John Howard sends police and troops to indigenous communities

Is it just me being cynical? But funny how the compulsory aquisition of these indegenous communities gives the government total power over some of the richest uranium resources in this country.
Good thing there's no uranium sitting under me in downtown Gotham.
Oh that's right, I'm white, so they won't "steal" my kids!! :rolleyes:
So funny to see this pathetic little roach pretending to give a shit about these poor bloody kids when he still hasn't bothered to rectify the "children overboard" scandal and STILL can't say "SORRY" for the Stolen Generation.
Johnny you make me sick to my stomach.
Good thing there's no uranium sitting under me in downtown Gotham.
Oh that's right, I'm white, so they won't "steal" my kids!! :rolleyes:
So funny to see this pathetic little roach pretending to give a shit about these poor bloody kids when he still hasn't bothered to rectify the "children overboard" scandal and STILL can't say "SORRY" for the Stolen Generation.
Johnny you make me sick to my stomach.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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He's the one who likes Bush, eh?
That's him. :mad:
The one who has systematically abused and ignored the situation for the indigenous population since he was first elected. And now, in the lead up to the election has decided that this is the way to go.
There is no doubt that there is huge, huge problems facing aboriginal children, sexual abuse is rife as is alcoholism, violence, the worst health problems in the Western world and a plethora of other issues facing the poor bastards.
But seems Johnny has got his head out of George's ass just long enough to create an uprecedented racist attack on people that really don't need it.
And as this unfolds, I can truly say that, this man makes me ashamed to be an Australian. YET AGAIN.
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*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Thank you climber. I realize I'm probably overly emotional about it, but I just keep thinking, how on earth can anybody see this other than the transparent peddling for racist votes that it is? Not to mention a land grab?
If they really gave a shit, then they've had YEARS to do something about this and compulsory aquisition of land just smells like a dead dingo to me.
I feel so distressed for these poor bastards in the NT. They're already living shitty little lives and now this.
If that man really cared, then I can think of sooo many things that would have been a more appropriate response to the crisis.
I'm SORRY. I'm so SORRY that this man and his cronies are pathetically using this heinous situation for their own political grandstanding.
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....welcome to Bush and Cheney's post 9-11 America.
Oh we've been here with you quite a while bu.
There's no end to what this man will do as this week demonstrates.
But we've been living in Bush and Cheney and Johnny's post 9-11 America for as long as you guys have.
It's not Australia anymore, we've become annexed to the US. The newest state. It's been unfolding for some time.
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because the northern territory is just that- a territory, it has no states' rights. the federal government can control everything about it. EVERYTHING.
is this crisis not happening in remote indigenous settlements in other states? or is this crisis just confined to the NT?
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Think the NT is the one with the most untapped mining resources. :rolleyes:
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*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I'm thinking the "stolen generation" should be re-named the "protected generation".
The endemic sexual abuse and alcohol related violence is there for all to see. To imply that an attempt to fix it is a planned land grab is political point scoring at it's most pathetic.
For fuck's sake, grow up, get a brain !!
oh okay dad!
though i don't believe this is a land grab on the part of the howard government i am cynical of the timing.
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John Howard was first elected into parliment in 1996.... and was Treasurer for 8 years under Fraser? why the fuck has he waited so long before offering any sort of "help" to the indigenous communities?
maybe its because he's realised that the australian people lost faith in him and was little hope of him winning the next election. and just like the "childeren overboard" scandal, he needed to pull another stunt to shift the public views from the large trail of shit hes left behind.
there is alot of indigenous australia living in third world conditions... surely instead of sending in the cops and the military or giving monetary hand-outs, the money would be better put towards a propper health and education systems. there is also alot of abuse occuring because WHITE sexual predators are being opportunistic...
my mum was teaching in a community in remote WA. in her school there were 100 kids. of those 100 kids, 20 of them came forward and reported sexual abuse from a well know white guy in the community (thats just the ones that came forward.... god knows how many others there were that didnt speak up). that guy was convicted by the WHITE court system, and given 18 months behind bars. 18 fucking months for molesting AT LEAST 20% of the schools childeren! where is the equallity and protection there?
lucy, telling people to grow up get a brain is not going to make your arguments any stronger. settle down. its a discussion and everyone is going to have different views on this topic.
