Nader's Portfolio problem

flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
edited June 2008 in A Moving Train
Nader is a hypocrite "fighting" corporate power while he profited from these same corporations. This was his portfolio in 2000.

"Mr. Nader has no control over the investment choices Fidelity makes in this fund, but he receives reports of fund holdings and he has his choice of funds."

"I can't believe he's not in a blind trust or one of the socially conscious funds that are available, but apparently no one scrutinizes Nader. Everyone assumes he is above reproach. He still refuses to release his personal income tax return."

Exxon Corp., Royal Dutch Petroleum, BP Amoco, Chevron (Bush advisor Condoleeza Rice is a director of Chevron), Shell, Sunoco, Texaco, The Coastal Corp. (Gulf of Mexico drilling, coal mining), Total Fina (specialist in international oil exploitation), Raytheon (missle guidance systems), General Dynamics (warships), Kimberly-Clark (destroyer of forests), Louisiana Pacific (destoyer of forests, polluter of bays), Ford Motor Co. (chastised by Nader just last week), General Motors (ditto), Biogen ("bio-pharmaceuticals"), Genentech (ditto), Monsanto (pesticides incl. Roundup and bioengineering, including corn that kills butterflies), Bristol-Myers Squibb (these are all pharmaceuticals), Merck, Pfizer, Warner-Lambert, Caterpillar (don't they make bulldozers?), McDonalds (a villain of globalization), Clorox (maker of ozone layer holes), Gillette (former torturer of bunnies), Proctor & Gamble, Phillip-Morris. And the next time there's an anti-consumerism day, be aware that Mr. Nader owns stock in:, The Gap, The Limited. And these big-box purveyors of sprawl:, Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Circuit City, Bed Bath & Beyond, Staples. Also a couple of energy companies: Montana Power Co. (moving from oil, gas, coal, to fiber optics) Enron (largest natural gas company).



Did you know that Ralph Nader has a financial interest in Dick Cheney's success and has financial ties to Enron, one of George W. Bush's major campaign contributors? While Nader attacks corporations such as Halliburton, Raytheon, Boeing, Ford, Phillip-Morris, Pfizer, MacDonalds, and Occidental as being harmful to mankind, he makes investment profits off of all of these and more. What's the point, you ask? If corporate contributions corrupt candidates, can't corporate investments corrupt candidates? And if Mr. Nader questions Mr. Gore's populist rhetoric and his mother's oil holdings, shouldn't he also question his own?

by Jeff McMahon

As you know, Greens and other activists have been protesting Al Gore because his mother's trust owns stock in Occidental Petroleum, which has been striving to drill for oil on the sacred lands of the indigenous U'wa people in Colombia. In the US, the protests have had two main targets: Mr. Gore and Fidelity Investments, one of the largest holders of Occidental stock. Fidelity holds far more shares, by the way, than Pauline Gore's trust. Fidelity controls about $500 million worth of Occidental Stock, according to the Rainforest Action Network, which accuses Fidelity of "Investing in Genocide." Protestors have urged Fidelity investors to divest from Fidelity unless Fidelity pressures Occidental to cancel its Colombia project. Apparently, Ralph Nader didn't hear them.

In the financial disclosure form he filed on June 14, Ralph Nader reported that he owns between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of shares of the Fidelity Magellan Fund. As an owner of the fund, Nader owns a portion of the stocks that make up the fund, including its 4,321,400 shares of Occidental Petroleum.

Mr. Nader has no control over the investment choices Fidelity makes in this fund, but he receives reports of fund holdings and he has his choice of funds. Unlike Mr. Gore, Mr. Nader has a personal stake in Occidental, and he has not issued any press release annoucing his divestment or pressuring Occidental to halt its project.

