What do these VP picks really tell us?

hailhailkchailhailkc Posts: 582
edited September 2008 in A Moving Train
Obama rants about change and hope...and yet selects a VP candidate that has been in the system forever and whom supported the Iraq war.

McCain talks about Obama's lack of experience...and yet selects a VP candidate who hardly has any experience herself.

What this tells us is that both of these men are liars, crooks, thieves and...quite frankly...men of a political system which is, and has been, failing us for quite a long time.

I'm voting third party this time. Even Nader would be a better selection than either one of these douchebags.
MOSSAD NATO Alphabet Stations (E10)
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  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    It tells us that Republican women are WAY hotter than Democrats...at least those with a chance at real power. ;)

    Calm down my friend, sure politics are involved, but no reason to throw the baby out with th bath water...

    He're the good thing...no matter which side wins, based on the ticket, some real changes shoudl occur...if they don't, it'll make for 1 hell of an election next time...it's a slow process for sure, but I'm actually encouraged to some degree here.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    hailhailkc wrote:
    Even Nader would be a better selection than either one of these douchebags.

    By the way, that's total bullshit...and you know it...don't be brainwashed here.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • next week people will suddenly remember VP's are dont really matter in elections.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    MrSmith wrote:
    next week people will suddenly remember VP's are dont really matter in elections.

    Yep...can I get an Obama/Palin ticket though?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    These picks remind us that politics are still a game.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • 88keys88keys Posts: 151
    MrSmith wrote:
    next week people will suddenly remember VP's are dont really matter in elections.

    Camden 8/28/1998; Jones Beach 8/24/2000; Camden 9/1/2000; Camden 9/2/2000; Albany 4/29/2003; New York 7/8/2003; Vancouver 9/2/2005; Atlantic City 10/1/2005; Albany 5/12/2006; E. Rutherford 6/1/2006; E. Rutherford 6/3/2006; New York 6/24/2008; New York 6/25/2008; New York 5/20/2010
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    It tells us that Republican women are WAY hotter than Democrats...at least those with a chance at real power. ;)

    Calm down my friend, sure politics are involved, but no reason to throw the baby out with th bath water...

    He're the good thing...no matter which side wins, based on the ticket, some real changes shoudl occur...if they don't, it'll make for 1 hell of an election next time...it's a slow process for sure, but I'm actually encouraged to some degree here.

    well as an independent woman, i will simply choose to be insulted for dem women. ;)

    as to the rest...wow...i agree! well, sorta. i really don't see much change, well change for the BETTEr, anyway...with the mccain/palin ticket.

    i understand biden has been around a LONG time, but does that necessarily mean he cannot be pro-change? perhaps this is just the political climate to get change done? just askin'....


    Yep...can I get an Obama/Palin ticket though?

    i totally get your point. while they 'dont' matter' they actually DO. if obama chose palin as his running mate..i would fully agree he is a total sham, b/c she is SO opposite what he has spoken for and against.

    *late edit...and while the VP choice IS important for the 'what if' factor...if things go as planned, with ANY president...the VP will have very little, if any, influence/power...so it STILL comes down to who you want AS president. so whatever demographic the VP choices may represent, beyond the scary idea of the president dying while in office...it still is MOST important who the head enchilada is.....and i sure as shite don't want to see mccain there.
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  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    well I'm a Biden fan. blue collar, family man, catholic, tough, and not a Washington insider...he was also my Pres choice when this all started. Had the most to say during the debates, though he had so little time.

    Sarah being a women is irrelevant to Hillary supporters, but it will excite female republicans. She's right of the republican base, so no Hillary or Reagan democrats will vote for the McCain ticket, some may not vote, or change their vote to Obama though.

    How this plays out, and how the middle see's these choices will be interesting. Also, if the republicans come out negative all next week, will the middle bit yet again? I think this is a huge election, if the rovian tactics win out yet again over substance, I don't see much hope in a better America without us bottoming out beyond what most of us think is possible.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    and not a Washington insider...

    You've bought in to that bullshit? He is in Washington for 10-12 hours a day since 1972!!!!

    My kid goes to daycare, just because she comes home everynight, does that mean I'm really still a stay at home dad?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • hailhailkchailhailkc Posts: 582
    By the way, that's total bullshit...and you know it...don't be brainwashed here.

    True, I was pretty upset when I typed that. : )
    MOSSAD NATO Alphabet Stations (E10)
    Low Traffic CIO MIW
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    You've bought in to that bullshit? He is in Washington for 10-12 hours a day since 1972!!!!

    My kid goes to daycare, just because she comes home everynight, does that mean I'm really still a stay at home dad?

