why is this so unbelievable to you? this is certainly plausible. yes, the government is really, and i mean REALLY, incompetent and our gov't appointed military leaders couldnt find their asses with both hands. You shouldn't have any faith in your gov't. its the ultimate incompetent buracracy. Maybe its unlikely to you, but its certainly within the realm of possibility.
I'm sure the official story isnt 100% accurate, but its far more airtight than any other theory, and until you can come up with another theory that is more accurate, I'm not wasting my time.
every "question" I've ever seen brought up on a 9/11 truther's website could possibly be explained away either through coincidence, human error or better and most of these questions that are brought up can only be explained through those reasons. No other story even comes close to explaining what happened with as much accuracy. All of them can be easily blown apart, and far easier than the official story can. Thats why you are anyone else can't come up with a good explanation of what really happened. just more questions.
and I am officially retired from "researching" this shit. I checked it out and found it lacking. Maybe if you tell me the information I read up until a year ago on this topic was total bullshit, and that this new info is based on something else, maybe i'll waste my time again by looking over it.
until then I'm giving this nonsense absolutely zero respect or time.
Have you seen all of Zeitgeist? The first part isnt completely accurate the the last 2 are pretty interesting.
Heres how the buildings fell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEoKhyXKWxQ
If you try to look at the "official" side of the story ... i mean, if you try to go to any of these sites that supposedly debunk any of the massive claims held up as "conspiracy" ... if you go to those debunking sites and read what is posted, it is FAR FAR less credible than what is presented and SUBSTANTIATED on the "conspiracy" side of the aisle. Hell, some of the debunking sites are so fucking pathetic, they just have subject headings that reference a debunking claim, but then the actual text of the article has NOTHING to do with what they supposedly debunk.
Its fucking ridiculous.
What i'm trying to say is that, beyond the COVER OF THE BOOK ... i mean the fabric of "reality" that was created on television by the very real act of planes flying in to buildings ... and then that same media craming down your throat "19 hijackers" day in and out ... BEYOND that cover ... the actual text just doesn't jive ... there are WAY WAY WAY too many inconsistencies, and while there are now thousands of sites that explain the "conspiracy" there is hardly one i can find that explains AWAY the conspiracy.
If Norman Mineta says Cheney said "the order still stands", why in gods name was flight 77 not fucking shot down? Is are country so pathetic that it cant shoot down one stupid airplane entering federal airspace?
Here is a challenge,
find me one website that explains to me coherently why an airplane managed to make it THIRTY minutes deep in to US Government Airspace without being shot down, in the face of BOTH towers having already been hit 45 and 60 minutes ago (respectively) ... how such an event could occur by reasonably innocent mistakes ...
... find me that, and we'll start having a real discussion.
Because i don't by it for a fucking second.
If a plane crashed in to a field in Omaha, NB on 911 without getting shot down, i could fucking believe it ... but we can get up 3 fighters to escort away a crop duster if it starts flying near DC ... and yet even AFTER both towers were hit, our government couldn't track a massive jetliner headed straight in to DC ... 30 minutes in to the HEART of federal airspace.
Huh, thats some shit.
If that is true than i have absolutely NO faith in my government.
In fact, believing that it was a conspiracy gives me massively more faith ... because it means they were in control the whole time.
So answer.
Do you realy think a 7series airliner could plow on through Washignton DC unnoticed? What if it had been a nuclear bomber? You think we would have found it then?
What do we do on any old ordinary day when those goddman Russians come over here and try to nuke us then? We will still have thousands of airliners in the skys. I guarantee the Soviets won't be turning on some stupid fucking "transponder" for us to track. :rolleyes:
And this is just one glaring bit of it to think about.
So don't pretend like it's all i'm using to base my opinion on. Like i said, you can't fit that shit in to a post if you tried.
not that i swallow everything the government says however...
hey skippy, it's time to tighten your tin-foil hat. what about the fact that Reagan National Airport is like 1/2-3/4 of a mile from the Pentagon, right on the otherside of I-395? I know Arlington well....I'm from the next town over.
what about the fact that Reagan National Airport is like 1/2-3/4 of a mile from the Pentagon, right on the otherside of I-395?
