while i respect others have differing points of view, i can honestly say i will NEVER wish that. i have never voted for him, he has never been my candidate and does not reflect my ideals. no one does 100% of course, and i have always had great respect for his ideas and accomplishements outside of the political arena......i would never want him as president.
however, rather than beat an already dead and bloodied horse...i will simply say those numbers are entirely unsurprising. i wonder if amongst 3rd party candidates if he actually managed to garner the most votes?
How many people didn't vote in the election which had the opportunity to, but were just too lazy or uncaring to do so? Perhaps, they should be on the top of the list of complaints regarding the elections and who voted for who, because complaining bout people who actually did vote is merely biased bs.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
while i respect others have differing points of view, i can honestly say i will NEVER wish that. i have never voted for him, he has never been my candidate and does not reflect my ideals. no one does 100% of course, and i have always had great respect for his ideas and accomplishements outside of the political arena......i would never want him as president.
however, rather than beat an already dead and bloodied horse...i will simply say those numbers are entirely unsurprising. i wonder if amongst 3rd party candidates if he actually managed to garner the most votes?
Well, it wasn't a reply to you
If you informed yourself about the candidates and picked the one you agreed with most, the one you believe in... then I have nothing but respect for that.
That's all I can say, really.
I don't support Obama and I definitely don't support McCain. I think Nader's views are very admirable and I believe a great deal of Obama supporters agree with many of his views and ideas. He also talked about certain points which are vital to any healthy democracy, points the two parties' candidates did not address.
I guess it saddens me a little when people imply that he's trivial or irrelevant, especially people of whom I think they actually agree with a lot of what he's saying.
About Obama, he's not my favourite but I'm looking forward to his presidency and I hope he'll do his utmost to keep his promises (some of them anyway). I hope his supporters will scrutinise his presidency just like they scrutinised Bush's. After all, like Obama stressed the people need to work for it, they need to work for the change they want... The people need to assume responsibility at all times...
There's too much truth in Nader's message to simply ignore it, especially if you believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect.
If you informed yourself about the candidates and picked the one you agreed with most, the one you believe in... then I have nothing but respect for that.
That's all I can say, really.
I don't support Obama and I definitely don't support McCain. I think Nader's views are very admirable and I believe a great deal of Obama supporters agree with many of his views and ideas. He also talked about certain points which are vital to any healthy democracy, points the two parties' candidates did not address.
I guess it saddens me a little when people imply that he's trivial or irrelevant, especially people of whom I think they actually agree with a lot of what he's saying.
About Obama, he's not my favourite but I'm looking forward to his presidency and I hope he'll do his utmost to keep his promises (some of them anyway). I hope his supporters will scrutinise his presidency just like they scrutinised Bush's. After all, like Obama stressed the people need to work for it, they need to work for the change they want... The people need to assume responsibility at all times...
There's too much truth in Nader's message to simply ignore it, especially if you believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect.
oh i know, i just felt like responding. besides, not to speak for VG, but i think it's safe to say she feels/thinks similarly.
and hey, i agree i never thought of him as trivial or irrelevant...not at all. his record outside of politics is extremely impressive and he has done much for consumer advocacy in particular. beyond that, obviously....i have a different opinion of obama but hey, differences are all good.
i also believe there is some truth in nader's message...sure....and i absolutely "believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect"...i just happen to believe so does obama, and that nader in no way corners the market on those attributes, nor does he always practice what he preaches. but hey, none of us are perfect and thus i expect perfection from no one. . differing perspectives make the world go round, eh?
anyhoo....i WAS curious what sort of #s he turned out, so i don't think it's so terrible the OP posted this thread. one can question his intentions if they so desire...but none the less...it was a pretty plainly worded question.
if anyone has #s on ALL the other 3rd party candidates, i would be curious. and yes, i know i could looke em up myself if i so desired...:p
Just further proof that Nader seriously needs to re-think his approach.
I just don't understand why he contiunes to waste his time running for President rather than mobilze a legitimate 3rd Party opposition.
