Used for heart patients and cancer patients? All that you are talking about that is cancer fighting is CLA, which is found in most meats and milk. Yes, its true that CLA is higher in grass-fed animal, but I hardly think that MILK or MEAT should be given to a cancer patient (implying that someone already has cancer) as a CURE.
And should I call the 2% milk that I drank tonight "medicinal quality?" How about the steak that I ate? Like I said before... hilarical. If anybody falls for this shit and buys buffalo meat because they think it will cure cancer... they are retarded. Drink a glass of milk, eat some vegetables, don't smoke... all are good ideas but hardly "medicinal"
note: I majored in Agriculture Science in college (yes I know that sounds glamorous) and took several Animal Science courses
you might want to check the AMJ. december 2005 issue i believe. i've got a cardiologist in MA that urges his patients to eat buffalo and will take all i can send him. you bring up a good point tho. some people don't see the medicinal quality of pot; yet several doctors prescribe it where possible and reccomend it where it cannot be prescribed. the patients do much better. ask montel williams; or listen to what rodney dangerfield said about it. when you consider that beef is packed with antibiotics because they've become immune or tollerant to them; you must also admitt that these drugs are in the meat. with your education; you should know that these drugs can no longer be stopped because the cows become sickly. i can send you pictures of open range beef and you'll never eat beef again. i make a good buck riding the open range collecting skulls and selling them. and the wild animals you'd expect to eat the carcass won't touch them. fyi: the human body cannot digest milk. it has become tollerant to it. just like olive oil. olive oil is better to cook with because it can be heated to a higher temperature thus sealing the food faster; whereas vegetable oil soaks into the food before searing is complete. colleges are great but only teach one side. college with hands on experiance gives you a better understanding.
you might want to check the AMJ. december 2005 issue i believe. i've got a cardiologist in MA that urges his patients to eat buffalo and will take all i can send him. you bring up a good point tho. some people don't see the medicinal quality of pot; yet several doctors prescribe it where possible and reccomend it where it cannot be prescribed. the patients do much better. ask montel williams; or listen to what rodney dangerfield said about it. when you consider that beef is packed with antibiotics because they've become immune or tollerant to them; you must also admitt that these drugs are in the meat. with your education; you should know that these drugs can no longer be stopped because the cows become sickly. i can send you pictures of open range beef and you'll never eat beef again. i make a good buck riding the open range collecting skulls and selling them. and the wild animals you'd expect to eat the carcass won't touch them. fyi: the human body cannot digest milk. it has become tollerant to it. just like olive oil. olive oil is better to cook with because it can be heated to a higher temperature thus sealing the food faster; whereas vegetable oil soaks into the food before searing is complete. colleges are great but only teach one side. college with hands on experiance gives you a better understanding.
Wow. again.
So eating buffalo is tantamount to the effects of medicinal pot? So it reduces the symptoms of an illness just like pot? ....okay.
I never said anything about antibiotics. If you want to pursue that niche market of feeding grass and no antibiotics more power to ya... but I'll stick to my grain-fed beef that has marbling and tastes good Hormone growth promotants and antibiotics have been used for more than 40 years and scientists worldwide, most importantly the FDA, agree their use poses no risk to human health.
"The human body can't digest milk" ??? -- I drink lots of milk, but don't pee or poop milk
Yes I know that "hands on experience" is better than college experience alone. For 20 years I lived on a 2000 acre corn/soybean and livestock farm in Illinois. So I agree.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
So eating buffalo is tantamount to the effects of medicinal pot? So it reduces the symptoms of an illness just like pot? ....okay.
I never said anything about antibiotics. If you want to pursue that niche market of feeding grass and no antibiotics more power to ya... but I'll stick to my grain-fed beef that has marbling and tastes good Hormone growth promotants and antibiotics have been used for more than 40 years and scientists worldwide, most importantly the FDA, agree their use poses no risk to human health.
