I, and I think most people, believe it's more important for the top of the ticket to have experience than the No. 2. In terms of sheer experience, Palin is more qualified to be president RIGHT NOW than Obama is. At least she's had some executive experience ... Obama's resume consists of, well, four years of running for president and a lot of "present" votes in the Senate.
She doesn't need foreign policy experience. That's McCain's forte.
Well, there's quite a few things wrong with that. For one, if executive experience is the sign of readiness to be president, then you should note that the man at the top of the ticket has absolutely no executive experience, either. They can come at Obama for lack of experience all they want, and I'm sure they'll continue to do so.
And while you're going off on Republican talking points, if you want to talk about being an incompetent Senator....in the U.S Senate, Barack Obama is the Number 3 most absent senator since 2004. I'm sure you can guess who is Number 1.
Like I said, Obama's not running on experience, and obviously the polls say his message is resonating with people. McCain's primary argument is that Obama is not ready yet he picks someone who by his own standards is not ready. No one, not you or any of the talking heads on television, have adequately explained this contradiction. Don't come back at me with Obama's experience; defend your own candidate.
[/quote] Because the Democratic convention just ended. A better question would be why didn't Obama get much of a bump from that? He was expecting double-digits ... most sources seem to indicate he got squat, or squat plus just one or two points. Could be the Palin thing, could be something else, but the fact remains, McCain did BETTER in the past week than even his own campaign could have expected.
The Palin thing isn't hurting him at all ... And, in the end, if all it does is shore up his base -- which was iffy on him to begin with -- then it will have been a success. All the other candidates ... Romney, Lieberman, etc ... would have meant the end of his campaign, basically. He'd have been cooked.
As it stands, according to the national average, he's within two points of Obama heading into his convention. That's probably the best position he could have hoped for.[/quote]
The polls taken the day after Obama's speech (and done after the Palin announcement) showed that there was little to no bounce; it was an extremely smart move of McCain to schedule his VP announcement the morning after the speech. Obama's well known as a good orator, so he probably knew coverage would be positive of the speech, and threw his VP bomb right in the midst of that. Well done, and the polls showed he'd diluted the bump.
Then the weekend went by and now Obama is up by 6. Again, don't talk to me about Obama's bounce. I'm more than willing to admit that McCain's political skill erased the bounce. But what about the VP bounce, and how Palin was a game-changer? Instead of a VP bounce, Obama went up by 6 (I don't know where you're getting a 2 point average...the only national poll below a 6 point advantage to Obama is CNN). Why is there no VP bounce? Again, don't come back at me with Obama. Talk about Palin's; talk about why, even with the announcement of VP, McCain went down and Obama went up?
if you listen to all the interviews of government officials at the RNC, all of Hillary's undecides have moved to McCain because of Palin. They are evidently emailing certain female republican officials in groves, lol
Palin doesn't just want roe v wade overturned, she wants abortion outlawed everywhere period.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
No way. I don't vote for someone because of their anatomy, or color; I vote for someone if I agree with their policies. If someone voted for Palin (or Hillary) simply because she was female, its an insult to her and a very superficial way to vote.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Palin is more qualified to be president RIGHT NOW than Obama is. At least she's had some executive experience ... Obama's resume consists of, well, four years of running for president and a lot of "present" votes in the Senate.
Sorry.. I would take legislative experience over executive experience any day. Running a town of 6500 does not take much of an effort, in fact most towns this size have a mayor that consider their job as mayor a part time job.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
No way. I don't vote for someone because of their anatomy, or color; I vote for someone if I agree with their policies. If someone voted for Palin (or Hillary) simply because she was female, its an insult to her and a very superficial way to vote.
Palin is more qualified to be president RIGHT NOW than Obama is. At least she's had some executive experience ... Obama's resume consists of, well, four years of running for president and a lot of "present" votes in the Senate.
Sorry.. I would take legislative experience over executive experience any day. Running a town of 6500 does not take much of an effort, in fact most towns this size have a mayor that consider their job as mayor a part time job.
True ... I live in a community of about 82,000 with a part-time mayor who is about 10,000 years old and doesn't know where he is half of the time.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Not sure if you are aware of this, but you asked a question...didn't answer shit.
I was asking why someone like legislative experience more than executive?
Even though it doesn't deserve an answer...McCain has no executive experience that I know of either. Though his military experience could be very similar in a lot of respects. But that is not the question, not the point. What about Biden? What abotu Obama? What about blah, blah, blah.
If you really wanna get down to it, the McCain/Palin ticket would still have more executive experience than the Obama/Biden ticket. But, once again, not the question. That's why Governer's are better candidates, in my opinion.
