So I finally saw Sicko....



  • Dogman3Dogman3 Posts: 330
    What a bullshit fucking movie. My family in Cuba don't get that treatment. The elevators in their local hospital have been broken for ten fucking years. Fuck Michael Moore. He gives us liberals a bad name.
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Dogman3 wrote:
    What a bullshit fucking movie. My family in Cuba don't get that treatment. The elevators in their local hospital have been broken for ten fucking years. Fuck Michael Moore. He gives us liberals a bad name.

    didn't see the movie; so I can't say my opinion on it, but the whole point of bringing up an important issue that does need to be looked at is a good thing. As for Michael Moore, I am not a fan of his personally, but that doesn't mean that if he said something I find interesting that I might see his take on it.

    and btw, everyone deserves to have their state/country/etc. give them quality healthcare facilities as well as doctors, etc.

    that should be a human right.....but we know how hard that can be to accomplish
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • i didn't see the movie either however, i plan on renting it. i have supposingly good health insurance that i pay from work..

    i rushed my husband from the doctors office last week to the emergency room at our local hospital while my husband's primary care physican phoned in ahead of time to tell them he needed to be admitted asap and that we wre on our way.. it took almost 7 fucking hours before my husband was even seen by the emergency room physican. my husband's bowels had preferated ... watching him in severe pain in (hallway) hospital bed vomiting his guts out. this hospital was fully aware he had just been in a month before with cogestive heart and kidney failure. he is still in ICU...
    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Dogman3 wrote:
    What a bullshit fucking movie. My family in Cuba don't get that treatment. The elevators in their local hospital have been broken for ten fucking years. Fuck Michael Moore. He gives us liberals a bad name.

    thanks for posting this and I'm sorry the reality of the situation sucks for your parents.
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867


    For lack of better words to say. I, as well as probably most of the others here who have read this post on Sicko; the movie by Michael Moore, (prior to the knowledge of your story now told), have mostly agreed that it is a very narcissistic society who decides who is worthy of medical treatment based on their financial status, of whom could pay for their care themselves perhaps, or those who are successful in their careers enough to enable them to work for a big company or have a big title. They get their care I'm sure; hangnails to cancer...............

    but the irony is that we are "the land of the free" where "all men are created equal" and have "equal opportunities" know, political jargon that sounds great, I wish it were true but that whole image of America got lost somehow. I am not telling you anything you don't already know I am sure.

    There has to be some justice from here on in, Can we make a pact that if one of you hears a cause supporting healthcare reform, we can write, vote or do whatever needs to be done. we have to at least try. It might be idealistic, but there may be something to prevent this sort of things to happening to others.

    please accept my condolences on your condition but I know you are not looking for that at all. so instead I will wish you as they say "strong at all the broken places". count us as your friends, I hope............
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Dogman3 wrote:
    What a bullshit fucking movie. My family in Cuba don't get that treatment. The elevators in their local hospital have been broken for ten fucking years. Fuck Michael Moore. He gives us liberals a bad name.

    Why is It that the only aspect of this movie corporate whores ever mention is the part on Cuba?
    As if that's all the movie is about. Reactionary conservative types just love to pounce upon one bone of contention and chew on it like vultures until their teeth fall out.
    How about commenting on the movie as a whole?

    The same neo-con errand boys behaved in the same way towards Farenheit 9/11. It's a shame they're not capable of bringing their fine-toothed comb critical faculties to the daily t.v news media aswell.
  • KannKann Posts: 1,146
    Byrnzie wrote:
    The same neo-con errand boys behaved in the same way towards Farenheit 9/11. It's a shame they're not capable of bringing their fine-toothed combed critical faculties to the daily t.v news media aswell.

    I wonder if today, a few years after farenheit 9/11, most of these people would still disagree as much with that movie.
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    thank you for the kind words writersu.

    Yup, money shouldn’t play into a persons healthcare. I’m proof of that.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    thank you for the kind words writersu.

    Yup, money shouldn’t play into a persons healthcare. I’m proof of that.

    your welcome. I am not sure how things change, truthfully. Sometimes it seems like things get worse before they get better. I know how hard it is to get healthcare that is effective and not over the top expensive. I am glad that I have state coverage for my kids and I but I am not sure how long that is available to me; when I was pricing it I know insurance policies are insane when you call to price them. are you currently covered? I am not sure if you mentioned that already..........
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    Yeah it’s in that thread somewhere.