"The human body can't digest milk" ??? -- I drink lots of milk, but don't pee or poop milk
Yes I know that "hands on experience" is better than college experience alone. For 20 years I lived on a 2000 acre corn/soybean and livestock farm in Illinois. So I agree.
i don't know how you got the connection between pot and buffalo meat. the comparrison was between two different medical treatments that are not recognised because they are natural and not reproducable by chemical companies. this here is the key. who lobbies for nature? now who lobbies for the chemical companies? i can list thousands of class action lawsuits for drugs the FDA has approved yet had to remove when people were dying from them. you're right about the 40 years. now compare the health of people now compared to 50 years ago. people now are drugged to live longer; but no one in my family died before 95 yrs old except for accidents. my grandfather is almost 100 and more active than most 70 yr olds. he doesn't get sick like the people around him either. the only difference is in the food he eats. now look at all the new diseases and ailments "discovered" in the last 40 years. why don't people who eat properly get these new diseases? why do some people in third world countries live to be 100+ without all this technology and medical treatment? why don't they get modern diseases until we come in to "save" them? they don't have the resistance because why? they never had those illnesses until we got there. why do you think organic food is so much better for you? no chemicals to gather in your liver and other organs and slowly poison you.
as a kid i milked over 100 cows and i saw it myself. the meat raised for ourselves were raised completely different. what went to market were raised like everyone else did. i'm sure your personal meat is raised differently. you'll take the marbling but you'll also take the pills to lower your collesterol; eventually. one poison to counter act the other.
as long as the FDA is controlled by the chemical companies we'll never get it right.
i don't know how you got the connection between pot and buffalo meat. the comparrison was between two different medical treatments that are not recognised because they are natural and not reproducable by chemical companies. this here is the key. who lobbies for nature? now who lobbies for the chemical companies? i can list thousands of class action lawsuits for drugs the FDA has approved yet had to remove when people were dying from them. you're right about the 40 years. now compare the health of people now compared to 50 years ago. people now are drugged to live longer; but no one in my family died before 95 yrs old except for accidents. my grandfather is almost 100 and more active than most 70 yr olds. he doesn't get sick like the people around him either. the only difference is in the food he eats. now look at all the new diseases and ailments "discovered" in the last 40 years. why don't people who eat properly get these new diseases? why do some people in third world countries live to be 100+ without all this technology and medical treatment? why don't they get modern diseases until we come in to "save" them? they don't have the resistance because why? they never had those illnesses until we got there. why do you think organic food is so much better for you? no chemicals to gather in your liver and other organs and slowly poison you.
as a kid i milked over 100 cows and i saw it myself. the meat raised for ourselves were raised completely different. what went to market were raised like everyone else did. i'm sure your personal meat is raised differently. you'll take the marbling but you'll also take the pills to lower your collesterol; eventually. one poison to counter act the other.
as long as the FDA is controlled by the chemical companies we'll never get it right.
You made the comparison of buffalo meat and pot... not me. And you are still calling buffalo meat a "medical treatment"... I don't, and won't, agree with this. Its just ridiculous. Its like calling carrots a medical treatment because they are good for the eyes.
All I have to say about the health of people now versus 40 years ago is this, look at the age expectancy now versus 40 years ago and compare. Yes people are fatter now but I hardly think that this is due to eating GMO and pesticide-treated crops. (reasons explained below)
And organic food is not necessarily better for you. How many people have died from E Coli in the past couple of weeks from eating GMO food? How many people have died from E Coli in the past couple of weeks from eating organic food?
And don't tell me that I have or will get high cholesterol. I'm 6' 210 with 5% body fat, bench 350 lbs and played football up until college. I eat whatever I want, but I also go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Thats the key, people need to get off their ass instead of eating a Big Mac and then watching TV or playing PlayStation for 6 hours. The other side of the equation is that people are simply eating MORE then they used to, so these are bigger problems than people eating a fatty steak. People 50 years ago ONLY ate fatty steaks and were THIN!!!
Anyways, this has been an interesting thread but I need to relieve myself from it. Arguments based upon opinion instead of fact annoy me.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
You made the comparison of buffalo meat and pot... not me. And you are still calling buffalo meat a "medical treatment"... I don't, and won't, agree with this. Its just ridiculous. Its like calling carrots a medical treatment because they are good for the eyes.
All I have to say about the health of people now versus 40 years ago is this, look at the age expectancy now versus 40 years ago and compare. Yes people are fatter now but I hardly think that this is due to eating GMO and pesticide-treated crops. (reasons explained below)
And organic food is not necessarily better for you. How many people have died from E Coli in the past couple of weeks from eating GMO food? How many people have died from E Coli in the past couple of weeks from eating organic food?