Ralph is getting up there in age himself. If he really wants to make an impact and is serious about getting some balance to government...He needs to work to get that party elected at the state and local levels,so that there can be some actual 3rd Party representation in government.
Build the party.
I Greatly respect the man and agree in large with alot of what he says...But basically just pissing in the wind and wasting our time by running for President.
oh i know, i just felt like responding. besides, not to speak for VG, but i think it's safe to say she feels/thinks similarly.
and hey, i agree i never thought of him as trivial or irrelevant...not at all. his record outside of politics is extremely impressive and he has done much for consumer advocacy in particular. beyond that, obviously....i have a different opinion of obama but hey, differences are all good.
i also believe there is some truth in nader's message...sure....and i absolutely "believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect"...i just happen to believe so does obama, and that nader in no way corners the market on those attributes, nor does he always practice what he preaches. but hey, none of us are perfect and thus i expect perfection from no one. . differing perspectives make the world go round, eh?
anyhoo....i WAS curious what sort of #s he turned out, so i don't think it's so terrible the OP posted this thread. one can question his intentions if they so desire...but none the less...it was a pretty plainly worded question.
if anyone has #s on ALL the other 3rd party candidates, i would be curious. and yes, i know i could looke em up myself if i so desired...:p
thanks, d2d . nice to see you.
and yes, i'd just like to add that i've known what i've wanted for quite a while now, and nader isn't it. and i certainly don't need someone who has no idea who i am, to tell me what i want.
oh and i believe i read that all the other parties combined had about 1.5 mil votes total. HAHA SUCKERS.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
and yes, i'd just like to add that i've known what i've wanted for quite a while now, and nader isn't it. and i certainly don't need someone who has no idea who i am, to tell me what i want.
oh and i believe i read that all the other parties combined had about 1.5 mil votes total. HAHA SUCKERS.
well i'll leave out the sour grapes.....;) haha.
seriously though, only 1.5 million eh?
so if nader got approx 600,000 it's safe to assume he did get the bulk of those 3rd party votes. running what, 3x now...i would think/hope he'd get the most of em all. i was merely curious how much of a 'presence' was made by the 3rd parties. as i've said often enough, i am ALL for 3rd parties...i have voted for 3rd party candidates on the local/state level....just haven't found one to get behind at the presidential level...yet. i definitely am all for seeing the growth and potential of 3rd parties.
He received 10,230 in Montana, 9,353 in Louisiana and California is the only state that was going to count his write in votes and they are not done tallying them yet. He did place third in both Montana and Louisiana.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I voted for Nader. He still speaks the truth which is why he is not heard. I spoke the truth to a local paper that stopped to interview me the other day, it was not published. :cool:
I worked very hard to get Nader on the ballot here in WA state. I am beyond disgusted by how I was treated by so called liberals.
I was yelled at, told to fuck off, people yelled at those who had the balls to stop and sign my petition, etc, etc. That together with how I was treated on election night has left me feeling like there's not much humanity left in the world. Perhaps that is reflected in the percentage of votes third party candidates received.
I was pretty stoked watching the excitement of the Obama win unfold in Seattle. Unfortunately for me, I was holding my Nader sign (as a keepsake for all of the hours volunteering and the breakthrough it's been for me as a shut-in). Even though I was watching with a HUGE smile on my face and taking photos of the revelers. People certainly took there opportunity to take some cheap shots at me.
This country has a long fucking way to go before it becomes anything I can be fully proud of.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
I voted for Nader. He still speaks the truth which is why he is not heard. I spoke the truth to a local paper that stopped to interview me the other day, it was not published. :cool:
I worked very hard to get Nader on the ballot here in WA state. I am beyond disgusted by how I was treated by so called liberals.
I was yelled at, told to fuck off, people yelled at those who had the balls to stop and sign my petition, etc, etc. That together with how I was treated on election night has left me feeling like there's not much humanity left in the world. Perhaps that is reflected in the percentage of votes third party candidates received.
I was pretty stoked watching the excitement of the Obama win unfold in Seattle. Unfortunately for me, I was holding my Nader sign (as a keepsake for all of the hours volunteering and the breakthrough it's been for me as a shut-in). Even though I was watching with a HUGE smile on my face and taking photos of the revelers. People certainly took there opportunity to take some cheap shots at me.
