G8 and Heiligendamm

so, there is the G8 congress taking place in Germany this year
-in case some have not heard about it yet-
and so, besides Bobs engagement for Africa, the G8 meeting is covering all news. Some interesting developments are taking place here (f.e. you may not demonstrate anymore around Heiligendamm in a radius/ circle of 6 kilometers... but this is not my subject here.)
I was just thinking (drunken as I am/was) of an alternative to the G8 influence.
I believe that we NEED an alternative urgently to create changes finally.
What do you think about the idea of an circle of deciders, politicians that goes like this:
The alternitave to the G8 system:
some diplomatic chosen spokesmen for each of the 10 regions of the planet,
maybe all together 50 peole:
- Australia/ New Zealand
- China/Japan
- Rest of Asia
- India and East (so where to put the East - muslim world? to india or rest of asia?)
- Russia
- Europe
- Africa
- South America
- Canada+Pole States (including indians and escimos)
..those chosen spokesmen would discuss the world economics, climate change, Africas high death rate, war and terrorism... all important stuff just, tha stuff that will be on the list in Heiligendamm.
..maybe this comes even near the idea of Mr. George W. Bush, who would like to have a circle of the 15 most influencal and rich countries to discuss climate change politics for the year 2008,
a denial to the subject already before his arrival here.
all happening in Heiligendamm....
and p.s.: sorry but I wont be able to go into discussion right ahead:
bed time in Germany and no access to the internet at the work place, but early bird shift. :(
...but nevertheless, I look forward to some reflections.
-in case some have not heard about it yet-
and so, besides Bobs engagement for Africa, the G8 meeting is covering all news. Some interesting developments are taking place here (f.e. you may not demonstrate anymore around Heiligendamm in a radius/ circle of 6 kilometers... but this is not my subject here.)
I was just thinking (drunken as I am/was) of an alternative to the G8 influence.
I believe that we NEED an alternative urgently to create changes finally.
What do you think about the idea of an circle of deciders, politicians that goes like this:
The alternitave to the G8 system:
some diplomatic chosen spokesmen for each of the 10 regions of the planet,
maybe all together 50 peole:
- Australia/ New Zealand
- China/Japan
- Rest of Asia
- India and East (so where to put the East - muslim world? to india or rest of asia?)
- Russia
- Europe
- Africa
- South America
- Canada+Pole States (including indians and escimos)
..those chosen spokesmen would discuss the world economics, climate change, Africas high death rate, war and terrorism... all important stuff just, tha stuff that will be on the list in Heiligendamm.
..maybe this comes even near the idea of Mr. George W. Bush, who would like to have a circle of the 15 most influencal and rich countries to discuss climate change politics for the year 2008,
a denial to the subject already before his arrival here.
all happening in Heiligendamm....
and p.s.: sorry but I wont be able to go into discussion right ahead:
bed time in Germany and no access to the internet at the work place, but early bird shift. :(
...but nevertheless, I look forward to some reflections.
there is no way to peace, peace is the way!
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
Post edited by Unknown User on
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Published: Saturday, June 02, 2007
ROSTOCK, Germany — Protesters with black hoods and bandanas covering their faces showered police with rocks and beer bottles Saturday, before the heavily armoured officers drove them back with water cannon and tear gas during a rally against an upcoming Group of Eight summit.
Black smoke from burning cars mingled with the sting of tear gas in the harbour-front area of the northern German town of Rostock, where tens of thousands of people had gathered peacefully at the start of the day. The clashes broke out among hundreds of stone-throwing demonstrators and police on the edges of the crowd as the rally progressed.
Some 146 police were hurt, 25 of them seriously. Police said they made 17 arrests.
It was an unruly start to what is expected to be a week of rallies against the three-day G8 summit beginning Wednesday in the fenced-off coastal resort of Heiligendamm, 22 kilometres from Rostock.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will host the leaders of Britain, France, Japan, Italy, Russia, Canada and the United States for discussions on global warming, aid to Africa and the global economy. The summit, like past ones, is attracting protesters opposed to capitalism, globalization, the war in Iraq and the G8 itself.
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thanks for a reply
unfortunately I am not able to see the youtube video fully (have I mentioned before that I do not have a really good PC? - but mostly it works fine but not today :( )
Anyway, I guess I got the clue.
I am not sure if it is that bad with the G8, but I am convinced that it is time to get also other folks on that table of the big heads. To me it is just not fair that the G8 kinda rules the world and others, billions of peoples interests are left outside...
..that was the idea of my thread. There should be an alternative.
o.k. o.k. there is the UN, but unfortunately this institution has by now so many borders and rules so it seems that it is not able anymore to really change things.
And about your other post:
I am astonished: here some news papers like BILD (jaja) speak of 1000 injured people... not only 100s.
Even the number of injured police goes up the 400 here!
so thanks alot for posting an Canadian press release.
Nevertheless, what happened last night in Rostock is so sad to me, cause when I watched the news first time yesterday (during the afternoon), they said what a happy and peaceful demonstration it is...
but then sometime in the early evening it went the other side and all what is left in our heads now is, that people who go out to protest against the G8 cause violance and chaos ...