    He isn't the corrupt, dirty, fake, hands-in-big-oil type of Washington insider that is ruining this country, however. His networth is under $350,000. He commutes home on Amtrak everynight to see his wife. He's a blue-collar, middle-class, down-to-earth, friendly, personable guy. He tells it like it is and doesn't try to have it both ways and please everyone while just catering to the lobbyist like the typical Senator does. You've bought into that bullshit that Biden can't bring change because he's a long-time Senator? If I had to pick one senator to bring change to Washington, it would be Joe Biden. Not Barack, Hillary, McCain, Dodd, or Hagel. It would be Joe Biden. Simply because he has been in the Senate for a long time doesn't mean he can't bring change to this country. He still fights for the average American, and I trust him more than any other person in Washington to put this country back on the right track.
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    drew0 wrote:
    He isn't the corrupt, dirty, fake, hands-in-big-oil type of Washington insider that is ruining this country, however. His networth is under $350,000. He commutes home on Amtrak everynight to see his wife. He's a blue-collar, middle-class, down-to-earth, friendly, personable guy. He tells it like it is and doesn't try to have it both ways and please everyone while just catering to the lobbyist like the typical Senator does. You've bought into that bullshit that Biden can't bring change because he's a long-time Senator? If I had to pick one senator to bring change to Washington, it would be Joe Biden. Not Barack, Hillary, McCain, Dodd, or Hagel. It would be Joe Biden. Simply because he has been in the Senate for a long time doesn't mean he can't bring change to this country. He still fights for the average American, and I trust him more than any other person in Washington to put this country back on the right track.

    I never said he can't bring change...but it will certainly be harder for someone who has been doing the same thing with everyone else since 1972.

    The difference is, I wouldn't want to pick any current Senator to bring change...but I'd certainly wouldn't start with a 36 year vet of the Senate.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    hailhailkc wrote:
    True, I was pretty upset when I typed that. : )

    Haha...I've gotten upset many times myself, but it's always nice to get a reality check. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • It says for Obama he's really not about "CHANGE" by pullin in a good ole boy.
    McCain it says he took a HUGE political gamble and that he's bringing in change with him.
    Not to mention, he knows a MILF when he sees one. Nice touch;)
  • I have liked Biden for years and am completely offended by McCains VP choice. Check out there voting history (or lack there of...Palin) and stances:


    Be Sound...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    I have liked Biden for years and am completely offended by McCains VP choice. Check out there voting history (or lack there of...Palin) and stances:



    WHy are you offended? Seriously, people get offended about all kinds of stupid shit nowadays.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • WHy are you offended? Seriously, people get offended about all kinds of stupid shit nowadays.

    I am offended that she was chosen and is being touted as representing "strong women."

    Here is more I found about her:

    Be Sound...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    I am offended that she was chosen and is being touted as representing "strong women."

    Here is more I found about her:


    Why? She is a strong woman.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    I am offended that she was chosen and is being touted as representing "strong women."

    Here is more I found about her:


    By the way, I suggest you look into each one of those points further before you decide what you think...that site is bullshit.

    Anyhow, I can see disagreeing with her on the issues...but if you look closely enough at her, you should at least respect her I think.

    Maybe a strong woman is letting your husband screw around and jut taking it...yawn.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    WHy are you offended? Seriously, people get offended about all kinds of stupid shit nowadays.

    (1) A good number of people believe that McCain choose a woman to sway the Hillary supporters. Many people see this as exploiting women and thinking that they're stupid enough to vote for a ticket simply because it has a woman on it. Sarah Palin is not Hillary Clinton. Having a vagina doesn't mean you'll stand up for the issues that are important to women and that Hillary Clinton was a champion of. Reality is, most women won't support a woman who is pro-life.

    (2) It's a pathetic and desperate attempt by John McCain. After spending the entire election claiming Obama does not have the experience to be president and is therefore unqualified, he turns around and chooses someone with even less experience than Obama. Why would he choose someone that, defined by his terms, is unqualified to lead this country? He has only met her once in his life before he started looking into choosing her - did she leave such a good impression that single time, or he trying to use her gender as political gain?

    I'm not saying this is true, but this is how most people are viewing this choice. If you ask me, John McCain just shot himself in the foot. The poll taken so far say that 31% of undecided voters are "more likely" to vote for Obama after Palin was selected. John McCain just nullified his entire strategy and gives him 0 credibility. But, hey, at least Alaska is close to Russia and therefore Sarah Palin has foreign policy credentials (according to Cindy McCain)! And who was it that said Michelle Obama said dumb things???
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • WHy are you offended? Seriously, people get offended about all kinds of stupid shit nowadays.
    heh, yeah. everybody is offended so easily nowadays. if you dont like her dont vote for them.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    drew0 wrote:
    (1) A good number of people believe that McCain choose a woman to sway the Hillary supporters. Many people see this as exploiting women and thinking that they're stupid enough to vote for a ticket simply because it has a woman on it. Sarah Palin is not Hillary Clinton. Having a vagina doesn't mean you'll stand up for the issues that are important to women and that Hillary Clinton was a champion of. Reality is, most women won't support a woman who is pro-life.

    (2) It's a pathetic and desperate attempt by John McCain. After spending the entire election claiming Obama does not have the experience to be president and is therefore unqualified, he turns around and chooses someone with even less experience than Obama. Why would he choose someone that, defined by his terms, is unqualified to lead this country? He has only met her once in his life before he started looking into choosing her - did she leave such a good impression that single time, or he trying to use her gender as political gain?

