Just watched ‘Sicko’ and now I’m pissed.

So I need to vent and I’m picking the Pearl Jam board to do it.
Out of my ramble please I hope you take this away:
Vote for people that will try to fix health care in the US.
I knew I shouldn’t have watched it, but folks were decorating the Christmas tree and I wanted to watch. Sicko was playing on the TV in the room
Here’s what I take away from that movie:
I wouldn’t have Cerebral Palsy if I was born in Britain or Canada.
An extreme statement I know with no proof behind it.
I have CP because the doctor wouldn’t attend like he should’ve to my mother during labor because at the time my parents had no insurance.
Again no proof behind that statement.
Sicko mentioned ‘preventative’ medicine. Now, if my mother would’ve got the care she needed, on that ONE day, a huge amount of money could’ve been saved. But that day people must’ve been worried about money, because she didn’t get the care she needed. The care I needed. The system that’s all about saving money could’ve chose to spend money on my mother to get me out of the womb safely. Now look, they’re paying out the ying yan for the rest of my life for my medical items and Social Security. I don’t understand it!
My father had gotten out of the Navy by the time I was born. So he had no insurance. I can only imagine the guilt he may have for not having insurance at that time. The guilt along with other types of guilt plays a factor with why he and I don’t speak anymore. I’m sure of it. …and maybe why he became an alcoholic.
Our country is so great, but don’t dare get sick or pregnant without insurance.
Sicko may be a one sided view but still I can't escape these feelings.
My life could’ve been totally different.
I myself and my family were and are victims of this country’s poor health care system.
Out of my ramble please I hope you take this away:
Vote for people that will try to fix health care in the US.
I knew I shouldn’t have watched it, but folks were decorating the Christmas tree and I wanted to watch. Sicko was playing on the TV in the room
Here’s what I take away from that movie:
I wouldn’t have Cerebral Palsy if I was born in Britain or Canada.
An extreme statement I know with no proof behind it.
I have CP because the doctor wouldn’t attend like he should’ve to my mother during labor because at the time my parents had no insurance.
Again no proof behind that statement.
Sicko mentioned ‘preventative’ medicine. Now, if my mother would’ve got the care she needed, on that ONE day, a huge amount of money could’ve been saved. But that day people must’ve been worried about money, because she didn’t get the care she needed. The care I needed. The system that’s all about saving money could’ve chose to spend money on my mother to get me out of the womb safely. Now look, they’re paying out the ying yan for the rest of my life for my medical items and Social Security. I don’t understand it!
My father had gotten out of the Navy by the time I was born. So he had no insurance. I can only imagine the guilt he may have for not having insurance at that time. The guilt along with other types of guilt plays a factor with why he and I don’t speak anymore. I’m sure of it. …and maybe why he became an alcoholic.
Our country is so great, but don’t dare get sick or pregnant without insurance.
Sicko may be a one sided view but still I can't escape these feelings.
My life could’ve been totally different.
I myself and my family were and are victims of this country’s poor health care system.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Post edited by Unknown User on
Secondly, don't be fooled by what you saw in the movie Sicko... Check out the website: http://www.therealcuba.com... Surfing this website will illustrate the real conditions of healthcare in Cuba---not the idealistic, "first class" healthcare Mikey "Less" tries to portray in his "movie"....
Third, unfortunately you weren't born in the last 10 or 15 years and your parents didn't come to this country illegally or they would have had no problem obtaining the best healthcare money could buy free and clear on everyone else's dime....
Finally, one of the biggest problems with healthcare in this country is you have had a flood of 10-15 million illegal aliens come to our country over the past 20 years or so... Maybe more by some accounts.... The system is being stretched to the breaking point at least partially due to the influx of people that don't belong here... The number of uninsured is greatly overstated in Sicko(as well as in other liberal circles).... Illegal aliens, although they receive free healthcare on our dime, are counted in the numbers of people without healthcare insurance...
''Our country is so great, but don’t dare get sick or pregnant without insurance.''
than you become a problem and we don't like problems...there is no money in helping our people... and more importantly our girls.
good quote!