Palin is more qualified to be president RIGHT NOW than Obama is. At least she's had some executive experience ... Obama's resume consists of, well, four years of running for president and a lot of "present" votes in the Senate.
Sorry.. I would take legislative experience over executive experience any day. Running a town of 6500 does not take much of an effort, in fact most towns this size have a mayor that consider their job as mayor a part time job.
I grew up in a town of around 5000. The mayor was also our dentist and a high school coach. lol
Thanks for pretending to not understand what I meant. It really makes you look smart!
seriously.....i don't find her FOR women nor FOR americans either. she is anti-choice all the way around, and fuck the environment too while yer at it.
Good, it sucks that someone would only look out for their own kind.
I hope she's not FOR women, but FOR Americans.
In reality, it isn't likely. The mere fact that she was chosen for her strict conservative views is proof enough for me that she's really FOR a specific type of American. There's nothing she can say tonight that can convince me that she speaks for me.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
In reality, it isn't likely. The mere fact that she was chosen for her strict conservative views is proof enough for me that she's really FOR a specific type of American. There's nothing she can say tonight that can convince me that she speaks for me.
I see what your saying...though I would suggest that you try and suspend your previous bias and actually listen with an open mind. You may (and probably will) still disagree, but it's good to hear people out.
Not sure if you are aware of this, but you asked a question...didn't answer shit.
I was asking why someone like legislative experience more than executive?
Even though it doesn't deserve an answer...McCain has no executive experience that I know of either. Though his military experience could be very similar in a lot of respects. But that is not the question, not the point. What about Biden? What abotu Obama? What about blah, blah, blah.
If you really wanna get down to it, the McCain/Palin ticket would still have more executive experience than the Obama/Biden ticket. But, once again, not the question. That's why Governer's are better candidates, in my opinion.
Thanks for your great observation. :rolleyes:
Congressional legislative experience gives one a generally better view of things on a national/global scale when it comes to foreign policy. In Obama's case, he has served on the Senate Foreign Relations committee. Palin has ZERO foreign policy experience.
Congressional legislators deal with NATIONAL problems, the same ones a President will have to deal with. Governors deal with state issues which are much smaller in scale.
George Bush was a governor and has been one of the worst presidents in history. Clinton was a gov and was a decent president. I don't think being a governor is better experience than being a legislator in Congress, nor is it a factor in determining if one candidate is better than another.
Here's another one for ya...approx. 50% of the people killed from abortions are girls/would be women...so Sarah Palin is certainly FOR women.
Better? Actually, I personally believe that last comment though.
actually, i believe more girls than boys are born....so even more than 50%. thing is though, palin is FOR the possibility of a girl/woman....as an embryo is neither.
Congressional legislative experience gives one a generally better view of things on a national/global scale when it comes to foreign policy. In Obama's case, he has served on the Senate Foreign Relations committee. Palin has ZERO foreign policy experience.
Congressional legislators deal with NATIONAL problems, the same ones a President will have to deal with. Governors deal with state issues which are much smaller in scale.
George Bush was a governor and has been one of the worst presidents in history. Clinton was a gov and was a decent president. I don't think being a governor is better experience than being a legislator in Congress, nor is it a factor in determining if one candidate is better than another.
So McCain is more qualified by far than Obama huh?
See I can do that to.
Anyhow, Thanks for addressing the question, I do disagree, quite a bit, but I see your angle.
Personally, I think being a governer shows an extreme leadership that a Senator never shows. I think that Leadership is the #1 key to being an effective President. #2...surrounding yourself with the right resources, the right "experts", and not just people that will agree with you (this is where W went very astray).
A business analogy....the Plant accounting manager has a terrrific handle on all the costs of the facility....they know all the fine details, have a great handle on the specifics. But that doesn't mean that the accountant has the skills to lead the plant. You need the right people in the right places, but for the top spot you need a general understanding and a vision. And the ability to inspire people with that vision. Hence why I'm attracked to Obama despite my disagreements with him on many issues. But when push came to shove, his first "executive" decision was to do the same old thing and select an old Washington insider as his running mate and agent for change. I didn;t liek that one bit. Perhaps it can be played off as surrounding himself with the right people, but I think that comes in the cabinets, etc...the VP should be another inspiring leader in my opinion. But I'm just one person, so who really cares, huh?
actually, i believe more girls than boys are born....so even more than 50%. thing is though, palin is FOR the possibility of a girl/woman....as an embryo is neither.
Actually, if I remember my epidemeolgy course, more boys are born then girls...very small amount more...and they think this is natures way of balancing the fact that women have a longer life expectancy generally...
But that's off the top of my head, I could have it mixed up. It's been 8-9 years.
