Animal activists are terrorists

flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
edited November 2006 in A Moving Train
Ah, now the terrorist label spreads even further. When will it stop? Can it be stopped?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Does that mean they go to Gitmo w/ no trial or representaion?
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    I thought this is old news. Anyway, who gives a shit. They lost me with PETA

    You should give a shit when those in power decide to brand anything they do not like with the "terrorist" label.
  • Even nonviolent? I don't get it.

    I thought the whole point of a terrorist was somebody that used violence to create terror. Am I missing something?
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Even nonviolent? I don't get it.

    I thought the whole point of a terrorist was somebody that used violence to create terror. Am I missing something?

    That's my point. The term "terrorist" is being thrown around at many things disliked by the government, be it an act or a point of view. It's ridiculous.
  • Ah, now the terrorist label spreads even further. When will it stop? Can it be stopped?
    Unfortunatley I don't think it can b stopped the media just want to put the fear of whatever god you believe in to scare you into submission.
    There is nothing to fear except fear itself. oh and the media. oh and the government.....

    Peace love and mung beans baby!
     Australia, Melbourne 17/03/1995, 02/03/1998, 19/02/2003, 13/11/2006, 20/11/2009 and ...

  • What the ???? peta also lost me when they had a go at Steve irwin 4 days AFTER he died.....
    if you are gonna fight for a cause have some balls and some respect. - Peta that is.

    Peace love and mung beans baby!
     Australia, Melbourne 17/03/1995, 02/03/1998, 19/02/2003, 13/11/2006, 20/11/2009 and ...
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    "such as blockades, property destruction, trespassing, and the freeing of captive animals – as terrorism"
    what's wrong with classifying these as terrorist acts. All of them are clearly illegal...I would have a problem if they made it illegal for PETA or ALF (as much as i disagree with them) to protest. This law just defines what they aren't allowed to do which is good, b/c now people know the consequences.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • qtegirlqtegirl Posts: 321
    chopitdown wrote:
    "such as blockades, property destruction, trespassing, and the freeing of captive animals – as terrorism"
    what's wrong with classifying these as terrorist acts. All of them are clearly illegal...I would have a problem if they made it illegal for PETA or ALF (as much as i disagree with them) to protest. This law just defines what they aren't allowed to do which is good, b/c now people know the consequences.
    I had this exact conversation with my husband.

    I think all the things that you mention can be classified as criminal acts, but not terrorist acts. There is a huge difference between the two and different laws that govern each.

    Most people that do those things are willing to go to jail for their cause. But they are not terrorists. A terrorist uses uses fear and intimidation in order to bring about a desired result. If you set up a blockade or free up captive animals, you are not instilling fear in individuals, you are hurting a corporation's bottom line or profitability.

    There is no reason why people who do these acts should be treated as terrorists and have the Patriot Act thrown at them. They should be tried in the court system like any other person who committed a crime.
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    I love when im dragging a deer carcas out of the woods there are some protestors to greet me.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • "The House passed the Senate’s version of the bill, which was approved in September. Critics consider that version bad enough, but they had been especially alarmed that a House version of the bill swept in "non-violent physical obstruction of an animal enterprise" as an offense if it causes a loss of profits. While the Senate version does not explicitly ban such activity, critics believe it to be vague enough to encompass civil disobedience in its scope.

    The AETA does make specific provisions to safeguard activity protected under the First Amendment, but critics have raised concerns it could have the effect of discouraging even lawful protests."

    So if I get this right, then peacefully obstructing a shop that sells beauty products that have been tested on animals could be classed as a terrorist act? Just because the shop/company will lose money?


    Criminal acts are bad and should be punished. Classifying "blockades, property destruction, trespassing, and the freeing of captive animals" as terrorism, just because you don't agree with the ideology (or because it makes you lose money?) is bad. Very bad.
    Like a cloud dropping rain
    I'm discarding all thought
    I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
    I'm like an opening band for the sun
  • chopitdown wrote:
    "such as blockades, property destruction, trespassing, and the freeing of captive animals – as terrorism"
    what's wrong with classifying these as terrorist acts. All of them are clearly illegal...I would have a problem if they made it illegal for PETA or ALF (as much as i disagree with them) to protest. This law just defines what they aren't allowed to do which is good, b/c now people know the consequences.

    Do you tremble w/ fear of freed animals and blockades too? I can hardly sleep at night.
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    Smellyman wrote:
    Do you tremble w/ fear of freed animals and blockades too? I can hardly sleep at night.

    nah, thanks to the 2nd amendment i can have a gun to protect myself, if that was taken away from me then i don't think i'd be able to function though.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • People have been calling extreme animal activists "terrorists" for decades, and rightly so in some cases. This is nothing new.
  • People have been calling extreme animal activists "terrorists" for decades, and rightly so in some cases. This is nothing new.

