Setting The Record Straight

the government has closed the case but because of the slanderous remarks made here i'd like to set the record straight.
my ex-wife implicated me in a smuggling ring as an act of vengence. it was actually a friend of her boyfriend. he owned a bar in the bahamas (i believe) and laundered the money moving it to poland. he was killed in a car crash but with her testimony; i was indited just prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations. this is when i became invisible until my lawyers could find out what was going on. i put my assetts in my daughters name and didn't take personal income so i didn't have to pay taxes. i didn't look like the photos the government had of this guy so i was able to live a semi normal life.
so to set the record straight; i never used a false identy; someone else used mine. i didn't evade taxes because i didn't take personal income. everything on my ranch is tax exempt so the corporation filed taxes; not me.
i hope this helps someone else falsely accussed of a crime. it only takes a witness to turn your life upside down.
my ex-wife implicated me in a smuggling ring as an act of vengence. it was actually a friend of her boyfriend. he owned a bar in the bahamas (i believe) and laundered the money moving it to poland. he was killed in a car crash but with her testimony; i was indited just prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations. this is when i became invisible until my lawyers could find out what was going on. i put my assetts in my daughters name and didn't take personal income so i didn't have to pay taxes. i didn't look like the photos the government had of this guy so i was able to live a semi normal life.
so to set the record straight; i never used a false identy; someone else used mine. i didn't evade taxes because i didn't take personal income. everything on my ranch is tax exempt so the corporation filed taxes; not me.
i hope this helps someone else falsely accussed of a crime. it only takes a witness to turn your life upside down.
Post edited by Unknown User on
No one made slanderous statements about you or accused you of anything... You did it all yourself:
"i won't try to rewrite it b/c it's too slanted to make sense out of. i know from those who were there.
i can understand not finding someone in vast wilderness. i live in a small town in the mountians and the government has been looking for me for 9 years now. as long as i don't pay taxes they never will find me. becoming invisable is easy."
"hell; i'll call the irs. the guy they think they're looking for died in europe 14 years ago. "
"my corporation pays more in taxes in a month than you can possibly make in a year. that gives me the right. my CHOICE to become invisable is my choice. i see no need to pay personal taxes. what gives you the right to say anything about the us government when you don't pay taxes to the US? i understand you're canadian."
"i resigned from public office in january 2006. i vote under my legal name and if the irs laws change to where i am required to pay personal taxes i will. i stopped the gay marriage bill by insisting that poligamists would be able to wed under that bill. you will soon be hearing about the need to make english the standard language of the country or require every school in the country to teach spanish; and; compensate those who attended schools that did not teach spanish. i'm more involved in american politics because i don't hold my tounge and i don't care what's politically correct.
i never said i evaded taxes; i said i don't pay taxes. there's a big difference."
"thanks for the info but you missed the point. there is no internet bill. it's like if i ran a cable wire from your house to mine. when the serial number keeps changing; so does the user recorded. my only point here is that a person can dissapear. that's it."
I don't know... but I think that if the government is looking you you and you wish to remain "invisible"... I would think that running, winning and holding a public office is not the best way to fly below the radar.
Oh... and holding a corporation in a little town in the wilderness that pays $115,000.00 in taxes a month might also draw attention to your whereabouts.
... but, that's just me.
Hail, Hail!!!
i see you twisted that up very nicely. the corporation is in SD and i'm the second largest supplier of medical grade buffalo meat in the country. the manufacturing business is outside of chicago. what i do here is breaders only because the industry is ruining the medicinal quality of buffalo meat in favor of profit.
because of the small precinct; i could do what i want. this is still the old west here. everyone knows me but not by name. i'm the buffalo guy.
i see no need explaining anymore. i'm sure you're one of the people who think aliens took down the WTC.
Twisting what? Those are ALL your statements... not mine. Where in any of those statements is San Diego or Chicago ever mentioned? You make it sound like your living in the UnaBomber's old hide out in Grizzly Adams country, wearing a Nose and Glasses disguise. And this is the first I've heard of Buffalo.
And I'm just wondering... did your ballot say, "The Buffalo Guy" on it?
And for the record... you can check out any of my statement of the W.T.C. attacks. There is not one that even hints of a conspiracy.