Actually, if I remember my epidemeolgy course, more boys are born then girls...very small amount more...and they think this is natures way of balancing the fact that women have a longer life expectancy generally...
But that's off the top of my head, I could have it mixed up. It's been 8-9 years.
well, if i remember correctly...and admittedly it's quite a long while ago as well....but none the less....i do believe you are incorrect. however, i will readily admit i am wrong if that's the case. the REAL point of my post was the fact of the possibility of girls/women in any case. way to ruin a joke.
So McCain is more qualified by far than Obama huh?
See I can do that to.
Anyhow, Thanks for addressing the question, I do disagree, quite a bit, but I see your angle.
Personally, I think being a governer shows an extreme leadership that a Senator never shows. I think that Leadership is the #1 key to being an effective President. #2...surrounding yourself with the right resources, the right "experts", and not just people that will agree with you (this is where W went very astray).
A business analogy....the Plant accounting manager has a terrrific handle on all the costs of the facility....they know all the fine details, have a great handle on the specifics. But that doesn't mean that the accountant has the skills to lead the plant. You need the right people in the right places, but for the top spot you need a general understanding and a vision. And the ability to inspire people with that vision. Hence why I'm attracked to Obama despite my disagreements with him on many issues. But when push came to shove, his first "executive" decision was to do the same old thing and select an old Washington insider as his running mate and agent for change. I didn;t liek that one bit. Perhaps it can be played off as surrounding himself with the right people, but I think that comes in the cabinets, etc...the VP should be another inspiring leader in my opinion. But I'm just one person, so who really cares, huh?
I see where you're coming from as well, but McCain's first "executive" decision was blown with choosing Palin. He could have maintained his "maverick" image and went with his original choice of Lieberman, but wimped out.
I see what your saying...though I would suggest that you try and suspend your previous bias and actually listen with an open mind. You may (and probably will) still disagree, but it's good to hear people out.
I plan to listen ... and I *am* open-minded most of the time. This, however, is one of those situations where I know what I'm seeing, and it's dangerously ridiculous. If I weren't willing to hear both sides of the argument, I'd dismiss this whole week in politics and save myself the massive headache I'm brewing.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Well, there's quite a few things wrong with that. For one, if executive experience is the sign of readiness to be president, then you should note that the man at the top of the ticket has absolutely no executive experience, either. They can come at Obama for lack of experience all they want, and I'm sure they'll continue to do so.
And while you're going off on Republican talking points, if you want to talk about being an incompetent Senator....in the U.S Senate, Barack Obama is the Number 3 most absent senator since 2004. I'm sure you can guess who is Number 1.
Like I said, Obama's not running on experience, and obviously the polls say his message is resonating with people. McCain's primary argument is that Obama is not ready yet he picks someone who by his own standards is not ready. No one, not you or any of the talking heads on television, have adequately explained this contradiction. Don't come back at me with Obama's experience; defend your own candidate.
[/quote] Because the Democratic convention just ended. A better question would be why didn't Obama get much of a bump from that? He was expecting double-digits ... most sources seem to indicate he got squat, or squat plus just one or two points. Could be the Palin thing, could be something else, but the fact remains, McCain did BETTER in the past week than even his own campaign could have expected.
The Palin thing isn't hurting him at all ... And, in the end, if all it does is shore up his base -- which was iffy on him to begin with -- then it will have been a success. All the other candidates ... Romney, Lieberman, etc ... would have meant the end of his campaign, basically. He'd have been cooked.
As it stands, according to the national average, he's within two points of Obama heading into his convention. That's probably the best position he could have hoped for.[/quote]
The polls taken the day after Obama's speech (and done after the Palin announcement) showed that there was little to no bounce; it was an extremely smart move of McCain to schedule his VP announcement the morning after the speech. Obama's well known as a good orator, so he probably knew coverage would be positive of the speech, and threw his VP bomb right in the midst of that. Well done, and the polls showed he'd diluted the bump.
Then the weekend went by and now Obama is up by 6. Again, don't talk to me about Obama's bounce. I'm more than willing to admit that McCain's political skill erased the bounce. But what about the VP bounce, and how Palin was a game-changer? Instead of a VP bounce, Obama went up by 6 (I don't know where you're getting a 2 point average...the only national poll below a 6 point advantage to Obama is CNN). Why is there no VP bounce? Again, don't come back at me with Obama. Talk about Palin's; talk about why, even with the announcement of VP, McCain went down and Obama went up?
Palin doesn't just want roe v wade overturned, she wants abortion outlawed everywhere period.
Stop by:
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I don't like either candidate.
But I could never vote for a pro-life candidate.
