Why the election is win-win for Republicans...

If Obama wins... he'll be out in 4 years due to the state of the economy. If McCain wins, yes, Dems will most likely win in 4, but it will be another 16 year stint for Republicans. This election is important. But, my opinion is that whoever wins (Dem or Rep) that party will be out in four years because the economy is not going to improve anytime soon.
Should be interesting.
Should be interesting.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Totally disagree... simply because people won't forget the next year to two years and the party that takes power will be blamed. That's the way things work in politics.
If things don't get better, probably. If we enter a depression, continue the recession for years on end, I'd say that's probably true. I don't see many people right now saying that we would be unable to pull out of the hole within four years. If two years goes by and then we climb out, I wouldn't say it's as open and shut as you're making it out to be. But there's no way to know that. We didn't vote out FDR after one term, and no one was calling the mid-thirties a picnic.
ahh yes, FDR
the guy who ignored warnings that Japan was on their way, just so we could enter wwii (allegedly)?
the guy with direct family connections to the central banking system (bush)?
the guy who brought us the "new deal," the biggest governemt entitlement program ever? designed to ease the depression, but did nothing?
the guy who served three terms in office, and would have served a fourth if allowed to do so?
you mean that guy? I think we know our history plenty well, thanks.
But staying on topic. A four year hiatus will at least force conservatives to really clarify our beliefs. There's too much division among conservatives, and that's a big reason why barry's gotten this far.
I for one absolutely do not. I'll take up my issues in-house, thanks.
He was making the point (albeit unnecessarily harshly) that although saveuplife made the assertion that voters always hold politicians, and specifically presidents accountable for the hardships that have occurred during their tenure, there is a big contradiction with that statement with FDR. The country slipped further into depression for the first few years of his administration before beginning the climb out, and he won re-election in '37.
You're a right tit.
Yeah, the EU is real weak. The Euro hasn't been destroying the dollar as the international currency, right? Oh and all the countries that enjoy high standards of living and education... that's real weak too, eh? Frankly, the US's ideal of living to work is pathetic. "Under-worked" Europeans have time to see and understand the world around them, unlike sheltered xenophobe's such as yourself.
Oh and population declining? Is that somehow a bad thing? This planet cannot sustain the rate of growth that many nations burden it with. Honestly, get a clue.
Oh and by the way, there are many US citizens living abroad. But again, I bet you're not capable of comprehending that or the fact that the US, for better or worse, carries a lot of internation influence. The rest of the West is waiting for the US to behave like the greatest country in the world it for some reason proclaims to be.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Well, you are a right boob. If you feel the need to call someone a tit.
If you hadn't noticed the dollar has appreciated ridiculously since the international financial crisis. What's that mean? Um.... people value the dollar more in risky times... and simply risk/reward more on other currencies in better times.
The way for us to behave well, according to you is to become like you. The reason we are what we are is because we are not like you.... ironically, you know that too.
We have a higher standard of living and don't live in a socialist society... that's going to bankrupt our children. The fact that you don't see a need for population growth shows your ignorance. You need population growth to keep that welfare society going. That's why your countries are paying people to have children. You just don't see that.
Population growth increases aggregate demand. Thereby increasing economic growth.
Very true.
Experts argue that Clinton's deregulation is to blame for the current economy, however most of the public pins it on Bush.
whatever helps ya!!!!
Yes, the dollar has benefitted from the financial crisis that the US has plunged the rest of the global economy into. Well done. Even still, the Euro is holding up well.
Funny, who is the "us" you even speak of? You take this ignorant us vs them attitude which is a massive part of the problem. It's a global community when it means you can leech whatever you'd like from it, otherwise it's not worth the time, consideration or attention, right? Sure, ignore the advice of the world, just like with Iraq. Tunnelvision, anyone?
