So I just moved to NYC. We made a bad health insurance plan choice, so all the doctors people recommend don't take our plan. No biggie, we just have to wait for open enrollment. Until then, I'm seeing a doctor whose patients are probably 90percent covered by medicaid. She must be scheduling 20 patients per hour, since when we show up for a 3pm appointment we never see her before 5:30. The waiting room is always filthy, of course, since about 40 people wait in there at any given time. Kids miss school unnecessarily, parents miss work. Chairs in the examination rooms are scarce and some of them have pee stains on them. Hygene is not a primary concern.
In most western countries with universal health care the standards are much higher than this. I know you think you get what you pay for. I disagree. Decent health care is a right for everyone.
To the original poster, I wish I could tell you that there is no way bad care for your mother could have happened in Western Europe. I can't. Shit happens there too, but I understand it's all made worse by the thought you could have avoided it if only you were covered.
with unversal healthcare; all offices would look like that.
the increase in taxes for universal healthcare would be more than offset but the amount of money that people are already paying for insurance premiums and co-pays. people would actually SAVE money with universal healthcare
a 16 year old is still under the financial obligations of their parent(s) including health insurance. way to bring a non-issue into the debate as a distraction
how? how could that possibly be? i pay $101.00/month for my insurance. how does giving that to the government insure thousands? is it a Jesus thing where you give them $100 and they turn it into $1 million?
in 2 years that 16 year old will be of age. at 16; most people are thinking about what they want to do with their future. at least i was. if i knew at 16 i could get a free ride; i would've chosen a free ride.
how? how could that possibly be? i pay $101.00/month for my insurance. how does giving that to the government insure thousands? is it a Jesus thing where you give them $100 and they turn it into $1 million?
in 2 years that 16 year old will be of age. at 16; most people are thinking about what they want to do with their future. at least i was. if i knew at 16 i could get a free ride; i would've chosen a free ride.
you also get medicare. oh what's that? could that be healthcare issued by the US government for anyone that pays socail security TAXES once they reach 65 or become disabled? and you know damn well that the adverage American that pays for health insurance they're apying much, much more than $101. a month for it in premiums alone.
once that kid turns 18 and is working they're paying taxes, some of which would go towards their and everyone else's healthcare...where's this "free ride" you speak of?
you also get medicare. oh what's that? could that be healthcare issued by the US government for anyone that pays socail security TAXES once they reach 65 or become disabled? and you know damn well that the adverage American that pays for health insurance they're apying much, much more than $101. a month for it in premiums alone.
once that kid turns 18 and is working they're paying taxes, some of which would go towards their and everyone else's healthcare...where's this "free ride" you speak of?
i never paid more than $300/mo for health insurance.
if healthcare is free; and welfare available; why work at all?
Free is the wrong word to use.
Everybody in the population would be contributing.
which population? every day there's another 100,000 we don't know about. taxing our healthcare and public services. go talk to the person who does collections at your local hospital.
The healthcare situation is a huge problem in this country. Hospitals are closing because they can no longer afford to operate because so many are uninsured and can not pay their bills. Insurance companies pay what they want instead of what the provedures cost so physicians and hospitals are loosing out on much needed funds. Just in my vicinity alone 4 hospitals have closed over the past few years. the one's that are still operating are doing so at the risk of patients because of low nurse staffing levels. How good can the care be when nurses have upwards of 15 patients to tend to sometimes. Unfortunetly I do not think that government instituted universal healthcare is the answer. That is not to say that I don't want healthcare for all because I do. I just feel that our government is incapable of effectively and efficiently managing a universal heathcare programs. It will inevitably end up being an oversized massively budgeted fiscal black hole all at the tax payers expense. I believe a better way would be to initiate a more localized system, maybe even on the state level, where an independent state level office can coordinate with local heathcare providers to institute large group policies with reduced premiums. This way the individuals in said state have a choice of which carrier they prefer. The insured pays the provider directly and since the group plan would consist of an extremely large number of participants the premiums would be affordable. Under such a system no government agency would be in charge of managing the system, we know how inept they can be, and everyone is able to afford quality healthcare coverage.
don't forget 15 million illegal aliens who don't pay their bills; and because they're illegal; can't get health insurance. that's why we'll never get universal healthcare.
how? how could that possibly be? i pay $101.00/month for my insurance. how does giving that to the government insure thousands? is it a Jesus thing where you give them $100 and they turn it into $1 million?
in 2 years that 16 year old will be of age. at 16; most people are thinking about what they want to do with their future. at least i was. if i knew at 16 i could get a free ride; i would've chosen a free ride.