This country has a long fucking way to go before it becomes anything I can be fully proud of.
I voted for Nader. He still speaks the truth which is why he is not heard. I spoke the truth to a local paper that stopped to interview me the other day, it was not published. :cool:
maybe it's this impression of moral superiority that rubbed people the wrong way?
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
Thanks and you're welcome. Overall, it was worth it and I would do it again in heartbeat, well, after I lick my thin skinned wounds.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
maybe it's this impression of moral superiority that rubbed people the wrong way?
My guess is that they didn't want to print anything about the Taft-Hartley Act or possibly anything Nader is blacklisted. Who knows?
I had an idea of the crowd I'd be approaching when I got into this. I approached people humbly and with a smile. How I was treated in return was wrong. In some cases, I could have pressed charges. Mostly, I was left with the impression that since I wasn't an Obama supporter I was not worth the time of most people as I was somehow beneath them.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
i also believe there is some truth in nader's message...sure....and i absolutely "believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect"...i just happen to believe so does obama, and that nader in no way corners the market on those attributes, nor does he always practice what he preaches. but hey, none of us are perfect and thus i expect perfection from no one. . differing perspectives make the world go round, eh?
anyhoo....i WAS curious what sort of #s he turned out, so i don't think it's so terrible the OP posted this thread. one can question his intentions if they so desire...but none the less...it was a pretty plainly worded question.
if anyone has #s on ALL the other 3rd party candidates, i would be curious. and yes, i know i could looke em up myself if i so desired...:p
I wasn't referring to the question, I was responding to VictoryGin's answer: who is this "nader"?
If she truly doesn't know who Nader is, then shame on her. If she's implying he's irrelevant; see my previous post.
Also, I wasn't saying that Nader possesses those qualities and Obama doesn't, I was saying if Obama's all about change then perhaps his supporters should change their attitude as well... instead of going down the old road and seeing politics as a battlefield with one winner and the rest losers... perhaps we can start with showing some respect?
One of the nicest things was McCain's speech; it showed respect. One of the worst things was his supporters booing at the mention of Obama's name; a total lack of respect.
But hey, if VictoryGin wants to ignore the other candidates, pretend that they are totally irrelevant... I'm not stopping her. I'm just saying that that's not exactly change, or maybe it is, it's a step backwards. Bravo.
I wasn't referring to the question, I was responding to VictoryGin's answer: who is this "nader"?
If she truly doesn't know who Nader is, then shame on her. If she's implying he's irrelevant; see my previous post.
Also, I wasn't saying that Nader possesses those qualities and Obama doesn't, I was saying if Obama's all about change then perhaps his supporters should change their attitude as well... instead of going down the old road and seeing politics as a battlefield with one winner and the rest losers... perhaps we can start with showing some respect?
One of the nicest things was McCain's speech; it showed respect. One of the worst things was his supporters booing at the mention of Obama's name; a total lack of respect.
But hey, if VictoryGin wants to ignore the other candidates, pretend that they are totally irrelevant... I'm not stopping her. I'm just saying that that's not exactly change, or maybe it is, it's a step backwards. Bravo.
aha, i see...my mistake.
that said, i know your post was in response to VG's post.....but while i will in no way speak for VG, i will say my impression was a tongue-in-cheeck joke...i thought your response was as well.....and yes, i chose to address your point seriously.
i do agree respect is necessary for progress and change, in ALL things. i do not consider nader ireelevant. however, right now in reality...there ARE no more candidates, the elction is over. so as a presidential candidate, well he IS 'irrelevant' in that sense...until the next election and if he deicdes to run. this does not suggest he as a person is irrelevant, just the candacy...since there are no more candidates.
and yes, i agree...mccain's concession speech was very classy and respectful. it would've been far better to see more of that DURING the candidate process and not after the fact.
anyhoo..it was my own inference on the overall thread, not just one post...so mea culpa.
urban hiker: i am sorry to read of your experience. it is sad to see ignorance and intolerance exist on all sides.
btw - i don't thimk all obama supporters are going down the same road, losers/winners, etc...not by a long shot. i know it's not my pov, and of many i've spoken with, a lot of coverage i've seen...i don't see much in the for/against...my side/your side at all....more like a victory for all, a positive step for all...hopeful for all.