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
as for the riots - they are never started by the real protestors ...
how many of the G8 leaders are not right wing conservatives? ...
If you recall the civil rights movement of the 60's with MLK, the non-violent, and who he marched with, namely Stokely Carmichael, the "non-pacifist", you might see how I do in that two opposing philosophies in social change can and do, at times, compliment each other.
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i'm sorry ... i'm not sure how that applies to my comment ...
You said, "as for the riots, they're never started by real protesters..."
Well, in a well-organized protest, you are correct. They are usually started by the excessive force of the police. Self-defense, sometimes, and necessarily, takes a proactive stand against such aggression with aggression in kind.
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oh ... i believe the riots to be started by outside influences ... hooligans that are there for the potential trouble or are paid to get into trouble ...
in this particular case - the riots only serve media purposes ... and that of the establishment ...
do you fear the establishment?
what is the establishment? if the media is power, then empower yourself.
if this establishment is some fecund, immobile, stagnant fact of life, then why do anything at all? why even voice an opinion?
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no ... i do not fear the establishment... the establishment is everyone that isn't interested in progressive change ... for the most part ...
am i giving the opinion that these protests are not important? ... because that is not my intention ... i am supportive of these protests - i do not think the riots are related to these protests ... they are diversionary to the purpose ... it allows everyone to focus on the violence rather then the message ...
It is exciting, isn't it?
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not to me
And that's perfectly cool.
I don't know if you've attended any protests...
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i've been to plenty ... i've done my share of cd ... and my experience is that violence at protests always detracts from the purpose ... it gives people who need a reason to ignore the message one ...
I'm not advocating violent protesting. Every protest has it's own theme and purpose.
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When does a protest become a demonstration? Or, are they one in the same?
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they can be one in the same ... assuming the demonstration is a protest ...
Well, I think, generally, when people see or hear or read that a protest has gone down, or is going down they think (at least here in America), "damn hippies".
"Demonstration" has a little more punch. When the general population hears there's a demonstration going on: it's an action.
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it's quite possible ... hence why most things are fought through propaganda wars ...
If you've fallen in with some experienced and well-organized organizers, that's a good thing, and it sounds like you have. There does come a time that it needs to be taken to the next level, and that doesn't mean violence, but it means being ready to know how to respond to violence.
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i'm connected to a lot of organizations ... and for sure - there is definitely the need for some extreme elements to the cause ... but i find in this day and age - you make much more progress with the good cop/bad cop approach ...
engaging groups rather then alienating ... hitting singles instead of going for the home run every time ...
Almost all large-scale protests/demonstrations come with agreements with the local law enforcement enforcer on the scene. A lot of what happens is on the opinion of whoever that enforcer may be....
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I'm not sure what you mean.
August 2007.
That's what it's all about.
You can choose which role you'll play in the demonstration.
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oh for sure ... but ultimately law enforcement is controlled by political interests ... we've been screwed over waaaay too many times to put any real faith in them ...
Oh Yeah. Depends on where you're at, and the perceived intent.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
o.k., there is also the J8 going on, I heard yesterday.
71 teenagers from around 50 countries of the globe
are discussing the G8 summit big headlines for one week in Wismar:
- steps and contracts to slow down climate change problems
- high death rate and extreme poverty in Africa
- world economics and globalization
(I herefor would like to recommend "Der Spiegel" No. 23/ 2007
- War and Terror
- the US defence shield in Europe, just beside Russia
8 teenagers of the eight G8 countries will then present their results and questions to the big heads of this summit...
...and hopefully to the press, too.
I like that one.
and about the riots:
they say here, that it got started by the "AUTONOMEN LINKE and the Neo Nazis"
from all around Europe.
There were 2000 dark clothed and masked people who started the riots. They arrested guys from Greek, Netherlands, Chech republic and many from Germany.
I guess this one does NOT GO on the police but to some hopeless, very violant humans around.
nevertheless, they cover our news and there is not much written or said about peaceful protests anymore.
...so .. sad.
and for the rest: ...did not further follow the discussion (LOST night here
but I try to catch up on it now.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
it wouldn't surprise me if these guys got paid to be there ... anything to distract the world from the real issues ...
...interesting point,
but I doubt it that it refers to Germany already.
We indeed do have some very violant groups here, not in a big amount, but they are existing:
one group the extreme left, the other the extreme right.
Both spread the propaganda that they are always ready to fight and ready to kill for whatever right.
In this case those groups organized international help over the internet,
and that is why they were so strong and so many in numbers.
- so far the official version that I could accept-
But nevertheless, I also would not be surprised if those folks were indeed paid to do the riots, just to distract the population from the peaceful demonstrations and the messages they wanted to spread around.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
the establishment is the established, and the current establishment is fucked because of those that have a vested interest in tomorrow being the same as today.
what a nice sentence... I really do like it...
...close to a mind twister with a really good message to a true point.
...but my thoughts were on the current news...
..so later.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.