And don't tell me that I have or will get high cholesterol. I'm 6' 210 with 5% body fat, bench 350 lbs and played football up until college. I eat whatever I want, but I also go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Thats the key, people need to get off their ass instead of eating a Big Mac and then watching TV or playing PlayStation for 6 hours. The other side of the equation is that people are simply eating MORE then they used to, so these are bigger problems than people eating a fatty steak. People 50 years ago ONLY ate fatty steaks and were THIN!!!
Anyways, this has been an interesting thread but I need to relieve myself from it. Arguments based upon opinion instead of fact annoy me.
it was the american medical journal that stated that a compound was found in buffalo meat that actually kills cancerous cells. that is not my claim. e. coli is a sanitary issue. more people have gotten e. coli from meat and milk than any other source. i'm not sure why you think a compound proven to clog arteries will not clog yours; but more power to ya.
one more thing... was this all a joke? I kinda feel silly right now because after going back through the thread I realized it is quite ridiculous... and I'm starting to think that I might be a victim of a practical joke.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
. People 50 years ago ONLY ate fatty steaks and were THIN!!!
50 years ago before all the drugs and chemicals people could eat fatty steaks and stay thin because the beef was grass fed and the fat was yellow fat which reduces bad colesterol. why do you think you can't eat fatty steaks now without putting on lots of weight? you've proven my point in one sentence.
has anyone ever eaten a buffalo burger or cow meat that hasn't been fed/injected with anything unnatural?
I made tacos the other night with all-natural ground beef and I couldn't believe the difference in texture...and buffalo burgers are really tasty. Also-all that pink juice in your hamburger package? It's dye. You might as well suck on a marker, it's the same thing!
OneLSong makes an interesting point about wild animals not really bothering cows. In Northern Wisconsin, you rarely read about livestock being killed by coyotes or's the wild deer they're after. That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't it be easier to chase and kill a fat cow in a fenced-in field than a very fast deer in the wild?
A quick google search led me to an article about Montana cattle...2.2% of the state-wide population was killed by coyotes in 1995, MORE were killed by bad weather. Sheep on the other hand (grass fed animals) are prime targets.
I don't know anything about the medicinal properties of buffalo meat but I know for a fact that the Specialty Game market (buffalo, osterich, Emu, etc) is very, very big. Multi-million $ big.
edit-and I wouldn't talk too much about any legal issues in this forum. I forget the background story but I absolutely remember someone saying that they posted something here and the FBI knocked on their door the next day. (hopefully someone can back me up on this as I don't think I imagined it. )
I agree that medicinal buffalo meat is a ridiculous concept.
Even if a medical journal says certain fats and chemicals found in certain foods are highly correlated with killing cancer cells a correlation does not prove buffalo meat is the doesn't prove's simply reporting a correlation in a controlled experiment. I am sure those professionals who study the affects of eating red meat on your colon would tell you not to eat buffalo according to their experimental findings. How ironic if everyone goes out any gorges on this miracle medicinal buffalo meat and end ups with a brick in their ass.
My point is correlation does not equal proof and with every professional's opinion you read telling you to do one thing there is going to be another tells you to do the opposite. Take studies for what they are...a work in progress.
There are always problems when those draw quick conclusions from data especially when it comes to medicine.
For example:
Merck use to create MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine or Ecstasy for the military control wound bleeding. Then they figured out it made them feel great. Then they realized it also tore holes in the brain and caused addiction. Or how about Vioxx...many studies showed it helps relieve arthritis and then over time we realized Vioxx makes people drop dead.
I'm not saying buffalo meat will tear holes in your brain or make you drop dead but since you are treating it as a medicine…you can't take data as fact and run with it...although businesses often do, so I can see if your money is in buffalo (which by the way tastes like ass) why you would support these findings in favor of your business.
A quick google search led me to an article about Montana cattle...2.2% of the state-wide population was killed by coyotes in 1995, MORE were killed by bad weather. Sheep on the other hand (grass fed animals) are prime targets.
Full grown cows weight 2000-2500 lbs. and if you have ever tried getting close to one of their calves you know that they can get mean. Sheep weigh a couple hundred pounds (about 15-20% of a cow). So I think this might have something to do with sheep being targeted by coyotes instead of cows.