There is massive poverty in the US and the middle class continues to shrink. Even to maintain that means working yourself to death. And what has it gotten everyone? Boatloads of debt, a collapsing economy and for many, no health coverage. Awesome. Meanwhile in the UK we're getting at least 4 weeks paid holiday per year and can get free health care. There's more to life than making money to buy more useless and unnecessary shit. But by all means, keep chasing that American Dream... hopefully you won't wake up in the grave wondering what you did with your life.
As for population growth, the welfare money isn't going to matter when there's no more room for people and all the natural resources are depeleted. You just dont' see that. The planet cannot sustain the established rate of growth. No amount of welfare money will change that fact.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Just know that there are many Americans who agree with you. I am one.
Note: wiki isn't a great source i know, but you can follow the links to the real stuff, and it all checks out.
2 things :
1 - fighting for whose country is better is a little bit stupid (but prytoj's post was really insulting)
2 - in what world would a "socialist" european country bankrupt its children more than the US when the US has the highest national debt ever seen?
As for the win-win part, I still don't understand how Obama will fuck up the economy? I'm not saying he'll be a good president, but I fail to see how you can say raising taxes may cripple your economy when its pretty obvious the tax cuts did cripple your economy?
Joke of the week - if it wasn't so sad for so many people in your country.
The fact that you might have more ice-cream flavors doesn't mean higher standard of living. When did you visit Europe the last time?
Love ya Punkinfur
The reason we have banks loaning money from the government is because they invested in the US. You're 'higher standard of living' (really?, yeah really!?) is borrowed, next generations, higher numbers or not, will have to pay for it. I'm not claiming the US does not have the means to improve economically, but so far it's "the weak, quasi-socialist, welfare and entitlement riddled, population declining, and overly taxed and under-worked" European countries topping the lists. True, but if it's just the dumb 'real' part of the US booming babies I only see a growth in ignorance ahead.
Please read the links you post. The HDI is a function of the standard of living.... it uses:
Standard of living, as measured by the natural logarithm of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) in United States dollars.
...as one of three components.
U.S. has one of the highest rankings in terms of "standard of living" (atleast the measure you used for this HDI index) as I've said before.
I hate to correct you, but "WE" are in this economic mess. Europe is 100% reliant on the U.S. for growth. When we slow our consumption,... you and the developing world suffer. That's just a fact.
Once again, standard of living is simply a component of the HDI index. An index that IMHO serves only the purpose of increasing qausi-socialist rankings. That index does not include the quality of health care (which U.S. would top) and it never would, because it's sole purpose was to boost socialist style countries to complete with the U.S. in terms of a quasi-made up standard of living.
You're calling the U.S. dumb? Come on, grow up.
I lived in Europe for about a year. Europe is a fantastic place. However, economic beacon, it is not.... nor ever will be given it's push towards socialism.
That said, the U.S. IMHO, better be careful to not follow that European direction. Because I personally believe we will if we elect Democrats.
Longer term, countries that have less "welfare components", tend to grow faster economically speaking and in terms of standard of living.
In my opinion you're looking for some sort of rationalization why you shouldn't feel bad "your guy" didn't win. Congrats!
In all seriousness...the state of the economy will play a role in who is elected next. If it is still in shambles, we could see a President Romney. Don't think he's not going to run next time. If the economy ends up recovering strongly,(which I think it will between now and 3.5 years from now when the next primary season begins) whoever is President will most likely get re-elected.
Also, if Obama wins and things haven't improved in two years, you will see another resurgence of Republicans in congress in order to rein in the spending if it is perceived to be out of control like it was in 1994 when Clinton and the Congressional Democrats had power for two years.
He was a great leader during wwii. He was a good president. Not a great president.
And I am fairly well versed on the history of FDR, and my analysis is he gets too much credit for the sacrifice made by the greatest generation to protect this nation and the world from tyranny.
Furthermore, it was the war itself which lifted the United States out of the Great Depression, not the New Deal.
Hense our feeble attempts to stimulate our economy by means of war ever since.
That's what they said about Clinton.
The GOP is really going to have to redefine it's approach if they're going to have a shot in 2012.
Their current lineup of Mitt, The Huckster, and Palin isn't exactly strong.