Hail, Hail!!!
this from the guy who called me a criminal. SD means south dakota. ever been to the mtns of northern AZ (this means arizona)? it IS grizzly adams country. if you look back you'll see i never said anything about a disguise. in fact; i said i hide in plain site. you should (?) be smart enough to know you don't talk about an open case. i only revealed enough to say that it's easy for someone to hide. now i can talk about it.
there's an old saying; never try to teach a pig to sing. it wastes your time and annoys the pig. i'm trying to teach a pig to sing here and i don't have the time to waste. everyone else knows i raise buffalo. i've mentioned it many times because i'm proud of it. i suggest you hold judgment next time until you know ALL the facts.
Have you ever went back and re-read any of your statements?
"i can understand not finding someone in vast wilderness. i live in a small town in the mountians and the government has been looking for me for 9 years now. as long as i don't pay taxes they never will find me. becoming invisable is easy."
Given this initial statement...
The Government isn't looking for me. They know where I live and where I work and where I vote and what I paid in taxes... in fact, they probably know a whole lot about me because of the DoD Clearance I have held... and personally, I don't care. I have done nothing wrong and I have NOTHING to hide.
Someone that the government has been looking for and claims they have not paid taxes (in the past 9 years)... well, that person is hiding for a reason. I don't see how you... if, for example, you did not write this thing... wouldn't think, "This guys done something... something big enough to get the government after his ass". If the Government is looking for me... they don't have to look far because I'm turning my innocent ass in to the nearest Fed to clear my innocent ass.
And... I missed the resume you posted that notified everyone else of your occupation... sorry. I seriously did not know you were actually the CEO of a multi-milion dollar corporation who was living the quiet life of a Buffalo rancher/Elected Public Official in the vast wilderness of Arizona who was hiding from Federal Authorities for the past 9 years and had diverted all his personal interests into his daughter's name so he didn't have any income, therefore, freeing himself of any I.R.S. Income Tax liability while assuming the identity of an ex-wife's dead boyfriend who falsely assused him of a smuggling ring in the Bahamas.
I just pieced that all together today with the updated information.
I feel like Joe Normal, now. I'm just a lowly, salaried computer geek that is lost in the gears of the gigantic Military/corporate machinery. Oh, well... such is life.
Hail, Hail!!!
as you posted; i said they're looking for a dead guy. my ex identifed me as that person. i was not the person they were looking for but a collaberating witness identified me as that person. if you'd like to talk about government clearence; we can do that too. with your name i have full access to your military records and if you bank with usaa; i have access to those records. i have no desire to find them and i wouldn't anyway; but you keep throwing clearance around like it means something to me. i never assumed the identity of anyone and if you read what you posted above you'd see that.
now; if i said i saw you kill someone or commit a crime; a collaberating witness is all that's needed. it is not a crime to retire nor is it a crime to live where i want. it's also not a crime to stop my income. taxes were paid on that money by the corporation and until someone draws that money out; no tax is due. i am not required to file to inform the irs that i didn't make any money. they don't like the extra paperwork.
i'm not in the mood for a pissing contest with anyone today. you called me a criminal and a bigger man would apologise for jumping to conclusions without knowing the facts.
You called yourself a criminal by admitting to hiding from the Government and failing to pay taxes for the past 9 years. The way you initially hinted... it was revealed as tax evasion... a criminal offense in this country.
And now you are admitting that you have full access to my military and banking records granted authority to you by... who? I know that my access to classified/personal/secured data is limited to a 'Need To Know' basis and any activity I perform outside the duties of my job's requirements fall under DoD restrictions and is a felony and I could serve jail time for it... so, being such a fucking Boy Scout, I would and will NEVER violate those boundaries... not because of fear of indictment... because it is unlawfull. I am not authorizing you to access my records.
What does Buffalo Ranching have to do with access to secured personal military/banking information kept by the DoD? Or is that a National security issue.
Hail, Hail!!!
Agreed, I don't know what you guys are talking about, but it sounds juicier than medical-grade buffalo meat.
oooh i know....this stuff only exist in imaginary grizzley adams land
angels share laughter
Actually... I've had Buffalo Steaks in the high country (Mono Hot Springs, California)... they are quite good and it's supposed to be better on your system than cow beef. It's a little bit gamey... but with them baked beans and garlic potatos and fresh squaw bread... mmmmm... goooood.
