Get Ready For an OBJECTIVE Debate... LOL
Come on,... are you kidding me?
This is a joke. It's hard to believe she's going to be a "good" debate moderator.
Come on,... are you kidding me?
This is a joke. It's hard to believe she's going to be a "good" debate moderator.
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is great news. Now you'll have someone else to blame when Sarah Palin embarrasses herself and the entire Republican party on Thursday night!
It's already being addressed and the expectations managed.
Between the low expectations that the republicans are putting out all week, and now apparently this talking point, they will try to frame it into a "victory" anyway they can.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I hope she calls Palin out if she doesn't answer questions. But most likely, Palin will be able to skirt around things pretty well in this format.
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Sarah can mumble and make absolutely no sense but 49% of the population will see someone they're comfortable with being President. ARGHHHHHH
Apparently the McCain camp doesn't have a problem with her or they wouldn't have agreed to having her as a moderator.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
yeah, this is horrible...I mean, John McCain is about job creation, and voters are asking her "gotcha" questions....I hope Sarah can just be Sarah, because it's all about putting country first, and Russia does fly over Alaska and she has to keep a close eye on them, I hope she's watching them know...
seriously - how is sarah palin still on the ticket!?????
well, ya know, she has this thing called "executive experience"...I can't really define it, nor can any of her supporters....she just has it...and John McCain is about job creation....and putting country first....
honestly ... it's either a really sad indictment of the american public or definitive proof that media outlets are no longer the source to hold the public's interest at heart ...
He didn't know that she was writing a pro-Obama book.
Please people. Those of you who are Obama supporters need to be honest.... should someone who is writing a book on one of the candidates in a two-party race be considered an objective debate moderator? I think you know the answer. If roles were reversed you know you would be freaking out. But they are not, so you don't think it's a big deal.
You think you have the better candidate... OK... prove it on a "LEVEL" playing field.
That's ok. Ann Coulter is doing the next one.
uhhh ... where does it say she is pro-obama? ... how did you come to that conclusion?
edit: i know the title says it's pro-obama but it sure doesn't look like the person who wrote the article has read the book
I thought Palin was ready to lead, I though she could handle the tough questions, I thought he "executive experience" would guide her through troubled times....
let's say Gwen is a bit biased, are you saying Palin can't handle this...? she's vying for a job that puts her one position away from the President of the US...I would think she would be able to handle something like this...
I guess I'm wrong....
The book summary says this...
In THE BREAKTHROUGH, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign
In the promotion for her book, Ifill is described as "drawing on interviews with power brokers," such as Obama and former Secretary of State Colin Powell.
In an online video promoting her book, she is enthusiastic about "taking the story of Barack Obama and extending it." It focuses on four people, "one of them Barack Obama of course," she said. "They are changing our politics and changing our nation," she said.
The book is going to be released on inauguration day.
****I think I see a pro-Obama tint to what I read above. If you don't, so be it. But, regardless, there's certainly a conflict of interest.
Dude, she has no choice but to handle it. That said, I would think another moderator would make the debate better for all. That's it.
question: why is Sarah being treated like a delicate flower...?
I'm serious...
please know, I understand your point...When George Snuffmybuttakiss moderated a primary debate, it was obvious he was bias...and people called him out on it...
in this case, I would hope Gwen would be able to act as a fair moderator...but it seems those supporting Palin are working very very very hard to lower's as if they know she will do terrible, so they start spinning now...
She's certainly entitled to her opinion on the political race, but IMHO it's another thing to be outward with everything especially when your job is to be objective.
I expect the individual who's job is to not be bias to not be writing a book about one of the candidates during the election season.... Using words like "stunning" ect to describe his campaign.
I'm not racist... race is not an issue here. It's not OK just cause she's black. This would be wrong if it was a white person too.
honestly - i do consider myself objective as i wouldn't vote for obama or mccain ... i think the media is a shitty arena for these people to be judged ...
and i see where you would have concerns however, up until now it appears that she's conducted her job at a high standard from what i can gather and therefore there should not be any reason why she won't on friday ... everyone has biases - you cannot expect these moderators to NOT but you can hold them accountable to their work ... she has a specific job to do on friday - we shall see if she does it ...
having said that - i don't see this being a conflict of interest one bit ...
You are the one saying she will do terrible. I am not. I have no clue how she will fare.
As for the issue raised in this thread, the moderator is bias... period. Should that affect Palin? Yes. But should it affect her enough to lose the debate? No. Hopefully, Gwen will be fair... that's all I'm saying. Personally, if I were the McCain camp, I'd make a request for another moderator. If they say they can't change it... I'd be cool with that and go forward with the debate anyway, but I'd make the request.
Her book, which covers the Obama campaign in detail, is being released on Inauguration Day. She's also moderating one of the debates. I see a conflict (think demand and sales, if nothing else) right there.
did you even read my post...?
I said this: "it's as if they know she will do terrible, so they start spinning now..." notice the word "they", which here means: her handlers....
I did not say she would do poorly...
I still would like to know why she is being treated like a delicate flower...
it doesn't make it ok but i don't think anybody should be surprised when the african-american moderator turns out to be in the tank for the african-american candidate. i don't know who selects the moderators but maybe they should have taken that into consideration.
is she moderating a debate with obama in it? ... again - has she shown that she cannot be an objective moderator in the past? ... i guarantee you that if she leaned democrat in this election she did so in the last ...
and peacocoaNMO - are you insinuating that an african-american woman will automatically vote for obama because of race and that she cannot do her job as moderator because of that??
No, she's moderating a debate for Obama's VP candidate. That's still a conflict, even though Obama's not directly involved... his "ticket" is, so his chance at presidency is.
Yes, some say there have been situations in the past that she has shown a Democratic bias... like when she wouldn't let Cheney respond to Edwards on Halliburton. Personally, I didn't think that was that bad though.
i'm just saying it shouldn't be any great surprise. the numbers are what they are. at least 90% of african-americans are voting obama. the people who decide on moderators should have asked her if there was any reason why she couldn't be objective. that might have been a good time to mention her book.
While it does look a bit suspicious the book is not strictly about Obama but about black politicians and the opportunities Obama has created for them. That being said she has been writing the book for a few months now, she started prior to being asked to moderate the debate, and the McCain campaign was OK with her selection. I also don't buy the fact that the McCain campaign didn't know. They probably where aware but felt that it would not interfere with her being able to be objective. Gwen Ifill is a good journalist and even conservatives like Joe Scarsborrough stated this morning that her personal beliefs will not interfere with her duties as moderator. The McCain campaign are only trying to make issue of this now because their campaign is seriously struggling. They know that a poor performance by Palin will likely be the death nail to the campaign and are struggling to find an excuse for it, if she does perform poorly. If it is true that they didn't know then what does that say about their research.
I do have to say though that if Gwen had written a book on Bush the media would be making a lot more noise about this.