I wasn't referring to the question, I was responding to VictoryGin's answer: who is this "nader"?
If she truly doesn't know who Nader is, then shame on her. If she's implying he's irrelevant; see my previous post.
Also, I wasn't saying that Nader possesses those qualities and Obama doesn't, I was saying if Obama's all about change then perhaps his supporters should change their attitude as well... instead of going down the old road and seeing politics as a battlefield with one winner and the rest losers... perhaps we can start with showing some respect?
One of the nicest things was McCain's speech; it showed respect. One of the worst things was his supporters booing at the mention of Obama's name; a total lack of respect.
But hey, if VictoryGin wants to ignore the other candidates, pretend that they are totally irrelevant... I'm not stopping her. I'm just saying that that's not exactly change, or maybe it is, it's a step backwards. Bravo.
i'm not saying he's irrelevant exactly. i think "almost completely ineffective in his role as continual presidential candidate" would be better. he hasn't ever received nearly enough votes to be a serious contender. so then he says he runs to bring issues to the table. i'd like to know exactly what impact his last campaign had in forcing obama and mccain to address his issues. what is he and his supporters changing by the continual bids for presidency?
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
i'm not saying he's irrelevant exactly. i think "almost completely ineffective in his role as continual presidential candidate" would be better. he hasn't ever received nearly enough votes to be a serious contender. so then he says he runs to bring issues to the table. i'd like to know exactly what impact his last campaign had in forcing obama and mccain to address his issues. what is he and his supporters changing by the continual bids for presidency?
what do you change by constantly proping up and supporting the status quo?
i wonder if he (or other 3rd parties) would've received more votes if they were allowed into the debates?
as long as you let these 2 corporate parties control the racket nothing will ever change. why would it? they know you will pick one or the other regardless so they don't really need to worry about being held accountable. just look at all the ppl who used to be against the patriot act until obama kept voitng for it, suddenly it wasn't such a bad thing. some ppl used to be against nuclear power but now that obama likes it suddenly it's not such a bad idea, some even throw out this odd concept that we will use our tax money to build these new plants only to use them for a little while until we develop 'something better' but do they honestly believe that will happen? that we'll spend all that money just to say 'ok, let's close er up!'??? this doesn't apply to every obama supporter but it's obvious many have compromised their 'ideals' just to be on the winning team. it's also sad to see the level of pettiness among many obama supporters and superiority complex, they have become just another cliche of what they used to rail against
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
He received 10,230 in Montana, 9,353 in Louisiana and California is the only state that was going to count his write in votes and they are not done tallying them yet. He did place third in both Montana and Louisiana.
why wouldn't the other states count them?? isn't that what democracy means?
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Just further proof that Nader seriously needs to re-think his approach.
I just don't understand why he contiunes to waste his time running for President rather than mobilze a legitimate 3rd Party opposition.
Ralph is getting up there in age himself. If he really wants to make an impact and is serious about getting some balance to government...He needs to work to get that party elected at the state and local levels,so that there can be some actual 3rd Party representation in government.
Build the party.
I Greatly respect the man and agree in large with alot of what he says...But basically just pissing in the wind and wasting our time by running for President.
cross the river to the eastside
The guy you'll wish you'd voted for
naděje umírá poslední
not nearly enough
HA. after working so hard for something i wanted, i don't think i'd want to throw away my vote like that.
cross the river to the eastside
while i respect others have differing points of view, i can honestly say i will NEVER wish that. i have never voted for him, he has never been my candidate and does not reflect my ideals. no one does 100% of course, and i have always had great respect for his ideas and accomplishements outside of the political arena......i would never want him as president.
however, rather than beat an already dead and bloodied horse...i will simply say those numbers are entirely unsurprising. i wonder if amongst 3rd party candidates if he actually managed to garner the most votes?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
648,137 too many.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Wishlist Foundation-
Well, it wasn't a reply to you
If you informed yourself about the candidates and picked the one you agreed with most, the one you believe in... then I have nothing but respect for that.