The healthcare situation is a huge problem in this country. Hospitals are closing because they can no longer afford to operate because so many are uninsured and can not pay their bills. Insurance companies pay what they want instead of what the provedures cost so physicians and hospitals are loosing out on much needed funds. Just in my vicinity alone 4 hospitals have closed over the past few years. the one's that are still operating are doing so at the risk of patients because of low nurse staffing levels. How good can the care be when nurses have upwards of 15 patients to tend to sometimes. Unfortunetly I do not think that government instituted universal healthcare is the answer. That is not to say that I don't want healthcare for all because I do. I just feel that our government is incapable of effectively and efficiently managing a universal heathcare programs. It will inevitably end up being an oversized massively budgeted fiscal black hole all at the tax payers expense. I believe a better way would be to initiate a more localized system, maybe even on the state level, where an independent state level office can coordinate with local heathcare providers to institute large group policies with reduced premiums. This way the individuals in said state have a choice of which carrier they prefer. The insured pays the provider directly and since the group plan would consist of an extremely large number of participants the premiums would be affordable. Under such a system no government agency would be in charge of managing the system, we know how inept they can be, and everyone is able to afford quality healthcare coverage.
to some effect i had those feelings before i watched Sicko.
i KNEW i shouldn't have watched it.
mammasan - My mother works in a hospital so I hear about understaffed they are. Her supervisor is under the gun to schedule the bare minimal staff each night according to the number of patients. There seems to be a monopoly on who owns the hospitals too. That can’t be good.
And yeah ‘affordable’ healthcare. Keyword: affordable. And wide coverage too. But that would take the most important object out of the equation. MONEY. No money to be made.
I just want to add one more thing to my rant. Well two more things…
This countries greed sickens me. It’s everywhere.
My parents won a lawsuit against that hospital. I’m very blessed to have the trust.
But after watching ‘sicko’ it hit me…
I wonder how many c-sections my trust could have paid for? (A c-section when I was under direst in the womb.)
all about the all mighty buck.
Well group policies exist now. The more member in a group the lower your premium. My current employers pays about $300.00 a month in premiums for my insurance, single plan. There are 112 people working in the company. Imagine if instead of a group of 112 people you had a group of several thousand people. Your premiums would affordabel, even for low income families, and the insurance providers would still be able to turn a profit.
i'm really sorry about the cp.
the movie isn't reality. it has no more truth than ghostbusters. if you're a minority; medicaid is readily available to you. maybe your mum didn't know.
i don't think your life would've been different. sometimes it's just genetics. but i'm really sorry about the cp.
So Cuba's healthcare system isn't all it's made out to be by Michael Moore? O.k, so let's say that's true. Why is that the only criticism of his movie? Why do people feel the need to pounce on one scrap of meat and then use it to rubbish anything he does? Why can't people apply the same fine-toothed comb of critical ability to every other type of state sponsored, and state managed information they see every day on t.v?
Just a thought. How about universal care, but at state level? That would be more localized, avoid your federal government, and cover all. Some bureaucracy is impossible to avoid (infact the model you proposed encourages a lot of it with many providers, choice between them, cooperation between these providers), and I sympathize with the frustration at the federal level, which would match my distaste of the EU and it's micromanaging.
I believe universal coverage in relatively small units (for instance states in the US) is the best solution.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I could live with it being managed on a state level.
thank god i'm still on my fathers insurance.
denist won't take medicaid either. so if you're a poor disabled person and only have medicaid, not only you're crippled...you have no teeth. ok well, damn poor teeth.
medicaid in my opinon is useful for meds, buying powerchairs, etc. But not for RECEIVING healthcare.
oh, and Cerebral Palsy is like a brain injury. not in the genes. keyword: injury.
remember how i was saying i haven't talked to my father in ages?
well he emailed me recently to ask if i wanted to still be covered on his insurance because it was time to renew.
gee, maybe my theory was right about him....
he can't bring himself to talk to me, but he's sure going to make sure i'm insured now.
no disrespect intended. i had my right temple (artery) burst and i had brain surgery to correct it. i don't have teeth. i had seizures for 11 years but since i never seized in the doctors office; they wouldn't investigate it. so my seizures broke out all my teeth. i can tell you all about doctors not believing me and thinking i was a drug seeker because my hair was long. i have medicare now so i know a lot of what you're going through.
i'm just saying that sicko is not reality. i don't know how far back threads are saved; but in a thread about when sicko came out; people posted links to lawsuits against the canadian government and a link to a story about how a dog got a hip replacement in a week and this woman has been waiting months for her hip replacement. so they're not much better off.
what i can tell you; from a survivor of a traumatic brain injury for 21 years this month; is that when we wake up each morning; we're delt a hand of cards. it's how we play that hand that makes us who we are. i could fall asleep tonight and not wake up for 3 days. it's happened several times in the last 21 years. the day after i may be riding horses. or unloading a truckload of hay. when you get upset or mad; you only hurt yourself. it's your blood pressure that goes up; not the person you're mad at. if you get depressed; you've lost the hand. it's beaten you. you're going to lose a few hands; but try to win the game. enjoy your life dispite what life throws at you.
i hope i helped.
