Is Columbus Day a holiday for Native Americans

must be weird for them... the US having Columbus Day, a celebration of the day America was discovered, and yet they were already living there...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
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But the italians are having a parade today!
I don't know how they view it. I know that if I was native American I would probably look upon this day the same way Eurpoean jews looked upon the day Hitler rose to power.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
oh to work for the government...
......acording to Europe and the Church. I'm sure the people living there already would disagree whether or not is was "discovered".
Funny thing, though. It WAS on WAS known to exist. Columbus was not the first to see it.
If anyone wants to, read this book. "Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies" by Bartolome de las Casas.
Its an actual account of what Columbus and the Spanish did to the native people of the Indies, and how brutal they were to them.
I put Columbus right up there with Hitler, Hussein, etc.
Nuclear fission
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
una gente en dios
en dios
a people of god
that whole india thing is made up considering it wasnt even named india for a long time there after
just some info.
Most people have a 6th grade level of knowledge when it comes to Columbus....Im not really blaming anyone for that other than schools....but the story is so much different.
Nuclear fission
I just think its strange that he is the focal point of all colonization. I bet he had no idea how much of an impact he had on the Earth.
Actually, some of the things he did were worse than Hitler. Or at LEAST, on par with the holocaust.
And he was largely reeponsible for setting up the system, most likely becasue he was the first from Europe to do so, and was under such HUGE pressure from the Church to bring back wealth, in the form of GOLD, not spices.
There were huge gold mines in the indies, but the natives did not really need any gold.....however, gold was extremely valuable to the Church and to Europe.....
But the indies lacked mining equipment, so to speed the process Columbus would give each slave a cup....they would take their cup into the mines and if, after a certain amount of time it wasnt filled, they would chop off limbs and force you to continue to work...arms or legs would be placed at the mouth of the mine for all the slaves to see to use as motivation...and if people died, he would place the bodies in the slave camp as a reminder of what would happen if you didnt get your quota.....if a slave resisted, they would rape their family members and gut them alive.
Great stuff.
EDIT: I forgot to add....the slaves were given files to file off gold dust.....thats what they had to do to fill their cups. They lacked tools other than they would get the gold dust and take it back to europe and melt it back togehter to make gold bars, religious artifacts, money, etc.
Nuclear fission
Or the ripping babies from their mother arms then swinging them by the feet head first against rocks, trees etc...
Very pleasant those first European explorers were.
Those parts didn't make the grade 6 textbooks for some reason.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
What's that saying. The victors get to write history.
True. And many people never take College level history, or even pay attention in HS.
Ah well.
Nuclear fission
thats not what i'm arguing. Sadly, with all sorts of atrocities and slave practices common in the world at the time, i doubt Colombus was much different than any other powerful person. Where as Hitler's actions were far less acceptable to people in his time. I'd say Colombus was more of a tiny, wannabe HitlerStalin.
In it, he discusses his mission, the people he was to convert, the conditions they were living in prior to and after Columbus. It basically describes how the people were living in a well formed community, very sustainable, and how initially they welcomed the Europeans. Many of them even converted willingly at first. But they were ultimately subjugated to become slaves.
The priest became silently critical of Columbus and ultimately called him some sort of devil....its been a while since I read it...
When the priest went back to Europe to tell of the mission, his accounts were largely lost, until his diary showed up later.
He told the Church was was going on, and they either refused to believe it or didnt care......but most of his records, other than the diary were somehow missing.
Nuclear fission
Fair enough. I see what youre saying.
I guess Isabella and Ferdinand would be the Hitler, then.:)
Or the Church who sponsored him!:)
Nuclear fission
Didnt learn this in Grade school, touched on it in high school. Most of this came from college.
Nuclear fission
"a group of young men and women tore down the statue of the 15th Century explorer during this national holiday that was renamed the Day of Indigenous Resistance.""
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I agree with that to a certain degree, but ultimately it depends on the individual.
I think some schools teach the "In Fourteen hundred and Ninety-Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue" version of Columbus while some are more objective.
But either way, its hard to go into the real details like that in grade school. Its too bad many HS kids dont want to pay attention, because some of this shit, while disgusting, is simply fascinating.
I think most non-history major or minors in College only have to take one or two classes, dont really care, and dont really pay attention.
I was given the "Columbus was great, he was so brave and discovered America" lesson, but I went to a catholic school, so maybe they were defending the fact he spread christianity.
Nuclear fission
I was always fascinated by history, too. it was my favorite class. It always bugged me that people didn't understand the point.
I don't know why anyone would want to celebrate a murderer.
And he wasn't even the first European to set foot on the Americas, the Vikings did it a few hundred years earlier.
Lief Ericson, wasn't he and his fellow
vikings the first outsiders to set foot
on North America sum one thousand
years before Columbus was even invented?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
wasn't that kinda par for the course back then? i mean, human beings in general were brutal back then. columbus was nothing special. in those days if you wanted a village you went in, sacked it, raped the women, burned the homes, and stole all the goods. they did this to each other, not just the native americans. columbus just found new places to do it. by your definition i'd say prior to 16-1700 EVERYONE was on par with hitler and hussein.
i dont get columbus day though. he wasnt american, not in america, had nothing to do with america, and didn't discover shit.
it's a made up goverment holiday.
it's a load of shit.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
aren't all holidays made up by the government?