The Drugs you drink, smoke, and eat.
I just thought this was a very cool video for Tool's "The Pot" off their latest album. Obviously its pretty pro marijuana and i happen to agree with a lot of it. Society and the government needs to wake up and stop demonizing marijuana, especially when so many teens and young adults are getting into a lot of problems with alcohol, not marijuana. And speaking from personal experience Alcohol has had a huge negative impact on my life in so many ways, once i began to use marijuana casually I finally began to get my life in order and grow up. Anyways what do you guys think of this cool video?
I just thought this was a very cool video for Tool's "The Pot" off their latest album. Obviously its pretty pro marijuana and i happen to agree with a lot of it. Society and the government needs to wake up and stop demonizing marijuana, especially when so many teens and young adults are getting into a lot of problems with alcohol, not marijuana. And speaking from personal experience Alcohol has had a huge negative impact on my life in so many ways, once i began to use marijuana casually I finally began to get my life in order and grow up. Anyways what do you guys think of this cool video?
Post edited by Unknown User on
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Unfortunatly i know way to many people addicted to marijuana Who have no life to agree with you there.
Why do you demonize alchol and praise pot, niether one is bad if you take it responsibly, it's only a problem when you become dependent, and you probably notice more people with alchol problems because it is legal and seen as ok.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy. is not.......why is it bad?
Please, I beg of you, refrain from the abusrdity of the "gate-way" excuse.....Im a perfect example of how it is not a gateway drug...I am a casual toker...and I have done cocaine a few times....each time I was pot....just drunk.....never do it again...however pot never led me to that point...drunken stupidity did..alcohol has caused an immense amount of problems in my social life....marijuana has expanded me in so many ways....the biggest being socially.....the demonizing and lies need to it is the best pain-killer I have ever dependancy and no side-effects....I am a successful and very well paid engineer....pot does not make you stupid...began smoking pot casually in university each and every year my marks rose by at least 5%...even made the Dean's list in the final years....not saying IT made me smarter...simply stating that it obviously did not dumb me down.....responsibility is the key for anything....however I will say this I believe alcohol causes more problems than marijuana does.....
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
So your a casual smoker is that one who smokes ocasionally on the weekends or evenings or one who has an ounce a week habit and has real bad mood swings when they have no pot?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Why is it illegal?
- Originally illegalized to deport mexican immigrants during the depression (more jobs for whitey). The weed was rather popular with them and our government saw opportunity and started not only deporting the immigrants but demonizing the drug with insane, off the wall rumors.
- Public conception is generally completely wrong about what the drug actually does. Ever seen the reefer madness video? That's a perfect example. People believed (and some still believe) that if you smoke pot, even just once as in the movie, you'll go schitzophrenic and kill your parents with an axe. That should give you an idea on how much you can trust the info in those anti-marijuana ads...
- Hippies. Like using Dennis Rodman as a representative for the common basketball player, those people did a lot of damage with the illusion created about pot and also getting other things illegalized.
The "war on drugs" has been a complete failure. It's accomplished two things...
1. BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars thrown into a bullshit program
2. Millions of arrests that don't accomplish anything, throwing people into a jail system that doesn't even attempt to rehabilitate them (circular process, ... they get out and get thrown back in), and crowding our jails to dangerously high levels where people end up staying 3 or 4 or 5 to a cell, sleeping on mats on the floors.
That's a good start..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I agree with the second part,... mostly. Alcohol causes incomparibly more problems than pot. It disrupts your behavior and perception way worse and it's legal so people can get their hands on it even easier than weed which is readily available.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Give a stupid person a gun, and I bet they do something stupid. Stupid people will be stupid.
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
It can cause mental health issue's, or it can defintly make it far worse for people who already suffer from them, to believe it doesn't is just plain stupid.
But thats not to say that it has that affect on everyone who smokes.
There are good and bad side affects to all drugs and that includes pot.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
No, are right. It DOES effect people differently, but I have yet to hear or see someone go "nuts" because of weed..........maybe some bad acid one night but not weed.