But wait, there's more. Fidelity Magellan also owns stock in Dick Cheney's Halliburton Company, which has been linked in a published report to the deaths of environmental activists and indigenous people in the Niger Delta. And I'm sure you will recognize the names below, just a small sampling of the companies in which Ralph Nader has a personal stake:

Exxon Corp., Royal Dutch Petroleum, BP Amoco, Chevron (Bush advisor Condoleeza Rice is a director of Chevron), Shell, Sunoco, Texaco, The Coastal Corp. (Gulf of Mexico drilling, coal mining), Total Fina (specialist in international oil exploitation), Raytheon (missle guidance systems), General Dynamics (warships), Kimberly-Clark (destroyer of forests), Louisiana Pacific (destoyer of forests, polluter of bays), Ford Motor Co. (chastised by Nader just last week), General Motors (ditto), Biogen ("bio-pharmaceuticals"), Genentech (ditto), Monsanto (pesticides incl. Roundup and bioengineering, including corn that kills butterflies), Bristol-Myers Squibb (these are all pharmaceuticals), Merck, Pfizer, Warner-Lambert, Caterpillar (don't they make bulldozers?), McDonalds (a villain of globalization), Clorox (maker of ozone layer holes), Gillette (former torturer of bunnies), Proctor & Gamble, Phillip-Morris. And the next time there's an anti-consumerism day, be aware that Mr. Nader owns stock in:, The Gap, The Limited. And these big-box purveyors of sprawl:, Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Circuit City, Bed Bath & Beyond, Staples. Also a couple of energy companies: Montana Power Co. (moving from oil, gas, coal, to fiber optics) Enron (largest natural gas company).

Fidelity Magellan controls stock in hundreds more corporations. These just popped out at me. I don't think it's a sin for a man to have investments, although there is a case for hypocrisy here, but I think those activists chaining themselves to desks at the Gore campaign might want to also visit the Nader office. In 1996, Nader refused to release a financial disclosure statement or his tax return, saying it was "full of zeros." This year he filed the financial disclosure, perhaps because his contribution level triggered a requirement. Personally, I can't believe he's not in a blind trust or one of the socially conscious funds that are available, but apparently no one scrutinizes Nader. Everyone assumes he is above reproach. He still refuses to release his personal income tax return.

Documents: Nader's disclosure form:, Fidelity Magellan annual report:, Call for divestiture: (a href="" target=x> (, Report on Halliburton:

Relevant quotes: "As I listen to the vice president espouse his views on campaign finance reform, I look at his investment portfolio and have to ask how that might influence public policy. Gore owns substantial stock in Occidental Oil Co., which is working to exploit oil reserves under Uwa land in Colombia." --Winona LaDuke (

1996 NPR Interview: SCOTT SIMON: Mr.- Mr. Nader, will you, would you, as major party presidential candidates do, release copies of your tax return and financial disclosure statement?

RALPH NADER: No, because I want to practice what I- I've preached for 30 years. I have advocated the privacy of medical records, income tax records, because I think that's an essential defense to corporate power and arbitrary government power.

SCOTT SIMON: I- I'm just wondering if- if American voters aren't entitled to know something about what your sources of financial support have been over the years in work which you're very clearly involved, even for the benefit of the American people, just so they can, you know, make a rational judgment.

RALPH NADER: Well, I- I've- I'm- I've said it to anybody who asks. It's not relevant because it's full of zeros. In other words, I don't take any funds from any of these non-profit groups. I don't take any funds from the potential can- campaign contributors, and it's hard to, you know, demonstrate a negative. (

--- "Nader said the stocks he chose were 'the most neutral-type companies.' 'Number one, they're not monopolists and number two, they don't produce land mines, napalm, weapons,' he said." (Washington Post, June 18, 2000) Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 777,080 shares of Raytheon, missile manufacturer (plus five other aerospace/defense corporations).

--- Nader: "I'm quite aware of how the arms race is driven by corporate demands for contracts, whether it's General Dynamics or Lockheed Martin. They drive it through Congress. They drive it by hiring Pentagon officials in the Washington military industrial complex, as Eisenhower phrased it." (The Progressive Magazine, April 2000) Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 2,041,800 shares of General Dynamics.

--- "The corporations are planning our futuresSThey are making sure [our children] grow up corporate. The kids are over-medicated, militarized, cosmetized, corporatized. They are raised by Kindercare, fed by McDonald¹s, educated by Channel One." (The Washington Post, Saturday, June 17, 2000) Ralph Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 15,694,800 shares of McDonald's.