Hail, Hail!!!
medical grade buffalo meat is used for heart patients and cancer patients. the difference is the yellow fat. when an animal is fed grain it produces white fat which is high in colesterol. if you've had a buffalo burger it was cut with beef suet. buffalo is expensive and every supplier adds beef to boost profits. buffalo producers are now feed lotting the animals to boost the weight by packing them is small corrals to limit exercise and feeding them grain for fast weight gain before market. because of this condition; the animals are being pumped full of drugs to combat disease. because buffalo meat was recently found to combat cancer; google isn't up to date but try again in a couple weeks. it'll be there. the term medicinal grade is also new because the feed lot practice is new. buffalo raised on natural pasture are lean with little fat. they don't get the diseases cattle get because they haven't been pumped full of drugs and hormones...YET.
any other questions?
i wouldn't access anyones records either because it's wrong. i worked with the FBI concerning bank robberies. that's all i can say.
can you state ONE law that requires taxes to be paid if there is no income? be it 9 years or 50.
You know... the plot thickens with every post you make. Each new post reveals another tasty treat... I cannot help but get drawn in.
I thought I had some cool life experiences because I got to see live fire testing of weapons systems, knew details of the B-2 Bomber long before it came out of the Black and got to see Pearl Jam from the very front row for 3 nights in San Francisco.
F.B.I. Agent trumps that.
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm not a tax guy... so, the answer is NO. I don't know how to fanagle my way around the tax laws to avoid paying taxes. I'm guessing that you didn't actually live off of... let's see... zero dollars... times nine years... carry the zero... Zero dollars for Nine years. You must have had some sort of income to buy... food and toilet paper. But, I'm guessing through some 'creative accounting', you could still get the food and toilet paper and bill it as 'Corporate expenditures'... sort of like the way that Tyco Exec bought that 20,000 dollar shower curtain... except, on a smaller scale.
Again... it is THIS statement:
"i can understand not finding someone in vast wilderness. i live in a small town in the mountians and the government has been looking for me for 9 years now. as long as i don't pay taxes they never will find me. becoming invisable is easy."
"Government looking for me for 9 years."
"As long as I don't pay taxes, they (the Government) will never find me."
"Becoming 'Invisible' is easy."
If this is O.J. saying this... what are you thinking? And please, don't tell me you'd get the South Dakota/Chicago multi-million dollar Buffalo Ranch corporation tax mumbo jumbo, daughter's name, smuggling ring, Bahamas, dead guy, vengeful ex-wife from that one statement. I didn't get it. All i got was hiding from the Government for some reason... and avoiding taxes to avoid being discovered and trying to become 'invisible'... like some sort of witness protection double identity thing.
Hail, Hail!!!
i NEVER said fbi AGENT. i said worked with the fbi; compiling tapes; etc for them to investigate bank robberies.
So... does that mean that seeing Pearl Jam from the very front row for 3 nights in San Francisco wins? Yeay...
Hail, Hail!!!
no questions, although i must say: I'm so fucking happy to be a vegetarian!
angels share laughter
are you going to tell me you didn't buy gold when the price dropped? ingots are bought after tax. saftey deposit boxes are great for storing them. think about it. what would you do if the financial structure collapsed? didn't you think of your future? i'll admitt my businesses were inherited; but you have to think of the future.
I guess I'd have to whore myself out.
Hail, Hail!!!
you can't pay the rent with quarters
angels share laughter
i take it you've never lived on a ranch or farm. what food do you need to buy? you're at the source. toilet paper; yes. $5.00/month?
sure; it's a wild story someone needs to write a book about; but is it any stranger than bin ladin selling weapons and attacking the US? is it stranger than watergate or the thousands being released from prison when DNA exonerates them? is it stranger than the innocent people imprisoned because someone falsely testifies against them?
RENT??? WHAT'S RENT? i own everything outright. paid in full.
if i told you about the vegetable industry you'd stop eating all together.
Used for heart patients and cancer patients? All that you are talking about that is cancer fighting is CLA, which is found in most meats and milk. Yes, its true that CLA is higher in grass-fed animal, but I hardly think that MILK or MEAT should be given to a cancer patient (implying that someone already has cancer) as a CURE.
And should I call the 2% milk that I drank tonight "medicinal quality?" How about the steak that I ate? Like I said before... hilarical. If anybody falls for this shit and buys buffalo meat because they think it will cure cancer... they are retarded. Drink a glass of milk, eat some vegetables, don't smoke... all are good ideas but hardly "medicinal"
note: I majored in Agriculture Science in college (yes I know that sounds glamorous) and took several Animal Science courses
well you're clearly delusional so excuse me while i go chomp on my spinach-free salad
angels share laughter
there's this thing called property taxes....or are you going to claim that you don't have to pay those too?
angels share laughter