Do you really think Obama is the answer?

I need to preface by saying that I am not affiliated with either party. I vote for the person, not party. I voted for Kerry in 04 and probably will vote for Obama in 08. The title of my post doesn't mean that I think Mccain is the answer.
Ok, so do you think Obama is really the answer? I'm starting to realize that the Pres. can only do so much any way. Isn't it really up to congress to dictate policy etc? Don't the local politicians also make a big impact on your life? I mean the pres can introduce bills to the senate, but they still have to be passed. From what I understand the pres approves the budget.....what else does he do?
Anyway, I know the pres is a figure head for the US and represents us through the world. That seems to be the one big job they have. This current dude hasn't done too well with that. So, I think Obama has the edge there. I will say though I'm a little disappointed in Obama. He sounded so much better/different 4 yrs ago at the convention. Now he's starting to sound just like another politician.
I know some of my post is ignorant so please inform me. It seems to me that both candidates are good men. I think they genuinely would like to work for the people and try to do what they can to make things for us. I will probably vote for Obama, but I don't think I will be that disappointed if Mccain wins.
Ok, so do you think Obama is really the answer? I'm starting to realize that the Pres. can only do so much any way. Isn't it really up to congress to dictate policy etc? Don't the local politicians also make a big impact on your life? I mean the pres can introduce bills to the senate, but they still have to be passed. From what I understand the pres approves the budget.....what else does he do?
Anyway, I know the pres is a figure head for the US and represents us through the world. That seems to be the one big job they have. This current dude hasn't done too well with that. So, I think Obama has the edge there. I will say though I'm a little disappointed in Obama. He sounded so much better/different 4 yrs ago at the convention. Now he's starting to sound just like another politician.
I know some of my post is ignorant so please inform me. It seems to me that both candidates are good men. I think they genuinely would like to work for the people and try to do what they can to make things for us. I will probably vote for Obama, but I don't think I will be that disappointed if Mccain wins.
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was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
One crucially important role of the President is the Commander in Chief. Determining when and where we go to war ultimately impacts everything that occurrs domestically. Therefore, I do think that the President is vital to the overall well-being of the US.
I understand what you are saying Re: Obama, but I think that there are certain things that must be said during an election to appeal to the general populace. Obama and McCain both pander to the middle in this respect.
I believe Obama's opposition to the war is crucial in my vote going to him. Because of this stance, I feel that he would be better suited to deal with other "threats" in the future. McCain is a military man pure and simple. He thinks of solving problems in terms of military might. That is not what this country needs when we are already stretched so thin IMO.
Ok, I need to word this the right way so I don't come off like an idiot. What is the tailspin that we're caught in? Besides the war, what has the government done to set us in this "tailspin"? I don't think the housing situation is the govt's fault. People took loans they shouldn't have taken. There is personal responsibility involved. I hear how bad the economy is, but I see more people dining out, shopping at malls, etc. than ever. We have money. Maybe not as much as we did a few years ago, but we have money. Sure there people that are struggling, but it's always like that. That's capitalism.
They've both spent their time in the Senate demonstrating the above.
Don't worry about sounding like an idiot, calling it a tailspin makes me look a little like an idiot.. but I am referring to a few things -
One is the war... with Bush and McCain, there really is no end in site to this war which hasn't accomplished anything productive. 4,000+ troops are dead, tens of thousands wounded, hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and for what? To fight terrorism??? The people responsible for the largest terrorist attack against us are still free.
Foreign policy - Goes along with the war. Our global image is the worst it has been in my lifetime. The arrogant approach to foreign policy has created far more global enemies than friends in the last 7 years.
Our economy - With the tax cuts and out of control spending, our deficit has risen to unheard of levels...
Our justice system - The democrats have definitely been complicit in this, so I'm not sure it will get better, but with things like the patriot act, eliminating habeus corpus at will, holding people indefinitely without charging them, evesdropping, etc... all in the name of national security. This is quite frightening.