--- "Bristol-Myers Squibb markets Taxol at a wholesale price that is nearly 20 times its manufacturing cost. A single injection of Taxol can cost patients considerably more than $2,000 and treatment requires multiple injections." -- Ralph Nader Testimony before the House Budget Committee. June 30, 1999 Ralph Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 15,266,900 shares of Bristol-Mayers Squibb.

--- "Both parties are terrible on antitrust. Look, we have Boeing now, one aircraft company, manufacturer after the McDonnell Douglas merger." (Ralph Nader, Burden of Proof, CNN, 8/9/00.) Ralph Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 2,908,600 shares of Boeing.

--- "Equally damaging, Nader said, was the Justice Department¹s failure to effectively challenge such recent mergers as British Petroleum with Amoco and Exxon with Mobil. 'The combining of these giant oil companies concentrates the oil industry¹s economic power in fewer hands and gives these merged companies greater opportunity to manipulate prices,' Nader said. 'Oil company profits are up an average of 300 percent in the first quarter of 2000 compared to the first quarter of 1999.' (Nader 2000 press release, June 28, 2000) Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 24,753,870 shares of BP-Amoco. 28,751,268 shares of Exxon-Mobil.

--- "The bearded Eddie Vedder, with chin-length hair framing his still-boyish face, launched into a tender version of 'Soon Forget,"' from Pearl Jam's latest album, 'Binaural.' He called out facetiously to find out whether Microsoft co-founder and area billionaire Paul Allen was in the audience, and then dedicated the song -- about the isolation and loneliness that accompany excessive wealth -- to Allen and Bill Gates.... After receiving a standing ovation, Vedder brought Nader to the stage, introducing him as 'someone who represents us and not the corporate interests.' (Salon, Sept. 26, 2000) Ralph Nader's Fidelity Magellan fund: 41,845,400 shares of Microsoft.

--- What's the point, you ask? If corporate contributions corrupt candidates, can't corporate investments corrupt candidates? And if Mr. Nader questions Mr. Gore's populist rhetoric, shouldn't he also question his own? 10/27/00
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    but ummm....der,,,,,er.....

    Ralph fights so hard for the people.... he doesn't have realistic plans that work for a capitalist society...but he makes sure the car you're driving doesn't kill you...

    , maybe

    I'm voting for Nader because bygod I'm different....I think outside the box...I'm intelligent

    oh yeah, and I'm a little neurotic, not to mention....paranoid
    the Minions
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    --- What's the point, you ask? If corporate contributions corrupt candidates, can't corporate investments corrupt candidates? And if Mr. Nader questions Mr. Gore's populist rhetoric, shouldn't he also question his own? 10/27/00

    no, b/c nader lives in an apartment and lives off of $25,000 a year. how much has obama profited from buying stocks right before voting to give those companies government contracts?

    so yeah, i don't see a guy living in an apartment as greedy as someone living in a multi million dollar mansion, like obama. i don't see a guy living off of only $25,000 a year as 'profiteering' as much as obama's wife getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for sitting on the board of a hospital that is supposed to be a non-profit hospital (and if you compare profits to ceo pay the ceo of this 'non-profit' hospital gets paid a higher % than the ceo of wal-mart!)

    you act like he's living in some huge mansion profiting from all of this, but no, that would be obama (who bought his house next door to rezko who he doesn't really know....other than buying a piece of their land, putting rezko on his campaign finance committee and having parties and fundraisers thrown for him at rezko's mansion as well as receiving tens- hundreds of thousands over the years from rezko in campaign contributions....)

    nader has dedicated his entire life to fighting for the people, what has obama done?

    and it's just odd that you have issue w/ a mutual fund owning pharmaceutical stocks, which he doesn't profit from, while say nothing about obama making a pharamceutical lobbyist his new hampshire election chair and then lying about it on national television during a debate
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    El_Kabong wrote:
    and it's just odd that you have issue w/ a mutual fund owning pharmaceutical stocks, which he doesn't profit from, while say nothing about obama making a pharamceutical lobbyist his new hampshire election chair and then lying about it on national television during a debate

    But you have done such a good job of pointing out Obama's deficiencies I didnt think I needed to do so, that would seem like overkill. I'm just pointing out how hypocritical it is for someone like Nader to rail against certain corporations and then invest in the same corporations. Did you read the list of military and oil companies he invested in KNOWINGLY? I believe many of those corporations are involved in numerous causes you are against. He even had his hands in Haliburton and Enron stock. Unbelievable.