Is there an employer match to the premium you pay or are you self employed? Do you have kids and a spouse you pay for with that premium? And what is your deductible?
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
So I need to vent and I’m picking the Pearl Jam board to do it.
Out of my ramble please I hope you take this away:
Vote for people that will try to fix health care in the US.
I knew I shouldn’t have watched it, but folks were decorating the Christmas tree and I wanted to watch. Sicko was playing on the TV in the room
Here’s what I take away from that movie:
I wouldn’t have Cerebral Palsy if I was born in Britain or Canada.
An extreme statement I know with no proof behind it.
I have CP because the doctor wouldn’t attend like he should’ve to my mother during labor because at the time my parents had no insurance.
Again no proof behind that statement.
Sicko mentioned ‘preventative’ medicine. Now, if my mother would’ve got the care she needed, on that ONE day, a huge amount of money could’ve been saved. But that day people must’ve been worried about money, because she didn’t get the care she needed. The care I needed. The system that’s all about saving money could’ve chose to spend money on my mother to get me out of the womb safely. Now look, they’re paying out the ying yan for the rest of my life for my medical items and Social Security. I don’t understand it!
My father had gotten out of the Navy by the time I was born. So he had no insurance. I can only imagine the guilt he may have for not having insurance at that time. The guilt along with other types of guilt plays a factor with why he and I don’t speak anymore. I’m sure of it. …and maybe why he became an alcoholic.
Our country is so great, but don’t dare get sick or pregnant without insurance.
Sicko may be a one sided view but still I can't escape these feelings.
My life could’ve been totally different.
I myself and my family were and are victims of this country’s poor health care system.
yeah, i just watched it and i agree. . .i have always been in favor of universal health care and never understood why it couldnt be done here. . .watching this movie just made me more angry and adamant about it. . .how do these healthcare people in our country live with themselves?
i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today
the movie isn't reality. it has no more truth than ghostbusters. if you're a minority; medicaid is readily available to you. maybe your mum didn't know.
i don't think your life would've been different. sometimes it's just genetics. but i'm really sorry about the cp.
did you see the movie? so these people that he interviewed are lying?
i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today
don't forget 15 million illegal aliens who don't pay their bills; and because they're illegal; can't get health insurance. that's why we'll never get universal healthcare.
no, the reason we wont is because too many people's bank accounts in the health care profession rely on getting people to pay premiums while doing as little treatment as possible and these same people have a very big lobbying influence with our government. . .its a dollars and cents issue when these are all privately funded companies, they are just like any other business when it shouldnt be that way
i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today
how do these healthcare people in our country live with themselves?
yeah, that's another point i forgot to bring up.
how can a doctor do his best job to the best of his/her ability knowing there's a limit of the care they can give out?
no person with a heart could do that i would think.
must have a lot evil cold hearted people in the US healthcare biz.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
I just watched Sicko last night and through the whole movie I kept wondering how Michael Moore could be critical of the medical system that is in place now, which is controlled by laws and the government, but in the same line argue that there should be MORE government in healthcare. It was government intervention that created the HMO's and it is government that keeps them in their oligopoly in health management.
no, the reason we wont is because too many people's bank accounts in the health care profession rely on getting people to pay premiums while doing as little treatment as possible and these same people have a very big lobbying influence with our government. . .its a dollars and cents issue when these are all privately funded companies, they are just like any other business when it shouldnt be that way
have you noticed the number of foriegn doctors here? it's because we don't regulate a doctors income. my neurologist sends money back to india to support his family. he's a great bloke and a great doctor. he won't stand for any of his patients having seizures. if he works here for a few years; he'll be able to return to india and live good the rest of his life.
we can't limit peoples earnings in the us and thus we'll never have universal healthcare.
have you noticed the number of foriegn doctors here? it's because we don't regulate a doctors income. my neurologist sends money back to india to support his family. he's a great bloke and a great doctor. he won't stand for any of his patients having seizures. if he works here for a few years; he'll be able to return to india and live good the rest of his life.
we can't limit peoples earnings in the us and thus we'll never have universal healthcare.
what are you talking about? peoples incomes are regulated by whomever employs them
i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today
Is there an employer match to the premium you pay or are you self employed? Do you have kids and a spouse you pay for with that premium? And what is your deductible?