I honestly can't think of an area (affected by our government) that has gotten better in the last 8 years, and I just don't see McCain doing anything to change the direction of things.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Great post ~ Could not have said it better myself!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I would also like to add to your post that a portion of the responsibility for the housing crisis can be blamed on the Federal Reserve.
Well said. I agree.
Obama is the "best" candidate. He may not be the "answer", but he certainly is hands down the "best" candidate for the current state of affairs in the US. Are there gonna be tough times, uncertainties and tough choices ahead, highly likely.
I have great concern for our constitution and the current Administration is stepping on it as if it means nothing. Power is a valuable and uncertain resource we all have within us. What I mean by this is we all have the power to choose. What do you wish the future of this country, this world to be?
I can't stand for the same ol' experienced the last eight years. I would rather make the choice for someone who has vision for growth. Sometimes growth isn't easy, but if we all carry a vision for a better world many things may be possible.
Check out these sites for more info ...
I am also wondering what the heck is going on with the Republicans. There was a whole lot of craziness around their convention which gives me great pause. Why were there so many unnecessary police invasions? Nixon has been out of the house for years. : > Fear?!? Nothing near happened at the Democratic convention.
I just read this off the cuff article ...
... which I find completely ridiculous this happened. The Republicans have become paranoid to the nines. I say enough already.
I, as many want this war over and McCain is not heading down that path. Nor do I want someone telling me what I can and can't do with my own body. That is not for the government to decide. That to me is insanity. No matter what I believe about abortion, it just isn't a government issue.
Then there is the environment, world relations ... the list goes on.
Obama is not the answer, but he is the "best" choice for the circumstances at this time. With whatever head way he can make to clean up and start to create a shift for damages currently done will be amazing in my eyes.
All I know is the past 8 years have been complete BS, and we need a change.
An Obama by any other name is still an Obama.
Do you think RFK could have changed things?
We only have to look back as far as George W to see what a president is capable of.
So you either keep beating the goddamn dead horse issues or you put some semblance of faith in your presidential selection.
Obama is going to be so far in over his head it's ridiculous.
for the least they could possibly do
but we aren't really known for electing smart presidents.
You're absolutely right.
His campaign since the primaries has been an absolute mess. Starting with his big tour of Europe. Who thought this would be a good idea?
Kerry lost in '04 in no small part because the electorate was convinced he was going to run our foreign policy decisions through the European Union. So Obama's first big stroke of the summer is to ... go give a bunch of speeches in Europe?
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
for the least they could possibly do
He cannot act without Congress' approval. Checks and balances, my friends. Basic High School US History.
So dubya's pretty much running things from hell then.....
and freakin Palin...absolute joke.
Obama's smart, he understands the common American more than McCain or Dubya would ever dream of. Oh yea and again...Palins a freakin joke..oh and sooo scary.
That's great....
He's not nearly as dumb as Bush. But for whatever reason, the Democrats always run bonehead campaigns for this office.
This thing is over. McCain will win easily. And when we look back, we'll look back on the campaigns. McCain smarter? No. But his campaign staff is.
Uncle Leo ... Mcain will not win easily. It is a tough race and though you are very right on about the Republican strategy, my bets are still on Obama. He will pull it off.
We've seen what both parties are capable of. They've both had their chance. It is time to stop fooling yourself into believing one of the two major parties is better than the other. They both have done nothing but run our economy into ruin and strip our liberties. Partisan Democrats are as crazy as partisan Republicans, but somehow think they own the moral high ground. Strange.
It's nice to see others can see through the bullshit from both parties, too instead of picking a team and excusing their failures. You can't expect change by supporting the same old problems and the same old people that create them decade after decade. Change will come when we as a nation become bold enough to break the cycle and try something new instead of settling for mediocre politicians who have been bought out from under us already anyways.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
How anyone can honestly believe the figurehead position means anything anyway is beyond me. Whichever party is in power will undoubtedly fuck it up. America might as well take a step forward while it waits to take its 10 steps back.