    Abookabong, I'm not trying to get you to not vote for Nader. I'm glad you like his principles. I thought others on the board might want to read this and perhaps explore a little more on Nader and his moral compass. For those who feel sick after reading about this huckster, give Ron Paul a chance as your candidate.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    But you have done such a good job of pointing out Obama's deficiencies I didnt think I needed to do so, that would seem like overkill. I'm just pointing out how hypocritical it is for someone like Nader to rail against certain corporations and then invest in the same corporations. Did you read the list of military and oil companies he invested in KNOWINGLY? I believe many of those corporations are involved in numerous causes you are against. He even had his hands in Haliburton and Enron stock. Unbelievable.

    Abookabong, I'm not trying to get you to not vote for Nader. I'm glad you like his principles. I thought others on the board might want to read this and perhaps explore a little more on Nader and his moral compass. For those who feel sick after reading about this huckster, give Ron Paul a chance as your candidate.

    flypotato2handstribe, there is still a difference between obama's buying stocks right before he votes to give them federal contracts (and where does that money go to? his multi-million $ mansion???) and nader who lives in an apartment and lives off of $25,000 a year using the money to affect change and re-invest it towards bringing those corporations down (again, unlike obama who just does it for personal profit)

    can you really not see the difference there? obama will take money from corporate interests and then votes in favor of them, nader earns money from these stocks then uses it against those very corporations making their money work against them and going towards change (REAL change, not campaign trail rhetoric).
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • i glanced at the title and read the topic as 'Natalie Portman's problem'. what the hell did she ever do to you?
  • But you have done such a good job of pointing out Obama's deficiencies I didnt think I needed to do so, that would seem like overkill.

    Oh that must be it...because no one around here has been pointing out Nader's flaws but least own up

    I'm just pointing out how hypocritical it is for someone like Nader to rail against certain corporations and then invest in the same corporations. Did you read the list of military and oil companies he invested in KNOWINGLY? I believe many of those corporations are involved in numerous causes you are against. He even had his hands in Haliburton and Enron stock. Unbelievable.

    You mean like how Obama rails against predatory lenders(well with words anyway) and then 7 of the 14 of his biggest donors come from that very industry and many are some of the worst offenders. AND THEN he just coincidentally votes outside his party lines to align with the Republicans to shoot down the credit card interest rate cap???....How unbelievable is that to ya? Getting you all worked up about the hypocrisy...nope not a peep.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    El_Kabong wrote:
    flypotato2handstribe, there is still a difference between obama's buying stocks right before he votes to give them federal contracts (and where does that money go to? his multi-million $ mansion???) and nader who lives in an apartment and lives off of $25,000 a year using the money to affect change and re-invest it towards bringing those corporations down (again, unlike obama who just does it for personal profit)

    can you really not see the difference there? obama will take money from corporate interests and then votes in favor of them, nader earns money from these stocks then uses it against those very corporations making their money work against them and going towards change (REAL change, not campaign trail rhetoric).

    Again, nicely, you have written post after post about Obama's finances. That is great, keep up the fight. I'm just posting this to show RALPH NADER's highly unethical financial dealings.

    Reinvest the profit from the corporations who use his investment to further their evils? That makes a whole lot of sense. Why not invest in funds that had NOTHING to do with the same corporations he rails against? Then use THAT profit to fight these corporations? Hypocrisy.
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Oh that must be it...because no one around here has been pointing out Nader's flaws but least own up

    You mean like how Obama rails against predatory lenders(well with words anyway) and then 7 of the 14 of his biggest donors come from that very industry and many are some of the worst offenders. AND THEN he just coincidentally votes outside his party lines to align with the Republicans to shoot down the credit card interest rate cap???....How unbelievable is that to ya? Getting you all worked up about the hypocrisy...nope not a peep.