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Her being in the position of vice president and what she stands for, plus her total lack of experience terrifies me as a women, mother and American.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
True ... I live in a community of about 82,000 with a part-time mayor who is about 10,000 years old and doesn't know where he is half of the time.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
That's the difference between being a mayor in name and doing your job.
If you are doing your job, being a mayor of just about any town is not easy.
Hell, at work we have 500 people...and a full time plant manager...should I tell her she should only be here part time?
Sorry.. I would take legislative experience over executive experience any day. [/quote"]
What executive experience does John McCain have?
HELL no.
She might be a woman, but she is not *for* women.
Not sure if you are aware of this, but you asked a question...didn't answer shit.
I was asking why someone like legislative experience more than executive?
Even though it doesn't deserve an answer...McCain has no executive experience that I know of either. Though his military experience could be very similar in a lot of respects. But that is not the question, not the point. What about Biden? What abotu Obama? What about blah, blah, blah.
If you really wanna get down to it, the McCain/Palin ticket would still have more executive experience than the Obama/Biden ticket. But, once again, not the question. That's why Governer's are better candidates, in my opinion.
Good, it sucks that someone would only look out for their own kind.
I hope she's not FOR women, but FOR Americans.
I grew up in a town of around 5000. The mayor was also our dentist and a high school coach. lol
Oh boy.
Thanks for pretending to not understand what I meant. It really makes you look smart!
seriously.....i don't find her FOR women nor FOR americans either. she is anti-choice all the way around, and fuck the environment too while yer at it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
C'mon, you gotta lighten up a bit!
Here's another one for ya...approx. 50% of the people killed from abortions are girls/would be women...so Sarah Palin is certainly FOR women.
Better? Actually, I personally believe that last comment though.
In reality, it isn't likely. The mere fact that she was chosen for her strict conservative views is proof enough for me that she's really FOR a specific type of American. There's nothing she can say tonight that can convince me that she speaks for me.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
I see what your saying...though I would suggest that you try and suspend your previous bias and actually listen with an open mind. You may (and probably will) still disagree, but it's good to hear people out.
Thanks for your great observation. :rolleyes:
Congressional legislative experience gives one a generally better view of things on a national/global scale when it comes to foreign policy. In Obama's case, he has served on the Senate Foreign Relations committee. Palin has ZERO foreign policy experience.
Congressional legislators deal with NATIONAL problems, the same ones a President will have to deal with. Governors deal with state issues which are much smaller in scale.
George Bush was a governor and has been one of the worst presidents in history. Clinton was a gov and was a decent president. I don't think being a governor is better experience than being a legislator in Congress, nor is it a factor in determining if one candidate is better than another.
actually, i believe more girls than boys are born....so even more than 50%. thing is though, palin is FOR the possibility of a girl/woman....as an embryo is neither.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Michael Franti
So McCain is more qualified by far than Obama huh?
See I can do that to.
Anyhow, Thanks for addressing the question, I do disagree, quite a bit, but I see your angle.
Personally, I think being a governer shows an extreme leadership that a Senator never shows. I think that Leadership is the #1 key to being an effective President. #2...surrounding yourself with the right resources, the right "experts", and not just people that will agree with you (this is where W went very astray).
A business analogy....the Plant accounting manager has a terrrific handle on all the costs of the facility....they know all the fine details, have a great handle on the specifics. But that doesn't mean that the accountant has the skills to lead the plant. You need the right people in the right places, but for the top spot you need a general understanding and a vision. And the ability to inspire people with that vision. Hence why I'm attracked to Obama despite my disagreements with him on many issues. But when push came to shove, his first "executive" decision was to do the same old thing and select an old Washington insider as his running mate and agent for change. I didn;t liek that one bit. Perhaps it can be played off as surrounding himself with the right people, but I think that comes in the cabinets, etc...the VP should be another inspiring leader in my opinion. But I'm just one person, so who really cares, huh?
Actually, if I remember my epidemeolgy course, more boys are born then girls...very small amount more...and they think this is natures way of balancing the fact that women have a longer life expectancy generally...
But that's off the top of my head, I could have it mixed up. It's been 8-9 years.
well, if i remember correctly...and admittedly it's quite a long while ago as well....but none the less....i do believe you are incorrect.
anyhoo....a big HELL NO for palin!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I see where you're coming from as well, but McCain's first "executive" decision was blown with choosing Palin. He could have maintained his "maverick" image and went with his original choice of Lieberman, but wimped out.
I plan to listen ... and I *am* open-minded most of the time. This, however, is one of those situations where I know what I'm seeing, and it's dangerously ridiculous. If I weren't willing to hear both sides of the argument, I'd dismiss this whole week in politics and save myself the massive headache I'm brewing.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~