Here's another honor killing...
This one is from a man who lives in an Afghan community.
This one is from a man who lives in an Afghan community.
Post edited by Unknown User on
what makes the US society less fucked up than the one you have posted about!! but you wont post about the US killing its own kids as that doesnt meet the steeotypical enraged muslim ideal
Guns don't kill people. Crazy sons of bitches like this guy do. And if it wasn't a gun, I'm sure he could find something else to use.
Go ahead and post about that all you want. Don't respond to my posts if you don't want to. But I'll keep posting about whatever I please.
Man, those crazy ass Christians. We should, like, bomb them back to the stone age or something.
Or, we should just accept the fact that fundamentalist religious furvor is what it is - crazy no matter what funny hat the follower is wearing.
Go back and see my response. To reiterate, one isolated incident does not make a true comparison.
You hate Muslims. You hate Arabs. You believe they are all evil. You want them dead. You want them all dead.
We get it. You can stop scouring the Internet for news items that support your theory of Arabs being bad, therefore, rationalizing your your desire to kill them all.
We get your point.
Hail, Hail!!!
guns do kill people... otherwise it would just be people pointing fingers at each other and shouting bang... and nobody dies of that unless they have a weak heart!!
I dont understand this attitude a bit. And I will say, if the OP is always posting this type of stuff and obsessed with it then I see where you are coming from. However, I dont understand how discussing events in the news is a bad thing, but for some reason on this board it seems to be frowned upon if it is an event that involves muslims, and I really just dont get it. A young woman was killed and it is more or less being blown off by the accused was a muslim.
Again, people on this board can dish it out but when it comes to anything about Muslims, they can't take it. How many anti-Israel posts are on this board, with terrible blood libels that aren't even true? Then I come along, and post stories about straight up FACTS, and I'm a bigoted, racist asshole?
It isnt that she was killed by a Muslim, it was that (still under investigation I think) possibly killed because of Muslim beliefs. There is a difference and these honor killing things are terrible and the motives behind them shouldnt be ignored simply so we can all be PC.
I understand that. But that is not my concern. The illegal gun is. Since the story is from Canada.
Man I really need to get me a religion or a race where I need to marry into it but still not have the choice of who I marry. If it keeps going that way. It won't be long before some of the races on the planet inbreed themselves straight out of existance. And that won't be a bad thing!
I understand posting news items... but, all of them are basically the same thing.
The point that is being made is this:
JSand hates Muslims.
That is the point he is making. After the 100th or so posting of this type... we get it.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well like I said, I havent really been paying attention so I can understand your point with that.
This is who I hate: Muslims who kill people in the name of Allah or Mohammed, or Muslims that excuse fellow Muslims for these actions. Otherwise, I have no problem with them.
How can you not focus on Muslim fundamentalism when it is by far the most prevalent force in the world today? If Christians, Jews, Budhists, Scientologists, or anyone else was committing acts of violence and brutality around the world on a daily basis, I would be posting about that. But that's not the case. To focus on other forms of fundamentalism is to obfuscate and avoid the truth.
Well religion in general has certainly caused for stupidy, not disagreeing a bit there. And maybe this shouldnt be directed at you, but this board quite often seems to treat Islam with kitten gloves, but doesnt give the same treatment to Christianity. WHich I just dont understand. But again, maybe I shouldnt have directed that towards you. But in your initial post it didnt come across to me as broadening the scope, it more came across as changing the subject, but maybe I took it the wrong way.
Who said anything about bigotry or racism? I wasn't me.
And I'm not defending Muslims or anything... regarding the Middle East... I think they are ALL assholes over there... Arabs AND Jews. ASSHOLES. If they want to continue a thousand year war with no reason... they are assholes in my opinion.
The statement I made is... YES... we understand that you hate Arabs. That is the point you are constantly drilling us with. You hate Arabs. We get it.
Hail, Hail!!!
Isn't it too early for coffee where you live better yet to be on the board?!
I'm sure with enough research you can make any religion look really bad just by guessing the religion of the accused by their names, or place of residence and posting all of the news articles. I'm sure it'd piss off just about everyone here eventually if that was done though.
No, I don't hate Arabs. One of my best friends is Arab - a Coptic Christian one. If you really want to see someone who hates Muslims, you should talk to him. His family is from Egypt and they were persecuted for being Christian.
well put!
For me, the reason why fundamental Christianity gets a lot of my ire is because Christianity is the majority religion in the west. I want to see it knocked down, not built up in opposition to fundamental Islam; I want a secular world to take them both out.
I dont disagree with that.
I'm on call his week (Thursday to Thursday) and one of the damn webserver systems went on the fritz and rousted me out of bed early.
So... this is what 6 o'clock looks like, huh?
Hail, Hail!!!