    You hit the nail on the head -- Obama and Nader are not that far apart on many things. But let's try to keep our focus on how unethical it is for Nader to invest in companies he calls evil.
  • You hit the nail on the head -- Obama and Nader are not that far apart on many things. But let's try to keep our focus on how unethical it is for Nader to invest in companies he calls evil.

    They are VERY far apart on accomplishments, activism, platform and record...and you very well know it.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    MrSmith wrote:
    i glanced at the title and read the topic as 'Natalie Portman's problem'. what the hell did she ever do to you?

    She made me fall in love with her, dammit.
  • Again, nicely, you have written post after post about Obama's finances. That is great, keep up the fight. I'm just posting this to show RALPH NADER's highly unethical financial dealings.

    Reinvest the profit from the corporations who use his investment to further their evils? That makes a whole lot of sense. Why not invest in funds that had NOTHING to do with the same corporations he rails against? Then use THAT profit to fight these corporations? Hypocrisy.

    Because those are the funds making a lot of money and yes, Nader needs lots of that to accomplish what he has and still does. It's much better than using the money for your own you not see that?
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    They are VERY far apart on platform and record...and you very well know it.

    I thought so, even just earlier today. After reading the list of his investments I dont know what Nader is capable of anymore. Very disconcerning.
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Because those are the funds making a lot of money and yes, Nader needs lots of that to accomplish what he has and still does. It's much better than using the money for your own you not see that?

    Two wrongs dont make a right. Dirty money is dirty money. SHAME.
  • I thought so, even just earlier today. After reading the list of his investments I dont know what Nader is capable of anymore. Very disconcerning.

    You thought what?

    How did his investments change his stances or his record of fighting corporate crime??....that's all still there.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Two wrongs dont make a right. Dirty money is dirty money. SHAME.

    I get it. You won't bother answering the questions because you realize there IS a difference between the 2 scenarios but are too stubborn to say so.

    Voting in your senate seat to favor your special interests over constituents IS NOT the same thing as owning stock in bad corporations while still doing tons of activist work with that money to expose these same corporations for their wrong doings.

    In the first scenario Obama and the predatory lenders benefit, in the second the people and some very important causes also benefit.....but go ahead and ignore this for the millionth time....
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    I get it. You won't bother answering the questions because you realize there IS a difference between the 2 scenarios but are too stubborn to say so.

    Voting in your senate seat to favor your special interests over constituents IS NOT the same thing as owning stock in bad corporations while still doing tons of activist work with that money to expose these same corporations for their wrong doings.

    In the first scenario Obama and the predatory lenders benefit, in the second the people and some very important causes also benefit.....but go ahead and ignore this for the millionth time....

    I did answer the question -- dirty money is dirty money, no difference. If you want to spin it that Nader is profiting from these companies (and helping the companies by doing so) so he can fight against them later then I'm not going to argue with you about it. If you can swallow that bull so you can still feel all tingly about Nader then go ahead, I dont care, that is for you to deal with. But I bet there are MANY who wont see it the way you do.
  • I did answer the question -- dirty money is dirty money, no difference. If you want to spin it that Nader is profiting from these companies (and helping the companies by doing so) so he can fight against them later then I'm not going to argue with you about it. If you can swallow that bull so you can still feel all tingly about Nader then go ahead, I dont care, that is for you to deal with. But I bet there are MANY who wont see it the way you do.

    And those people will be just fine with Obama's bullshit or completely forget about being liberals and vote Ron Paul despite their extremely differing ideologies????

    It's clear what the best choice for the liberal voter is.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    You thought what?

    How did his investments change his stances or his record of fighting corporate crime??....that's all still there.