And I promised not to participate in this forum any longer, but since my family's livelihood largely depends on the price of beef, I feel it is my duty to do so. I'm not going to let an "Oprah-type", misled statement continue. So here is my final statement:
For meat to be approved as safe, a drug must be metabolized in the animal's body and broken down or excreted, within a certain time. Cattle producers, feedlot operators and veterinarians continually receive updated information to ensure that proper withdrawal times are followed when antibiotics are administered. Organs, such as the kidney and liver, remove residual drugs and greatly reduce the content present in the meat. These organs are the tissues tested for residues, but the content in red meat is less by many many times. Those who are concerned about meat residues may want to factor in dilution. Consumers don't eat the whole cow at once, and most people would seldom get more than one or two servings from the same animal. A reducing effect occurs on many drugs, from the processing of the product, (this includes washing, freezing and cooking). These combined factors result in a risk that is infinitesimally small for any problems of human ill health because of drug residues.
Finally, livestock producers know that their future depends on a safe and healthy product. These producers' food source, in almost every occurence, comes from their own herd. Why would they destroy their business, livelihood, and poison their family by knowingly using a substance in meat that "even coyotes won't eat?"
So my point: if you don't want to eat regular beef or buffalo or whatever, fine. Open-range beef is BETTER for you IF you are eating beef more than 5 or 6 times a week. But don't stop eating these meats because you are scared that they have unprocessed drugs in them that are unhealthy. It is simply untrue. And more importantly, don't tell others this myth without informing yourself of the facts.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Wow... this thing is still out there?
I see it went from setting the record straight to a discussion of beef.
The way I see it... the only thing we really know about life is that we know we are all going to die and that we don't know what happens when we die. I only get one shot at this life... and I happen to like a nice steak and carne asada tacos and hamburgers. So, I will eat them, knowing that they aren't really the best things to eat.
And think about it... the latter part of life kinda sucks. You lose shit that I'm sure that you truely miss... like memories and erections and the ability to pull up your own pants. We'll get all decrepid and liver spotted and forget who are kids are and that Pearl Jam concert in San Francisco. I don't want that shit.
If having Prime Rib and a cigarette and a glass of scotch afterwards shaves of a few days of my life... I think it's a fair exchange. It's the old, decreipd days I'm losing... not the enjoying a nice steak dinner today, days.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Wow... this thing is still out there?
I see it went from setting the record straight to a discussion of beef.
The way I see it... the only thing we really know about life is that we know we are all going to die and that we don't know what happens when we die. I only get one shot at this life... and I happen to like a nice steak and carne asada tacos and hamburgers. So, I will eat them, knowing that they aren't really the best things to eat.
And think about it... the latter part of life kinda sucks. You lose shit that I'm sure that you truely miss... like memories and erections and the ability to pull up your own pants. We'll get all decrepid and liver spotted and forget who are kids are and that Pearl Jam concert in San Francisco. I don't want that shit.
If having Prime Rib and a cigarette and a glass of scotch afterwards shaves of a few days of my life... I think it's a fair exchange. It's the old, decreipd days I'm losing... not the enjoying a nice steak dinner today, days.
Holy shit a sane person!!! I thought I was losing my mind over the last couple days in this thread.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Holy shit a sane person!!! I thought I was losing my mind over the last couple days in this thread.
I thought you weren't coming back?
I'm sane too, and actually craving filet mignon and a bottle of cabernet.
Thanks for taking the time to type out what you did...and it does make sense...but I'll still buy the natural meats when I can. (and not tell my husband that it's 5.99 a pound). If only for this reason:
sure, the amounts present are minimal. BUT...even you admit that a person shouldn't eat it 7 nights a week. That's what worries me. I can avoid the beef but aren't the same types of chemicals put in other foods? really...
Beef one night, chicken the next, throw in some pork chops...maybe breakfast (eggs) for dinner one night....I don't like to think about what's in a hot dog...lunchmeats...people easily consume too much chemically altered food. The saying 'everything in moderation' should apply here, too.
also-my pediatrician told me about a theory...young girls today are menstruating at younger ages because of the hormones in our food. Yikes.