    Name calling and a prison sentence are two very different things!
    Like a cloud dropping rain
    I'm discarding all thought
    I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
    I'm like an opening band for the sun
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Even nonviolent? I don't get it.

    I thought the whole point of a terrorist was somebody that used violence to create terror. Am I missing something?

    you are correct. Terrorists are people who inflict harm on civilians and random every day people in an attempt to "terrorise" them and try and force governments hand in order to get their social or political ideals recognized or forced into being.

    The only way an animal activist could be a terrorist would be to say, shoot hunters and say it will continue until they stop hunting.

    The only Activists I know that terrorise would be say Abortion Clinic shooters or bombers.

    Peta used to throw blood on people but I think they stopped that because it was lame and counter productive.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • qtegirlqtegirl Posts: 321
    Riot_Rain wrote:
    Name calling and a prison sentence are two very different things!
    I agree.

    Now that there are all these new laws, wrongfully calling somebody a terrorist carries a lot more weight that it ever did before.

    Start using the correct name, activists, or perhaps in some cases, criminals. But we can't throw "terrrorist" around anymore.
  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    eco-terrorists have been around for decades. Animal Liberation Front, Earth Liberation Front, Eddie's buddies at Earth First!. All of them have been rightly considered by most of society to be terrorists. And we've been locking up those fuckers for years. Hopefully we'll continue to. I don't want to see the "terrorist" lable abused, and am anti-Patriot Act. But I also don't want these eco-terrorists called anything else simply because we're afraid to use the term "terrorist".
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • Riot_Rain wrote:
    Name calling and a prison sentence are two very different things!

    Umm....animal activists have been getting prison sentences for a long time too. Not saying it's right, but it's nothing new. What is new is your sensitivity to the word "terrorist".
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    It's true that in the past, animal rights groups have exhibited 'terrorist-like' behavior, like mail-bombing veterinarians or researchers. It's no different than the anti-abortionists bombing clinics or threatening doctors. However, trespassing, blockades, etc are forms non-violent civil disobedience. Illegal yes, terrorism,uh, I'm not sure about that. It's interesting to me that this bill would focus on just the animal rights folks, why doesn't it apply to ALL protest groups? I'm also concerned about the implications of this law for ALL protest groups that want to meet and protest legally and peacefully. Why can' there be a law that is clear what constitutes as terrorism instead of a law that focuses on a specific group? The law seems to suspiciously focus on animal rights groups (unless I'm missing something) instead of terrorism itself.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • This is way to wierd.
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    Terror is defined as "violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands." How in the hell can you be a non-violent terrorist? What does that even mean?
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • halvhalv Posts: 703
    miller8966 wrote:
    I love when im dragging a deer carcas out of the woods there are some protestors to greet me.

    This is exactly the redneck bravado bullshit attitude people have to put up with on this board all the time. Shooting a defenseless animal so you can go home and put it on your wall is like comparing dick size with your buddies.
    But brave people who stand up for the lives of these defenseless animals are victimized and now labeled terrorists. Cavemen hunter assholes with guns are considered "all-American" when they are really just pussies with weapons. I'm sick of being nice about these animal rights issues on this board. People kill, torture and abuse animals exclusively for profit, whether it's hunting, lab experiments, roadside zoos, fur trade, for food etc. These animals undergo unbelievable pain and fear, something we would never ever allow to happen to our pets. Actually if this happened to our pets people would be charged criminally.....but oh, it's just fine so people can get a new fucking coat or hang some antlers on their wall. We say we're a civilized society but we're ok with clubbing seals to death, scalding chickens alive, or keeping monkeys locked inside small cages their entire lives while applying chemicals to their eyes. And animal rights activists are terrorists!!!!???? Give me a break. Wake the fuck up and look what you are supporting. Violence is violence....and anybody who can torture an animal is much more likely to harm a human. Moron hunters could problem even figure than one out.
    I have zero respect for anybody that makes a penny off the torture and murder of other animals and if an animal rights activist hurts their "bottom line" becuase of a protest or demonstration then good.
    And PETA is not the only animal rights group out there. There's the Humane Soceity of the USA, Jane Goodall Foundation, Farm Sanctuary, Doris Day Foundation, Defense for Animals, and thousands more. Check them out instead of always assuming PETA is the only group out there.

    And as for groups like the ALF....they have never ever hurt a human or animal while freeing any animals. Sure, those mink farmers just lost some money, but thousands of animals just got to escape being anally electrocuted or beaten to death so some ugly bitch like Beyonce can wear a mink coat.