    Several of these trades were poised to take advantage of Nader's activities, by selling short the stock of companies Nader's groups attacked, or buying stock of their competitors. In 1973, PSRI bought stock in Allied Chemical, the primary manufacturer of airbags, on the very day before GM announced they would offer optional airbags on 1974 models. PSRI made a 12.5% profit in 3 and a half months. In 1976, PSRI and the SSF bought stock in Goodyear just as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration -- then run by former top Nader aide Joan Claybrook -- announced an investigation of the Firestone 500 series of steel-belted radials. The 2 organizations held onto the stock for 2 years until there was a recall, and Firestone -- Goodyear's major competitor -- suffered.

    In 1970, IT&T attempted to merge with the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Nader filed a 50 page brief attacking the merger, then SSF sold IT&T stock short. It made almost 10% on its money in 6 DAYS, then closed its position two days before the merger was approved. When pressed by a reporter, Nader said the timing was "mere coincidence" and said he had no control over the investment. However, his sister Laura Nader Millerson was the sole trustee of SSF throughout its existence, and Nader was the sole contributor.
  • Several of these trades were poised to take advantage of Nader's activities, by selling short the stock of companies Nader's groups attacked, or buying stock of their competitors. In 1973, PSRI bought stock in Allied Chemical, the primary manufacturer of airbags, on the very day before GM announced they would offer optional airbags on 1974 models. PSRI made a 12.5% profit in 3 and a half months. In 1976, PSRI and the SSF bought stock in Goodyear just as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration -- then run by former top Nader aide Joan Claybrook -- announced an investigation
    of the Firestone 500 series of steel-belted radials. The 2 organizations held onto the stock for 2 years until there was a recall, and Firestone -- Goodyear's major competitor -- suffered.

    In 1970, IT&T attempted to merge with the Hartford Fire Insurance Company.
    Nader filed a 50 page brief attacking the merger, then SSF sold IT&T stock short. It made almost 10% on its money in 6 DAYS, then closed its position two days before the merger was approved. When pressed by a reporter, Nader said the timing was "mere coincidence" and said he had no control over the investment. However, his sister Laura Nader Millerson was the sole trustee of SSF throughout its existence, and Nader was the sole contributor.

    Oh yeah, look at Ralph Nader living high on the hog making millions off playing the stock market. He's rolling into so much money that he doesn't even care about all his activism and the causes he's founded and fought so hard for. He's only in it to get rich and never does anything for anyone other than himself.....:rolleyes:

    Here's what they greedy bastard, Ralph Nader does with his money. The nerve!!!:

    "So Nader grew up to be an idealistic attorney, eventually hired to write a book fleshing out a story in The New Republic by James Ridgeway on the unsafe design of cars -- "psycho-sexual dreamboats" as Nader termed them in the '50s. That book, "Unsafe at any Speed," about the Corvair, prompted General Motors to try to intimidate him with investigations and entrap him in illicit behavior -- none of it successful. When that intimidation was revealed before Congress in 1966, it led directly to the passage of a landmark auto-safety bill, and Nader went on to win $425,000 in damages in suing GM, which provided him with seed money to fuel "Nader's Raiders" for years."

    Try as you might, you can not take away what Ralph Nader has done and still does for this country. And your attempts to overlook everything he has fought so hard for and sacrificed so much for is just coming off as weak at best. He still looks like a saint compared to Obama....speaking of which, what's he done in the name of the people again? where are all these ground breaking accomplishments??? As a liberal minded voter, the choice is pretty damn easy for me and it has everything to do with Ralph Nader backing his words with ACTIONS...can't say that about Obama. And Nader is running on a truly progressive platform that offers a new direction from our current foreign policy of interventionalism and pre-emptive wars. He's for single payer UHC. He's started a watchdog group to keep tabs on Congress, he's pushing wind and solar based power instead of nuclear, he's stood up and called for the impeachment of Bush/Cheney....and so on. So I'm sorry but NO, he and Obama are not the same.
    Consumer advocate Ralph Nader was born on February 27, 1934 in Winsted, Connecticut to Rose and Nathra Nader. Rose and Nathra Nader were Lebanese immigrants. Nathra owned and operated a restaurant called Highland Arms. Rose raised her child Ralph to be a serious minded boy, never allowing him to play with toys because to her they were a waste of time. But Ralph was an intelligent and inquisitive child who made up for this restriction in other ways.