Yeah, seriously. If health insurance cost 100 dollars per month I would not even begin to advocate universal health care coverage :rolleyes:
When we didn't have an employer matching our contribution it was more than 1,000 for a family of three. In 2001. Now with the matching contribution it's 300 for the same family per month. And that gets you the medicaid doc. We'll switch to the 500 plan next year.
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
I went back to school in 2001. I had lost my job in the now defunked textile industry in the south east. I graduated in 2006...but have not seen a doctor in...going on seven years.
Socialized this point, I'd take anything...even waiting three months to get in...just to have a check-up...
I watched Sicko...I actually considered moving to France. Maybe then I could get a job, too. I could teach English...
Donate to Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness today.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
isn't there a lawsuit against the canadian government to allow people to buy their own insurance and see the doctors they want to? it's been a while since i heard about it.
canadians on this board told us that they've waited over 4 hours to be seen. i know this isn't the case all the time; but i've never waited over 20 minutes to see a doctor here.
If you are waiting 4 hours at an ER in Canada (you don't wait for appointments), it is because you shouldn't be at an ER, you should be at a walk-in clinic. Patients get treated by priority at ERs here. If you have a headache and want some T-3s, you are probably going to have to wait for 4 hours at an ER because the person with the broken leg that came in after you will get treated before you.
The 2-tier system that has been mused about wouldn't work here, because profit would overtake care (see US health care) and too many doctors would be drawn into the more lucrative "private" tier. Good health care is a basic right of every citizen and that is the way it should stay.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
sorry about your cp.
I gave birth to a little girl 3 years ago. I went throught the pregnancy, labor and delivery without insurance and feel like Kenzie (the baby) and I both got exceptional health care the whole 9 months. The doctor didn't treat me differently or give me less attention bcuz I didn't have insurance.
sorry about your cp.
I gave birth to a little girl 3 years ago. I went throught the pregnancy, labor and delivery without insurance and feel like Kenzie (the baby) and I both got exceptional health care the whole 9 months. The doctor didn't treat me differently or give me less attention bcuz I didn't have insurance.
that is wonderful. you two are truly blessed. i'm glad to hear that.
i know in some sense i'm a statistic.
I drew the ‘disabled card’ that day. That kind of thing. It was just simply my turn.
I know women have babies everyday with no complications.
But if I start playing the ‘what if’ game. Which I know is the devil, lol. I can’t help wonder if the doctor had his mind elsewhere that day, and if it was because my dad had no insurance.
Everybody should receive top notch healthcare. With no distractions attached.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
So I need to vent and I’m picking the Pearl Jam board to do it.
Out of my ramble please I hope you take this away:
Vote for people that will try to fix health care in the US.
I knew I shouldn’t have watched it, but folks were decorating the Christmas tree and I wanted to watch. Sicko was playing on the TV in the room
Here’s what I take away from that movie:
I wouldn’t have Cerebral Palsy if I was born in Britain or Canada.
An extreme statement I know with no proof behind it.
I have CP because the doctor wouldn’t attend like he should’ve to my mother during labor because at the time my parents had no insurance.
Again no proof behind that statement.
Sicko mentioned ‘preventative’ medicine. Now, if my mother would’ve got the care she needed, on that ONE day, a huge amount of money could’ve been saved. But that day people must’ve been worried about money, because she didn’t get the care she needed. The care I needed. The system that’s all about saving money could’ve chose to spend money on my mother to get me out of the womb safely. Now look, they’re paying out the ying yan for the rest of my life for my medical items and Social Security. I don’t understand it!
My father had gotten out of the Navy by the time I was born. So he had no insurance. I can only imagine the guilt he may have for not having insurance at that time. The guilt along with other types of guilt plays a factor with why he and I don’t speak anymore. I’m sure of it. …and maybe why he became an alcoholic.
