Aussies This Is Important

Don't lose your right to vote! ~ Anna Burke MP Federal Member for Chisholm
The next Federal Election will be held this year, but as a result of the Howard Government's new undemocratic electoral laws, you could be denied your right to vote.
The electoral roll will close on the day the election is called,which means that if you're not already on the roll when the election is called, you won't get to vote. Previously, first time voters had seven days to enrol after the election was called.
In addition, if you're already on the roll but need to change your details, you will now have only three days to do so after the election is called.
These changes mean that more than 400,000 people may miss out on voting in the federal election this year. Don't be one of them - make sure you're eligible to vote well before the election is called and make your vote count.
If you're aged 17 years, you can provisionally enrol to vote. Your name will then be placed on the electoral roll so you will be able to vote as soon as you turn 18.
If you're enrolling or updating enrolment details, you will need to comply with severe new proof of identity requirements.
You will now have to provide your driver's licence details or have 'prescribed' documents witnessed by an 'authorised' person. If you don't have proof of identity, you will need to have two enrolled people, whom you have known for at least a month, confirm your identity.
If you're not on the roll, or are not enrolled to vote at your current address, contact me for an enrolment form on 9898 0675
You can also check your current enrolment details at the Australian Electoral Commission website at: or call 13 23 26.
So make sure your enrolment is up to date folks or your one chance to really have a say could be taken from you.
Anyway, once you're all enrolled
, just wondering what people's thoughts are on these new enrolment rules.
The next Federal Election will be held this year, but as a result of the Howard Government's new undemocratic electoral laws, you could be denied your right to vote.
The electoral roll will close on the day the election is called,which means that if you're not already on the roll when the election is called, you won't get to vote. Previously, first time voters had seven days to enrol after the election was called.
In addition, if you're already on the roll but need to change your details, you will now have only three days to do so after the election is called.
These changes mean that more than 400,000 people may miss out on voting in the federal election this year. Don't be one of them - make sure you're eligible to vote well before the election is called and make your vote count.
If you're aged 17 years, you can provisionally enrol to vote. Your name will then be placed on the electoral roll so you will be able to vote as soon as you turn 18.
If you're enrolling or updating enrolment details, you will need to comply with severe new proof of identity requirements.
You will now have to provide your driver's licence details or have 'prescribed' documents witnessed by an 'authorised' person. If you don't have proof of identity, you will need to have two enrolled people, whom you have known for at least a month, confirm your identity.
If you're not on the roll, or are not enrolled to vote at your current address, contact me for an enrolment form on 9898 0675
You can also check your current enrolment details at the Australian Electoral Commission website at: or call 13 23 26.
So make sure your enrolment is up to date folks or your one chance to really have a say could be taken from you.
Anyway, once you're all enrolled

*~You're IT Bert!~*
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*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Like we need another fricking recession !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it doesn't really affect me either lucy. And I'm not particularly a fan of Kevin 07 either but I think it's interesting that Johnny and co felt it necessary to make these changes to the Electoral laws.
It does have ramifications for people that aren't able to to enrol for whatever reason or that get caught out.
What possible benefits could there be for making these changes?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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If anything, I would say there will be a very short space between the election being called, and voting day, and these chanes are probably there to make it easier to get teh necessary paperwork done in a short time.
Well yeah making the paperwork easier if there is a short time between the announcement and the election is a sensible thing for the Electoral Commission. But what about if you would normally vote and you've moved and you're unable to update your information because you're sick or caring for a sick loved one or are recently bereaved or a whole bunch of other reasons that could in effect null and void your opportunity to vote? Bearing in mind that some of these new laws would affect people that are already enrolled therefore are already voters and so by virtue of them being enrolled would indicate that they're not apathetic?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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people have had ample opportunity and reminding on this issue.
so australia get off your fucking arse and get up to date.
take a good look
this could be the day
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i just need to say
So 3 days to change an address or update is ok?
I guess I wouldn't have a problem with it if there was a bit more advertising going on the remind folk to enrol or update now. But I've not seen a lot.
At least before if they called it people would know when they had to be up to date or enrolled by and they had a bit of time to get themselves sorted. I mean there's a lot of things to remember and fluff about with in a life, voting registration is an easy thing to forget in the detritis of everyday life.
I guess if we have to have a COMPULSORY "democratic" process then this new arrangement seems even less democratic to me. If it's compulsory then EVERY single person of voting age needs to be registered and voting. Don't see how this new arrangement would encourage that.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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yeah jeanie 3 days is enough. but personally, i'd give people a week at least. but that's just me not the conservative nazis that are in power now.
and even if you don't change shit just vote in your old electorate. unless you're in a marginal seat it won't make a swat of difference anyway.
take a good look
this could be the day
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i just need to say
Yeah, I wondered how they arrived at that number myself.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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When you vote, do they cross your name and address off ? If they do you cant really vote in your old electorate because someone else is now registered under that address. Bring the election on, i say.