    This motion passed the house as a last minute addition on the first day back from holidays. I think I read 6 representatives were there at the time of voting. Oh, and guess who were the big supporterys and lobbyists for this one?!

    Let the insults fly. I'm done with this board.
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    halv wrote:
    This is exactly the redneck bravado bullshit attitude people have to put up with on this board all the time. Shooting a defenseless animal so you can go home and put it on your wall is like comparing dick size with your buddies.
    But brave people who stand up for the lives of these defenseless animals are victimized and now labeled terrorists. Cavemen hunter assholes with guns are considered "all-American" when they are really just pussies with weapons. I'm sick of being nice about these animal rights issues on this board. People kill, torture and abuse animals exclusively for profit, whether it's hunting, lab experiments, roadside zoos, fur trade, for food etc. These animals undergo unbelievable pain and fear, something we would never ever allow to happen to our pets. Actually if this happened to our pets people would be charged criminally.....but oh, it's just fine so people can get a new fucking coat or hang some antlers on their wall. We say we're a civilized society but we're ok with clubbing seals to death, scalding chickens alive, or keeping monkeys locked inside small cages their entire lives while applying chemicals to their eyes. And animal rights activists are terrorists!!!!???? Give me a break. Wake the fuck up and look what you are supporting. Violence is violence....and anybody who can torture an animal is much more likely to harm a human. Moron hunters could problem even figure than one out.
    I have zero respect for anybody that makes a penny off the torture and murder of other animals and if an animal rights activist hurts their "bottom line" becuase of a protest or demonstration then good.
    And PETA is not the only animal rights group out there. There's the Humane Soceity of the USA, Jane Goodall Foundation, Farm Sanctuary, Doris Day Foundation, Defense for Animals, and thousands more. Check them out instead of always assuming PETA is the only group out there.
    Let the insults fly. I'm done with this board.

    hunting is part of the american tradition my friend. Nothing better than being out in the woods with a few buddies, wearing camoflage, and following deer tracks.

    While i only hunt with a rifle, i have a friend that hunts with a bow and arrow..god damn what a beautiful site that is. Taking down a large Buck with a bow n arrow is amazing...then you just gotta follow the blood trail. And eat him before hanging his head on your wall.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    halv wrote:
    Let the insults fly. I'm done with this board.

    booooo whooooooo

    dont let the door hit you on the way out.

    why be such a baby about it? hunting doesnt make you a homicidal maniac
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    hunting for sport does.

    if you're killing something just for the "thrill" of killing something, with no intention of using the animal for food or otherwise, there is something seriously wrong with you.

    and a disclaimer....i help run a hunting and fishing program where i work, and i have absolutely no problem with hunting or hunters who plan to use what they kill.

    I see where your coming from....but do you like seeing deer laying dead on the side of the road.

    So either
    A) i kill it and use it as a trophy

    B) you kill it and damage your car while risking your life at the same time.

    its population control...
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • miller8966 wrote:
    its population control...
    With your intelligence and precision, I'm surprised that there are any deer left in North America!

    Probably won't be long before you and your buddies start to focus on liberals, gays, blacks, people in cities, illegal immigrants eh? ;)
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    sure, but killing animals for population control is not killing for sport, right? i know where i live we have an overabundance of elk. why? ranchers! they put a goddamn stock tank on every square mile of national forest, because they have grazing allotments there and the forest service lets them put the tanks in. so now there is more water for the wildlife as well, where historically the lack of water helped determine the carrying capacity of the land. basically, where i live the problem is human caused. i'm from indiana, and i know they have a problem with overpopulation of whitetail there to the point that they sometimes open up state parks to hunts.

    In Nj they only allow a certain amount of licenses every year, to make sure people dont kill to many. Also any deer shot has to be taken to a weigh in station.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • i would'nt say that animal activist's are ALL terroris'ts,but it aint fair the way they pick on folk's who like huntin,and folk's who enjoy a fine steak.
    they allway's tryin to make statement's and shit, but who give's a fuck!

    MAN WAS GIVEN THE TEETH AT THE BACK TO CHEW MEAT!!!!!Not some vegatarein's shit.

    and O.K it's not the kindes thing in the worl d when scientist's do experiment on em, but it neccessary for human's health.Put that in ure pipe.
    I’d thank my lucky stars,
    to be livin here today.
    ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
    and they can’t take that away.

    And I’m proud to be an American,
    where at least I know I’m free.
    And I wont forget the men who died,
    who gave that right to me.
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    miller8966 wrote:
    I love when im dragging a deer carcas out of the woods there are some protestors to greet me.

    I bet you have never been hunting in your life. I gotta feeling you couldnt find your ass if you were taking a shit.
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