Population Control and Gov't Assistance
Curious about your thoughts on this issue. Seems to me that in this country our government assistance programs allow for people to have as many children as they wish and the tax payers pick up the bill. Should there be a limit on the number of children you can have and still get gov't assistance? Should there be stipulations such as keeping a steady job or making sure that your children stay in school before you are eligible for government money? What do you guys think?
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
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People who can no longer support their current number of children and are likely to have more children should have their tubes tied.
-Enoch Powell
How about the old snip for the gentlemen? They don't help to contribute to the making of a child. Sean Kemp is a good example!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
People who support forced surgeries should have their heads examined, no pun intended.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Create an education program that forces all individuals over the age of 14 that receive gov't aid to attend that covers all the issues that lead to needing governemnt assitance...sex ed, job training opportunities, life skills courses...etc.
Up front capital investment but will reduce the costs of the program longterm.
Sweet fancy moses......
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Sure, why not?
-Enoch Powell
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
People should be legally able to have as many children as they want.
But, if they decide to have more than they can support and they ask the government for help, then with the support from the government they must also be required to have their tubes tied or a visectomy for men.
The easy answer? Don't ask the fucking government for help. But, if you REALLY REALLY need it, then you can't have anymore babies.
-Enoch Powell
Why not? Ok, let me take a shot at that:
You've signed on to forcing another human being's body to be physically altered based on a subjective judgment that he does not "take care of his kids". Now, suppose I decide that you can't take care of your own body because you ate at McDonalds last week. Should I have the right to sew your mouth shut? Or, how about if I decide that you're not a pious enough Christian because you didn't tithe? Should I be able to push you from a cliff and leave your judgment "up to God"????? Or let's say that the surgeon in your little scheme fucks up and botches the vasectomy. Should I be able to chop off his hands?
People should be legally able to have as many children as they want.
But, if they decide to have more than they can support and they ask the government for help, then with the support from the government they must also be required to have their tubes tied or a visectomy for men.
The easy answer? Don't ask the fucking government for help. But, if you REALLY REALLY need it, then you can't have anymore babies.
-Enoch Powell
Fortuntely, as many problems as our governments have, they also have psychological information on humans. This awareness binds their hands in many ways, as they are in the business of keeping power and not losing it. Fortunately, they understand some basic human principles and what humans will tolerate and what they will rise up against (for the most part).
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Forced sterilization. You never stop amazing me.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
While in practice and reality I don't agree with it....
It's not really forced, because no one is forcing them to ask for governmental assistance...they are choosing and it would be their choice.
I agree with this completely.
The "easy answers" to my questions above are, respectively, "don't eat at McDonalds", "tithe", and "don't fuck up the vasectomy". But "easy answers" don't give the government the right to forcibly alter people's bodies. Furthermore, there's a very big difference between "you can't have anymore babies" and forced surgery.
Look, I'm going to be optomistic and think you don't understand the can of worms you're opening here.
Oh sweet Jesus.
The "elephant in the room" is the insanity of these services to begin with and how they pit men against each other.
Do you not understand that you're suggesting these children should not exist, and justifying it by "the message" we're sending them???
If you want to remove the government services themselves, by all means I'll support you. But if you want the government in the business of forcing people to forfeit their fundamental rights at the state's discretion, I can only ask you how you expect to hold onto your rights?
According to my idea, the government would have no right to alter anyone's body unless someone asks the government to. To get assistance for their massive litter of children, I'd say it's a fair compromise. How the hell should society keep paying for all of their kids?
That said, I don't support aborting babies - just keeping them from being born in the first place.
-Enoch Powell
Please think about this for a minute. "Government assistance" is not always asked for, and that's the fundamental flaw of your logic here.
If you're saying that we should get rid of government welfare and entitlements, I agree completely. Let's get rid of social security, medicare, medicaid, and all federal welfare programs.
But, if we are stuck with them, then I see my idea as an option.
-Enoch Powell
They shouldn't have to, and the services themselves create these kind of insane ideas. But you cannot take the leap from that to encouraging or forcing sterilization.
Look, you're proposing two very dangerous philosophies here:
1. That the act of having a child can be immoral.
2. That the state may bargain your rights for its services.
Sigh......then you're no different than the leeches and looters you're railing against.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Very much, yes.
No. Two evils cannot make good.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I'm not suggesting that these children should not exist. What I'm saying is that we should not enable these kids to have babies for the purpose of collecting a paycheck which is what is happening. I think there should be stipulations on the programs themselves. People seeking gov't assistance should have to hold a job, or their kids should have to complete high school to be eligible for the money etc. Those are just examples, not saying that is exactly what should be done but there should be some sort of accountability to receiving free money from the government.