I thought you weren't coming back?
sure, the amounts present are minimal. BUT...even you admit that a person shouldn't eat it 7 nights a week. That's what worries me. I can avoid the beef but aren't the same types of chemicals put in other foods? really...
I said that because beef is fatty (thats why it tastes so darn good) not because I think it has chemicals in it. Just like eggs or potatoes, they are perfectly healthy to eat as long as you don't eat a ton of them every day.
And yes I did say I was going to stay away. But this board is my f'ing addiction for some reason!!!
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
I didn't read all the posts here (the topic obviously got derailed there for a point anyway), but I remember you OneLongSong, with your tidbits of information about yourself that was, Oh so unclear, in other threads. My question is this...Why bother trying to come clean and start a thread w/ more jargon about your "supposed" life, anyway? Is your conscience bothering you? Do you really feel the need for people to believe that you're not a criminal?
I see many holes in all of your "stories", and I tried to understand you but you clearly haven't been telling the straight truth, because it all doesn't make sense. This latest story that you stated at the beginning of this thread doesn't match to what you said prior to, as Cosmo pointed out. If you are REALLY innocent in all this, there would be no reason to run and hide and assume a false identity, or rather, "no identity" as you put it (which is clue #1 that you're not so innocent).
Anyway, what I really want to say is...Whatever! Don't feel the need to prove yourself, you've said too much already. Good luck.
you might want to check the AMJ. december 2005 issue i believe. i've got a cardiologist in MA that urges his patients to eat buffalo and will take all i can send him. you bring up a good point tho. some people don't see the medicinal quality of pot; yet several doctors prescribe it where possible and reccomend it where it cannot be prescribed. the patients do much better. ask montel williams; or listen to what rodney dangerfield said about it. when you consider that beef is packed with antibiotics because they've become immune or tollerant to them; you must also admitt that these drugs are in the meat. with your education; you should know that these drugs can no longer be stopped because the cows become sickly. i can send you pictures of open range beef and you'll never eat beef again. i make a good buck riding the open range collecting skulls and selling them. and the wild animals you'd expect to eat the carcass won't touch them. fyi: the human body cannot digest milk. it has become tollerant to it. just like olive oil. olive oil is better to cook with because it can be heated to a higher temperature thus sealing the food faster; whereas vegetable oil soaks into the food before searing is complete. colleges are great but only teach one side. college with hands on experiance gives you a better understanding.
have you ever owned wilderness land? i can pay my taxes with quarters. you can verify this by checking the assessors website. northern az.
Wow. again.
So eating buffalo is tantamount to the effects of medicinal pot? So it reduces the symptoms of an illness just like pot? ....okay.
I never said anything about antibiotics. If you want to pursue that niche market of feeding grass and no antibiotics more power to ya... but I'll stick to my grain-fed beef that has marbling and tastes good
"The human body can't digest milk" ??? -- I drink lots of milk, but don't pee or poop milk
Yes I know that "hands on experience" is better than college experience alone. For 20 years I lived on a 2000 acre corn/soybean and livestock farm in Illinois. So I agree.
it is good reading i'll give them that
Its like a lost chapter from Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas...................
i don't know how you got the connection between pot and buffalo meat. the comparrison was between two different medical treatments that are not recognised because they are natural and not reproducable by chemical companies. this here is the key. who lobbies for nature? now who lobbies for the chemical companies? i can list thousands of class action lawsuits for drugs the FDA has approved yet had to remove when people were dying from them. you're right about the 40 years. now compare the health of people now compared to 50 years ago. people now are drugged to live longer; but no one in my family died before 95 yrs old except for accidents. my grandfather is almost 100 and more active than most 70 yr olds. he doesn't get sick like the people around him either. the only difference is in the food he eats. now look at all the new diseases and ailments "discovered" in the last 40 years. why don't people who eat properly get these new diseases? why do some people in third world countries live to be 100+ without all this technology and medical treatment? why don't they get modern diseases until we come in to "save" them? they don't have the resistance because why? they never had those illnesses until we got there. why do you think organic food is so much better for you? no chemicals to gather in your liver and other organs and slowly poison you.
as a kid i milked over 100 cows and i saw it myself. the meat raised for ourselves were raised completely different. what went to market were raised like everyone else did. i'm sure your personal meat is raised differently. you'll take the marbling but you'll also take the pills to lower your collesterol; eventually. one poison to counter act the other.
as long as the FDA is controlled by the chemical companies we'll never get it right.