What about it?
(btw i lived in NOVA from 96-07)
I'm not realy getting you.
A large airport next door along with a major FAA hub (sitting right outside of my old town of Leesburg) would only further the assumption that someone ... MANY someones ... would be monitoring the damned airspace ... and HEAVILY at that.
But i am not even talking about the FAA.
I'm talking about NORAD and the goddamn DOD and every multibillion dollar gadget and doodad that our government owns specificaly for the purpose of defending America and its capitol.
How in gods name, nearly a FULL HOUR after TWO airliners plunged in to the World Trade Centers ... how did the only airliner in the sky without its transponder on get through to the heart of DC airspace with no indentification by NORAD.
i don't know why i have to prove this.
I think someone should prove to me how our fucking government could, in the year 2001, not have the equipment and experience necessary to play "which one of these things is not like the other" with incoming radar blips in to the most protected airspace in the country.
You're telling me that any aircraft without one of these magic transponders can just slip in to DC airspace and crash\bomb\gun at its leisure?
You're telling me our government and airline industry are so fucking retarded the ONLY reliable method they have of tracking a plane ... knowing full well that they are primary targets for hijackings ... is to install some dinky little transponder box that can be turned off at any time???
The only reason that plane didn't get shot down was because the orders to send troops in to the air was deliberately bungled by "someone", and when they did get scrambled, someone deliberately sent them out over the ocean instead of up to DC ... and when they did get sent to DC, for some strange reason, their orders were not to go at top speed.
So, to recap ...
most protected airspace in the nation
only plane in the sky being tracked by conventional radar, but that for some strange reason had its transponder off ... a glaringly obvious discrepancy on the screen ...
2 clear acts of terrorism happened 1 hour ago
entire military and defense apparatus at highest alert
planes scrambled late, sent the exact opposite direction, and then back the right way at slow speed
government apparently also still playing its stupid war games, and superimposing fake radar blips on screens to simulate mock-terrorist threats from a drill that just randomly happened to be on the same day at the same time ... even though it was an anual drill that was always held in a different month, but for some strange reason for that year only got moved to the week of the attacks ...
... oh, and dick cheney had just in august signed some directive placing SOLE "shoot down" authority in his hands AND this is a guy who was in part responsible for the "new pearl harbor" containing PNAC paper AND a former DIRECTOR of the Council On Foreign Relations?
yeah right.
again, give me a fucking break.
If we can't track an enemy aircraft coming in to Washington, DC airspace, just because we happen to have a civilian airport in the area ... then we might as well all just take our cyanide pills now, because we are hopeless.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
there was something like 44 steel support columns in each tower ... if that sound is a support giving out, you think there would be some more big bangs, not just one, huh?
However, IMHO, THE glaring fallacy facing the "conventional" theory of 911 is that the fucking pentagon got hit by a fucking commercial airplane a full goddamn hour after the first plane hit NYC and nearly 45 full minutes after the SECOND plane hit the towers.
If anyone realy fucking things our military is so goddamn incompetent, and that our defense systems are so fucking pathetic that we can't track a huge ass airplane coming in to the nation's captiol in less than an hour ... they are off their fucking rocker, not me.
All this bullshit about "but our defense systems were aimed outward, we didn't expect an inward threat" are just that ... bullshit!
You think that our Governments FULL contingency plan in the event of an enemy invasion is ... "oh yeah, we'll just shoot down the entire squadron of airplanes as it crosses the coast line!" ... "Otherwise, well, we're fucked, hell we don't have anything aiming inward!" ... yeah fucking right!
The transponder thing is a joke too.
A former naval radar operator called in to The AJ Show last month and said so much. He said, "even back in the early 90s when i was in the services, i could have tracked those planes in less than ONE MINUTE." ... he said the fact that the transponders were turned off would only serve to INCREASE the speed at which they could be found ... not this "Needle in a haystack" bullshit ... he said you turn of your transponder, and suddenly you are the only fucking blip on the screen that doesn't have a transponder feed, and it is GLARINGLY obvious ...
even if FAA was completely fucking dumb ... you think NORAD was realy just scratching its damn ass going ... "duh du duh" ?