    I have Medicaid. That buys my powerchairs and pays my aides. They aren’t paid enough and don’t have health insurance. Unless they have another job to provide it. It definitely determines the type of care I get. Poor. How can I go about my life and reach my goals with poor quality aides?

    I only have a doctor because I’m still on my father’s insurance. No doctors accept Medicaid. I had many disabled friends who only have Medicaid. It’s virtually useless in terms if receiving medical care.

    No doctors accept Medicaid because they know it pays squat.

    *Again take ‘money’ out of the equation of healthcare*

    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Why is It that the only aspect of this movie corporate whores ever mention is the part on Cuba?
    As if that's all the movie is about. Reactionary conservative types just love to pounce upon one bone of contention and chew on it like vultures until their teeth fall out.
    How about commenting on the movie as a whole?

    The same neo-con errand boys behaved in the same way towards Farenheit 9/11. It's a shame they're not capable of bringing their fine-toothed comb critical faculties to the daily t.v news media aswell.

    He is lying about Cuba so he can force his was a complete fucking lie, if he lied about that then god knows what else were lies...get real!!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Yeah it’s in that thread somewhere.

    I have Medicaid. That buys my powerchairs and pays my aides. They aren’t paid enough and don’t have health insurance. Unless they have another job to provide it. It definitely determines the type of care I get. Poor. How can I go about my life and reach my goals with poor quality aides?

    I only have a doctor because I’m still on my father’s insurance. No doctors accept Medicaid. I had many disabled friends who only have Medicaid. It’s virtually useless in terms if receiving medical care.

    No doctors accept Medicaid because they know it pays squat.

    *Again take ‘money’ out of the equation of healthcare*


    Yeah, I guess that's why some docs don't accept the state health care insurance either and like I said, the bitch receptionists, (sorry to say that but they are usually self righteous when they say it) say "we don't accept public aid", like I am some welfare person who lives off system to system instead of someone who needs the services that are provided from time to time while I am trying to be able to give myself and my kids a better life, (I am going to school again) and perhaps not need the help. But either way, everyone deserves healthcare. I never appreciated it until I lost it, but most of my lessons have been learned that way; I guess I am a slow learner........
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    Finally got around to watching this movie. Yes, I realize Moore has an agenda. Yes, I realize the Cuba treatment was probably was a calculated move from the Cuban government. The thing is, this movie has further gone to show me how truly fucked up our health care system is. As he emphasized, the problem isn't just for Americans without health care, it's for Americans WITH health care. Having a for profit health care system is morally wrong. Period. How difficult is that to understand? People are getting denied life saving treatment because the insurance companies are trying to maximize profit. That's seriously fucked up! I realize not everyone is going to be able to get the best treatment money can buy, but some of the stories in that movie made me sick to my stomach. People in third world countries have a better chance of surviving life threatening illnesses than most of our middle and lower class.
  • HorosHoros Posts: 4,518
    Personally I paid nearly $5000 to cover myself and 2 children last year. Of that I used less then $500 in coverage.

    Obviously it's the INSURANCE INDUSTRY THAT SUCKS!!! They lobby againat any kind of universal health care. Every facet of insurance is hurt by UHC. Auto insurance premiums would lower because you would no longer be liable for medical costs. Same with most other insurances. As long as we keep feeding them trillions of dollars a year they will spend it to insure they keep collecting.
  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    Horos wrote:
    Personally I paid nearly $5000 to cover myself and 2 children last year. Of that I used less then $500 in coverage.

    Obviously it's the INSURANCE INDUSTRY THAT SUCKS!!! They lobby againat any kind of universal health care. Every facet of insurance is hurt by UHC. Auto insurance premiums would lower because you would no longer be liable for medical costs. Same with most other insurances. As long as we keep feeding them trillions of dollars a year they will spend it to insure they keep collecting.

    I'll pay close to $10,000 this year for health insurance for me, my wife, and son. :eek: And don't forget your employer pays a good chunk of change too. For what? What a bloated, overvalued system the insurance companies run. Makes our Federal Government look like good money managers in comparison. And if that's what it takes to provide affordable health care in this country, so be it. There's just got to be a better way.
  • Dogman3Dogman3 Posts: 330
    "Why is It that the only aspect of this movie corporate whores ever mention is the part on Cuba?
    As if that's all the movie is about. Reactionary conservative types just love to pounce upon one bone of contention and chew on it like vultures until their teeth fall out.
    How about commenting on the movie as a whole?