As far as the anti-pot commercials, it is nothing more than normal propaganda. The movie, "Refer Madness" did the same thing back in the early 1900's and if you watch it now, you'll laugh because it is so over the top.....(Actaully reminds me of the 3 Stooges)....that is how "corny" it is.
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Look regardless of weather they are addicted habitually or not is not the point. The point is that they are addicted and it can have negative conotations on your life just like any other addiction, and i think people should be aware of the bad side to using it as well as the good.
It's the whole pot is good alchol is bad argument, but the truth is they both have there good and bad points.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Agreed, but let's be realistic it's not the high drivers killing people every night. (and you better bet that they're there)
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Not had the pleasure of seeing the commercials, but all drug commericials love to hype the worst case senario. They should spent there time educating people on using drink and drugs responsibly.
Buti do have the pleasure of a neighbour who thinks there are people out to destroy her life and that they break into her flat regularly and put things in the sugar to make her ill and hide devices in the bolier or follow her into chat rooms and start arguments with her.
Now this illness may not have started because she smoked pot i did not know her then, but i can sure as hell tell you that it makes her paranoia and delusion ten times worse now.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Ah yes my friend used to drive stoned when he had a car, he was a very slow driver.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
2 - Are you a doctor that can make that kind of statement about your nieghbour?
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
Granted, I dont have Dead stickers on my car; I cut my hair; I drive a nice car; I can speak in complete sentences while stoned; & i dont look like your "normal" pot smoker.
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
Yep smoked for a good few years now, although i only toke occasionally now.
I am not against the use of the drug, just people saying that there are no negative side affects to it's use, because there clearly are, for some people.
Are you seriously telling me that if someone you knew sat and told you stories like that that you wouldn't think they were mentally ill?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
I have given none of my opinion yet, I'm not 'seriously telling' you anything. I wanted to know whether or not you toked so as to know how credible your opinion is, ie. if you hadn't ever smoked it your knowledge of it would not be very sound.
Now as for your nieghbour, it sounds like you are exaggerating wildly. You aren't (I pressume) a doctor and so to say that it made her 'ten time worse' (though you weren't speaking literaly) is ridiculous. In order to have those kind of problems, to have serious, paranoia etc you would have to toke heavily, daily and for around a decade or two, there are various studies showing this, it's the same with the whole coke arguement. Sure it's not great for you but to do the kind of damage they say, you would have to consume industrial amounts of the stuff.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
I really highly doubt that these people are all that addicted. Sure anything that bring pleasure or fun can be addicting mentally. I've been addicted to all kinds of things growing up such as video games and music, but that doesnt mean I couldnt break the habit. Thats basically what it is, a simple habbit. Once you smoke for a while your so use to doing it that it becomes normal. The thing with pot though is that you dont get sick and start sweating like serious addictions. I'm sorry but if you cant stop smoking pot for a few days than you have bigger issues in life. Its likely their life isnt going all that great and their blaming it on their marijuana habbit. It's like when people blame marijuana for being lazy, most people are just lazy in general. If your gonna be lazy your gonna be lazy, pot or no pot.
Pretty much anything can be abused, Sex, food, caffeine, alcohol, pot, video games, you name it. And with that abuse probably comes negative side affects of some kind. So once again it just comes down to being responsible, which the government loves to think we cant be.
That is so is in the hands of the user....ultimately many things have be done high others drunk....its the individual that will define how "bad" something is....still will say marijuana is less dangerous, on a whole, than alcohol...everyone is different...and so are ones experiences therefore making this arguement so diffuicult which leads to a variety of discussion....
there is no doubt that legalizing marijuana poses the threat that its side-effects and cases of abuse may grow, but there is certainly also no denying that alcohol is exponentially worse on individuals and societies, regardless of presupposed "responsibility"--the issue is chemical and therefore demonstrable.
this entire situation infers the total break-down of america's legal system and claims to justice, liberty, freedom, and democracy, and the fact that there has yet to be any truly mature discussion of such FACTS on any american media-network says to me that none of these so-called "rights" actually exist in the united-states-of-america.
does anyone else think we need a new flag?--hey, at least it's a start!
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..