Is Pornography Becoming an Addiction

Been reading a lot of physological articles suggesting the abundance and easiness to access porn is increasing problematic issues in relationships. For example a woman (could also be a not want to be sexist here
) finds the other basking themselves in porn which creates major self-image problems, porn addiction leads to no arousal in the real world, leds to immoral thoughts (one article referred to a web site where a woman was to drink the semen of a multitude of men who had just finished having anal sex with her....and the semen came from her rectum....DISGUSTING AND DEPLORABLE!)which can led to many social problems for a person.
There were interviews with real addicts would spend hours at the computer completly isolating themselves from their partner...kinda of lost in a virutal dreampark I guess.
Do you think that the internet has created a porn disease that is becoming a huge addiction issue?
Sorry for a change in topic to the fourm but I think we need a change.
I think we could garner some interesting thoughts to this topic.

There were interviews with real addicts would spend hours at the computer completly isolating themselves from their partner...kinda of lost in a virutal dreampark I guess.
Do you think that the internet has created a porn disease that is becoming a huge addiction issue?
Sorry for a change in topic to the fourm but I think we need a change.
I think we could garner some interesting thoughts to this topic.
Post edited by Unknown User on
EDIT: "sight" not "site"
sounds like MAX HARDCORE to me..he does good work.
The problem I see with saying that porn leads to immoral thoughts is that each person has their own individual morals. So, what one person may see as gross, another person sees nothing wrong with it. Also, I think many people use porn as escape. Their looking at something privately that they feel they could never explain to their partner. they also may feel that this is the only way these fantasies will come true. It's just hard to defend immoral (well, during porn anyway) when people have their own definition.
And to think that our children (not that I have any) are subjected to this filth...regardless as a parent what you do they will get access....
As well I believe modern internet porn is leading much degradation to women by younger men...when they first introduction to sex is videos (like the butt milkshake) that brings forth a very immoral view of sex...and that is not what is should be..I am not calling for a ban on porn...but damn it has gotten out of control...i believe it was an US objective to make it mandatory for all adult sites to be registered with .xxx web domain therefore creating a easier path for parents to block out sites...dunno what happened to this but I like the thought....
Anyway, you all get my point.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
But it could corrupt the mind of the young venturing into sex...not saying when I was a teenager I didnt open the odd porno mag but what you see on the Internet is childs play and not even in the same universe as being magazines are somewhat regulated...the internet is open really bugs me.....
Yea, that's true. It is way too easy to access in my opinion.
I see it as adult or not.....regardless of soft porn or not....its disgusting man what is out there and I do not want my children to learn about sex this way...leads to mis-treatment of the other sex and immoral images of what it should be.....
Then like it or not man, you better buckle up and teach your kids the right way yourself. It's not a problem that can easily be dealt with without interfering with important issues of freedom of speech, privacy etc. Kids have better access, sure. And kids (up to at least age 25) "loves" seeing gross stuff. There's quite a leap from that and to live it out. Monkey see does not equal monkey do.
Not that I'm thrilled that any kid can see any badass porn unrestricted, I just think it too hard to do anything about with too small benefits.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Now as to being addicted to it. Yeah, there may be a few women out there, who may look better than my girlfriend and who I may fantasize about. But when it all boils down to it. I think the feel of a woman on me far out weighs the feel of my hand while dreaming of a night I will never have with some woman who I will never meet. Unless of course I travel to the porn fesitvals and stock these chicks and hope they give me one dirty, filth, nasty, night of pure smut. Or I can rely on my better half and her on me for that.
ps: and I have a family member who spends at least two to three solid hours on porn everyday before going to work. Yes they need help but they are also addicted. You can only say so much before you realize that it is going in one ear and out the other.
Since the beginning of humans, people have suffered from psychological issues. When you are done banning porn, ban guns, shoes, gambling, alcohol, cigarettes, and most of all, ban God. Because there are many people killing many others in the name of God, because they are addicted to God, but apparently that's ok.
(Of course I'm not serious about banning God, but the absurdity of it was to help prove a point)
Agreed, a definite problem. To go one step further the internet in itself is problematic, I know of people who use to be outgoing and fun loving people, once they got the internet they would rather be on the net than go out.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Yeah I know what you are saying.....and I know people that have fallen into that world...for me the internet use is mostly at work to kill time (I know that it sounds bad but you know there are lax periods at work for me) but when I get home I try to interact with real people....
Yeah but the initiative to make all adult sites .xxx would be a great starting point. I know a big issue is parenting...but can you parent all the for one do not want to see my 8 year old seeing what I described in my inital post...which can easily happen outside my parental domain...I can put security on my computer (see if all sites had to be .xxx it would benefit parental control programs)....yet some sites will fall through....and the butt milkshake goes beyond gross...but whatever pitches your tent I guess....
First I want to make the point clear that I am not supporting a porn ban or anything of that sort...I just want access to it to become way more difficult and strict than what it currently is......half the crap on the net is filth...may I ask why does it seem child offenders have been on the rise since the onset of the internet...maybe the vast volumes of kiddie porn that is accessiable is regulating porn (like magazines are) it will help weed out the illegal crap out there.....
To add to another poster about porn in th 80's....yeah it was underground not near as easy as the had to go look for it and actually have some motivation...the internet is type and your away.....
But I want to re-iterate I do not want a porn ban just strict up the access to it.....
Well maybe. But getting any enforcement on it would be pain and hard and tied up in legal disputes most likely. If the pornsites can agree to such an initiative, I guess it couldn't hurt. But the gain wouldn't be that much either, other than a false sense of security really. They'll get it anyway. And it's not like these pornthingies overrun the kids at "normal" websites either. You have to seek them out to find them. Not hard, granted, but still an active choice really. I really think more will be gained by teaching and showing your kid what to do and what not to, rather than have some ordering like this. Parental censoring? Pull out the plug if you're that concerned.
Oh well. I dont see it as that big of a problem really. Some people have issues with some things. Porn and internet just being the newest possible addictions.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Buy porn with cash in full view of everyone around, and no one knows you like porn. "Secretly" look for it in your own home, and anyone with the know-how can tell exactly what you're into. Parents should keep that in mind if they suspect their kids are using the computer to satisfy their prurient desires.
Something needs to be done to crack down on child porn...the internet has become a hot-bed for it.....I hate these people getting off on this crap....I wish more resources when to hunting child predators that use the internet for their playground....
coming from someone with 7,000 posts
To come to the defence of reborn. I have a ton of posts and I don't even own a home computer. Yeah a TON of down time at work.
It's psychological, I can look at porn every day and still be aroused by an ankle. But my brain rocks, if I really tried, I could probably get off just thinking about it
does this apply to kiddie porn? a small minority of people are against kiddie porn? I don't think so