Our country is so great, but don’t dare get sick or pregnant without insurance.
Sicko may be a one sided view but still I can't escape these feelings.
My life could’ve been totally different.
I myself and my family were and are victims of this country’s poor health care system.
it's called capitalism, sorry you dont agree...
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
don't forget 15 million illegal aliens who don't pay their bills; and because they're illegal; can't get health insurance. that's why we'll never get universal healthcare.
Illegal immigration is a different issue. Though under a system like the one I mentioned, even illegals would be able to afford healthcare. I used the example earlier of the premiums my employer pays for my health insurance. Those prememiums are for a group rate of about 120 people. Now imaging a group rate of a couple of hundred thousand people. Your monthly premiums would end up being about $20-50 a month for a premium PPO. The program could be managed on a state level and would not be funded through tax dollars but by the insured themselves. Also think about all the money companies could save because they would no longer have to provide health insurance for their employees.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Secondly, don't be fooled by what you saw in the movie Sicko... Check out the website: Surfing this website will illustrate the real conditions of healthcare in Cuba---not the idealistic, "first class" healthcare Mikey "Less" tries to portray in his "movie"....
Third, unfortunately you weren't born in the last 10 or 15 years and your parents didn't come to this country illegally or they would have had no problem obtaining the best healthcare money could buy free and clear on everyone else's dime....
Finally, one of the biggest problems with healthcare in this country is you have had a flood of 10-15 million illegal aliens come to our country over the past 20 years or so... Maybe more by some accounts.... The system is being stretched to the breaking point at least partially due to the influx of people that don't belong here... The number of uninsured is greatly overstated in Sicko(as well as in other liberal circles).... Illegal aliens, although they receive free healthcare on our dime, are counted in the numbers of people without healthcare insurance...
Sorry, I don't know much about the illegal aliens business in the states, but what proof do you have that they are getting healthcare without insurance to the extent that you state?
Surely if they were illegal they'd be caught out when they claim? If they have (forged/illegal) documents to prove they are citizens then how do you know they are illegal? Maybe it's your systems that aren't efficient enough to root out the problem.
BTW, sorry about your condition, BlondieBlue. I have a disabled friend on medicaid in the states and she says that they are always cutting it back. She's in debt to thousands of dollars because the medicaid won't cover her meds, and she needs a lot of painkillers as she is in a wheelchair with a crippling nerve disease (RSD) which is still untreatable. She can't get insurance for it. If she was in Britain no doubt she would have been able to get her prescriptions free as she is also unable to work. Instead she regularly gets bills for thousands even though she can't even afford her groceries.
Personally, I don't mind if my taxes go to help people like her. I think universal health care should be a universal right, but this is sadly not often the case.
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
with unversal healthcare; all offices would look like that.
how? how could that possibly be? i pay $101.00/month for my insurance. how does giving that to the government insure thousands? is it a Jesus thing where you give them $100 and they turn it into $1 million?
in 2 years that 16 year old will be of age. at 16; most people are thinking about what they want to do with their future. at least i was. if i knew at 16 i could get a free ride; i would've chosen a free ride.
you also get medicare. oh what's that? could that be healthcare issued by the US government for anyone that pays socail security TAXES once they reach 65 or become disabled? and you know damn well that the adverage American that pays for health insurance they're apying much, much more than $101. a month for it in premiums alone.
once that kid turns 18 and is working they're paying taxes, some of which would go towards their and everyone else's healthcare...where's this "free ride" you speak of?
angels share laughter
but people live for today.
change isn't always bad.
i never paid more than $300/mo for health insurance.
if healthcare is free; and welfare available; why work at all?
Everybody in the population would be contributing.
which population? every day there's another 100,000 we don't know about. taxing our healthcare and public services. go talk to the person who does collections at your local hospital.
don't forget 15 million illegal aliens who don't pay their bills; and because they're illegal; can't get health insurance. that's why we'll never get universal healthcare.
Is there an employer match to the premium you pay or are you self employed? Do you have kids and a spouse you pay for with that premium? And what is your deductible?