    The same neo-con errand boys behaved in the same way towards Farenheit 9/11. It's a shame they're not capable of bringing their fine-toothed comb critical faculties to the daily t.v news media aswell."

    Hey fuckface, I'm a liberal. If Michael Moore wanted to make an objective movie, he should've also showed the shitty treatment Cubans get. I'm for universal healthcare as well. Cuba just fails because its ran by a communist and the doctors have little to no supplies. Michael Moore failed to show the terrible conditions of Cubans, and it isn't the fault of universal healthcare, but of poverty brought on my communism, brought on by Castro. Liberals like Michael Moore give us a bad name.
  • Sicko is about the failure of the US healthcare system

    not how bad the healthcare in cuba is.

    If anything it's a skit, a footnote at best.

    I came out of sicko thinking about how the US system sucks, not about cuba and considered the film a success.

    If some came out thinking about cuba's healthcare system then you can hardly call the movie a success, I guess.

    but, as usual if 10% of what is in a MM film is true it's still overwhelmingly damning.
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    gabers wrote:
    Finally got around to watching this movie. Yes, I realize Moore has an agenda. Yes, I realize the Cuba treatment was probably was a calculated move from the Cuban government. The thing is, this movie has further gone to show me how truly fucked up our health care system is. As he emphasized, the problem isn't just for Americans without health care, it's for Americans WITH health care. Having a for profit health care system is morally wrong. Period. How difficult is that to understand? People are getting denied life saving treatment because the insurance companies are trying to maximize profit. That's seriously fucked up! I realize not everyone is going to be able to get the best treatment money can buy, but some of the stories in that movie made me sick to my stomach. People in third world countries have a better chance of surviving life threatening illnesses than most of our middle and lower class.

    Our Health Care System Sucks Some Serious Ass!! It's Very Disturbing And I Don't Think The Government Really Gives A Shit!!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    smg9779 wrote:
    Great movie. I've always felt that there is something seriously wrong with a health care system that has care on one end and profits on the other.

    Anyways. After seeing the film, I want to ask all opponents of universal health care why they feel the way they do. To me, we are the most powerful nation in the world, what is so hard about taking care of our own people? Well, I've said it many other time before so I'll say it again: seems like you have to be either ignorant ("everyone gets health insurance with their jobs!") or just a heartless prick ("I have health insurance, thats all that matters") to oppose a universal health care plan.
    I live Canada and we have Universal Health Care, but it sure does have its problems as well, shortage of family doctors, long wait times for routine test, such as, MRI's, Cat Scans etc., long waits to get into a specialest ( I have been waiting 4 months now). I agree u need health care, just don't copy our model.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    beemster wrote:
    I live Canada and we have Universal Health Care, but it sure does have its problems as well, shortage of family doctors, long wait times for routine test, such as, MRI's, Cat Scans etc., long waits to get into a specialest ( I have been waiting 4 months now). I agree u need health care, just don't copy our model.

    I don't know if any of the free health care systems are perfect out their, ours is much like yours and you have to wait at times, depends where you live and what hospital and stuff. But I'd rather this than not being able to afford any care at all.
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    spiral out wrote:
    I don't know if any of the free health care systems are perfect out their, ours is much like yours and you have to wait at times, depends where you live and what hospital and stuff. But I'd rather this than not being able to afford any care at all.

    yeah, mine is the same feeling here. certain medicines are not covered as they are formulated; dr's need to work around what is but usually there are alternatives that are just as good and serve the same purpose.
    I am not sure how to go about getting this solved; wish I knew.
    Yeah, insurance companies are way over priced; to buy your own is insanely costly and yeah if your job has it your boss pays big time as well. But if there were state healthcare, then the insurance companies would be not as able to abuse the whole system, right? Or at least we would have a choice as to what to do whether private healthcare or state run? as long as the state run didn't require a county hospital. We had CookCounty Hosp/ Stroger actually, and yes, I am sure that it did its best to serve those people who had nowhere else to go but it was not the safest place to be either due to the number of patients they had and the limited staff that the system could afford to pay.
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
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