If NOTHING else stands about 911,
the fact that a commercial jet plowed in to washington DC airspace un challenged is utter and complete horseshit.
I live 15 minutes from the Pentagon at the time and wondered how this plane was able get though our defenses when we SHOULD have been on HIGH alert. This after such a major attack on the country and the Pentagon was just left unprotected.
Also ALL our major leaders President on down ALL happen to be out of the Washington DC area on that day. Coincidence of deliberately done check it out and see???
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
are you refering to the "conspiracy nuts", because i thought generaly they were accused of being "extreme right wingers" masked up to get new recruits under the guise of fearmongering?
I'll tell you what i think, anyhow ...
I know what the OP is talking about, and maintain in counter argument that what is truly "incompetent, asinine, high-school level [...] bullshit" is this silly fucking fair-tale notion that those with the real power some how acquired it inspite of being completely stupid ... that instead of there being people with devious cunning and wealth who attempt to manipulate the system and succeed (hell, most of you admit Fox news is so much as a conspiracy to feed you right wing lies) in doing so ... you think that the world is just some happy fucking accident and the government is just totaly stupid and moving along directionless and inept
... and further, to get to this "far out left" crap ... the rest of the people ... and particularly those on "the left" ... even the ones who try to stay out of the conspiratorial arguments ... they themselves have their fair share of "high school level bullshit" in this silly notion that there IS a free lunch, and that it should be served on every corner of every town every hour, on the hour, every day of the week.
This post realy gets me hoping mad.
People are living in a fucking fairy tale bubble ... they think someone is actualy watching out for them, and they think things politicians tell them are realy ment to help YOU, when in fact they are ment to serve someone MUCH different than that. Everytime someone offers you something for free, you should be skeptical as all get out.
Politicians that placate with rhetoric about a piece of the pie for everyone to be had are feeding you nothing but horseshit ... and what you will end up with is massive taxes and debts ... and half of you can't even understand that taking out a loan to pay interest on a loan that was taken out to pay interest on a loan to pay interest on a loan ... can't even see where that might be a serious problem at some point ... or they don't comprehend that the value of their money is just continuously plummeting off a cliff ... and that at SOME point it they might fucking smack in to the ground and bust the silly little head!
Yup. People will fight tooth and nail to defend the integrity of the system, all the while raving and bitching about the whomever is the asshole politician du jur ... but god forbid you try to draw some lines for them and say ... "look goofball, its not just ole GW ... or Cheney isn't just some lone crook ... its not just a bunch of idiots with no clue either ... these people operate like a goddamn ball club ... there are players on the field, there are men on the side sketching out playbooks, and there are broadcasters hypin up this or that, and there are a few old grey haired fucks up in the box who are talking about the big money, and will call down to the coach if they have something to say... get wise to it!" ...
no no ... tell them that there actualy is a gameplan, and they tell you you're a fucking loon.
Because hell, if the system was rigged against you, you sure has fuck would have heard about it on Fox News, right?
who are you and what have you done to driftin?
i miss his caps locks. i need them so i can distinguish how he is really feeling.....
I understand what you're saying. You want to believe that the world is simply divided up into two camps, with the mindless drones in one and you in the other. You one day found yourself in a position to question the validity of things in which you had once thought you could believe, and upon posing those questions, you christened yourself the champion of free-thinking.
No one is saying there is no reason to question the government. I guarantee you won't find a living person in this forum who does harbor that opinion. Your imagination creates these people so that your mind can continue waging its war against the evil droid army.
It's like you found an error an your bank statement and suddenly drew the conclusion that your identity has been stolen, your financial institution helped it get stolen, and the money was used to fund a political campaign.
On the other end, the rest of world is either afraid to check their bank statements or has been brainwashed into believing that there is no need to check them.
And if that were true, then I too would be hopping mad because it would irritate me to think of all those errors going unnoticed. However, we both know that people in general tend to check their bank statements, and most if not all are well aware that corruption at financial institutions is certainly a reality.