That's all I can say, really.
I don't support Obama and I definitely don't support McCain. I think Nader's views are very admirable and I believe a great deal of Obama supporters agree with many of his views and ideas. He also talked about certain points which are vital to any healthy democracy, points the two parties' candidates did not address.
I guess it saddens me a little when people imply that he's trivial or irrelevant, especially people of whom I think they actually agree with a lot of what he's saying.
About Obama, he's not my favourite but I'm looking forward to his presidency and I hope he'll do his utmost to keep his promises (some of them anyway). I hope his supporters will scrutinise his presidency just like they scrutinised Bush's. After all, like Obama stressed the people need to work for it, they need to work for the change they want... The people need to assume responsibility at all times...
There's too much truth in Nader's message to simply ignore it, especially if you believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect.
naděje umírá poslední
oh i know, i just felt like responding.
and hey, i agree i never thought of him as trivial or irrelevant...not at all. his record outside of politics is extremely impressive and he has done much for consumer advocacy in particular. beyond that, obviously....i have a different opinion of obama but hey, differences are all good.
i also believe there is some truth in nader's message...sure....and i absolutely "believe in change from hatred and disrespect to openness, intelligent debate, cooperation and respect"...i just happen to believe so does obama, and that nader in no way corners the market on those attributes, nor does he always practice what he preaches. but hey, none of us are perfect and thus i expect perfection from no one. . differing perspectives make the world go round, eh?
anyhoo....i WAS curious what sort of #s he turned out, so i don't think it's so terrible the OP posted this thread. one can question his intentions if they so desire...but none the less...it was a pretty plainly worded question.
if anyone has #s on ALL the other 3rd party candidates, i would be curious. and yes, i know i could looke em up myself if i so desired...:p
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I just don't understand why he contiunes to waste his time running for President rather than mobilze a legitimate 3rd Party opposition.
Ralph is getting up there in age himself. If he really wants to make an impact and is serious about getting some balance to government...He needs to work to get that party elected at the state and local levels,so that there can be some actual 3rd Party representation in government.
Build the party.
I Greatly respect the man and agree in large with alot of what he says...But basically just pissing in the wind and wasting our time by running for President.
But that's how I feel.
thanks, d2d
and yes, i'd just like to add that i've known what i've wanted for quite a while now, and nader isn't it. and i certainly don't need someone who has no idea who i am, to tell me what i want.
oh and i believe i read that all the other parties combined had about 1.5 mil votes total. HAHA SUCKERS.
cross the river to the eastside
well i'll leave out the sour grapes.....;) haha.
seriously though, only 1.5 million eh?
so if nader got approx 600,000 it's safe to assume he did get the bulk of those 3rd party votes. running what, 3x now...i would think/hope he'd get the most of em all. i was merely curious how much of a 'presence' was made by the 3rd parties. as i've said often enough, i am ALL for 3rd parties...i have voted for 3rd party candidates on the local/state level....just haven't found one to get behind at the presidential level...yet. i definitely am all for seeing the growth and potential of 3rd parties.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
He received 10,230 in Montana, 9,353 in Louisiana and California is the only state that was going to count his write in votes and they are not done tallying them yet. He did place third in both Montana and Louisiana.
No one even bothers running against him because it's practically impossible to beat him.
I worked very hard to get Nader on the ballot here in WA state. I am beyond disgusted by how I was treated by so called liberals.
I was yelled at, told to fuck off, people yelled at those who had the balls to stop and sign my petition, etc, etc. That together with how I was treated on election night has left me feeling like there's not much humanity left in the world. Perhaps that is reflected in the percentage of votes third party candidates received.
I was pretty stoked watching the excitement of the Obama win unfold in Seattle. Unfortunately for me, I was holding my Nader sign (as a keepsake for all of the hours volunteering and the breakthrough it's been for me as a shut-in). Even though I was watching with a HUGE smile on my face and taking photos of the revelers. People certainly took there opportunity to take some cheap shots at me.