Jeez! Sounds like ASIO's watching you! :eek:
But yeah, maybe Centrelink did help but it doesn't sound likely. They're not usually very helpful.
You can still vote at your old electorate. It's your name and address together that they cross off and they find you on the roll alphabetically under your surname, they wouldn't know who else was registered at that address if they didn't share your surname.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I hope you dont think your talking to a brick wall here. Just a few brain cells missing from the good old days. Plus me thinks if you dont ask , you wont know.
Wow! That's news to me! But then it's been a long time since I had to update my details I've been at my current address so long so maybe they have changed the rules or maybe they're just different in WA? That's where you are right? Can you make an absentee vote and got to a polling centre and vote before the day? Or maybe just update the address? Did you mention that you couldn't? Sorry! I've got a mind like a sieve!
But yeah, it's VERY strange that they found you!
And no I don't think I'm talking to a brick wall!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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If say you're in Antartica ( thats stated) or unable to get to a polling place, you just fill in a "special" form.
Me kinda lost again.... i need a Bundy . Tehehe
quite frankly i think the only people who should have to vote are those in swinging seats. the rest of us are just wasting that saturday.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Serious? :eek: That sounds like a gross invasion of privacy to me! Doesn't sound right that they can tell the new inhabitants the names of the people previously living at an address. And to think that they would change a persons electoral information or attempt to contact someone based on the say so from some one other than the individual it applies to is pretty rank. It's not like you can even get the bloody phone cut off when someone dies if you're not the dead person or a registered executee. You can't change the address on an account with the gas or electricity unless you're the account holder. And you've got to prove that. When my dodgy ex left here I rang VIC ROADS to tell them that he no longer lived here and they said they wouldn't update his address to the one that I had for him and they wouldn't contact him at the new address either. SO I had to tell them very sternly that if they weren't going to update his details they most definitely had an obligation to me to remove my address from his records. And indicate that he no longer resided at my address. Told em if they didn't I'd get a stat dec and a lawyer.
Didn't want the cops breaking down the door in the middle of the night looking for him here! :eek:
Phew! After that I need a BUNDY too! Cheers big ears!
oh! and you'd better get onto the AEC and update your address before they come cart you off or something!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Yeah iwill update asap. The letter said within 2 weeks but its been bout 4. Ummah Im bad. I certainly dont want mysterious cars parked outside my house, J/K .... kinda
He's gone now. On yer bike Morry! Rode off into the sunset, thankfully! Or hell or wherever it is they go! Who cares? Just glad the bastard's gone!
eh! f**k em!
Oh how cool to read ummah here!
Yeah, they've probably tapped your phone. I'm sure mine is! :eek: We're always joking about it, but it's not like they don't do it. I always make sure to make it interesting for them!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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way to go matt.c!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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When did the democrats stop trying?
SO! I'm just reminding you Aussies, if your address isn't updated on the electoral roll, DO IT TODAY!!!!
We need everyone's vote!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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as ive said before, just waiting for the APEC circus to leave town.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Did you notice they wern't government made ad's. Their spending their money money on IR ad's.
they're spending taxpayers' money on adverts that are telling the taxpayer how good they have it in the workforce. but you already knew you've never had it so good, right
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well I love how the Liberals rarely acknowledge that they're a coalition government and that a lot of the people that put them in government are actually voting for The Nationals. Remember them?
I think the majors would love you to believe that the smaller parties don't exist, you know right up until the time they have to start worrying about preferences.
I think it was around the time that Cheryl Kernot got all cockstruck and defected to the Labour Party.
I mean Natasha tried but it's not like the party was behind her. A real shame as far as I can see. She seems a good person to me.
I'd love to see more Independents stand and actually maintain their independent stance once they're elected!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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cate! I've been watching it on the tele! I don't know how you can stand it! It looks just horrific! I've never seen such a load of bullshit and I really don't see why the taxpayer has to fund it. If they're worried about George's safety, and all the other leaders then they can bloody well fork out for their own security. I don't see why we should. I didn't invite them!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I didn't notice that! Funded by the Electoral Commission then?
The government needs to spend money on their IR ads!
I did see this fabulous bit of graffiti the other day on a bus stop!
That ad with the post it note that says, "Know where you stand"?
Some wag had put a line through stand and written in big black letters underneath, KNEEL!
Almost made me want to hunt out every other one of those signs and do the same! Almost!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Gosh Hinny you have NO IDEA how much I'd LOVE to do that!
It's a damn shame you can't photocopy your completed ballot paper for posterity!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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