheading children and eating their hearts. they were in a valiant struggle.

    This post proves what an ignoramus you are.
    You're saying that America is an old country? Really? I think if you go back to school and do your homework you'll discover that America is a relatively new country. And as far as America being at war with the Indians hundreds of years ago, you may find out that America was still at war with the American Indians as late as 1917. This hardly qualifies as 'hundreds of years ago'.
    And some would argue that white America was still technically at war with the Indians as late as the 1970's during the occupation of Wounded Knee and the Pine ridge reservation incident.
    Still, none of this fits your corporate, flag-sucking agenda, so go ahead and dismiss it, or call me anti-American.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    This post proves what an ignoramus you are.
    You're saying that America is an old country? Really? I think if you go back to school and do your homework you'll discover that America is a relatively new country. And as far as America being at war with the Indians hundreds of years ago, you may find out that America was still at war with the American Indians as late as 1917. This hardly qualifies as 'hundreds of years ago'.
    And some would argue that white America was still technically at war with the Indians as late as the 1970's during the occupation of Wounded Knee and the Pine ridge reservation incident.
    Still, none of this fits your corporate, flag-sucking agenda, so go ahead and dismiss it, or call me anti-American.

    yikes, I specifically said in my post "new country called america" and yea we are still at war with Indians. makes perfect sense.

    but keep posting whatever fits your anti-american agenda. and then cry about saying you arent. but when someone does NOTHING but focusing on the negatives of america, you tend to fit more as anti-american then pro-american. get it?
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    anti american, pro american, who really cares?

    i am american and i hate alot of things about what my country has done. we have a very bloody history and have done alot of terrible things. at the same time we have done alot of wonderful things. if you can not see the bad with the good then something is wrong with you. for all of the goodwill and good things that my country has done, all of the other atrocities and things that we have done really dull that shine in the eyes of the rest of the world.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    anti american, pro american, who really cares?

    i am american and i hate alot of things about what my country has done. we have a very bloody history and have done alot of terrible things. at the same time we have done alot of wonderful things. if you can not see the bad with the good then something is wrong with you. for all of the goodwill and good things that my country has done, all of the other atrocities and things that we have done really dull that shine in the eyes of the rest of the world.

    exactly. we have done good and have done bad as a country. don't tell that to bzyone though. he sees no shine, until he actually visits this wonderful country and realizes how stupid he sounds all the time.
  • anti american, pro american, who really cares?

    i am american and i hate alot of things about what my country has done. we have a very bloody history and have done alot of terrible things. at the same time we have done alot of wonderful things. if you can not see the bad with the good then something is wrong with you. for all of the goodwill and good things that my country has done, all of the other atrocities and things that we have done really dull that shine in the eyes of the rest of the world.

    I promise you Byrnzie only read the first three sentences in that post, then glanced ove the rest and saw words like "wonderful" and "goodwill" and deleted it from his mind.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    yikes, I specifically said in my post "new country called america" and yea we are still at war with Indians. makes perfect sense.

    but keep posting whatever fits your anti-american agenda. and then cry about saying you arent. but when someone does NOTHING but focusing on the negatives of america, you tend to fit more as anti-american then pro-american. get it?

    Just the fact that you use such terms as 'antiAmerican', and 'pro-American' makes you a moron. Get it?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Just the fact that you use such terms as 'antiAmerican', and 'pro-American' makes you a moron. Get it?

  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    MrSmith wrote:
    I promise you Byrnzie only read the first three sentences in that post, then glanced ove the rest and saw words like "wonderful" and "goodwill" and deleted it from his mind.

    I promise you that you and Jlew are a couple of fuckwits.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:

    I've been on this message board for 3 years now and have yet to see you post anything constructive or intelligent. You're a waste of space.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    I've been on this message board for 3 years now and have yet to see you post anything constructive or intelligent. You're a waste of space.

    so insulting people you don't agree with is more constructive? I'm not the only one who calls you out on your bullshit and you know it.

    look around, there are many people who are capable of having constructive discussions with me. you aren't one of them. if fact, there are few people who actually respect anything you say. truth hurts my friend. the truth hurts.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    so insulting people you don't agree with is more constructive? I'm not the only one who calls you out on your bullshit and you know it.

    look around, there are many people who are capable of having constructive discussions with me. you aren't one of them. if fact, there are few people who actually respect anything you say. truth hurts my friend. the truth hurts.

    Just a random example from today of your typical attitude on this board....
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you only read what you want to hear...

    just admit you dont know what the fuck happened. you make it too easy to make fun of you.

    You're a pathetic little fraud with nothing to say, and whenever anyone challenges you you'll respond with lame personal attacks. As I said before, you're a waste of space. You'd do better to go find yourself a neo-con website where you can find like-minded corporate whores to flatter your ego.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    I'm not the only one who calls you out on your bullshit and you know it.

    And as for 'calling me out on my 'bullshit', feel free to provide just one example of when you've ever proven me wrong in a discussion - as opposed to simply calling me 'Anti-American', or accusing me of engaging in a 'cut-and-paste frenzy'.
    I'll wait patiently.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Just a random example from today of your typical attitude on this board....

    You're a pathetic little fraud with nothing to say, and whenever anyone challenges you you'll respond with lame personal attacks. As I said before, you're a waste of space. You'd do better to go find yourself a neo-con website where you can find like-minded corporate whores to flatter your ego.

    nice example........a few posts later he, driftin, (who I respect in many of his opinions and ability to debate) admitted he should have said it differently...

    Sorry i got all carried away and directly laid blame in my 6th or 7th post down.

    I'd have changed that post, but you already quoted it, so it wouldn't matter.

    I think it is PROBABLE that the US was involved in this.

    Sorry for any confusion.

    JLew 1
    Bzyine 0
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    nice example........a few posts later he, driftin, (who I respect in many of his opinions and ability to debate) admitted he should have said it differently...

    JLew 1
    Bzyine 0

    That was just one random example of you being a mendacious little prick. I could have chosen from hundreds.

    You really are a joke.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    And as for 'calling me out on my 'bullshit', feel free to provide just one example of when you've ever proven me wrong in a discussion - as opposed to simply calling me 'Anti-American', or accusing me of engaging in a 'cut-and-paste frenzy'.
    I'll wait patiently.

    your posts go something like this....

    America is the biggest terrorist state in the world.

    Most people around the world think Americans are cunts.

    America kills millions of people every year.

    America commited genocide on Indians.

    I'm not anti American.

  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    That was just one random example of you being a mendacious little prick. I could have chosen from hundreds.

    You really are a joke.

    sore loser. thanks for playin. come back anytime!
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    sore loser. thanks for playin. come back anytime!

    Why'd you go after Byrnzie?
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