I realize that, having not started any meaningful threads myself, my accusations may seem a bit hypocritical... but, really, what's the point? Where have all the insightful, educated people gone? Are their posts just dominated by these poser-intellectuals?
There are still quite a few good threads that get started up around here by regular posters. You might not like what they say, but that doesn't mean that are not insightful or educated, some of them are just assholes. And there's really only a few like that. Mostly, even if i don't agree, i still think they are entitled to their opinion.
Sometimes i find it really hard to post in here because there are people that seem to very good at attacking anyone that does not agree with them and can be quite cruel in their attempts to get their point accross. No one really gives a shit about how you feel, and if you don't agree with them well you sure know all about it.
So i head back to the musicians and gearheads forum, that's where i'm most comfortable. It never feels like it's a competition there. We all respect each other as musicians. I think thats the difference. There's not a lot of respect in here for people with difference of opinions but i think it's because a lot of the posts are dealing with emotional issues like war and guns and the enviroment and abortions, they get people fired up, where as pedal orders, effects, tones or pickups don't.
I live 15 minutes from the Pentagon at the time and wondered how this plane was able get though our defenses when we SHOULD have been on HIGH alert. This after such a major attack on the country and the Pentagon was just left unprotected.
Also ALL our major leaders President on down ALL happen to be out of the Washington DC area on that day. Coincidence of deliberately done check it out and see???
The Washington DC area wasn't hit, only the Pentagon, so the fact that political leaders were out of the area that day doesn't really matter. It's not like the hijackers had a nuke with them that would wipe out the whole area.
And the Pentagon was hit just minutes after the towers were hit, so the term "after such a major attack on the country" carries little weight. It's not like there was a color-coded alert system like there is today.
You over-estimate the preparedness and common sense of the government and the military. Neither organization would be able to define proactivity if their lives depended on it.
Without a major air attack against US soil since Pearl Harbor, it's unlikely the air force would be able to scramble planes for that type of a situation with the amount of time that lapsed between the towers and the pentagon attacks.
Up until 9/11, just about every office of government and every branch of the military had a culture of witholding information from each other and avoiding communication out of plain bureaucratic tendencies.
I remember an episode of some reality TV show I ran across a few months back... one of those featuring washed-up celebrities making an ass of themselves (without realizing it of course) one last time. And on this particular episode, Vanilla Ice spouted off some ridiculous rhetoric about how all of modern technology has been given to mankind by a "super alien race" that spawned and maintains life on this planet and secretly controls the government officials of highly industrialized nations. He argued the concept vehemently and sincerely believed every word of it.
I don't come on here very often, usually stick to the Porch and then get my political mouth fed elsewhere. But I do visit here on occasion, and when I do, I expect to find meaningful, intelligent debate. Now maybe I haven't searched diligently enough this afternoon, but all I've found are these incompetent, asinine, high-school level conspiracy bullshit posts that, I would guess, wouldn't even impress Vanilla Ice. And they're not even intelligently presented, I might add.
I realize that, having not started any meaningful threads myself, my accusations may seem a bit hypocritical... but, really, what's the point? Where have all the insightful, educated people gone? Are their posts just dominated by these poser-intellectuals?
I'll check back some other time... maybe next time I'm in the mood for "The X-Files" but can't find it on TV.
You're right, but this board isn't unique in this respect. Every political board on the internet is filled with the people you just described...poser-intellectuals who couldn't debate this stuff in real time to save their lives. The anonymity, the huge knowledge base, and the time factor can make anyone look smart.
I remember an episode of some reality TV show I ran across a few months back... one of those featuring washed-up celebrities making an ass of themselves (without realizing it of course) one last time. And on this particular episode, Vanilla Ice spouted off some ridiculous rhetoric about how all of modern technology has been given to mankind by a "super alien race" that spawned and maintains life on this planet and secretly controls the government officials of highly industrialized nations. He argued the concept vehemently and sincerely believed every word of it.
