Calling all anti-Israel and anti-USA posters...

Ayman al-Zawahri wants YOU to fight for what you believe in:
He also called for the “downtrodden” throughout the world, not just Muslims, to join the battle against “tyrannical Western civilization and its leader, America.”
“Stand with Muslims in confronting this unprecedented oppression and tyranny. Stand with us as we stand with you against this injustice that was forbidden by God in his book (the Quran),” al-Zawahri said.
He also called for the “downtrodden” throughout the world, not just Muslims, to join the battle against “tyrannical Western civilization and its leader, America.”
“Stand with Muslims in confronting this unprecedented oppression and tyranny. Stand with us as we stand with you against this injustice that was forbidden by God in his book (the Quran),” al-Zawahri said.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's not slandering at all. Fight against the oppression, tyranny and injustice - isn't that what you believe in?
Once again find a post where I attack israel...guess what you won't find this al Zarwhi is lunatic that should be offed...but I thought that was the point of the US going into Afganistan to find this band of rogues....if they get it him good...but your a fool to think people here follow this guy...
yes i do believe in that, doesn't mean that i believe in God's land and words, hehe fucking hilarious...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
So they will blow something up and the powers that be will blow something up, and they will all claim they were right and god is on their side and when one of them is all gone they can move on to the next target. As you people always seem to need to have somebody hate you. We all get the picture. Religion has made you all afraid to die (except some) and given you carte blanche to kill in some gods name. I applaud you people for taking religion and making a joke out of bowing down to some higher power.
Who are "you people"?
"You are either with us or you're not?"
What a day it would be if America chose to turn it's fight to fighting it's own fear and ignorance instead!
I see someone is fishing again...:rolleyes:
It's amazing how some are as bad as those they are fighting against...
"The war with Israel does not depend on cease-fires ... . It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere."
Are you listening now? Better islamic world is not a new message from them. So..have you been listening at all? That's what I wonder.
that's all fine and dandy...I just wonder how to best address radical islam...honeslty, I'm unsure, however, I'm not sure how bombing the hell out of random, weaker counties is helping....
Sounds like something Ronald McDonald would say:
"The war with healthy eating does not depend on a free apple pie when you spend over £5... . It is a Jihad for the sake of fat and will last until (our) brand prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," Ron McDonald said. "We will make people fat everywhere."
Nobody's according any importance to what Al Zawahri can say, that's the thing with these trolls, they're not even relevant...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Seems like a niave stance to me... just because you think this guy is a nut job doesn't mean he doesn't influence others.
Do you think he's relevant? I couldn't care less about a man who claim to fight for Gods, if you do then don't come around accusing anyone of agreeing with him, if Jsand think that Al zawhari is saying horrible stuff, great post about it, i would even agree to say that what he said is just stupid. But it's not what the poster is trying to do, no his objective is to: "Calling all anti-Israel and anti-USA posters", so how relevant it is? Who's living by Al Zawhari words around here, anyone???? Anything hint in this direction? No*.
Someone is trying to stir some shit around and try to paint everyone who disagree with him as terrorist, probably watching too much CNN... so stupid...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Here is an Al-Jazeera article from June 22
Here is the one from today
Notice the picture is slightly different, yet it's the same rocks, the same outfit and even the AK-47s are in the same spot. WTF?
I'm not trying to paint anyone who disagrees with me as a terrorist - terrorist sympathizer is more like it. Minus the fighting for God stuff, it appears that many on this board hold the same views as him.
I'll second that.
Actually our current government is doing quite well in continuing global terrorism and wars - and you'll be happy to know Al Queda and other regional terror groups want us to continue in the same manner. The call us aggressors, invaders and killers... so what do we do? That's right - follow suite. Nice Plan? Doubtful.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Why do you write posts like this one? Surely you must realise that you will not convince anyone of your ideas by means of insults or are you preaching to the converted and looking for kindred spirits here?
Can you answer this in a rational manner (I'm not trying to be sarcastic here I am genuinely curious)
There are far more than two sides in this war. Im sure Iran are pleased that the US is taking care of its long time enemy Iraq but that doesn't mean that the US supports Iran.
yeah, fuck that guy.
This shit just pisses me off, pious cunts who think their sacrament is sacred - this kind of stuff is the schism that divides mankind under open warfare.
"You're either with 'us' or 'the enemy'!", what an original idea.
damn you inmytree
I'm stirring here....let me be.
but..I leave the MT with this...