You made the comparison of buffalo meat and pot... not me. And you are still calling buffalo meat a "medical treatment"... I don't, and won't, agree with this. Its just ridiculous. Its like calling carrots a medical treatment because they are good for the eyes.
All I have to say about the health of people now versus 40 years ago is this, look at the age expectancy now versus 40 years ago and compare. Yes people are fatter now but I hardly think that this is due to eating GMO and pesticide-treated crops. (reasons explained below)
And organic food is not necessarily better for you. How many people have died from E Coli in the past couple of weeks from eating GMO food? How many people have died from E Coli in the past couple of weeks from eating organic food?
And don't tell me that I have or will get high cholesterol. I'm 6' 210 with 5% body fat, bench 350 lbs and played football up until college. I eat whatever I want, but I also go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Thats the key, people need to get off their ass instead of eating a Big Mac and then watching TV or playing PlayStation for 6 hours. The other side of the equation is that people are simply eating MORE then they used to, so these are bigger problems than people eating a fatty steak. People 50 years ago ONLY ate fatty steaks and were THIN!!!
Anyways, this has been an interesting thread but I need to relieve myself from it. Arguments based upon opinion instead of fact annoy me.
it was the american medical journal that stated that a compound was found in buffalo meat that actually kills cancerous cells. that is not my claim. e. coli is a sanitary issue. more people have gotten e. coli from meat and milk than any other source. i'm not sure why you think a compound proven to clog arteries will not clog yours; but more power to ya.
50 years ago before all the drugs and chemicals people could eat fatty steaks and stay thin because the beef was grass fed and the fat was yellow fat which reduces bad colesterol. why do you think you can't eat fatty steaks now without putting on lots of weight? you've proven my point in one sentence.
I made tacos the other night with all-natural ground beef and I couldn't believe the difference in texture...and buffalo burgers are really tasty. Also-all that pink juice in your hamburger package? It's dye. You might as well suck on a marker, it's the same thing!
OneLSong makes an interesting point about wild animals not really bothering cows. In Northern Wisconsin, you rarely read about livestock being killed by coyotes or's the wild deer they're after. That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't it be easier to chase and kill a fat cow in a fenced-in field than a very fast deer in the wild?
A quick google search led me to an article about Montana cattle...2.2% of the state-wide population was killed by coyotes in 1995, MORE were killed by bad weather. Sheep on the other hand (grass fed animals) are prime targets.
I don't know anything about the medicinal properties of buffalo meat but I know for a fact that the Specialty Game market (buffalo, osterich, Emu, etc) is very, very big. Multi-million $ big.
edit-and I wouldn't talk too much about any legal issues in this forum. I forget the background story but I absolutely remember someone saying that they posted something here and the FBI knocked on their door the next day. (hopefully someone can back me up on this as I don't think I imagined it.
Even if a medical journal says certain fats and chemicals found in certain foods are highly correlated with killing cancer cells a correlation does not prove buffalo meat is the doesn't prove's simply reporting a correlation in a controlled experiment. I am sure those professionals who study the affects of eating red meat on your colon would tell you not to eat buffalo according to their experimental findings. How ironic if everyone goes out any gorges on this miracle medicinal buffalo meat and end ups with a brick in their ass.
My point is correlation does not equal proof and with every professional's opinion you read telling you to do one thing there is going to be another tells you to do the opposite. Take studies for what they are...a work in progress.
There are always problems when those draw quick conclusions from data especially when it comes to medicine.
For example:
Merck use to create MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine or Ecstasy for the military control wound bleeding. Then they figured out it made them feel great. Then they realized it also tore holes in the brain and caused addiction. Or how about Vioxx...many studies showed it helps relieve arthritis and then over time we realized Vioxx makes people drop dead.
I'm not saying buffalo meat will tear holes in your brain or make you drop dead but since you are treating it as a medicine…you can't take data as fact and run with it...although businesses often do, so I can see if your money is in buffalo (which by the way tastes like ass) why you would support these findings in favor of your business.