I don't come on here very often, usually stick to the Porch and then get my political mouth fed elsewhere. But I do visit here on occasion, and when I do, I expect to find meaningful, intelligent debate. Now maybe I haven't searched diligently enough this afternoon, but all I've found are these incompetent, asinine, high-school level conspiracy bullshit posts that, I would guess, wouldn't even impress Vanilla Ice. And they're not even intelligently presented, I might add.
I realize that, having not started any meaningful threads myself, my accusations may seem a bit hypocritical... but, really, what's the point? Where have all the insightful, educated people gone? Are their posts just dominated by these poser-intellectuals?
I'll check back some other time... maybe next time I'm in the mood for "The X-Files" but can't find it on TV.
Sounds like smeone needs to go back to debate the issues of which hair style Eddie looks hottest in or why Pearl Jam will not play in the Southern states.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
And the Pentagon was hit just minutes after the towers were hit, so the term "after such a major attack on the country" carries little weight./quote]
So now a full hour is "just minutes", huh?
First tower was around 8:45
Second tower around 9:03
9:45 ish.
Feel free to correct me.
How come i can remember multiple instances of little cesnas being ordered away from DC airspace at the immenent threat of shootdown during my 10 years living outside of DC, if they are so bad at identifying incoming threats.
And, fighter jets scrambled or not ...
you still fail to address the major falacy, which is that NORAD is alleged to not have the ability to track a transponderless aircraft, and that it failed to do so on 911 with a craft barreling dowards Federal Airspace.
Listen up now.
THE major concern for NORAD during any "invasion" would be to identify, track, and kill VERY QUICKLY any incoming radar blip NOT identified as a US commercial flight with a transponder on and flying in its assigned path ... especialy one headed towards the capitol!
You think that NORAD doesn't have the technology to cross reference "regular radar" with transponder signals, and filter out all blips that have both to focus on the blips that do NOT have a transponder?
So you're saying no one was smart enough to build a simple fucking program that could identify blips that didn't have a transponder signal?
And again, we are talking about WASHINGTON GODDAMN DC.
I'm sure we could go at this all year,
but i will never believe that our defense department, with all of its goddamn tax dollars couldn't figure out a way to track transponder-less planes ... again, their sole concern in any normal attack on our country.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Heres how the buildings fell.
not that i swallow everything the government says however...
hey skippy, it's time to tighten your tin-foil hat. what about the fact that Reagan National Airport is like 1/2-3/4 of a mile from the Pentagon, right on the otherside of I-395? I know Arlington well....I'm from the next town over.
and did you refer to the Russians as the Soviets?
angels share laughter
What about it?
(btw i lived in NOVA from 96-07)
I'm not realy getting you.
A large airport next door along with a major FAA hub (sitting right outside of my old town of Leesburg) would only further the assumption that someone ... MANY someones ... would be monitoring the damned airspace ... and HEAVILY at that.
But i am not even talking about the FAA.
I'm talking about NORAD and the goddamn DOD and every multibillion dollar gadget and doodad that our government owns specificaly for the purpose of defending America and its capitol.
How in gods name, nearly a FULL HOUR after TWO airliners plunged in to the World Trade Centers ... how did the only airliner in the sky without its transponder on get through to the heart of DC airspace with no indentification by NORAD.
i don't know why i have to prove this.
I think someone should prove to me how our fucking government could, in the year 2001, not have the equipment and experience necessary to play "which one of these things is not like the other" with incoming radar blips in to the most protected airspace in the country.
You're telling me that any aircraft without one of these magic transponders can just slip in to DC airspace and crash\bomb\gun at its leisure?
You're telling me our government and airline industry are so fucking retarded the ONLY reliable method they have of tracking a plane ... knowing full well that they are primary targets for hijackings ... is to install some dinky little transponder box that can be turned off at any time???
The only reason that plane didn't get shot down was because the orders to send troops in to the air was deliberately bungled by "someone", and when they did get scrambled, someone deliberately sent them out over the ocean instead of up to DC ... and when they did get sent to DC, for some strange reason, their orders were not to go at top speed.
So, to recap ...
most protected airspace in the nation
only plane in the sky being tracked by conventional radar, but that for some strange reason had its transponder off ... a glaringly obvious discrepancy on the screen ...
