
Why are so many Pearl Jam fans Israel-haters. Why has this message board been turned into an anti-Israel forum. Why are there so many deliberate lies being posted about Jews on this site?
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is the second thread youve started like this.
Need the attention that much?
Where are these lies we've printed?
Come on, back up tyour weak pathitc, inane argument with fact.#
Still here, or you busy masturbating over your Zionist flag wrapped in the pictures of dead Palestinians?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Yes you poor innocent Israeli army guy you....
Have the mods contacted you about the shit you post? They should...
No its the same you don't agree with me we try to slander your name....complete utter B/S to say that people here hate Israel because they are against their policies...such a weak attempt to break down your opponent....its slanderous....
nice try..........
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I guess it just seems ironic to Jsand and myself that so many on this forum get upset with Israel for trying to destroy Hizbollah.
It makes it seem as if you guys condone Hizbollah because you bitch when Israel tries to destroy it.
The question is - do you think Hizbollah has a right to exist? If you do, what should their penatly be when they murder and terrorize Israeli's? Where is the justice for innocent Israeli's?
But even further than that, one must realize that there is no penalty for Hizbollah. There is no way to exact punishment on them.
So it gets pretty frustrating when people point their finger at Israel for killing civillians in the process of tying to destroy Hizbollah. Becuase nobody here or anywhere else has a good plan or method to punish Hizbollah when they kill innocent Jews.
so cute...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i know there are lebonese people suffering but who is really to blame for it
I have spoke harshly about both sides....Jsand is a perfect example of a someone who posts blantant support for one side...which he has every right to... but the majority of the posters here have spoken negatively for both sides...its just that some people cannot fathom any negativity to be said about Israel...and thats when people like yourself (why you wanna stand beside Jsand I dont know) get irrate....it seems you cannot handle critisicm about Israel....and the way people like you (which I really dont think you belong in that select group of posters) try to argue is childish...you hate Israel wah wah wah.....come up with something meaningful instead of wasting forum space calling people out for being liars and anti-semites....its a pathetic and unintelligent way to argue/discuss.......
policies like throwing stun grenades in the middle of women and children who were peacefully protesting israel tearing down their olive trees...then after the idf beats and shoots at a bunch of them the idf attacks the ambulance as it is loading injured arabs into it...
policies like shooting tear gas at ppl holding a memorial for rachel corrie and shooting at them...
policies like letting israeli children throw rocks and punch arabs (in an occupied territory) while the idf just sits around and does nothing...
things like 7-10th graders writing letters to the idf saying things like 'open up your m-16 and kill as many arabs as you can! let all palestinians burn in hell where they all belong!!'
those kinds of policies. how is beating and shooting and spraying ppl w/ tear gas who were doing nothing wrong 'self-defense'???
fuck, ppl don't dislike israel b/c they have jews, get over it!
ok, from now on whenever anyone disagress w/ me i'll just say something absurd like 'you only say this b/c i am 1/2 italian and you obviously hate italians, you are a racist!!!!' see how absurd that sounds?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
In this case both sides can now make a claim to self-defence...like I said before the evil actons of a few are causing death to the many who want to live normal lives....Israel RIGHT now is not innocent with their over-reactionary actions....just as Hezbollah isn't innocent for murdering innocents...but guess what...the IDF how many innocents have they killed lately...its sickening...both sides...
Don't make me laugh more, self defense? Again, if a terrorist is my neighbour, does that give the USA govt. the RIGHT to kill me? NO, they have the responsability to protect me first if they want to attack the terrorist house, clearly Israel haven't take care of their responsabilities so far and their intervention have already been labelled as war crimes, spare me the self defense bullshit. If you want to justify all these kills by self defense, it means that every rockets launch into Israel is justify by self defense from the Hezbollah, it's a sick way of thinking isn't it? They must stop (all groups involved) to bomb and kill civillians and they must stop to aim at civil infrastructure. A delivery truck is not a fucking exclusivity to terrorist, yet it seem to be, in the eye of the Israel army, yet the same can be said for Hezbollah, if they want to defend themselves, target the military objective, spare the civillians...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I hope you weren't refering to me about the manner in which I post, but whatever floats your boat.
I have problems with Israel too, but I understand that their is an end to their means. They are trying to kill of Hizbollah once and for all, or at the very least create a buffer zone of protection from them. I think Israel has every right to do this.
I think that is innocents get killed in Lebanon, then their blood is on the hands of Hizbollah. If they would leave Israel alone, their would be no reason for a response.
