What are your thoughts on this case? I just recently learned of it and watched the HBO documentaries. I've started to do some reading on it as well. Anyway I'm just curious about what your thoughts are....discuss
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm pretty sure there were some flaws with their trial and the police handling of the case, but I still think they are guilty.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Which is why the case should be re-tried.
I could agree with that.
What I can't agree with is people who call for them to be freed.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I would say freed from the original sentence. The court could still decide to hold them without bail untill the next trial.
what makes you think they're guilty? I just don't see it in the evidence...I don't think they did it
WTF is Wm3?
West Memphis Three - go here for info: http://www.wm3.org/
There is sufficient doubt that these 3 men commited the crimes.
Here is an example of one of many flawed whitness testimonies.
Seriously, apparently taking psychoactive drugs doesn't impact the truthfulness of experience. That's fucking bullshit, but at least the whitness was thrown out of the trial for other reasons.
Of course it went to trial, and jurys are usually blood-thirsty murderers too.
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I speed read
It never happens, which is why almost every serious case that goes to trial is found in favor of social opinion. O.J. Trial as an example.
I'm pretty sure that the social opinion of O.J. was that he was guilty as hell...so I don't see how that example relates here.
For all those who say the WM3 are guilty I propose this: suggest one piece of evidence presented in court that shows that they committed the crime.
Far as I know, there is no DNA evidence linking them, no clothes evidence, no hair evidence, no eyewitness evidence. none.
There is a reason ed supports this cause, and a reason why I support it.
Imagine, if this crime had taken place in New York City. Black t shirt wearing, heav metal loving, stephen king reading teens are a dime a dozen there. In fact I am one of them. It doesnt make sense to suggest that someone committed a crime based on how they look, or what religion they may have.
The West Memphis Three should be free
Well, I got to page 3 and the article is so full of crap, I can't read any more.
The first page or two is all about some film that was made, then he goes on to whine about having his thread deleted from a message board. It was probably deleted because of the content that was posted in response to his antagonism, not his post by it's self.
There was very little evidence that these three men were convicted on. That evidence was clothing fibres that appeared microscopically similar to one of the boy's mother's bathrobe. And an imprint from a knife handle that matched a knife found near the scene, however, the knife owned by one of the boys had a compass in the handle and did not match the weapon recovered.
During the trial it was presented as the murder weapon, the prosecution claimed that the knife was responsible for the "cut" marks on one of the victim's face. However, Turvey, a forensic investigator that wasn't available at the time of the trial, investigated and found the wounds to be "bite" marks and further investigation revealed that they did not match any of the three boys teeth. Turvey also suggests that this was not a cult killing, rather a result of prolonged child abuse. The damage to one of the boys genitels is believed to be caused by a person with sexual abnormality by criminal profilers.
It's obvious that the depth of investigation and the evidence presented at the time of trial was insufficient to prove the West Memphis 3 guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
With all the money raised for these 3 why hasnt there been a retrial?
Probaly cause theirs no need too.
Because the justice system is anything but just.
Dude their guilty.....All your info comes from wm3.org page.
Dude no it doesn't, if you had fucking read the thread before posting your stupid garbage you would realize that my information came from a very thorough case study.
very slanted
WTF are you talking about? The crime scene was compromised, there was very little evidence left behind, except a couple of fibres from a bathrobe.
Crimlibrary.com documents all the murder cases in history with very complete information and updates on the cases.
Your source, is the spewing of horseshit by some stupid fuck!
Yea but their still in jail...so i win
How do you win anything from that?
You lose buddy, we all lose!
Depends on which sub-culture you asked at the time.
Sure, probably everyone thought he was guilty. But the black sub-culture was still rooting for Johnny Cochrane.
nice 5 year old come back dude
Once the arrests were made the adversarial legal system, which sets two opposing sides against each other in a quest to win rather than reveal the truth, worked to reinforce the view of the crime as perceived by the police in the first instance. It was the defense team’s job to refute their case and cast doubt in the minds of the jury. Whichever side could tell the best story would win.