Israel targets civilians

civilians: 667
numbers represent people killed in conflict.
It is war crime to target civilian infrastructure, something Israel has done repeatedly-bridges, power supply, water facilities, hospitals, ambulances. The numbers are telling...despite all of the damage Israel has done to Lebanon and the country, the number of combatants killed in the conflict is telling (if you count Lebanese soldiers, who really aren't fighting much in this). It seems Hezbollah is going out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.
The civilian body count is also telling. Shows us who the real terrorists are.
civilians: 667
numbers represent people killed in conflict.
It is war crime to target civilian infrastructure, something Israel has done repeatedly-bridges, power supply, water facilities, hospitals, ambulances. The numbers are telling...despite all of the damage Israel has done to Lebanon and the country, the number of combatants killed in the conflict is telling (if you count Lebanese soldiers, who really aren't fighting much in this). It seems Hezbollah is going out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.
The civilian body count is also telling. Shows us who the real terrorists are.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I agree....but it seems apparent it that it is all okay....
Sadly I wished no civilians were killed at all...on both sides....but then again I wish there was no fighting period....however the attacks on infrastructure is unacceptable...I for one am sick of the lame excuse of it was used to block Hezbollah in or keep weapons out...yeah right...more like it has been blocking the exit for civilians after reading those leafltets (which for some reason constitutes a reason to say "they knew to leave" so its their fault they were killed ...such lame excuses)....there is no good guy in this conflict...
I agree Israeli actions are just as bad as though used by the so called terrorists.....makes no difference that they are a nation....they fall in the same group now in my mind....
give me a fucking break!
I think it was funny that after the leaflet thing Hezbollah(sp) warned people to get out of Hafia (sp). So, now does Hezbollah have an excuse? Points to ponder.
The people of Lebanon are simply defending themselves from Israeli aggression.
And the numbers show that they need to...imagine the death toll if Israel had went in without a somebody there to defend the people-like they have been known to do in palestinian refugee camps from time to time.
i wonder how many of those 'hundreds of posts' came from you and the same few ppl?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
That thinking makes you a terrorist you know....j/k
Yeah I know kinda of reverse pyschology.....
The leaflet thing is the biggest cop out of responsibility I have ever seen...IMHO Israel has blood on their hands to now....I love the leaflet arguement a poor justification to get around the deaths of the innocents...but you know all in for the future of peace....
Yeah Israel killis civilians no biggie....its like a hostage do you shoot him because the culprit is behind not in our society... but I guess for war justifactations its okay.....but then again I am peace terrorist bent on destruction of the western world....
dude, I knew it!
Its funny the mentality of "your with us or against is" is growing like the me it seems the peace movement and the movement of reason is taking some power back...the ridicule and slandering is off the charts recently....we are making ground...and I couldn't be more happy....
I hate you! All of you. You can't pick a fight with someone and then claim to be defending yourself. Stop with this Israeli aggression bullshit. It makes no sense and makes you look stupid saying it. Israel didn't attack Lebanon. Israel was attacked from Lebanon and then responded. You can say that their response was over-kill, but you simply can't say that Israel was the aggressor. Honestly how can you expect to be taken seriously when you state facts backwards, and not even obscure facts that it would be difficult to get called on. Stupid!
So what you're saying is that Israel shouldn't have given civilians warning before they started bombing targets in their vicinity? That would have been better? And how exactly do you reconcile your belief that Israel was trying to kill civilians with the fact that they dropped these leaflets? It seems pretty logical that if you really want to kill people you don't tell them you're coming first.
Probably the same amount of posts like the original one in this thread that come you and the same few ppl.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
But we are supposed to take you and posts like this one seriously??? Ummmm, yeah.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You're an idiot. How can Hezbollah be going out of their way not to kill civilians if they are shooting rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas? The only reason more Israeli civilians haven't been killed is because Israel has built bomb shelters and early warning systems that have saved civilian lives. Without these Israeli civilian casualties would have been much higher.
I don't give a fuck whether you take me seriously. You people can't tell your asses from your elbows. I don't think I've ever encountered a bigger bunch of nutty conspiracy theorizing Israel haters in my life. Why would I care if a bunch of people I don't know and have no respect for take me seriously? All I'm saying is that your understanding of what is going on is ass-backwards, and obviously so.
So, if the numbers were reversed…and Israel was the one with the reported lower body would then talk about Israel going out of their way to avoid civilian casualties, right? Somehow, I doubt it. And please, to even try to defend Hezzbollah, and say that they go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties is just utterly ridiculous. Have you not seen the amount of rockets they have been launching into Israeli cities, ON INNOCENT PEOPLE?!?!
I guess the moral of the story here is that it's okay to target innocent civilians as long as you don't actually kill as many as the other side.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Why are you on the Moving train? Why don't you go to the porch and chill out. Go on an all encompassing trip. Lower your blood pressure before you have a heart attack.
Of course we care about innocents dying on either side. I think you know Commy well enough by now to know that.
Hezbollah doesn't have the precision guided technology Israeli has, it's as simple as that.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Take a deep breath. It may help.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You know what? For once I actually agree with you. I think that the lower grade weapons systems that Hezzbollah use aren't nearly as accurate when it comes to destroying buildings/infrastructure, therefore less people end up getting killed. Also, I think a good point was made earlier about the people of Israel having bomb shelters, etc.
What fucking chaps my ass is that all of this DOES NOT mean that Hezzbollah DOES NOT STILL TRY to kill innocent civilians. Just because Hezzbollah hasn't many innocents as Israel, doesn't mean that Hezzbollah goes out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.
Saying that they go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties is completely and totally false.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
I was very chilled out before I signed onto here and started seeing the sort of crap that people are saying. I'm sorry if it bothers you that I get upset by the fact that others are slandering a country that I hold very dear, but that's how I feel.
Rationality. Oh god thank you. Music to my ears.
Don't patronize me. I'm not in the mood.
You know what you're going to read. It's the same stuff everyday. And yet you react by telling us you hate us and that we're stupid and idiots. So, what, you addicted to having hate fill your veins? Don't take what people say so seriously man. You're not going to change their minds just like they aren't going to change yours. It's a message board.
keep in mind that israel does not build bomb shelters for it's arab population in israel in the arab areas of israel. Just thought I'd add that.
Your right. It just pisses me off when people are completely irrational. I've been on alot of message boards where there is informed and rational and respectful discussion. It just makes me angry that that is so impossible here. I obviously don't hate everyone on this board or think that everyone here is stupid (I only hate a few people and think they are brain-dead) I think everyone else are fine people, whether they agree with me or not.
That is sadly true (although there are areas where this is not true. I believe in Haifa the situation is better for example). Here I will agree that Israel has not acted correctly and should have spent equal energies protecting their Arab civilians as much as they did their Jewish ones.
yes and the only conclusion one can reach from that is, quite simply, the life of a jewish person is far greater than that of a non jewish person.
difference being i don't use that to legitimize my points. i don't say 'but look at the hundreds of posts on here say 9/11 was an inside job!' do i? noooooope
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
There's gonna be plenty of stuff to piss you off. I would love to have rational discussions without people going off the deep end acting like they're God's gift to human thinking. It's hard to ignore people like that but trust me man, you'll feel a lot better if you do. It makes for easier living.