CNN did a special disputing almost the entire movie. nothing in it is real.
i believe moore fought back with a point by point counter to the cnn piece which forced cnn to retract its piece ...
in any case - this is michael moore here - we know he sensationalizes but the gist of the movie is sound ...
it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that health care is more readily available here in canada and in cuba vs. the US ... granted if you want excellent health care - one probably goes to the States but u need to be able to pay ...
onelongsong - i was waiting for that.
this was only a rant.
i certainly don't sit around 24/7 and think like this.
I would’ve committed suicide by now if I did.
Take a look at my website.
I keep busy.
And I’m a happy women.
This thread is one of the things I do.
Even thou it’s a rant thread
It’s an advocacy thread too.
i didn't take it the wrong way. i like to rant a wee bit too. i don't understand "WHY ME" but i'm happy in spite of it. when all is said and done; it was a blessing.
if you're making a documentary to shame the us; cuba will go out of it's way. others that have tried to get help from cuba have been denied entry. those allowed in cuba have shown pictures of real cuban hospitals. no a/c; you provide your own linens and food.
cnn went to canadian hospitals and talked to people that have been waiting 4 hours and still haven't been seen. someone posted a link here about lawsuits against the canadian government because of inproper care.
what if we had a voluntary system where those who want to pay for the poor can contribute and that fund will provide the healthcare?
So I just moved to NYC. We made a bad health insurance plan choice, so all the doctors people recommend don't take our plan. No biggie, we just have to wait for open enrollment. Until then, I'm seeing a doctor whose patients are probably 90percent covered by medicaid. She must be scheduling 20 patients per hour, since when we show up for a 3pm appointment we never see her before 5:30. The waiting room is always filthy, of course, since about 40 people wait in there at any given time. Kids miss school unnecessarily, parents miss work. Chairs in the examination rooms are scarce and some of them have pee stains on them. Hygene is not a primary concern.
In most western countries with universal health care the standards are much higher than this. I know you think you get what you pay for. I disagree. Decent health care is a right for everyone.
To the original poster, I wish I could tell you that there is no way bad care for your mother could have happened in Western Europe. I can't. Shit happens there too, but I understand it's all made worse by the thought you could have avoided it if only you were covered.
I wish he would have left it at the old wealth canadian saying:
"Why I support universal health care? Because we should care for each other"
that was beautiful. and if the guy that held me at gunpoint felt the same way; i would too. if the guys that robbed my house and me dads house felt the same way; i would too. if i didn't have to carry a gun when i go to pheonix; i'd feel that way too. if blokes didn't have several "baby mama's"; while those baby mamas' collected welfare; i'd be with you.
when those asking for free healthcare respect those in a position to give it to them; we'll have universal healthcare.
Everyone pays taxes. The government makes them. And everyone gets healthcare.
Don't make me quote Marx on this
those pieces you watched are somewhat equal in their treatment of the issues - they aren't done objectively either ...
health care is increasingly more problematic and such here but at the end of the day - it's much more universal then in the US ... and the film highlights a more deeper problem in that health care whether it be hospitals or insurance companies are driven by profits (and no - that isn't necessarily wrong) but it's often done thru screwing people over ...
i'm open to most solutions on most problems ... if that works - great!!
excellent point!!!!!!!!
why start something if you weren't going to end it with the truth across the board?
thank you to everybody who made kind remarks regarding my condition.
taxes would have to increase greatly. taxpayers won't stand for it.
like i said before; give a 16 year old the option of working and having the government take a large portion of your earnings; or don't work and the government will support you for free; which will he choose?
because anti-bush people will pay to see it and suck it up as real. he's in it for the money. if he wasn't he would've offered the profits towards universal healthcare.
isn't there a lawsuit against the canadian government to allow people to buy their own insurance and see the doctors they want to? it's been a while since i heard about it.
canadians on this board told us that they've waited over 4 hours to be seen. i know this isn't the case all the time; but i've never waited over 20 minutes to see a doctor here.
the increase in taxes for universal healthcare would be more than offset but the amount of money that people are already paying for insurance premiums and co-pays. people would actually SAVE money with universal healthcare
a 16 year old is still under the financial obligations of their parent(s) including health insurance. way to bring a non-issue into the debate as a distraction
angels share laughter
have you been to a metropolitan area hospital ER or Dr.s office in the US? the wait times are often just as long if not alot longer than 4 hours. wow you live in podunkville so you've only ever had to wait 20 minutes...lucky you, i guess that's because you're speacial, huh?
angels share laughter
if that's 100% true, makes sense to me.
take the greedy third party insurance parties out of the picture.
my doctors are now in lake havasu city arizona and the wait times are about 10 minutes. the longest i've waited was in phoenix- 20 minutes.