    Ralph Nader played with the neighborhood kids, and was an avid Yankees fan, but in his spare time he eagerly read the Congressional Record and other unlikely writings. His father, Nathra Nader, was a firm patriot who once said "When I went past the Statue of Liberty, I took it seriously." He kept his restaurant patrons talking by stirring up vigorous discussions of the day's affairs, and young Ralph paid attention there, too. As the child of immigrants he was sensitive to the way power was used and distributed in the United States.

    Nader was a magna cum laude graduate of Princeton in 1955. He fought against he use of the pesticide DDT when he noticed numerous dead birds on campus. He tried to organize students to support a hot dog vendor who was being forced out of business, but as would often be the case throughout his career, he was appalled at their lack of interest.

    He attended Harvard Law school next. It was there that he began to explore automobile safety issues and an article on the subject was published in "The Nation" a year after he graduated. In the article he reported the numbers of injuries, fatalities and disabilities and blamed the car industry for caring more about the bottom line than about consumer safety. He didn't fit in at corporate-minded Harvard. He said, "If you were worried about issues of right and wrong and justice and injustice, you were considered soft intellectually." He graduated in 1958.

    In 1963 Nader went to work for Assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan as a consultant in the US Department of Labor. He wrote for the Nation and The Christian Science Monitor and played an advisory role to a Senate subcommittee trying to determine what role the government should play in increasing automobile safety.

    Nader's work increasingly focused on getting sufficient information to consumers so that they could protect themselves from corporate tyranny.

    In 1965, Nader's book, "Unsafe At Any Speed" was published. It was filled with damning evidence against the GM Motor company and their "Corvair" model car which had a tendency to flip over. Nader claimed that the drivers were taking the blame for these crashes was that they couldn't get adequate information about the automobile's engineering to do anything about it. When GM tried to quiet him by hiring private investigators to undermine his credentials, 32 year old Nader sued the company. GM had to admit fault before a Senate Committee and in 1966 several laws were passed requiring vehicle safety standards be implemented by manufacturers. President Lyndon Johnson invited Nader to the White House to attend the law signing ceremonies.

    Throughout the years, Nader has continued to write books and articles unveiling abuses of tax payers, employees, consumers and communities. Harvard and GM are far from the only organizations that haven't appreciated Nader's work. Even some consumers don't fully appreciate what they have gained as a result of his activism. Throughout his career he's been the subject of derision, but because he believes in his work, he continues working to protect consumers from big business.

    The founding of consumer protection organizations throughout the country followed the GM trial. Activists who support Nader, called "Nader's Raiders" have forced a wide array of industries, government agencies and foreign countries to develop practices to protect consumers and the environment. Nader himself founded, among other organizations, The Public Citizen, a group which encourages citizens to take action. He puts his money where his mouth is and donates most of his public speaking and writing fees to advocacy causes. In 1974 Nader was instrumental in acquiring the passage of the Freedom of Information Act, which he calls one of his proudest achievements. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission are among the consumer protection resources he influenced.

    Nader never married and is a practicing vegetarian. He remains active in matters involving the environment, consumerism, foreign policy and campaign finance reform. Ralph Nader was chosen as the Green Party Candidate in the years 1996 and 2000. The Green Party is dedicated to consumer and environmental protection issues. At the turn of the 21st century, Nader was called "one of the most influential people of the 20th century" by Time Magazine. Laws that have resulted from his work over the past fifty years have given consumers the ability to defend themselves against corporations and against the government. In addition, countless lives may have been saved due to increasingly safe products.

    see also:

    Just thought people might want to take all this information into consideration, as well...since we want to give a full view of Nader and his history to potential voters.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    i'm in a similar position in that although all my investments are of the socio-ethical kind - when i dig deep into the companies, there are more then a few problematic ones - it's almost impossible to invest in any fund that isn't gonna have some questionable ties ...
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Nader invests in the very corporations he calls evil. Let's play a little game here. One of the corporations in his portfolio was General Dynamics. They made the F-16 fighter which was sold to Israel. Israel uses the F-16 to drop cluster bombs in Lebanon. Weird cycle there.