His approach will only add to the suffering of children. The Prime Minister is right to describe the widespread abuse of Aboriginal children as a national emergency but he is wrong in the way his government is seeking to overcome it. There is no other group in society that would be subject to these kinds of measures! And why after all these years, has he decided that it's time to act?
Prohibition hasn’t worked anywhere else in the world. Why does the Prime Minister think it will work in the Northern Territory? …
How many Aussies that you have met does this 'some' equate to? There are over 22 million people living in Australia. To come and sprout out a comment that racism in Australia is Endemic (in your experience) is a pretty big call. What exactly do you base this on?
I mean there's a few replies already to this thread. Mostly aussies i would assume. See any racists comments yet? I don't.
i too have met australians who are racist. some in my own family. however to say that racism in australia is endemic is what we aussies call perhaps full of shit. are there racists in australia? sure there are. is it prevalent? as i have not met anywhere near all the 20 odd million people in my country, i'm not gonna sit here and defend my country as being totally racially tolerant. but just the same, i can not come to the same conclusion as you steve.
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I base it on about 90% of Australians that I've met, and listened to. I said not all though. But more so than not, when Aboriginals have been mentioned I've invariably heard outright racist comments about them.
How many people does that actually equate to Byrnzie?
And where did you meet them?
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Well, somewhere between 10 and 20 Australians. Mostly all in England. I've also met some great Aussies. All I'm saying is that I've heard more Aussies than not speak of Aboriginals as being like scum. After a while this gives you a certain perspective on things. Obviously not all Aussies are like that, But I've been lead by experience to believe that a lot of them are.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Ok, well I'm sorry that has been your experience.
I could well use the argument that many of the English that I have met have also been racist. I did find it very interesting when I was in England the number of people who spoke of the Irish in much the same derogatory terms as I have heard some Aussies speak of the Aboriginals. But that was a long time ago and I don't see it as indicative of all English people.
Racism is in every culture, in every country as far as I can see. I have been subject to it myself on my travels.
Certainly there is racism in this country. And as far as I can see it is adopted regularly by Government to shape policy. It is certainly being utilized in this instance in my opinion. But I am also heartened by the number of people who are appalled by this current situation and can see it for what it is.
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Pathetic that some many people are prepared to shove their heads in the sand on this issue and sacrifice yet another generation of kids to satisy their selfish political agendas.
The hands -off approach has yielded this situation. The Howad Govt did not time the release of the report that triggered all this.
you voted for howard didn't you lucy?
i'm only joking. but i have to admit it seems that you have way more faith in our current federal government than i do.
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lucy I'm quite sure they will unearth a lot of criminal behaviours and probably lay charges. And that's a good thing. But these people had a whole generation STOLEN from them. They've had their lands taken. This government for the whole of its time in parliament has been well aware that the indegenous population is living in third world conditions. All of us in this country have known that there is huge problems in our aboriginal communities. And no the government didn't write the report. But they've seen many others over the years and done nothing.
It's no secret that I'm not a fan of Johnny or his government.
But I have a real problem with the timing and the method.
Yes, something needs to be done, but something has needed to be done for decades. The current government disbanded ATSIC which I don't dispute was possibly a good thing but the issues facing these people still existed at that point and no replacement or alternative was offered then. One has to wonder what has suddenly motivated him. Why now?
And it wouldn't matter if a Labor government, a Greens government, a Democrats government, any government had pulled this stunt in the lead up to the election, I would have a problem with it. It has some sinister implications for the rest of us at the very least.
YES, absolutely something needs to be done, but this is setting a nasty precedent and I am cynical about the motivations and the outcomes to be honest. No one would be happier than I if this is settled successfully.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen.
I'm quite sure that we won't know the true outcome of this for years to come but I'm more than sure that this is not being motivated by concern or for altruistic reasons.
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Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
All kinds of stuff about them being ugly, scroungers, drunks, rapists, thieves, violent, e.t.c.
OMG!! that just about describes the entire first fleet of white settlers, free and otherwise.
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Who where mostly all English!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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