Conservative American parents - All insane?

"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Post edited by Unknown User on
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
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There is some thing wrong with the far left and far right.
that link doesnt show me anything... well other than yahoo homepage?
I didn't see the "i'm a convservative and..." parts of the video
must have missed them.
Call me presumptious if you like, I doubt these women in the video are voting Obama.
Conservative America understands the following:
1. Mosques and private Muslim schools in America are largely funded by Jihadist Muslim institutions in Saudi Arabia.
2. Over half of all "moderate muslims" believe in some form of Sharia law.
3. Of those "moderate muslims," NONE have lambasted the Jihadist movement. When the whole "Catholic priests were molesting boys" crisis came up, our citizens were out in MASS protest. Where is the same outcry from the "moderate muslims" about the extremists war on us? Where's the "moderate" leadership?
4. Islamic lobbying groups are POUNDING our court system with frivolous lawsuits looking for activist judges who will erode our ability to fight Muslim extremists and rob us of our tax dollars in the process.
Even if this doll issue is kinda hokey, I appreciate the vigilance against the Muslim invasion of America.
For more information on this issue, I would suggest a book by Mark Steyn called "America Alone."
Do you have proof for this?
Of course, I don't see any problem with that whatsoever.
NONE, eh? Liar.
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I won't be reading his book thanks.
Just apologize for them, it's cool. I choose to fight for the future of my daughters.
Isn't that one of the clinical definitions of insanity?
—Dorothy Parker
Yeah. So no proof?
A two second search on google and I already proved you wrong on one point.
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You are perfectly welcome to your narrow view. But you are mistaken both on premise and conclusion. I guess you have know way to know that, do you?
I could go on and on and on...
I'm sure you are a very busy person, but before you go off spouting bullshit you might want to spend 0.18 seconds on google :rolleyes:
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You won't see my name in the phonebook, mapquest, nowhere...but you'll find me on google.
you can google find ANYTHING. but I am not wrong, I haven't seen the Editor of this site ANYWHERE but here. Or anyone else of his ilk. Not on CNN, 20/20, Nightline, Charlie Rose, so save me the ONE guy with ONE article on some obscure website.
furthermore, If you go to the homepage of this site, you will find no reference to the article, which means it's buried content. so it's not like the guy is front and center on this.
again, this is all stuff you have to FIND.
You can find tons of stuff on the NAU, the SPP, lots of stuff.
Whatever your interested in, ther's a site for you.
that doesn't mean its a frontline issue. These websites are far from any form of mass-media, which is where these people should be.
And for Muslims, in particular.
You are wrong.
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Am I?
Muslims against terrorism (copy this)
go to and paste.
I did it again and it took 0.07 seconds now.
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Interesting also that you choose to only accept opinion that is waved in front of your face. God forbid someone has to get off their arse and educate HIMSELF if he wants to understand the world. If you have to go out and FIND it, it doesn't mean shit, right? :rolleyes: You sure place a lot of trust in your media to inform you correctly. Let me know how that works out for you.
Of course you are.
"Of those "moderate muslims," NONE have lambasted the Jihadist movement."
I proved you wrong.
Now you.
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To all muslims who love democracy, liberty and free-market capitalism, I say welcome home, brother/sister.
I guess these other things are a matter of perception.