    So Nader invests in this company to make a profit so he can rail against them later. Sounds more like he is helping to create his own problems so he can have something to be relevant about and hypocritically complain. What a fraud.
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Nader's work increasingly focused on getting sufficient information to consumers so that they could protect themselves from corporate tyranny.

    The very corporate tyranny HE INVESTS IN. Nice. Way to fight the power Ralph !!
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,620
    The very corporate tyranny HE INVESTS IN. Nice. Way to fight the power Ralph !!

    Seriously, is this such a big deal?

    So, Nader wants to invest and live off his own money...big deal.

    All those BIG BAD Corporation out there are the ones that are providing wages, health care, etc. for the workers of this country. Not so bad to invest in that.

    All it shows is Nader wants change, but he is not against capitalism...he's living in today and fighting for what he thinks tomorrow should be. I don't see an issue...people are so quick to jump on others for there decisions.

    I'd love to see Mr. Vedder's retirement portfolio.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Seriously, is this such a big deal?

    So, Nader wants to invest and live off his own money...big deal.

    All those BIG BAD Corporation out there are the ones that are providing wages, health care, etc. for the workers of this country. Not so bad to invest in that.

    All it shows is Nader wants change, but he is not against capitalism...he's living in today and fighting for what he thinks tomorrow should be. I don't see an issue...people are so quick to jump on others for there decisions.

    I'd love to see Mr. Vedder's retirement portfolio.

    I'm all for capitalism, that isnt the problem here. It is a big deal when you dedicate yourself to fighting the very corporations you invest your own money in. Helping the cause you supposedly hate while profiting from the very actions you say you despise is hypocritical at best.

    Vedder's retirement portfolio probably sucks too. He isnt running for president based on his "fighting" these corporations like Nader. I'm just pointing out that Nader isnt the squeaky clean man many like to claim he is so people can make an informed choice on election day.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,620
    I'm just pointing out that Nader isnt the squeaky clean man many like to claim he is so people can make an informed choice on election day.

    I understand that...I'm not going to be voting for Nader's just that everyone has chinks in their armor...though I see your point in that some of Nader's supporters think he shits pure gold with the fragrence of beautiful wild flowers.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I understand that...I'm not going to be voting for Nader's just that everyone has chinks in their armor...though I see your point in that some of Nader's supporters think he shits pure gold with the fragrence of beautiful wild flowers.


    how nader invests doesn't bother me in the least....certainly has no bearing on the whys of him not being my candidate. i do understand that most people, including nader, operate in shades of grey and i expect nothing more than that. i also understand how some do portray him as being 'above' others and well, that i disagree with too. so all of it a non-issue in my mind. altho i will say sure, if you are railing against the very thing you invest your own funds in....bit odd......but whateva.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    but ummm....der,,,,,er.....

    Ralph fights so hard for the people.... he doesn't have realistic plans that work for a capitalist society...but he makes sure the car you're driving doesn't kill you...

    , maybe

    I'm voting for Nader because bygod I'm different....I think outside the box...I'm intelligent

    oh yeah, and I'm a little neurotic, not to mention....paranoid

  • I understand that...I'm not going to be voting for Nader's just that everyone has chinks in their armor...though I see your point in that some of Nader's supporters think he shits pure gold with the fragrence of beautiful wild flowers.

    Not I. I have admitted that this was something that bothered me back in March.
    However it's nothing huge and it doesn't take away from Nader's platform that fits my views much better, history of achievements, his strong role as a leading activist for the 20th century and into the 21st. I trust that Nader will be the kind of leader I'd like to see in office because he has proven he is about actions not words. As I've already said and I'm sure it will be ignored again...between the two choices for a liberal minded's not hard to see who has done the most for this country and who has been nothing more than talk and flash.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    i have a question and maybe it's been answered but...

    how much has nader taken in campaign contributions from the companies that are listed in the first post?
  • If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
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