Beirut is very far from the buffer zone...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Furthermore, Israel should be worried that the current Lebanese gov't will fall because of this. The current gov't, although week has been quite pro US, on decent terms with Israel and very westernised. If this gov't falls, I would assume radical shiite gov'ts will succeed which I'm sure is not a preferable situation for Israel's long term peace.
Like I said, I don't agree with all their tactics.... I just think it is logical that they have an opportunity to defend themselves.
How can you believe that...before I get to that....one question first
Do you think that Israeli' actions will prevent future militant attacks or will their effort create a new generation of "terrorists" for the Israel citizens to be ultimately punished by?
The logic of their blood is on Hezbollah's hands is ridiculous...its the same as me saying that since one trigger happy IDF soldier shot a 13 year old girl that the citizens of Israel should be reprimanded by Hezbollah as the blood is on the IDF hands...
The token of your logic to me then justifies the 9/11 attacks from the radicals point of view...they blamed America for suppression, through Israel, so they viewed American citizen life as fair compensation....for the problems that American/Israel policy created for them....which is utterly ridicoulous....you are simply trying to justify innocent lives being wasted....that logic can be applied 10 fold for justification for an Iraqi whose family was shot down by an American soldier to blow up a mall somewhere....such backward barbaric logic.....and that is essentially is what you are trying to tell me...since innocent Israeli life was taken by Hezbollah then like-wise can be done by the IDF on the Lebonese citizens...all it does is complete a murderous cycle...where BOTH sides are guilty....and you are supporting one half of that cycle...
I am supporting an end to this cycle and that is where the majority here who get labelled slanderous terms stand....
This is the sort of pitiful moral equivalence that spurred me to start this thread in the first place. I'm not sure if its pure bias or just complete ignorance, but Israel is at WAR - their first responsibility is to protect their OWN citizens. They have repeatedly warned the Lebanese citizenry to evacuate the areas they are bombing to minimize civilian casualties. The civilian infrastructure was bombed because it is used to transport more rockets into Lebanon via Syria. You seemingly cannot comprehend the difference between the deliberate targeting of civilians and a nation trying to defend itself against unprovoked terror.
In addition, your analogy "if a terrorist is my neighbor" is not applicable here, because Hezbollah is storing its rockets in civilian homes and deliberately blending in with civilians. Why are they doing this? Because than gullible people such as yourself can buy into the lie that Israel is intentionally killing civilians.
What makes me sick, is people who justify all these killings from the Israel army as if they were justified, accidental killings is illegal, whatever you say. Yes, my logic apply to this conflict, cause if the terrorist use these tactics, it means Israel needs to come up with another plan, but they have not, instead they choose to bomb an entire country out of the map, exactly what they are trying to stop, from their ennemy. They're both criminals. Hezbollah and Israel, and it's the civillians in Lebanon and Israel that are suffering the most out of these stupid groups who just want to erase each other from the face of this planet. Fuck.
Stop calling me an ignorant or biased cause if someone is biased in this thread, it's clearly you, now go on and say that Lebanon humanitary crisis is justified (oh you probably didn't know that, but Lebanon is currently facing a humanitarian crisis, just so you know) and go on saying that they have the RIGHT to kill civillian, just don't come around calling me an ignorant when you claim those things...
edit: civillians in Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine, always forget them, sorry...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
why are so many so quick to label those who simply disagree with Israel's tactics and policies as a "Israel-hater"....?
A war-mongering tactic to flame those that disagree.....its inability to provide an effective dialogue to those who think differently....or from frustration to have to deal with not only a PJ message board majority....but a global majority....
I am and I'll always be Anti Israelian , as long as its existance treads and menaces Palestnians rights ! And I'm Anti occupation wherever it may be !
I believe Israel's actions are a start. I think that if Lebanon can be sealed off and the government stregnthened, then maybe the economy will pick up. If the economy picks up, then groups that deal in hate will become less popular as the citizens become less religous and more focused on material wealth. Or they become more focused on living a happier life that doesn't contend with needless bloodshed over rocks.
One thing I do know is that this cycle of hate will never end until one group or the other is marginalized by the masses. All you guys are doing is giving creedence to Hizbollah. Everybody regrets the loss of life, but there is a purpose to it. The purpose is to weaken/destroy Hizbollah so they cannot instigate trouble in the future.
You guys are just perpetuating the cycle. let Israel put an end to it. If somebody's innocent loved one gets killed, and so they join Hizbollah for vengance, then that will be their mistake and they will suffer the consequences too. Life isn't fair....
what are you fucking readerphobic
innocent lebonese peope are being killed becouse hezbolla is hiding behind its civilian population, if they moved to an isolated area the idf would follow them, killing innocent oeople is the other sides intention.