    I'm not saying this is true, but this is how most people are viewing this choice. If you ask me, John McCain just shot himself in the foot. The poll taken so far say that 31% of undecided voters are "more likely" to vote for Obama after Palin was selected. John McCain just nullified his entire strategy and gives him 0 credibility. But, hey, at least Alaska is close to Russia and therefore Sarah Palin has foreign policy credentials (according to Cindy McCain)! And who was it that said Michelle Obama said dumb things???

    1) I bet you wouldn't have voted for McCain anyhow.
    2) So, this pick was not for you.
    3) He met her 2 times.
    4) If he was looking for someone who was a Washington outsider, it's not surprising that he hasn'r spent tons of time with her...that the point.

    Anyhow, Hillary hardly holds the patent on "women's issues"...if she more represents your beliefs, that great for you, but it doesn't mean a repub. woman also represents women.

    I won't even get into the abortion portion of your comment.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    On a side note...what makes a woman that gets screwed over by her husband and just takes it the role model for women in this country?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Anyhow, Hillary hardly holds the patent on "women's issues"...if she more represents your beliefs, that great for you, but it doesn't mean a repub. woman also represents women.

    The point is that women that share Palin's views--very conservative, pro life etc. were ALREADY VOTING FOR JOHN MCCAIN.

    The female moderate swing voters, jilted Hillary supporters etc. are much more likely to have more centrist views, be pro choice etc.

    Thus picking Palin really isn't going to get McCain many female votes that he wasn't already likely going to get.
    2000: Pittsburgh
    2006: Camden I & II, DC
    2008: DC, Ed DC II
  • DixieNDixieN Posts: 351
    hailhailkc wrote:
    Obama rants about change and hope...and yet selects a VP candidate that has been in the system forever and whom supported the Iraq war.

    McCain talks about Obama's lack of experience...and yet selects a VP candidate who hardly has any experience herself.

    What this tells us is that both of these men are liars, crooks, thieves and...quite frankly...men of a political system which is, and has been, failing us for quite a long time.

    I'm voting third party this time. Even Nader would be a better selection than either one of these douchebags.

    What they tell us is that candidates have to play politics. Obama had to pick a white person who had several characteristics. It didn't have to be a man, but in not picking Hillary, I think his hand was forced toward male or risk a riot from Democratic women. Since Catholics are a big swing block, his candidate almost had to be Catholic and had to appeal to the working class. Who is that candidate...well, Biden fits the bill. McCain hopes to mop up on women voters--some disaffected Hillary voters (but he won't pick up many) and some independent female voters for whom abortion is not a litmus issue. And he had to keep up with the Jones', to boot. He could let the Dems have all the change glory.

    I don't find either selection very appealing myself...but, I think I'm a very narrow range of appeal and they're going for the broader spectrum.
  • On a side note...what makes a woman that gets screwed over by her husband and just takes it the role model for women in this country?

    You are obviously assuming that I am a Hilary supporter. I have never been. My views have nothing to do with Hilary. I am appalled by Sarah Palin, because of her stance on issues and her lack of any experience. And yes I am offended.

    I understand the reasoning behind both parties VP picks. Of course, Obama needed a white man...of course McCain needed a younger candidate and the choice of a woman was a good idea because of the Hilary factor. However, to pick a woman that is so staunchly right wing is just stupid. No Hilary supporter is going to flip for someone like her and if they do then they should be a Republican anyway.
    Be Sound...
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    The VP picks tell me that Pennsylvania is very much in play for both parties and is a very high priority.

    Biden is originally from Scranton and Obama is hoping his blue collar roots and the fact that he is Catholic can help voters identify with the ticket and help Obama regain many of the blue collar union and Catholic votes he lost to Hillary.

    Palin is a former union member, staunchly anti-abortion and an NRA member. McCain is hoping that she will appeal to voters in the state that has the most NRA members (I was surprised to learn this too), a state where 71% of Catholic Dems who are for the most part pro-life voted for Hillary, and as a former union member hope that Palin can appeal to some unions.
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  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    Solat13 wrote:
    the state that has the most NRA members (I was surprised to learn this too),

    Not too surprising...they do get First day deer/doe off of school..it's a holiday.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Not too surprising...they do get First day deer/doe off of school..it's a holiday.

    To be fair, if it's like West Virginia where I grew up, the first day of deer rifle season is the Monday the week of Thanksgiving so they just get the whole week off of school in the state (primary school and all the Universities).

    Partly deer season perhaps, but they just treat it as a fall break for thanksgiving.

    I did grad school in another state and hated that it wasn't that way since it sucked having classes Mon-Wed the week of Thanksgiving.
    2000: Pittsburgh
    2006: Camden I & II, DC
    2008: DC, Ed DC II
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    i don't understand how her being a milf or being repulsive would affect this election in any way. if you wanted to vote for a pair of boobs you should have voted for anna nicole smith....but then again you did that when you voted for bush/cheney 04....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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