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
yeah, that's another point i forgot to bring up.
how can a doctor do his best job to the best of his/her ability knowing there's a limit of the care they can give out?
no person with a heart could do that i would think.
must have a lot evil cold hearted people in the US healthcare biz.
You got to spend it all
have you noticed the number of foriegn doctors here? it's because we don't regulate a doctors income. my neurologist sends money back to india to support his family. he's a great bloke and a great doctor. he won't stand for any of his patients having seizures. if he works here for a few years; he'll be able to return to india and live good the rest of his life.
we can't limit peoples earnings in the us and thus we'll never have universal healthcare.
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
No dear. You would not know.
Absolutely not. No difference from our usual waiting time in the US, other than this time.
Yeah, seriously. If health insurance cost 100 dollars per month I would not even begin to advocate universal health care coverage :rolleyes:
When we didn't have an employer matching our contribution it was more than 1,000 for a family of three. In 2001. Now with the matching contribution it's 300 for the same family per month. And that gets you the medicaid doc. We'll switch to the 500 plan next year.
Socialized this point, I'd take anything...even waiting three months to get in...just to have a check-up...
I watched Sicko...I actually considered moving to France. Maybe then I could get a job, too. I could teach English...
sorry... I couldn't resist...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If you are waiting 4 hours at an ER in Canada (you don't wait for appointments), it is because you shouldn't be at an ER, you should be at a walk-in clinic. Patients get treated by priority at ERs here. If you have a headache and want some T-3s, you are probably going to have to wait for 4 hours at an ER because the person with the broken leg that came in after you will get treated before you.
The 2-tier system that has been mused about wouldn't work here, because profit would overtake care (see US health care) and too many doctors would be drawn into the more lucrative "private" tier. Good health care is a basic right of every citizen and that is the way it should stay.
sorry about your cp.
I gave birth to a little girl 3 years ago. I went throught the pregnancy, labor and delivery without insurance and feel like Kenzie (the baby) and I both got exceptional health care the whole 9 months. The doctor didn't treat me differently or give me less attention bcuz I didn't have insurance.
that is wonderful.
i know in some sense i'm a statistic.
I drew the ‘disabled card’ that day. That kind of thing. It was just simply my turn.
I know women have babies everyday with no complications.
But if I start playing the ‘what if’ game. Which I know is the devil, lol. I can’t help wonder if the doctor had his mind elsewhere that day, and if it was because my dad had no insurance.
Everybody should receive top notch healthcare. With no distractions attached.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Don't you think that maybe all is not great with capitalism?
it's called profits over people.
and I for one find it unconscionable....never, ever would I agree that $$$ should come before the health and lives of people in this country
angels share laughter
Too bad you are in the minority.
Illegal immigration is a different issue. Though under a system like the one I mentioned, even illegals would be able to afford healthcare. I used the example earlier of the premiums my employer pays for my health insurance. Those prememiums are for a group rate of about 120 people. Now imaging a group rate of a couple of hundred thousand people. Your monthly premiums would end up being about $20-50 a month for a premium PPO. The program could be managed on a state level and would not be funded through tax dollars but by the insured themselves. Also think about all the money companies could save because they would no longer have to provide health insurance for their employees.
Sorry, I don't know much about the illegal aliens business in the states, but what proof do you have that they are getting healthcare without insurance to the extent that you state?
Surely if they were illegal they'd be caught out when they claim? If they have (forged/illegal) documents to prove they are citizens then how do you know they are illegal? Maybe it's your systems that aren't efficient enough to root out the problem.
BTW, sorry about your condition, BlondieBlue. I have a disabled friend on medicaid in the states and she says that they are always cutting it back. She's in debt to thousands of dollars because the medicaid won't cover her meds, and she needs a lot of painkillers as she is in a wheelchair with a crippling nerve disease (RSD) which is still untreatable. She can't get insurance for it. If she was in Britain no doubt she would have been able to get her prescriptions free as she is also unable to work. Instead she regularly gets bills for thousands even though she can't even afford her groceries.
Personally, I don't mind if my taxes go to help people like her. I think universal health care should be a universal right, but this is sadly not often the case.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
You’re absolutely right.
* hums: money, money money. -By the O’Jays*