This country has a long fucking way to go before it becomes anything I can be fully proud of.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
i voted for nader. thanks for all the hard work.
maybe it's this impression of moral superiority that rubbed people the wrong way?
cross the river to the eastside
Thanks and you're welcome. Overall, it was worth it and I would do it again in heartbeat, well, after I lick my thin skinned wounds.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Wishlist Foundation-
My guess is that they didn't want to print anything about the Taft-Hartley Act or possibly anything Nader is blacklisted. Who knows?
I had an idea of the crowd I'd be approaching when I got into this. I approached people humbly and with a smile. How I was treated in return was wrong. In some cases, I could have pressed charges. Mostly, I was left with the impression that since I wasn't an Obama supporter I was not worth the time of most people as I was somehow beneath them.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
I wasn't referring to the question, I was responding to VictoryGin's answer: who is this "nader"?
If she truly doesn't know who Nader is, then shame on her. If she's implying he's irrelevant; see my previous post.
Also, I wasn't saying that Nader possesses those qualities and Obama doesn't, I was saying if Obama's all about change then perhaps his supporters should change their attitude as well... instead of going down the old road and seeing politics as a battlefield with one winner and the rest losers... perhaps we can start with showing some respect?
One of the nicest things was McCain's speech; it showed respect. One of the worst things was his supporters booing at the mention of Obama's name; a total lack of respect.
But hey, if VictoryGin wants to ignore the other candidates, pretend that they are totally irrelevant... I'm not stopping her. I'm just saying that that's not exactly change, or maybe it is, it's a step backwards. Bravo.
naděje umírá poslední
aha, i see...my mistake.
that said, i know your post was in response to VG's post.....but while i will in no way speak for VG, i will say my impression was a tongue-in-cheeck joke...i thought your response was as well.....and yes, i chose to address your point seriously.
i do agree respect is necessary for progress and change, in ALL things. i do not consider nader ireelevant. however, right now in reality...there ARE no more candidates, the elction is over. so as a presidential candidate, well he IS 'irrelevant' in that sense...until the next election and if he deicdes to run. this does not suggest he as a person is irrelevant, just the candacy...since there are no more candidates.
and yes, i agree...mccain's concession speech was very classy and respectful. it would've been far better to see more of that DURING the candidate process and not after the fact.
anyhoo..it was my own inference on the overall thread, not just one post...so mea culpa.
urban hiker: i am sorry to read of your experience. it is sad to see ignorance and intolerance exist on all sides.
btw - i don't thimk all obama supporters are going down the same road, losers/winners, etc...not by a long shot. i know it's not my pov, and of many i've spoken with, a lot of coverage i've seen...i don't see much in the for/against...my side/your side at all....more like a victory for all, a positive step for all...hopeful for all.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i'm not saying he's irrelevant exactly. i think "almost completely ineffective in his role as continual presidential candidate" would be better. he hasn't ever received nearly enough votes to be a serious contender. so then he says he runs to bring issues to the table. i'd like to know exactly what impact his last campaign had in forcing obama and mccain to address his issues. what is he and his supporters changing by the continual bids for presidency?
cross the river to the eastside
what do you change by constantly proping up and supporting the status quo?
i wonder if he (or other 3rd parties) would've received more votes if they were allowed into the debates?
as long as you let these 2 corporate parties control the racket nothing will ever change. why would it? they know you will pick one or the other regardless so they don't really need to worry about being held accountable. just look at all the ppl who used to be against the patriot act until obama kept voitng for it, suddenly it wasn't such a bad thing. some ppl used to be against nuclear power but now that obama likes it suddenly it's not such a bad idea, some even throw out this odd concept that we will use our tax money to build these new plants only to use them for a little while until we develop 'something better' but do they honestly believe that will happen? that we'll spend all that money just to say 'ok, let's close er up!'??? this doesn't apply to every obama supporter but it's obvious many have compromised their 'ideals' just to be on the winning team. it's also sad to see the level of pettiness among many obama supporters and superiority complex, they have become just another cliche of what they used to rail against
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
why wouldn't the other states count them?? isn't that what democracy means?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he runs for people like me.. "not for you"