Heads up. Senate meeting today.

At 1:30 eastern. Watch or listen live at http://www.c-span.org/watch/cspan3_rm.asp?Cat=TV&Code=CS3
I'll try to update speakers and what they are saying in this thread.
Oversight Meeting on Iraq War
Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) chairs a Senate Democratic Policy Cmte. meeting on the planning and conduct in the War in Iraq. Major General John R.S. Batiste, U.S. Army (Ret.) and other former military officers are scheduled to testify on lessons learned and corrections that should be made going forward.
It starts soon.
I'll try to update speakers and what they are saying in this thread.
Oversight Meeting on Iraq War
Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) chairs a Senate Democratic Policy Cmte. meeting on the planning and conduct in the War in Iraq. Major General John R.S. Batiste, U.S. Army (Ret.) and other former military officers are scheduled to testify on lessons learned and corrections that should be made going forward.
It starts soon.
I want to point out that people who seem to have no power, whether working people, people of color, or women -- once they organize and protest and create movements -- have a voice no government can suppress. Howard Zinn
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Starting now.
Senator Byron Dorgan Democrat ND Democratic Policy Cmte. chairman talking now
3 witnesses to speak today.
2 generals and a colonial
Opening statements soon
Congressman Jones from The House present
325 billion dollars
2700+ dead
Intelligence in US stated yesterday that Iraq war created a less safe world
Talking about Bushes Platitudes
This is historic. I hope you're listening
Just said "This is a historic meeting"
Sec of Def and Bush Adminisrtation failed to take necessary steps to secure the peace.
2702 dead soldiers
over 20,000 seriously wounded
April, 2006 National Intel Estimate says US failed in Iraq to keep the world safe.
Reading from article by Greg Newbold Time magazine article
Rudyard Kipling epitaph of war "If any question why we died, tell them it was because our fathers lied."
quick opening statement
Senator Charles Shumer Dem NY
"If you're afraid to ask questions, If youre afraid to open debate...weather youre Dem of Rep, oversight is a congressional function...these are fundamental questions that relate to the future of this country...we have different views on foreign policy on this panel...I hope this hearing will be a wake up call for the members of congress... our country demands no less."
Bottom Line
This is about accountability
"Donald Rumsfield is an incompetent military leader...Browbeat subbordinates to serve his plan...allowed insurgency to take root and metasticise into what it is today...we were undermined from the beginning...troops are having to constantly reoccupy ground that was once secured..."
Our congress shares the responsability in what is happening and not happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
What do we do now?
Phone call... missed 1,2,3
4th - we must rethink out Iraqi strategy.
5th-fix interagency process of coordinating
6th - serious about mending relationships with allies
another phone call
He is just slamming Rummy faster than I can type.
I hope the media runs with this instead of just a simple mention and move on to what hollywood couple is now on the rocks...
btw, it's aaron carter and his now ex-fiance. apparently the love life of a teen pop star that's barely famous is headline news at cnn.co
-Wolfowotz withheld $243million. diverted it to build Iraqi police and did not listen to assessment by military leaders that they had lost 9 months.
-Rummy failed to equip troops
-Rumsfield has failed to adapt to the current situation
-read QDR -
Replace Sec of Defense with a proven leader.
Calling for a New Sec. of Defense
"We need a Manhattin Project"
"we need a bipartisian commission. it is a interagency developmnet policy"
(Sounds ominously like they want a draft)
Focus on what we must to to acheive success
Strategy as expressed by General Casey is solid. (I'll be looking that up"
War in Iraq has made no effort to mobilize the support the US people
Create unity of effort across all agencies
President must use his force to... Fuck this was important
Need to put personell on a war time footing. Advisory teams should be 50-60 per batallion instead of 10.
1st IED in 2003.
M117 Armored Security Vehicle. Pentagon only has 1000 of these. (Make 40-50 huge planes per year)
Why are we having our soldiers use the same armour that was unsuccessful in 2003
Failure to provide the best equipment
Called for Rumsfield to step down.
Hope you're all listening
I think seriously floating the idea of a draft would be a wake up call to many.
See these generals testifying need to call out the generals who are still supporting Rumsfeld instead of skirting around it.
Edit: The Colonel on board did saying there was a lack of senior leadership in the military.
-General Batiste
No shit. Exactly why you can't trust the mass media and need to put the time in researching to see the real picture.
General said there is a severe shortage of equipment and they have a shuttle crew that is bringing equipment back and forth to different battalions and soldiers that have no equipment to train on. Also insufficient personal and insufficient equipment to support the troops we already have.
(Get ready for the milk tokens, gas rations.)
"Plan for a minimum of at least a decade or longer. When we go in and secure an area, we have to stay. Otherwise when we pull out, all the people who helped us will die. Then if we go back, who will help us now?
They now have 1/3 of the equipment they had when this war started.
All paraphrased
They just said "there is NO RATIONING in this country. We have done this before."
"How can we turn this over when we are all done with all these obsticles?"
Reference to Jordanian flag with the 1 in it. says in Iraqis dont take the philosophy of Iraq 1st, we will not succeed.
(Assume all I type is paraphrased)
If we don't let Iraqis know that we will eventually leave and we wont be there indefinately, how will they want to stand with us?
General's response.
We have made it clear to the Iraqis that we are going to cut. We have not helped the Iraqis. We are sending a message to the Iraqui people that they are second class. Surprised the Iraqi people have not stood up more.
That was Colonol Hammas...
General Eaton says "We all should read the book "The 1% Doctrine"
The southern accent Congressman says "The mission should be more of Training the Iraqis insteadof trying to kill the insurgents"
Now they are having audio difficulties
Thanks, I'm listening mostly but I can't go back and forth and see who's talking. I'm glad someone else is too because I could just be up here typing whatever and that gives this more validity. Feel free to add in more!
Now general's are being asked if we keep a unified Iraq or split country.
A civil war costs usually 10% of the population and if we try to initate splitting the country, than civil war would ensue and would not go well, but if they iniate splitting the country and we support them, it may go better.
What are the consequences on at world wide basis. Implications for our future?
our world is much less safe today than before 9/11 we created this insurgency, we let it grow, we let it blossom
"Baghdad has the largest Shi'ite and Sunni populations in Iraq so splitting the country would be incredibly difficult if not impossible"
"and the Sunni side would turn into an Afghanistan on steriods in reference to the instability and rise of insurgents"
Colonol Hammas
Batiste - "The rule of law does not exist in Iraq today."
Hammas - As you build up areas of prosperity, that has to be done by Iraqi ministries with supervision. We dont give someone a bag of money and tell them to build a hospital without supervision.
Sheumer - Thanking Generals and states "this is one of the most profound hearing he as been to in the many years in congress.
my question is who is the WE that will be there for another decade? i cannot see too many people joining up to go over there. it seems the people that are real gung - ho for this nightmare are afraid to go there themselves, and you just cannot extend tours of duty for another decade. plus, W. has his itchy trigger finger on iran...... all this while North Korea stockpiles nukes. This president should hang for treason for this mess he lied us into. he has undermined the integrity, and the military capablitiyof the United States.