2 clear acts of terrorism happened 1 hour ago
entire military and defense apparatus at highest alert
planes scrambled late, sent the exact opposite direction, and then back the right way at slow speed
government apparently also still playing its stupid war games, and superimposing fake radar blips on screens to simulate mock-terrorist threats from a drill that just randomly happened to be on the same day at the same time ... even though it was an anual drill that was always held in a different month, but for some strange reason for that year only got moved to the week of the attacks ...
... oh, and dick cheney had just in august signed some directive placing SOLE "shoot down" authority in his hands AND this is a guy who was in part responsible for the "new pearl harbor" containing PNAC paper AND a former DIRECTOR of the Council On Foreign Relations?
yeah right.
again, give me a fucking break.
If we can't track an enemy aircraft coming in to Washington, DC airspace, just because we happen to have a civilian airport in the area ... then we might as well all just take our cyanide pills now, because we are hopeless.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I live 15 minutes from the Pentagon at the time and wondered how this plane was able get though our defenses when we SHOULD have been on HIGH alert. This after such a major attack on the country and the Pentagon was just left unprotected.
Also ALL our major leaders President on down ALL happen to be out of the Washington DC area on that day. Coincidence of deliberately done check it out and see???
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Dont forget the war games that happened on 9/11/01.
i miss his caps locks. i need them so i can distinguish how he is really feeling.....
I understand what you're saying. You want to believe that the world is simply divided up into two camps, with the mindless drones in one and you in the other. You one day found yourself in a position to question the validity of things in which you had once thought you could believe, and upon posing those questions, you christened yourself the champion of free-thinking.
No one is saying there is no reason to question the government. I guarantee you won't find a living person in this forum who does harbor that opinion. Your imagination creates these people so that your mind can continue waging its war against the evil droid army.
It's like you found an error an your bank statement and suddenly drew the conclusion that your identity has been stolen, your financial institution helped it get stolen, and the money was used to fund a political campaign.
On the other end, the rest of world is either afraid to check their bank statements or has been brainwashed into believing that there is no need to check them.
And if that were true, then I too would be hopping mad because it would irritate me to think of all those errors going unnoticed. However, we both know that people in general tend to check their bank statements, and most if not all are well aware that corruption at financial institutions is certainly a reality.
There are still quite a few good threads that get started up around here by regular posters. You might not like what they say, but that doesn't mean that are not insightful or educated, some of them are just assholes. And there's really only a few like that. Mostly, even if i don't agree, i still think they are entitled to their opinion.
Sometimes i find it really hard to post in here because there are people that seem to very good at attacking anyone that does not agree with them and can be quite cruel in their attempts to get their point accross. No one really gives a shit about how you feel, and if you don't agree with them well you sure know all about it.
So i head back to the musicians and gearheads forum, that's where i'm most comfortable. It never feels like it's a competition there. We all respect each other as musicians. I think thats the difference. There's not a lot of respect in here for people with difference of opinions but i think it's because a lot of the posts are dealing with emotional issues like war and guns and the enviroment and abortions, they get people fired up, where as pedal orders, effects, tones or pickups don't.
The Washington DC area wasn't hit, only the Pentagon, so the fact that political leaders were out of the area that day doesn't really matter. It's not like the hijackers had a nuke with them that would wipe out the whole area.
And the Pentagon was hit just minutes after the towers were hit, so the term "after such a major attack on the country" carries little weight. It's not like there was a color-coded alert system like there is today.
You over-estimate the preparedness and common sense of the government and the military. Neither organization would be able to define proactivity if their lives depended on it.
Without a major air attack against US soil since Pearl Harbor, it's unlikely the air force would be able to scramble planes for that type of a situation with the amount of time that lapsed between the towers and the pentagon attacks.
Up until 9/11, just about every office of government and every branch of the military had a culture of witholding information from each other and avoiding communication out of plain bureaucratic tendencies.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
naděje umírá poslední
*ducks and runs*
Sounds like smeone needs to go back to debate the issues of which hair style Eddie looks hottest in or why Pearl Jam will not play in the Southern states.
Hail, Hail!!!
If I opened it now would you not understand?