Full grown cows weight 2000-2500 lbs. and if you have ever tried getting close to one of their calves you know that they can get mean. Sheep weigh a couple hundred pounds (about 15-20% of a cow). So I think this might have something to do with sheep being targeted by coyotes instead of cows.
And I promised not to participate in this forum any longer, but since my family's livelihood largely depends on the price of beef, I feel it is my duty to do so. I'm not going to let an "Oprah-type", misled statement continue. So here is my final statement:
For meat to be approved as safe, a drug must be metabolized in the animal's body and broken down or excreted, within a certain time. Cattle producers, feedlot operators and veterinarians continually receive updated information to ensure that proper withdrawal times are followed when antibiotics are administered. Organs, such as the kidney and liver, remove residual drugs and greatly reduce the content present in the meat. These organs are the tissues tested for residues, but the content in red meat is less by many many times. Those who are concerned about meat residues may want to factor in dilution. Consumers don't eat the whole cow at once, and most people would seldom get more than one or two servings from the same animal. A reducing effect occurs on many drugs, from the processing of the product, (this includes washing, freezing and cooking). These combined factors result in a risk that is infinitesimally small for any problems of human ill health because of drug residues.
Finally, livestock producers know that their future depends on a safe and healthy product. These producers' food source, in almost every occurence, comes from their own herd. Why would they destroy their business, livelihood, and poison their family by knowingly using a substance in meat that "even coyotes won't eat?"
So my point: if you don't want to eat regular beef or buffalo or whatever, fine. Open-range beef is BETTER for you IF you are eating beef more than 5 or 6 times a week. But don't stop eating these meats because you are scared that they have unprocessed drugs in them that are unhealthy. It is simply untrue. And more importantly, don't tell others this myth without informing yourself of the facts.
I see it went from setting the record straight to a discussion of beef.
The way I see it... the only thing we really know about life is that we know we are all going to die and that we don't know what happens when we die. I only get one shot at this life... and I happen to like a nice steak and carne asada tacos and hamburgers. So, I will eat them, knowing that they aren't really the best things to eat.
And think about it... the latter part of life kinda sucks. You lose shit that I'm sure that you truely miss... like memories and erections and the ability to pull up your own pants. We'll get all decrepid and liver spotted and forget who are kids are and that Pearl Jam concert in San Francisco. I don't want that shit.
If having Prime Rib and a cigarette and a glass of scotch afterwards shaves of a few days of my life... I think it's a fair exchange. It's the old, decreipd days I'm losing... not the enjoying a nice steak dinner today, days.
Hail, Hail!!!
Holy shit a sane person!!! I thought I was losing my mind over the last couple days in this thread.
I thought you weren't coming back?
I'm sane too, and actually craving filet mignon and a bottle of cabernet.
Thanks for taking the time to type out what you did...and it does make sense...but I'll still buy the natural meats when I can. (and not tell my husband that it's 5.99 a pound). If only for this reason:
sure, the amounts present are minimal. BUT...even you admit that a person shouldn't eat it 7 nights a week. That's what worries me. I can avoid the beef but aren't the same types of chemicals put in other foods? really...
Beef one night, chicken the next, throw in some pork chops...maybe breakfast (eggs) for dinner one night....I don't like to think about what's in a hot dog...lunchmeats...people easily consume too much chemically altered food. The saying 'everything in moderation' should apply here, too.
also-my pediatrician told me about a theory...young girls today are menstruating at younger ages because of the hormones in our food. Yikes.
I said that because beef is fatty (thats why it tastes so darn good) not because I think it has chemicals in it. Just like eggs or potatoes, they are perfectly healthy to eat as long as you don't eat a ton of them every day.
And yes I did say I was going to stay away. But this board is my f'ing addiction for some reason!!!
I see many holes in all of your "stories", and I tried to understand you but you clearly haven't been telling the straight truth, because it all doesn't make sense. This latest story that you stated at the beginning of this thread doesn't match to what you said prior to, as Cosmo pointed out. If you are REALLY innocent in all this, there would be no reason to run and hide and assume a false identity, or rather, "no identity" as you put it (which is clue #1 that you're not so innocent).
Anyway, what I really want to say is...Whatever! Don't feel the need to prove yourself, you've said too much already. Good luck.