A theory on abortion...



  • __ Posts: 6,651
    MattyJoe wrote:
    For the third time, I would support abortion in cases on the mother's life being in danger.

    Regarding the part of your post I embolded:

    I don't understand how people can defend a woman's "right" to an abortion at all costs but think of killing a fetus as trivial.
    You're comparing pregnancy to death, something I find very appalling. Again, talking in terms of when the mothers life is not in danger.

    If one thinks killing a fetus is trivial, why wouldn't they defend a woman's right to abortion? And how am I comparing pregnancy to death?

    You don't have to make your claim about abortion for the third time, because I got it the first time. I'm not talking about your stance on aborton to save the life of the mother. I'm talking about your attitude about pregnancy in general.

    If you and others want to be taken seriously on this issue, a good start would be for you to take pregnancy seriously and pay more reverence to pregnancy and to pregnant women. But instead I constantly hear pregnancy trivialized as just a minor "inconvenience". I think someone on here even once compared it to having gas for 9 months.

    That kind of attitude is ignorant, is offensive, and expresses a total disregard for women and their experience of pregnancy.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    MattyJoe wrote:
    It's not your LIFE. That baby's life still needs to be protected, in my opinion, and people have no right to deny that baby life. Whether or not it "wants it" (one of the weirdest and most insubstantial arguments I've ever seen regarding this issue, posted by people in this thread) is indeterminable.

    Well this whole issue is based on people's assertion that fetuses have a right to be born, which implies that fetuses want to be born or at least that it is in their best interest. But no one has ever demonstrated this. Seems quite relevant to me.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    MattyJoe wrote:
    Um, no. There's still the issue of whether or not it's constitutional. Of course, the court ordered that it was, somehow. But I'm disputing that very decision because I cannot see how it's constitutional to have an abortion.

    The court cited the 14th Amendment as the basis for it's decision, and yet in that very same Amendment lies this text:

    ...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

    To argue that the baby is somehow not yet alive is wrong. The cells themselves are alive, even before the baby is actually fully developed. The baby would never form if there wasn't life from the very beginning of the process. Therefore, you'd have to argue that the baby is somehow not yet human. Yet, if you were to look at it's genetic makeup, it's clearly a human being. When you say life doesn't begin at conception what are you talking about? The very fact that conception occurred means there's life.

    It's interesting to me how you said it's all about majority opinion, and then when majority opinion is not on your side you say it's about something else.

    Fine - let's say it's about the Constitution. The Supreme Court said the Constitution gives women the right to abortion and it's their job - not yours - to interpret the Constitution. It looks like you lose on that front too.
  • I cannot argue against the case and points made by the OP better than those who already have. Let me just add to the chorus. That's one of the worst ideas I have heard in a long, long time. The only thing worse than the idea itself is the logica behind it. I'm stunned, really.
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  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    scb wrote:
    It's interesting to me how you said it's all about majority opinion, and then when majority opinion is not on your side you say it's about something else.

    Fine - let's say it's about the Constitution. The Supreme Court said the Constitution gives women the right to abortion and it's their job - not yours - to interpret the Constitution. It looks like you lose on that front too.

    Also, the quote he gives from the 14th....

    ...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

    His plan to make abortions illegal is a flagrant violation of the woman's liberty. If you believe that the life of the unborn overwhelms that then fine, but you can't just ignore the following word.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    I say kill it before it turns 18 and is free to fuck up the world..


    Seriously though, there are already waaaay more people on this planet than the planet can support. Mass extintion is bound to happen someday, or we'll all slowly start to starve and kill eachother off..

    If you are having any second thoughts, abort it!.. Even way back in my republican days, I have always supported abortion.
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    fugawzi wrote:
    So extract the baby prematurely, incubate it and eventually give it up for adoption so it can grow up to pay taxes and work it's ass off? Then in addition to paying taxes give the government more money somehow for the incubation period? I'd have to say that's a pretty bad idea. Sounds like it would be keeping it alive to be a glorified slave. That's just my opinion, let's see what the others have to say.
    The made about about this I believe? I think Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne were in it. :)
  • I didn't read everyone else's posts because I'm about to be late for work, and I hope someone else has said this, but just in case, people who are pro choice are not pro abortion. It's not like when a woman gets pregnant we WANT her to get an abortion. We just want her to have that choice. That being said, if what you mentioned was possible, she should have that choice.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    you're assuming that EVERY fetus will be desired by someone. nice, utopian thought, but i think not. i do not think people right now do enough to adopt the unwanted children already out there..the high/special needs children, the crack babies, the children with different skincolors from their own, etc. sure, you have celebrities adopting children of differing races, and i am sure many others do as well...but even MORE choose to adopt a baby on their own race, good or bad. this is also my 'issue' with the 'adoption argument' against abortion rights. NOT every baby is going to be wanted by someone. if the mother does want it.....what makes you so 100% sure someone else will? crack-addicted babies, babies with birth defects, fetal-alcohol syndrome...etc, etc, etc....not every baby, thus not ever fetus....is a *perfect* healthy being, nor necessarily the 'desired' ethnicity/race an adoptive parent may want. the foster system proves this all too well right now, today. beyond which...costs would be prohibitive. but hey, if you actually could get it to work....sure, why not? ANOTHER choice is always a good thing. however, i would not agree with FORCING a pregnant woman to do so if she would prefer another option.
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